The Really Useful TCM Thread

Just a quick update that I rescheduled my 2nd acupuncture appt from Thurs to tomorrow! Thurs should be cd 1 for me and I heard that you're not supposed to get any treatments cd 1 - 3, is that correct? Either way I should be good, although not sure what they do on the very last day of your cycle. Anyone else been the day before AF due?

It's so silly how excited I get over things like this. Just nice to feel like I'm doing something!

Baby dust to all!!!
Scott my chinese acupuncturist is not the most talkative man on the planet. I have seen him about 12 times now since finding out about IVF and i think he has said about 500 words. Today though was different.
I told him i was starting my injections tomorrow, he asked me the following:

How are you sleeping? Not very well, keep waking up and mind is working overtime ,i try to think of nice things like holidays and blue ribband but some how it links up to IVF. So today he put about 6 needles in my head. I think what if he damages my brain and i become totally mental ( only kidding, i am already mental)

Do you have dreams/ vivid dreams? yes i have been dreaming about needles and injections for about a week and sometimes have really vivid dreams which scare me and i wake up and i look at my husband and he is dribbling and snoring away :)

Do i use my mobile much? yes of course. He said not to use it as much as the electromagnetic something or other can affect my eggs...ok so now he is a scientist.Thats ok coz i dont really want to talk to anyone anyway. What about talking to your husband, any evidence this can harm my eggs???

Anyway the questions went on and on. He just wanted to make sure i am in the best possible place and i understand that.
The needles are beginning to hurt when he puts them in and a few times i have kinda screamed OUCH.. he says 'sorry Neesha' ITS MANISHA...

So he put needles in my head (6),one on each wrist,one near each toe and each ankle.One near each ovary and one above and below the belly button. These dont hurt - i think its coz there is alot of fat around the belly area
he gives me a quick head massage and leaves me for about 45 mins.Sometimes i fall asleep but at the moment its hard to relax so i just look at the clock
Then he comes and quickes me a quick massage on tummy and i pay him £45
We rearrange when im next going to pour money down the drain...
Aww muncho, sorry to see that you're feeling down. Lots of :hugs: coming your way.

It's hard when not only is Western medicine not working for you, but it feels like Eastern may be doing little good (at least that you can see). I have my doubts about it working as well, but am determined to stick with it and see what my next 2 cycles look like. That will work out to about 10 sessions for a total of $910 USD (plus herb costs, have no idea what that will be!) It's steep, but I'm willing to give up some luxuries to give it a go.

So you start your injections next week, is that correct? Great news about your lining thickness!!!

I think one lesson that I am slowly (grudgingly!) coming to learn is that I need to focus on the here and now. For the past 18 mos I have been living always 9 mos in the future, with the promise of a baby. And I still desperately want that of course, but I have missed out on so many small pleasures along the way, through no fault other than my own. I missed spending time with my adorable twin niece and nephew because I couldn't face children, didn't share in the joy of a friend announcing her pregnancy and milestones because I was insanely jealous, and locked myself in an emotional bubble so that I could make it through a day of work without having a breakdown. Thanks in huge part to this forum I have been able to share my sorrows and hopes and know that I am not alone and never will be. The lesson was hard learned and I continue to struggle every day to remain positive, but I hope that together we can help each other through our dark days.

Hugs, baby dust, sticky glue, and PMA to us all!!! Know that you are never alone and there is always someone here who will gladly lend an ear to listen and a hand to comfort.
Hey B

I completely see where u are coming from about your friends, i have been the same. I have had 2 cousins give birth and my SIL last week...i try not to talk to any of them

WOW your acu is expensive!!

i do believe acu will work for me, in fact i dont think i cna do much more.
I start my injections tomorrow. Really cant wait !!

hope everyone else is ok..
hi all - i hope you don't mind me gatecrashing this thread. i've been stalking it for sometime and i hope i'll be able to share my story here too.
i am going for my first ever acu session tomorrow lunchtime.....and i'm more than a little nervous.

some background to my situation. i had a very early m/c about a year ago now - the pregnancy was unplanned and a bit of a shock but it got dh and i talking and we decided it would be a good time to maybe start our own family. anyway - since that time my cycles have been completely shot. having had years of a 4 1/2 week cycle i vary anywhere from 6 weeks to 8 weeks now. i don't generally ov until about day 30 which is incredibly frustrating - health-wise there doesn't seem to be any clear reason why my body is in this situation. i had a load of bloods done last year and was diagnosed as being boaderline anaemic and that was it. My gp did suggest some more tests focussed around fertility stuff but most of them sounded invasive and seeing as i am ov'ing (eventually) there seems little point at the moment. it was a conversation with my mum that sparked the acu idea - she'd read somewhere that it has really very good results with fertility/women's issues. i am seeing a lady who specialises in just this area.....i just want to be able to have a chance, every month, to get pg. at this rate i only get six opportunities, not twelve and that upsets me hugely.

anyway - i will be back to tell all tomorrow.....x
Welcome rubyloo, can't wait to hear how your first session goes!!

