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The Really Useful TCM Thread

thanks for the warm welcome ladies. Happy birthday to you Muncho, hope its a good one. Jen when I got my bfp back last year it was so faint that I couldn't really tell if i was seeing things, day by day the line grew darker. I really hope this is the case for you, good luck.

So I have just come back from my first accu session and im really hyperactive and excited, not sure why just glad to be doing something productive I suppose lol! She spoke to me for over an hour and asked me the most random of questions, I then had to poke my tongue out while she drew a sketch of it lol, not quite sure why but im sure she knows what she is doing! She put a few needles in my back as a detox before we start the real deal next week. They didn't hurt at all thank god so now im just super excited to go again next wednesday. Good luck on getting closer to that BFP everyone. xx
Hi everyone!

I had my very first acupuncture/tcm appointment yesterday afternoon.

I had to fill out a questionnaire prior to arriving at the office and gave that to the receptionist when I got there. The practitioner Julie then took me into a room where a massage table was set up and also 2 chairs for us to sit and talk in. She started by going over the forms I had filled out while she gave me a list of general FAQs to read over. We talked about my 2 miscarriages, my spotty periods and she gave me a general overview of TCM/acupuncture and her philosophy in general.

She took my pulse on both wrists, and explained what she was looking for. She said you can tell if the pulse is weak or strong, thin or thick, and a few other things I've forgotten. She indicated that from my pulse she could tell my qi (pronounced chee) in general was weak and my pulse was very thin, she said it felt like she had her finger on a thin thread. Again that indicates a week qi. Then she had me stick out my tongue a few times, apparently you read the tongue when it's first stuck out, so that's why I had to repeat a few times so she could get a good look. She then took out a mirror and had me stick out my tongue so I could see what she had seen. She first pointed out how my tongue quivered when stuck out, again that was a sign of weak qi. She also showed me small red dots along my tongue and how pale it is.

She went out of the room for a few minutes and then came back to discuss her diagnosis of me. She said I appeared to have spleen qi deficiency (which is a general deficiency of qi) and also blood deficiency (which is not necessarily the same as anemia). She said I could have a bit of Kidney Yin and Yan but thought that due to my age (32) that we should focus on the blood and spleen.

Next was acupuncture. I changed into a hospital gown (kept undergarments on) and she had me lay down on my back on a massage table between 2 sheets. She swabbed several areas with alcohol and then prepared me for the first needle which she inserted I think near my big toe. She had me take a deep breath, release and as I did that she put it in. I really wasn't afraid of the needles, I can usually tolerate pain pretty easy and with all the blood work I've had done the past year and a half, well these needles are nothing compared to the others.

So I was a bit surprised when I could actually feel them going in. The toe was just a little shock, nothing more and much less than a blood draw. She put in a few others I think near my outer ankles and somewhere near my outer knee. Again I could feel them, and a few of them did make me gasp a bit (on the inside) but it went away quickly. The ones on the front of my hand between thumb and index finger did hurt, and she even said "I bet you felt that one!" Later on I would realize why she said that when I noticed small points of blood there after she had removed them (those are the only spots I bled at). She put one needle at my breastbone, I think one or two around my navel and possibly one ovary, one in each of my ears (not sure where) and one at the top of my head (that one creeped me out a bit but never hurt).

She put an eye mask over my eyes that smelled of fresh herbs and then turned the lights off and left me for 25 minutes. I had a bell near my right hand in case I needed anything. Most of the needles I couldn't feel. The one on my breastbone actually made my chest feel very heavy and each time I took a deep breath I kind of felt uncomfortable. It wasn't pain at all, just an odd sensation that didn't lend itself to beng relaxing. I really thought the 25 mins would fly by and I'd be in this happy tranquil state, but I got a bit fussy and I had to keep twitching my toes and fingers to keep my limbs from falling asleep. It's not to say I was uncomfortable or in pain, there was no pain, but I just felt restricted. I can't say that I was nervous or on edge, but I really just wanted those 25 minutes to be over with.

