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The Really Useful TCM Thread

Thank you so much girls! I really appreciate it, at least we have our first tcm bfp, definitely wouldn't have happened without Cathy and her wonder herbs and acu! I have a feeling you's are all going to be joining me very soon!! XOXO Jen

Jen - that is fantastic... Im soooo happy for you. Have been stalking this thread (spoke a bit on B6) thread. You have made me book my first TCM appt for tomorrrow!! Did you go straight from a 8 LP to BFP?? Its really lifted my spirits, and to think what they just told you!!!!
Have a happy and healthy 9 months, they are just so fab!! :happydance:
Congratulations Jen!!!! A very healthy and happy nine months to you and the little bean!!!!!

Jen - that is fantastic... Im soooo happy for you. Have been stalking this thread (spoke a bit on B6) thread. You have made me book my first TCM appt for tomorrrow!! Did you go straight from a 8 LP to BFP?? Its really lifted my spirits, and to think what they just told you!!!!
Have a happy and healthy 9 months, they are just so fab!! :happydance:

Hey Laummatt, yeah pretty much, my first tcm appointment was half way through my cycle so only ovulated on cd20 and then an 8 day lp. The following cycle (this one!) I ovulated on cd14 and then had a 14 day lp resulting in a bfp! Good luck I'm a complete convert to the tcm. Get the randine lewis book the infertility cure, it really is inspirational!
XO Jen
you little star jen congratulations!!!!!! I had high hopes for your faint bfp so super glad to hear its a big dark bfp!!! Have a great pregnancy hun xxx
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant believe it, i was thinking about you this am. Im really pleased. Well done. Take care of yourself and pop in and say helloxxx
Congratuations Jen, so happy for you. Have a happy and healthy nine months. You have given us all the PMA that we need, if were ever doubting the money spent on ACU/TCM your BFP will be enough to keep us going!
Jen...I am so delighted to hear your fantastic news!!:happydance::wohoo:
Just goes to show what TCM can do. Hope you have the happiest and healthiest of pregnancies...fingers crossed we'll be following you on to first tri soon!! :hugs:
To all the other lovely TCM'ers...hope you are all well! I'm looking forward to my fourth accu session on Wednesday. Feeling :sad2: today. 13 dpo and temp on the way down plus started having brown cm (only when checked cervix) so reckon the bloomin :witch: is on her way and should be in full flow by tomorrow or Wednesday :cry: With my marathon cycles I was so excited that had actually managed to predict ovulation on day 61 and :sex: accordingly. However, it appears it wasn't to be:nope:

So onto month 8 (but only cycle 3 cos of my messed up body:() ...Onwards and upwards girls...x
I haven't got as much to say but I have accupuncture too and I love it, it makes me feel brilliant. I get up looking like I have just had 8 hours sleep. It decreased my cycle length back to what it used to be. Am I the only one who says that when I have the balls on my ears they hurt me? :s xx

I know what you mean - I have the herbal dots on the pink backing in various places on my right ear each week (going to switch to the left ear for a little while I think). Different positions feel different at differenty stages of the cycle, according to Quing. I wonder if the ones that hurt when you're rubbing them are the ones that are really working? Have I not mentioned them in my weekly write-ups? Oops!

Abi x
Woohoo Jen!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin::headspin::headspin::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:
Have just been writing similar things in your journal. There you were thinking you weren't ovulating!
Be back later - have to put #1 to bed.
Abi x

ps Woo hoo! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Congratulations Jen! :wohoo:

I have my second accupuncture appointment (with a cheaper person) tomorrow. So far I think it has brought forward my ov 4-5 days :dance:

Couple of questions for all you TCM ladies:

Is accu/TCM safe in the TWW and pregnancy?
Do you think the herbs are neccessary? I am only having accu at the moment because I wanted a completely natural cycle for FS blood tests etc. My accupuncturist doesn't do herbs.

Got my Randine Lewis book and am busy devouring it as fast as possible!
Hi 2016! I'm still a totally newbie when it comes to TCM, but from what I've read and heard from others, acupuncture is totally safe during the 2ww. The key is to inform your practitioner (and remind them several times if you don't think it sunk in!) what phase in your cycle you're at. My practitioner looked at my bbt charts and we talked about my long follicular phase and short luteal phase and then right before she did the acupuncture she asked again what part of my cycle I was in, and at the time it was around 6 DPO. In Dr. Randine's book there are certain areas you do not want to stimulate after ovulation, I believe they have mainly to do with certain things that could stimulate the uterus. So as long as you have a good practitioner and make them aware that you are post ovulation, then you should be good to go! As for once you are confirmed pregnant, that I'm not sure. I figure when the time comes I'll ask my practitioner and see what she has to say. I can say that's a dilemma I'd LOVE to have right about now :)

Sorry I can't help with the herbs. I'm due for surgery in a week and a few days and my practitioner didn't want me to start using until after the surgery (which seems like a smart choice to me). I'm sure some of the other ladies will chime in shortly with great advice and info!
Look at me i'm posting on the TCM thread

OK so i picked up the phone a little nervously and rang my local GP clinic who on their website also say they so acupuncture, apparently first i have to make a doctors appointment before i go doing any acupuncture and then i can start the acu. Its kinda cheap actually...... it is only $57 Australian for the first session and then after that its bulk billed (i don't pay anything, our medicare pays it) But anyway could it be so cheap because they don't do herbs? i asked the receptionist if they do herbs and she said she had no idea she just answers phones.......


