The Really Useful TCM Thread

Hi all!

so i'm back, as promised, to share my experiences of my first acu session. my practitioner took a detailed history of my health esp. centered around my cycles and so on - i took print outs of my charts for her too - she said my pulse was good and my tongue was also a good colour. however, my kidney energy is majorly depleated, my blood needs strengthening and i need to learn to encourage and foster Ying energy during the first half of my cycle e.g. try and avoid very stressful situations, not to push myself too hard, rest when i need it and generally let my body take the lead! this will not be easy as i tend to push myself pretty hard most of the time and don't take time out for pampering or stuff like that. anyway, she is going to get me a list of foods that will help strengthen my blood.

on to the acu itself!

she put a needle between my eyes, one on the back of both hands in the fleshy bit between the thumb and first finger, one each over my ovaries, one each on the inside of my lower legs and one each in the tops of my feet. each one created a really strong tugging feeling as they were inserted which surprised me! in fact the hand and feet ones were almost but not quite painful. apparently this is the Qui energy grabbing onto the needles! she checked my pulse a number of times - the needles were left in for 20mins. at the end she did an 'in out' needle in either ankle aimed at the kidney energy. i floated out of the clinic and straight home to bed where i slept like a baby for about three hours. i'm still feeling completely spaced out but in a very relaxed, good kind of way.

anyway, i'm seeing her again in a fortnight and very excited about it all!
hey ruby loo glad you enjoyed your experience
it will be really interesting to see the changes in the next few weeks

thanks for the advice abster, I will def invest in that book, heard so many people talking about it. Where can i get it from, was thinking of trying Amazon? So I have just come back from my 2nd accu session, if im honest im feeling a bit freaked out by what I got for the money. She talked me through my diagnosis, apparently I am earth (she did try explaining it to me, but being a nurse I just couldn't quite grasp the concept without trying to relate it back to western medicine! She said I have liver blood deficiency and also some issues with my spleen and kidney's that she wants to sort out. She then put 4 needles in my feet, took them back out again and charged me £40 for the pleasure lol! I couldn't help but feel 'is that it'! Is this treatment similar to what te rest of you are recieving. She wants me to write down all the changes that I notice this week, im feeling no different at the mo so I hope I have something to report back to her as it will be a bit embaracing to go in and say it didn't do anything! Someone please give me some hope that things will kick in soon lol!!

Glitterqueen - fingers crossed for a late BFP xx
Muncho - Good luck with your first injection, let us all know how it goes. xx
I'm well into my randine lewis book, so far abi its everything you said and more... i agree it just makes sense! I have done the questionnaire and have kidney yang deficiency and spleen deficiency and cold uterus. Did your tcm practioner diagnose you with the same things you found yourself from the questionnaire in the book? was it right?

Ruby, sounds like you had a great session! Can't wait to see the good things that it does for you and your cycle!

GlitterQueen, sorry about the BFN, really hope those cramps are the bean snuggling in deep!! Glad you get to see Cathy tomorrow, I'm sure she can help give you some relief (or give you some good news that relief won't come for 9 mos! :) )

Muncho, let us know how the first injection goes, I'm hoping it's as pain free as possible for you. :hugs: Speaking of wheat grass, when I told my acupuncturist today that I had a hard time stomaching it because of the texture she said oh no, the herbs are like that too! I told her I can get anything down in the name of ttc, but I think I definitely want to try fresh wheat grass, that would eliminate the grit. Are you growing your own or buying it at the store fresh?

ewok, sorry your experience wasn't what you were expecting. I've only had 2 sessions but my first lasted an hour and a half and my second was an hour. She put the needles in and left them for about 45 minutes. Her diagnosis sounds similar to what others are receiving, but I'm not sure if others just have them put needles in and take them out. Perhaps the long stay with the needles is just something they do to help us relax and is not really needed? Perhaps others with more experience will post with more information. I would suggest that if you don't have much faith in your practitioner that it may be worth finding another. I think TCM is one of those things that works better if you have confidence in the doctor. I'm not saying you have to go in with blind faith or anything (I'm a total science oriented skeptic), it's just you don't sound very happy with what you received and that could potentially lead to more stress in your life instead of less. Best of luck to you.
Bernina's 2nd Acupuncture Session