She came back in, turned the lights up a bit, took the mask off, removed the needles (which was odd because when she pulled them out they sounded/felt like they were several inches into my skin even though of course they weren't at all), and had me sit up and get dressed.

When she returned we went over the plan she had developed for me. First she gave me a hand out for spleen qi deficiency, one for blood deficiency, and one for overall fertility. They contained a list of dos and don'ts for both food and lifestyle.

Then she told me the supplements she wanted me to take. She recommended both Spirulina (a blue/green saltwater algae) and Fish Oil. These would both help fortify the blood and spleen (in TCM spleen doesn't refer to the actual spleen but a system that controls digestion, food processing and conversion of food into energy among other things). She said she would also prepare several TCM herbal blends for me to make into tea but that she didn't want me to start them (and also the Fish Oil) until after my surgery. So I should get those in about 2 weeks. I was told that due to my spleen qi deficiency that I should avoid eating cold and raw food and beverages and also not to drink during meals (I assume that is so the bodies natural digestive enzymes can digest the food and not be watered down by extra fluids). I'm also to continue with my multivitamin and balanced b-50 vitamin.

She also recommended weekly acupuncture and I already have my next appt scheduled for one week from yesterday.

After the appointment I did notice a bit of tenderness at a few of the needle sites. I could even tell where most needles had been placed due to a small red mark (no blood). I have very pale, thin skin that bruises easily so this doesn't surprise me. Today I also feel an odd sensation to the left of my navel, not pain, but it's like I can feel whatever organ is there and in the past obviously I never felt anything. Not sure what that means.

I plan to follow all of the advice she gave of course the recommendations couldn't be further from my current eating and drinking habits. I LOVE ice cold water and tea and love raw veggies and salads and frozen smoothies. But I'll do anything in the name of ttc, so I think I'm up for it.

I'd be happy to scan in the handouts she gave me and post, just let me know if anyone would like to see them.

If you have any questions, just ask and I'll be happy to answer if I can.

The cost for the first session was $145 USD and each initial visit will be $85 USD.
Hey Girls....:hugs:
....I'm back....wretched laptop broke!:hissy:
DH went out and bought me a netbook today thou and I'm just popping on here very quickly to say that I have been thinking of you all heaps...desperate to catch up...I will post all tomorrow....Have my next session booked on Friday:winkwink:...
I am most definately a TCM convert!

Love ya
Sweetdreams xxx
Hey Girls....:hugs:
....I'm back....wretched laptop broke!:hissy:
DH went out and bought me a netbook today thou and I'm just popping on here very quickly to say that I have been thinking of you all heaps...desperate to catch up...I will post all tomorrow....Have my next session booked on Friday:winkwink:...
I am most definately a TCM convert!

Love ya
Sweetdreams xxx

Good to hear from you...thought you had dropped off the planet hun:haha: Will look forward to hearing all soon xxx
Good to see you back, WelshRose. Glad you're a convert - I look forward to reading all about your sessions.
Hey Bernina, thanks for being so specific in your write-up, it was really interesting. I'm in a rush at the mo - have to go to make lunch for my starving family - but I'll come back on later and reply properly. I also need to write up yesterday's session.
Abi x
Just wanted to let you all know that I picked up my Spirulina at the health food store yesterday. I also decided to get some Wheat Grass powder and Royal Jelly. Both were recommended on the handout she gave me for general fertility. I'm having my first wheat grass drink right now and it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. It tastes like a strong green tea. Of course I'm drinking it with room temperature water and I think it would be much better ice cold or slightly warmed, but I can't have cold and was afraid heating it might destroy some of the nutrients.

The Royal Jelly was worse than I thought. Since I love honey so much and have even had pee pollen and that tasted fine I really thought I'd enjoy it. But it has tangy aftertaste and made my mouth feel like I had just gargled with hydrogen peroxide. So I'll be mixing that in with food or drink from now on.

