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The Really Useful TCM Thread

If I were you Muncho I would just ignore the texts until you are back to work. You've every right to be cross, by any chance is your boss a man??? Pushy so and so's! What is menopur out of interest? I've never heard of it. Haha fitzy believe me that crossed my mind but he's behaving himself. I ended up telling him yesterday in a nicer way that he has to put in the same effort and commitment that I am and he agreed so he choked his herbs down, bless him. He'll get used to it, I have and from what I've researched the herbs are really effective! I came across a study where a man only had 8 million per mil and after 25 days on the herbs his count had risen to 30 million per mil. I told dh this and he was really impressed! I really hope they work quickly for him but at least 4 months before we'll see the full impact. I'm dying to hear how Welshrose got on yesterday too!
What a selfish w***er your boss is Muncho. Yes. definitely ignore him. DO youhave a work mobile? Can you turn it off?
Jen, very glad your husband's behaving better now. I'm sure he'll get used to the herbs. My OH decided to tell me yesterday morning (he claims) that he'd just drunk his last 100mls. This was whilst I was getting ready for the playgroup I run, which I don't get back from til 1. Then I had to sort out our lunch, play with #1, go out and do some shopping, play with #1 again, make and have tea, play with #1, and get her ready for bed. WHen I came downstairs at 9 - because my beloved was out climbing and having a drink- I wasn't going to spend 2 hours boiling herbs. If he'd told me he was getting towards the end before he'd finished them, rather than on a wednesday ruddy morning, I might have remembered! Muppet (him, not me).
Sorry for ranting.
Nose was a bit runny/blowy this morning, but I think I might be a little bit coldy because it still is now, on and off. Back to Quing tomorrow.
Welshrose, stop keeping us in suspense! WHat happened? How did you enjoy it?
Abi x
Don't apologise Abi! Men are all the same....overgrown babies! I take it that your still feeling like you have a cold as a result of the spleen deficiency? I have to say Abi I'm really impressed with your TCM practitioner! They really know their stuff! Cathy is the same she's so good at relaxing me and cheering me up! I wish I could bring her home with me or keep her in my pocket so when I'm starting to feel down she could work some of her magic PMA and make me feel positive again! If I had more money I would def go to see her more often that once a week! How are you feeling muncho? Hello welshrose, tell all, I've been checking on and off all day just in case you've posted something! LOL!
XO Jen
Hi girls

jen. i dont leave my phone on , i turned it oin coz he asked me to give him an update this week and he had already left me a few messages! Of course he is a man! 30 years old and no kids, so course he isnt going to get it!
menupur are the injections that are used for egg growth during IVF..

You guys seem to ahve a very different acu to me, he has never spoken to me about TCM, he has alot on the shelves though..i think its because you cant mix TCM when doing IVF...

other than that im ok, its my birthday (39) and ill cry if i want to ...weep weep...went out for lunch with a cousin and guess what i found a place that did fresh wheatgrass shots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got so excited i had 2.
waiting for Ch to come home and maybe go out for dinner - havent seen him for 3 nights

hope u r all having a good day :)
Hi girls, have been stalking your thread for a while lol, and was wondering if I could join you. I have got my first accupuncture session tomorrow, im so excited but a bit nervous at the same time! I have visions of me jumping out of the chair when they put the first needle in lol! My story so far, been trying to concieve for 12 months now, had one pregnancy afte 4 months of trying but when I went for my 12 week scan they told me I had had a mmc, I was devastated. Have been trying ever since but not a sniff of a BFP yet so im really hoping accupuncture my work its magic on me. Hopefully we will all have 2010 babies.
Welcome ewok111, so sorry to hear your news i cant imagine what that must feel like..
You have done the right thing by starting acu, it has helped us all in different ways. Can wait to hear how you get on. Oh the needles dont hurt when they go in, you will be fine

good luck xx
Hi Girls..

I hope you don't mind me joining your thread.. i'm working at the mo so haven't been able to look through all the previous posts, but just wanted to see how everyone else is finding TCM?, i'm having my 5th acupuncture session today and started taking herbs on Wednesday, the ones that you have to cook and split into 2 cups for each day. They taste disgusting very bitter!, but i just hope they work. It's all quite expensive but i guess much cheaper than many other fertility treatments.

After coming off the pill last June i had a 6 week an 8 week and now a few months cycle so i know that i am not ovulating, yesterday i had a scan and was diagnosed with PCOS, as they could see little cysts in my ovaries. Otherwise i am very healthy, 5ft 8, weigh 10 stone and regular exercise don't smoke etc...