Ahhhh.... I had a blissful session today with Julie. She took me into the room, went over my chart and my concerns again to refresh her memory. I mentioned that I was feeling some congestion in my chest and was concerned that they may have to delay surgery. She said she would do some treatment to help that. She checked my tongue and pulse in both arms again and then had me change into a gown and get on the table (which was all warm and toasty with a mattress heating pad!).

I'm on either the last day of my previous cycle or the first day of my next. My temp did a nosedive today but heavy bleeding hasn't started. So she said she would focus on trying to make my period come. She put in a bunch of needles in different spots from last week. Two on the inside of both ankles (but lower closer to the heel), I think 2 in each leg near the knee, a few in my stomach, 2 inside each ear, 1 at the top of my head, 2 on the tendons on the inside of my wrists, and a few others that I've forgotten about. She put a heating lamp on my uterus (bliss!) and then forgot she hadn't done anything for my cold and came back and put 1 in the middle of my breastbone and 2 behind each ear. She left me to relax for 45 minutes and I literally melted away. I wasn't exactly asleep but just drifting in and out of la la land and thinking only good thoughts. I had a rough day today learning about a new pregnancy and during the session my mind only drifted to that a few times and it was in a happy and joyful way, not jealous as I normally am prone to feel.

When she came back in I could barely speak I was just so zoned out. I got up and dressed and met her outside. She's going on vacation for 2 weeks so I have my next appointment on Feb 1 with a different practitioner (also named Julie). She is an expert in herbs and so will take care of those for me. I'm very excited to finally begin treatment. I won't have an appointment next week due to the surgery and I'm a bit sad about that but I guess it does save me $85 :)

I felt much more relaxed this session. Not sure what was wrong with me last session, but if they're all like this, then I am hooked! Just hope I start to see some changes in my chart!

I had to start taking birth control pills today (yuck!) so that my lining stays thin for my surgery. Can't wait until I can stop them, luckily it will only be for a week.
Ruby, sounds like you had a great session! Can't wait to see the good things that it does for you and your cycle!

Muncho, let us know how the first injection goes, I'm hoping it's as pain free as possible for you. :hugs: Speaking of wheat grass, when I told my acupuncturist today that I had a hard time stomaching it because of the texture she said oh no, the herbs are like that too! I told her I can get anything down in the name of ttc, but I think I definitely want to try fresh wheat grass, that would eliminate the grit. Are you growing your own or buying it at the store fresh?

i have got fresh wheatgreass. It tastes quite sweet. DH didnt like it, but i did.
Lik u say if it helps with ttc then its worth a shot..

Hello again Ladies!!
So visited my lovely Dr. Wu this evening on the way home from work and started off by showing him my chart. He was delighted to see ovulation and told him that I felt that my period would arrive tomorrow. Then he asked "So are you ready to get pregnant immediately..." It felt so good to hear him ask this as up to now have been concentrating on getting period and nourishing blood. Told him had been ready for the past 8 nmonths :haha:

So onto treatment....started off by checking tongue which got a "good" you Muncho, my man doesn't say too much!! Checked pulse too.
Needles today were as follows: one in each foot, one in each ankle and mid way up leg, one on either ovary, bout 4 on stomach, one on each hand (between thumb and finger), one on scalp and clip on things on each ear. The needles in my feet got connected to little electro pack thing with clips and this caused a pulsing sensation. Same thing with the needles on my ovaries.
I was left for about 25 minutes. Then the clips from ovaries were switched to two needles on my tummy and feet switched to legs for further 10 minutes. The pulsing isn't unpleasant but caused a few twinges and was a little uncomfortable at times.