The Spirulina is in tablet form and I didn't have any problem swallowing six of them with water.

Is anyone else taking Royal Jelly? Any recommendations on dosage? The jar I have (which needs to be refrigerated) suggested 1/4 tsp per day.

Also, any dosage recommendations for the wheat grass? The packets I have are 8 grams each.

WelshRose, sorry to hear about your laptop breaking but glad that you have a new one and are back in business!

Abster, good to hear from you and can't wait to hear how your most recent session went.

Hey everyone

bernina glad u enjoyed your acu session. A very good write up! I have been taking whaetgrass for a couple of months now. I have juts ordered a wheatgrass juicer and fresh wheatgrass. Its only takes a couple of mins to do AND it tastes so much better than the powder. So ill let u know how it goes..

welshrose, i thought you had gone awol...how lost do you feel when techology does not work!
Abs hope u enjoyed your lunch xx
Wow, get you muncho, the wheatgrass queen! Interested to find out what it's like fresh; I find the taste of my daily sachet is fine, it's the powderiness when I'm drinking it that's sometimes a bit bleurgh.
Bernina, my box of sachets recommends 1-3 sachets a day, depending on your lifestyle. I'm having one daily. There's an explanation on the sachet box that the better it tastes, the more alkaline, and therefore healthier, your body is. It doesn't taste unpleasant to me, like I said, it's just a bit strange drinking it sometimes. I should start mixing it with warm water; I have warm water the rest of the time, as I have a cold uterus to warm up!
I'm taking spirulina, 3, 3 times daily, half an hour before meals. Now that's a nuisance - half an hour after is fine, but half an hour before? That requires planning! I've decided that it means at least half an hour before food, ie on an empty stomach. I take it at least a couple of hours after my last meal and at least half an hour before the next one. I take my TCM pills and spirulina with a pint of warm water 1st thing, and my B-100 and wheatgrass 1/2 an hour later with breakfast. Spirulina before lunch. Spirulina (and sometimes TCM pills) before tea, Omega 3:6:9 and pregnacare connception with tea and sometimes TCM pills a couple of hours later.
I've never tried royal jelly, sorry.
I've had to knock dairy products out of my diet for the moment, to sort out my spleen. Am missing the cheese but milk's OK - I'm having soya yoghurt or chocoloate oat milk with my cereal, if I have it, and I'm buying one carton of calcium-fortified soya milk a week to make cocoa. I've tried soya milk as a main milk source before and didn't really enjoy it, so I'm not going to torture myself. Soya cheese makes me angry, it's so vile, and soya yoghurt and desserts are fine. I've struggled ethically sometimes with the dairy thing, as I'm a long-term veggie and sometimes wonder if I shoudl eat it at all, but ai do my best by buying only organic yog, cheese and milk. Listen to me going on and on and on... here's my session write-up:

I forgot to take my previous chart, so Quing couldn't compare my cycle beginnings, but she looked at my tongue. I told her my nasal mucous is definitely getting better.
I started off on my front with needles in my lower scalp and and lower back, heat lamp on my back.
Once on my back I had a few needles in my lower legs, one on top of my head and one in my right foot (near my big toe, I think). She tried needles in a few places on my abdomen, but I couldn't feel any of them. The heat lamp was on my abdomen.
She had to fiddle with a few of them before I could feel them. She was moving one of the the needles in my lower leg and I suddenly had a shooting sensation from there into my foot which made me yelp. She said it was too much, took it out a bit and it was fine.
I really relaxed once I was on my back; I was in a different room to usual, further away from the main road, and lying right next to a radiator... bliss!

I'm going back next Friday. Didn't need any more pills, as I have enough of the You Gui Wan to last me til then.

Things definitely seem to be happening sooner in my cycle - I'm CD9 and yesterday my cp was high, soft and medium with a bit of creamy cm. Take that, late ovulation!! Makes me hopeful for maybe CD12/13 this cycle, fingers crossed. Maybe my nasal mucous has cleared enough now... who knows?