Hi betheney

You need a acu person who specialises in fertility. My GP does acu but its mainly pain related. Also i think i am right in saying if your acu person is not chinese or trained in that part of the world they will not do herbs....im not sure about this. The others girls will be able to help you out.
hope you enjoy your first session

Hey Betheney yeah I agree with Muncho. I think you should do a google search for TCM in your area and not just acupuncture. The herbs speed up the process if you know what I mean. Hey 2016 I'm actually having more acupuncture this evening with Cathy. I think it helps prevent miscarriage as far as I recall plus it's good for preventing morning sickness so it is safe to do throughout your pregnancy. I'll let Cathy know today Glitterqueen when I see her this evening. Can't wait!:happydance: TCM RULES!!!!
XO Jen
aaaah i love B&B i would have no idea i had to look for TCM specifically and not just acupuncture! that kinda narrows it down, i found quite a few of TCM practitioners in about a 45min radius of where i live, some mention on their websites that help with bad periods and stuff but only a couply specifically say that they help fertility. There is one guy that looks mentions fertility a bit and he seems to know his shit. but he's kinda expensive $90 initially and then $80 each time after that if you want 45mins and $35 per herb consultation....... do i have to go once a week? is it pointless only doing 1 per fortnight. Should i do one initial herb session? and then maybe one per month? here is his website. https://www.nickconquest.com.au/ My main problem going here is that it gets very very "CITY" in this area with narrow streets and crazy drivers. But its also where the Trams are and i don't really understand the road rules when it comes to trams. I think they also have right hooks! which are very very very very stressfull. So i might have to catch a train which i don't cope well doing either as i hate germs on trains and think they're full of people ready to stab me.

Hey 2016, the acu and herbs, everything, are perfectly safe during every stage of ttc/pregnancy. Your therapist will want to know at what stage in your cycle you are and will treat you accordingly. I've only every been given little pills, not the herbs. My practitioner does herbs (I keep cooking them up for my OH's psoriasis), she's just not prescribing them for me.

Betheney, welcome to TCM! You're right about him knowing his shit - he sounds perfect. You might just have to bite the bullet and find the money, lovely. The acu is most effective on a weekly basis becasue you'll be treated slightly differently at each stage of your cycle. Likewise with the herbs; you need to take them on an ongoing basis, like medicine. The way I'm looking at it, if I don't pay for the TCM then we don't have another baby (unless my body sorts itself out, which isn't likely). It does seem expensive, I know. We're using money from our offset mortgage account to fund it when our bank account is getting low.
Would you say you're a very anxious person? Your last post sounds very anxious, with your worries about travel to and from the treatment centre. I use public transport all the time and nobody's ever stabbed me; try not to worry about it. Why not try making the trip to the clinic on the train with your DH this weekend, so you know exactly what you're doing when it comes to going on your own? Take your walkman/ipod with you to keep you occupied on the journey. My OH laughs his arse off at me - I still use my tape walkman and his old CD walkman.
If you don't feel you can go to the guy you mentioned, is there anywhere else nearby?
The great thing - I mean another great thing, obviously! - about acu is that the cost of the treatment is the same however many things you're treated for in one session. Maybe he could help you with your anxiety. Stress can affect your fertility and being able to relax properly would do you a power of good. Am I bit too direct? I don't mean to be intrusive, I'm just trying to be helpful and pass on some of what I've learnt. Try the Randine Lewis book, The Infertility Cure. It's crammed full of evrything you could want to know about TCM/acu for infertility.
Abi x
Hey Betheney I agree with Abi, you have to have it on a weekly basis, when you first go that is what he will tell you. Why don't you ring round a few others in your area and speak to them about what they offer for fertility? That way you can decide which one would be the best for you. I initially had rang a woman who said that she did acu, thinking that she would do the herbs as well when in fact she didn't. I then just went straight to the tcm clinic up the road from my work after ringing them to talk to them first. Cathy was lovely and I just knew immediately that I wanted to go to her clinic. Also Cathy is from China so she's trained over there and if anyone is going to know about tcm it's someone who has trained in the country it originated in if you get what I mean. You'll def need to take the herbs and acu on a weekly basis, I struggled with the cost as £80 is alot of money each week but neither dh or I regret spending any of it as we would still be waiting on our bfp otherwise! Good luck missis, and if you need to rob a bank to afford well just do it and we'll cover for you! Oh and def buy the infertility cure! Its the most inspiring book I've read in ages and so calming too! :hugs:
xo Jen

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