This is the usual pattern my sessions have followed just havn't posted in detail before!!

Got new pills today called Tiaojing Cuyun Wan and they come in little sachets. Have to take two sachets a day for 6 days and have my next session on Wednesday next.

Came home feeling really relaxed. Dreaded :witch: has just landed in full flow so least I have my confusion solved....No cramps so far, usually popping the Nurofen at this stage...thanks to TCM...I would definitely say so:thumbup:

Purchased a Clear Blue fertility monitor on ebay yesterday...impulse buy...another thing to add to the mix for next cycle. Really hop I'm not waiting 61 days to ovulate again:dohh:

Hope I havn't put you all to :sleep: with my ramblings x
Just rescuing us from third page...obviously I'm the only member of "Accuworld" idling my time away on BnB today!! Plenty I should be doing but having a lazy evening as a treat to self...rotten old :witch: is causing me a bit of pain!!:growlmad:
Well ladies
day 32 still no af but still cramping. Cathy said it could be stress/excitement re ivf setting it back but if still not here by Mon to go for a blood test cuz some people don't get a positive test till 3 weeks late. One minute i am like yeah the next just come if you r coming witchx
nice to hear all the new stories bout tcm sessions x
Sorry you haven't got any answers yet Glitterqueen, but sounds like by Monday you'll know one way or another. I'm hoping it ends with a positive blood test, but at this point even if AF showed at least you would know were you stand. :hugs:

Fitzy (and anyone else for that matter) have you noticed that since acupuncture your flow has changed? Warning that TMI about blood is coming next, so avoid if you're squeamish =;! AF arrived today but the actual flow seems different. I actually hadn't really thought about it until a poster on another thread pointed it out to me. The blood seems much fresher (if that makes sense) and has the same metallic smell that a nosebleed does, so to me that's a good sign and means the blood must be pretty fresh. I'm also noticing fewer clots (not that I ever had anything terrible, but they were noticeable). It's still early in my cycle (officially decided to call this cd 1 because yesterday was really just spotting), but usually day 1 and 2 are my heaviest and have the most clots. Just curious if anyone else had noticed this lovely side effect.
I have had the same experience-TMI again sorry but i had really big clots and blood was almost black but now its bright red. almost clotless and ' fresh' just like you said
all I need now is the pain to subside-it has a bit cuz ordinary painkillers do the job now as opposed to tramadol! god childbirth should be a doddle to me according to my GP-lol xx
hi all
just wanted to say i am reading all your posts but im trying to spend less time on the laptop during injections so will only post when i have acu sessions..

good luck to you all xx
Just had to tell you all that since coming off of the BCP in June last year i've had 2 very light periods, and have been diagnosed with PCOS as i have cysts on my ovaries. Well since Dec i've been having weekly acupuncture and last week began chinese herbs, the doctor said i should get a period after a week. I really didn't believe him, and on Weds this week i started spotting and i now have my first proper AF since before being on the BCP So he was very right!.. i just hope he is also right about starting to ovlulate on the cycle and go back to regular cycles.. fingers crossed!!
Carrie that is great news, I'm so glad to hear that acupuncture and TCM are working for you! Just gives me so much encouragement and hope that it will work for me too! I hope this is the beginning of normal, very fertile cycles for you! Are you currently charting your temp? If you aren't it may be something to start, it can really tell you so much about your cycles and also help your acupuncturist to figure out what needs tweaking. Best of luck to you and love your profile pic! I'm a hiker at heart and think I must have lived a previous life in the mountains. Especially after visiting Scotland and Wales, I really think I was meant to wander in those mountains :)

GlitterQueen, so glad to hear yet another who had positive results related to AF from acupuncture and TCM!!!! And if I was in any doubt that AF had arrived yesterday, all confusion was thrown to the wind as I was doubled over with cramps in the late evening. I'm trying really hard not to take any medicine but had to pop some ibuprofin so I could get to sleep. My stomach was burning!! So I guess lesson learned, never wish too much for definitive AF to show up! :) But the blood continues to be fresh red, very very minimal clots (the blood is actually quite sticky), and the flow seems lighter than cycles in the past. And also no pain today which is a very good thing. Going off to drink some raspberry leaf tea to hopefully prevent any further cramping.