Abi x
Thanks for the great write up Abster!

Have you ever tried Almond Milk? Here in the States it's sold in the non-refrigerated area where the soy milk is (usually near baking supplies and sometimes canned milk). I don't like the taste of soy milk and have decided to steer clear from soy products in case it has any impact on estrogen (just a personal preference, not at the recommendation of any doctor). Anyways I LOVE the taste of Almond Milk, it's great in smoothies and they even sell chocolate flavored that I bet would be really good warm. I've read that most people say Almond Milk has the least unpleasant taste of all milk substitutes.

Why do you take the Spirulina 1/2 hour before meals? I've never heard that and perhaps I should be doing that too!

The Wheat Grass I had yesterday I had about an hour before breakfast as the packet I took said it's a great way to get energized in the morning (and boy do I need that!). I have the same problem with the gritty texture of it. When I was first drinking it it was fine, then about halfway through it was all settled and gritty and really turned my stomach (texture not the taste). So I was thinking of throwing it into my Vitamix with water to see if that can better dissolve it. Anyone have suggestions for getting it to dissolve better?

I'm so excited for when I get my herbal teas and/or pills, still have to wait about 2 weeks though since she said not until after my surgery. I like taking new things because it makes me feel like I have some degree of control over my body, even if that's not exactly true, at least it makes me feel better :)

Muncho, can't wait to hear how you like your fresh wheat grass juicer! I'm sure that's definitely the way to go if it's something you drink often. I'm going to pick up a jar of the powder (cheaper than the individual packets) and see if I can get myself to drink 1 serving per day. If I find myself keeping up with it then I may look into juicing since it's fresher and probably cheaper in the long run.

Well I'm off to take my pills and vitamins while I still have food in my stomach!

Baby Dust!!!!
I haven't got as much to say but I have accupuncture too and I love it, it makes me feel brilliant. I get up looking like I have just had 8 hours sleep. It decreased my cycle length back to what it used to be. Am I the only one who says that when I have the balls on my ears they hurt me? :s xx
Hi Katie! I've never had the balls on the ears, what is that? (that sounds so wrong! :haha:)
Just wanted to share this link that I came across when searching for a recommended foods for my Spleen Qi deficiency. I found the information very helpful and it expanded on what my acupuncturist gave to me.

Hiya Peeps:wave:
Sorry to all the new girls, I posted the other night and hadn't read back thru and realised that there were so many....Welcome! I hope you all enjoy this thread....it's one of the best in the ttc section:winkwink:

How is everyone doing?
Muncho how is the first part of your treatment going sweets?:hugs:
Jen....:shock:...faint lines....I Have EVERYTHING crossed for you Lovely!:hugs:
Fitzy...Hope your ok chick...will take a look at your chart in a mo...hoping for good signs:hugs:
Abi...That sounded like one busy day hun...and definately no time to boil herbs...how old is #1?

Well I met Dr Wu for the first time last Tuesday and despite being a tad apprehensive was really encouraged by her friendly manner.
We started the consulatation by chatting about mainly my periods and cycles and then she asked to look at my tongue....her response was "oh wow...that really tells me a lot"....She then went onto to talk about the Liver and the Kidney and their roles and the fact that from looking at my tongue she can tell that my kidney was weak and has been from childhood. She said that our DS was pretty much a miracle because of this weakness and that having him probably drained my kidney and it's never replenshed. She then went onto say that the weakness in my kidney has lead to the kidney and the liver "not talking and having the close relationship that they ought to" and that the symptoms that I now experience with my menstrual/fertility problems all arise from the Liver. She then took several different pulses on my wrist and said that my blood also needed nourishment. I guess at this point in the consultation I was struggling...ever the optimist...I'd hoped that I was going to be easy to fix:dohh: I found it quite hard at times as well to forget my own medical training and to think Liver and Kidney etc in the context that they were being meant. I asked her whether at this point in time we should be considering to try this cycle and she said no not really not at the moment because you will have a very high risk of mc or the baby not being healthy. I guess the optimist joined me at that point again...with the arguement that actually after 18mths and 2mcs it might actually be nice to have a cycle of not trying and at least I'm now doing something to try and correct all these imbalances.