As my acupuncturist pointed out, the first half of my cycle is long (usually O around day 18 - 21) and she said during that time my body is not being productive, it's wasting time. She said the first half should in general (baring any excess stress, sickness) be about as long as the second half. For me my first half is about 21 days, the second half 12 days, almost twice as long! So hopefully the stuff she's doing and the herbs she eventually prescribes will help bring ovulation forward. I'm sure they can do the same for you as well.

What are you using to confirm ovulation? I'm charting my basal body temperature, so far have 2 cycles under my belt and it's really been an eye opener. For one it confirms that I am ovulating, and it also lets me know my fertile window so I can better time BD'ing, and also shows my luteal phase is 12 days, which is average, but short if you look at my number of pre o days.

Best of luck and baby dust!
hi bernina,

i've been charting since march last year - confirms ov with a quite stunning thermic shift! i like the idea of my body wasting time....that's just typical! i only had a 12 day lp but with use of suppliments (b complex) i'm up to 14 days. even so, 30/31 days verses 14?! my body really needs to get its arse in gear....
Hi Rubyloo, welcome to acuworld :thumbup: (just thought of that one). Looking forward to reading about your 1st acu session later on. I'm sure you'll have loved it.

My cycle's evening out this time round, it seems - til now my cycle has been roughly 27 days, with an 18-day follicular phase (ewcm for about 4 days) and a 9 day lp. I'm currently CD12 and the ewcm has appeared today! Imagine! Ovulating on CD 14 or 15! You can be sure I'll keep you posted.

Bernina, was it you who asked why I take the spirulina tablets 3 times a day, half an hour before food? Simply because that's what it says on the bottle!

Abi x
can i just announce that after 4 weeks MY RANDINE LEWIS BOOK HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!!!!!!

I am about to start it, I have high hopes from Abi's glowing reports!

Yep abster, that was me. Thanks!! Mine just says recommended dosage 6 pils (3 grams) and doesn't say anything about with or without food. But you figure the manufacturers should know the most about their product so I may have to start doing as you do! Thanks! Awesome news on your ovulation being pulled up a few days, you may end up with the classic ov on day 14 and 28 day cycle!!!

Rubyloo, glad charting is working so well for you and that's great news about the 2 day increase in LP!! What doseage of b vitamins are you taking? I'm taking a balanced b-50 complex and have contimplated increasing to b-100 but just not sure. Seems like a lot of b vitamins between that, my prenatal, and the vitamins found in food. But this cycle my LP decreased from 12 days down to 11 and ovulation was very late for me (cd 21 as opposed to cd 18 last month). So I'm a bit discouraged and not sure what I should do.

Have my 2nd session today, really looking forward to it. I seem to be developing a chest cold (at least congestion) and am really worried it will keep me from having my uterine septum removal surgery next Weds. I know they won't put you under if you have any congestion. I'll definitely mention to Julie and perhaps there is something she can do/give me to help break it up.
Yeah Jojo!! I think you're gonna love that book. I read it through in 2 days and referred back to it after my first acupuncture session when I had received my diagnosis. Was also need to look and find the points where she had put the needles in and what each of them was supposed to do. Happy reading!!
Off to my fourth accu this evening...looking forward to it!!

Seriously confused at the mo as am 15 dpo and no sign of AF. Wait for the TMI....Checked cervix on 12 dpo and had pink tinged cm, brown cm on 13 and 14dpo(morning) but this has all disappeared now. None of it ever made it onto a liner, was just around my cervix. Assumed it was the witch on her way but surprised she hasnt shown yet.

Did an IC test last night and :bfn:

Today had a little cloudy CM with teeny speck of blood but temp dropped slightly this morning too. I don't dare hope my :bfp:could be around the corner but the longer :witch: stays away...well just can't help dreaming...

Have a gawk at my chart if you fancy...any opinions welcome...

Think it's just a waiting game for AF myself but if still no sign tomorrow will do a FRER which is sitting at home just itching to be used...!!!
Bernina, I was treated by Quing for a horrible chesty thing in early december (was getting out of breath even just walking around). She used needles, cupping and gave me some pills. Started clearing noticeably after just a day. She can def help you, I'd say! FYI: my last cycle, the one after the horrible chesty thing, was crappy (19-day FP, 7 day LP) because I'd been ill. Were you ill/stressed/really out of routine last cycle?

It can take a while for B-vits to kick in - I started mine on 24th Oct and I'm just starting to see benefits now. I'm assuming some of it might be down to the B vits (oh, and the wheatgrass, spirulina etc!).