Has anyone else been in a similar position and benefitted from TCM?. I know my next step with the doctor is Clomid but it would be great if TCM has an effect first!
Welcome Carrie. sorry i cant help with the PCO but acu has def helped to increase prog levels. i dont take herbs as im starting ivf on monday, so hopefully acu will give me more eggs of better quality.

want to wish u all the best and look forward to chatting to you xx
Hey welcome to the thread. I've no experience with PCOS unfortunately but there is a book called the infertility cure by randine lewis which you can buy and she has a whole chapter devoted to the effects of tcm and pcos! I honestly can't recommend the book highly enough! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss ewok I can only imagine how devastating that must be! :hugs: Well my af is due on Sunday, we'll see if she rears her ugly head and whether I get any cramps this month, if not the tcm is def working! :happydance: Your boss sounds like a wanker muncho! He's probably a jumped up wee s**t who's stood on more than a few toes to get his post! Just ignore him and the messages and give him a right mouthful on Tuesday when you see him... if there is anyway you can get a hold of your sickness and absence policy I would take a read through that and see if there are things you could throw back in his face that would make him a bit more wary of you in future! :hugs:
XO Jen
Oh and happy birthday Muncho...this time next year you'll have a wee one to share it with!
xox Jen
Hey girls posted this on my journal there....not sure what to think...

Well eventually decided to poas this morning and I swear I seen the faintest hint of a line as well as the control line! Showed it to dh as well and he agreed there was a really, really super faint line....wtf??? I'm totally confused now, you could barely see it but it was definitely there when I held it up to the light to get a better look! Can you get false positives...maybe it was an evaporation line but I looked at it in the specified timeframe. Don't know what to think now, guess I'll just have to wait until Sunday/Monday and see if AF shows up. Weird!
xo Jen
have you put some pics on Jen? fx for you girl even a faint line is better than a full bfn, means there is hope! eek sun/mon is going to seem like a long time away xx
Hey jojo no I don't have any pics. I'm still not convinced it's anything but an evap line, saying that I've loads of creamy cm and my cp is really soft and difficult to feel which isn't normal for me. Mmm will wait until Monday and do another in the morning if af hasn't showed up on Sunday. Can't see it being a proper positive after the news we got about dh. Damn first response tests...messing with my head! xo Jen

I'm convinced your up the duff! conception can still happen with a low sperm count you know that. as you can see i'm stalking you until i see you've peed on another stick!
keep that pma jen, your cm and cervix are all doing the right things and you know what even if half the sperm are not as fit as they could be, it only takes one that has been working out to reach that egg = so not impossible!

if your hubby seen the faint line too, i'd say your in with a good chance. Enough to feel like that IF af arrives so maybe pee on another stick in the morning????

WHAT..............thats great news jen, fingers crossed.listen there are women who have two blocked tubes and get bfp so anything can happen.
i really really hope its a + for you..

will send you a copy of my sick policy when i find it

nahhh i cant copy and paste the bit for sickness: but this is what HR emailed me a few days ago..

'You do not have to call in every day if you have been signed off. It would however be helpful if you could stay in touch and let us know when you will be returning to work if possible. If you need to extend your sick leave and will be submitting another certificate, it would be helpful if you would contact your manager and let him know or if you cannot get in touch with him, then speak to me.
For further information, you can see the Sickness SOP on the internet.
If you felt well enough to deal with calls or emails, then you can do so if you wanted however you are not obliged to do so. '

thanks xx
Hi Ladies
Haven't been around past few days-computer probs!
Firstly happy birthday Muncho heres to a wonderful belated birthday gift xx
Then ............. Jen oh my god girl loads of baby dust to you i hope its a BFP
I am on day 26 and resisting poas as its cycle 14 and I don't think i can face the disappointment yet
Hi to all the newbies can't wait to hear your BFP stories!!!
Well i start drugs for icsi on 6th March!!
Muncho-just starting to ring those numbers you gave as GP can't give me any of the drugs on NHS-no suprise there! Hope I can make some savings as the accomodation will be expensive as it is Easter during my egg retrevial
Had another session with Cathy today-no needles in tummy just incase i have a wee beanie! Period build up not nearly as bad this month - this will be second period since starting tcm. I have been cramping since sunday and assumed that was me out this month but cathy said not necessarily it could be implantation cramps but i won't get excited( well maybe just a little bit..........) x
Happy weekend girls and Happy Birthday Muncho...hope you have something lovely planned!
O...M..G..Jen...I am so excited bout your possible 2nd line...I've never even see a hint of one...will be stalking your chart this weekend for rising temps!!! FXed anyhoo. I'm not too far behind you at 10 dpo and :witch: due on Tues/Wed but she better stay away!! Am not going to test until I'm late though.
Welcome to all the newbies and hope TCM brings us all our much wanted :bfp:'s in 2010 x

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