Continued luck with the injections muncho and know that we're all thinking of you.
Thanks Bernina, i've never been so excited to get AF!!

I started temping as of today, i've signed upto fertility friend so that i can record it. I actually feel like i'm on my way to getting a BFP one day!!
hi all
just wanted to say i am reading all your posts but im trying to spend less time on the laptop during injections so will only post when i have acu sessions..

good luck to you all xx

Hey Muncho,
Just wanted to send lots of positivity your way...thinking of you... x
I have def notices that blood is a lot redder and fresher this cycle. Given that I was being treated by accupuncturist for blood deficiency and taking herbs for that I'm so delighted to see it's working!! Even more delighted that my pills are now Tiaojing Cuyan Wan..and when I googled it they were being referred to as "Motherhood" pills...Yay...!!! Anyone else on these??
Carrie, make sure to put a link to your chart in your signature. That way we can all stalk your chart :) If you need help doing it just let me know.

Fitzy, so cool about the pills your on. I'm so eager to find out what I'll be given. I should get them next Monday (Feb 1). Just so nice to feel like I'm doing something. Glad AF has improved for you as well, it's so amazing what some needles and herbs can do!!!
Hey everybody, must say I'm incredibly pleased this thread has taken off the way it has. I hoped this would happen and I'm really pleased! Lots of love and baby dust to you all xx

Muncho, it's a great feeling to know that you're stalking me secretly. Looking forward to reading your acu write-ups xx

Yay Carrie!! AF!! It's not often I react to the hag in this manner. I find it wonderful how much our pracs know about our cycles.

Glitterqueen, I hope you know very soon one way or the other. If AF stays away, Cathy will forever be referred to as Supercathy for getting 2 "never conceiving naturally" BnBers to conceive naturally in the space for 2 weeks. At the moment, though, you're right to surmise that it may be the stress and excitement of approaching IVF that's holding back the hag. We are ever so susceptible to the effects of stress, aren't we? Fingers crossed though xx

Re: flow... before I had #1 (I fell pregnant in Nov 06) I'd been having reflexology for a few months to help with very heavy, long (7-8 days) and painful periods. I'd go through stages a few months long, every few years, where my pains were so bad that the Mefenamic Acid tablets from my GP (the only painkillers I ever used, out of necessity) and hot water bottles didn't work and I'd ba sick with the pain. Before I fell pregnant, my periods had become slightly lighter, shorter and much less painful. I seem to remember that prior to the treatments they were darker and more clotty. I continued to have reflexology throughout my pregnancy, once I got past 12 weeks, and then once #1 had arrived. When my periods came back in September 08, I no longer had any of my pre-AF symptoms - slightly tender beasts, slight rumblings in teh uterine area - although I did still have slightly looser, softer bowel movements around the first day or so. I get absolutely no pain, my flow is bright-ish red with barely any clots and always 6 days long. This hasn't changed since I started acu, although this time round I dond;t have the loose stools. Don't know if it's just having had a child or all the reflexology.

My improvements for this week are.... nasal mucous disapearing! I've been abel to do all my yoga the last two mornings. Woo hoo!! I swear the drying up of this mucous has made me feel generally better in myself. I'm def ovulating earlier this cycle too! Will write up today's session tomorrow as I've waffled for ages on here after struggling to connect to the internet and now I need to watch Silent Witness and eat the curry (to heat up my cold uterus, obviously!) my OH is bringing home.

Jen !!! Where are you? WHat did Cathy say when you told her your wonderful news??!!

Abi x

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