Can't believe the book took so long to turn up jojo! I coiuldn't put it down when I first got it. Awesome!

Abi x
Fitzy, it really looks to me like your temp is dropping in prep for the witch, I'm afraid to say. I'd love to be wrong though!
Enjoy the acu tonight x

Abi x
Abs, I think so too...she's just a day later than usual:dohh: Thanks for having a sneaky peek though!!
Betheney, welcome to TCM! You're right about him knowing his shit - he sounds perfect. You might just have to bite the bullet and find the money, lovely. The acu is most effective on a weekly basis becasue you'll be treated slightly differently at each stage of your cycle. Likewise with the herbs; you need to take them on an ongoing basis, like medicine. The way I'm looking at it, if I don't pay for the TCM then we don't have another baby (unless my body sorts itself out, which isn't likely). It does seem expensive, I know. We're using money from our offset mortgage account to fund it when our bank account is getting low.
Would you say you're a very anxious person? Your last post sounds very anxious, with your worries about travel to and from the treatment centre. I use public transport all the time and nobody's ever stabbed me; try not to worry about it. Why not try making the trip to the clinic on the train with your DH this weekend, so you know exactly what you're doing when it comes to going on your own? Take your walkman/ipod with you to keep you occupied on the journey. My OH laughs his arse off at me - I still use my tape walkman and his old CD walkman.
If you don't feel you can go to the guy you mentioned, is there anywhere else nearby?
The great thing - I mean another great thing, obviously! - about acu is that the cost of the treatment is the same however many things you're treated for in one session. Maybe he could help you with your anxiety. Stress can affect your fertility and being able to relax properly would do you a power of good. Am I bit too direct? I don't mean to be intrusive, I'm just trying to be helpful and pass on some of what I've learnt. Try the Randine Lewis book, The Infertility Cure. It's crammed full of evrything you could want to know about TCM/acu for infertility.
Abi x

Hi abi

Hubby probably wouldn't come with me as he's very sceptical so i don't really have his support. I am an anxious person, i blame my mother she suffers alot from anxiety attacks and altho she said its not hereditary its learned from life experiences and it was how she was raised by her mother, i think she's raised me the same way. I mean you wouldn't pick i'm an anxious person if you met me but i find some things very very stressfull, like driving to places i've never been and trying to find parking and not being able to find one. I spend days worrying about these kinds of things if i know i have to do them soon. Funny i never thought i was that bad until i've now taken the time to look at myself and my anxiety, i just may have a problem. SHIT! I mean if i ask hubby if he thinks i'm anxious he'd probably say no, but i know how i feel when i get told i have to drive somewhere by myself.

Anyway. the acu and herbs, i can't really afford $100 a week, i know if i can't afford that i shouldn't be having a baby, but the problem is we're paying off our debt as quick as possible so we're very low on cash in the immediate future. i'm going to try and find some of the herbs you lovely ladies have mentioned on here, maybe in health food stores? i dunno. going shopping tomorrow for it all

Hi ladies, how you all doing today? Im just off to my 2nd accu session (first propper session really) im eager to find out what diagnosis she has got for me. Only think im worried about is that she is british so I don't think she will be doing the herbs and stuff which im a bit dissapointed about but as I have paid her a fair bit for my consultaion I can't really go elsewhere now. Im 6dpo today so I wonder what she will do to me, no chance of a little bean for me this month mind as hubby is in afganistan but im hoping he will be home safe and sound in time for next months ov, would give anything in the world for a BFP. Will check in and update you on my session later on. xx
Hey ewok - don't worry about your practitioner not being chinese. Have you read us going on and on about The Infertility Cure, by Randine Lewis? She's not chinese and she's a herbs guru. Is the place you're going to a Traditional Chinese Medicine practice? Or is ti just acupuncture? Even if it turns out she doesn't do herbs, acu is still very effective if she knows her fertility stuff. Try the book if you like - there's all sorts of advice in there about herbal stuff for different diagnoses. Maybe you could get hold of it yourself.
Enjoy your session!
Abi x
well girls
I am now on cd 31-my average cycle is 27 i ov on 4th Jan cramping like mad for the last week no sign of af other than that but 2 BFN so I am pissed off! Its like my body is playing a cruel joke. I am seeing cathy tomorrow so will ask for extra stress relieving needles and some of her magic PMA!! The treatment seemed to be so good last month but the cramps are back with a vengence! come on BFP !!!
Fitzy and glitter sorry to hear about your annoying. Still itme though so fingers crossed

BERNINA: forget randine lewis , get your self some wheatgrass...

i ahve just got my juicer and fresh wheatgrass today so wil trying it for the 1st time in a while

Hope everyone else is ok, havent got much time to read and write as have to go and prep for my 1st injection... see ya xxx

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