We then went onto the acu treatment which didn't use needles but pads that were wetted and used soundwaves...it's supposed to be very effective...FX'd.
I lay on my tummy to start with and had the pads placed on the upper back (shoulder blade area), down my spine, on the insides of my knees, my ankles and the soles of my feet. It was quite a strange experience really and when I learnt to relax and banish images of my eyes lighting up and my hair standing up poker straight on top of my head I really enjoyed it:rofl: It was like really strong vibrations and especially at the top part of my back it almost felt like I was bouncing on the couch...I wasn't I hasten to add:haha: After about 5-10 mins she began rearranging the pads...I really couldn't tell you to where thou as initally after they were removed it felt like they were still there...odd:wacko: She then placed 4 cups on my back and was pleased that there was very little colour change...not too sure what that indicated:shrug:
Next she gave me a back/shoulder massage before removing the last pads that were still on and then asking me to turn over. I had pads above and below my belly button and on my wrists. She also held one on the top of my head for a second or two.
I could of lay there for ages after and felt really light when I got up...as though someone had lifted a weight from my shoulders.
She carried on filling in her treatment sheet...in chinese...not good for the nosy patient!:haha: She has given me Gan Mai Da Zao Wan...for the Kidney, Mai Wei Di Huang Wan...for the Liver and ChaiHuShuGan Wan for excessive moisture. All of which are 8tablets 3times a day.

I have always suffered with my tongue right from the age of about 6. Anything with citric acid in aggrevates it and brings up sore wheels down the sides of tongue that can be really painful...consequently I have what I think are referred to as teeth indentations down the sides. Well after 5days of taking the herbs my tongue feels loads better...only hoping that it's going to mean good things on friday. She has said that the herbs are the most important at the moment and that acupuncture won't be necessary on friday unless I particularly want it.

I think I may take my copy of 'The' book along with me on friday and show her and also get her to write down in english her findings as I have an appointment with the gynecologist on the 1st Feb who is very 'old school'...it could be interesting!

I'm hoping that between the pair of them they can get my cycles sorted out. This is the third wacky one in a row now....take a peak at the charts if you like....I'd be really interested to know your thoughts and opinions.

Hope you're all ok...I've really missed this thread and you girls this past week:hugs: xxx
Well girls, got my :bfp: yesterday morning def dark line and still no sign of AF:happydance: So unbelievably delighted! DH was in work when I rang to let him know and he was ecstatic! Can't believe I'm finally pregnant after 8 months of trying, I'm 100% convinced it wouldn't have happened for us if it wasn't for the tcm bringing my cycle and hormones back into balance! Can't wait to ring the gp and tell him to stick that in his assisted conception pipe and smoke it! :happydance: I'm really sad to be moving on though, I'll keep coming back on to check how everyone is! :hugs:
XO Jen
nahhh i cant copy and paste the bit for sickness: but this is what HR emailed me a few days ago..

'You do not have to call in every day if you have been signed off. It would however be helpful if you could stay in touch and let us know when you will be returning to work if possible. If you need to extend your sick leave and will be submitting another certificate, it would be helpful if you would contact your manager and let him know or if you cannot get in touch with him, then speak to me.
For further information, you can see the Sickness SOP on the internet.
If you felt well enough to deal with calls or emails, then you can do so if you wanted however you are not obliged to do so. '

thanks xx

Hey muncho def throw that back in his face at the end of the day you are not obliged to deal with any calls or emails relating to work. Fair enough when you have first contacted to let him know you are unwell you can tell him then what outstanding work you have and when you may be back but def turn your work phone off and don't go anywhere near your emails! If you were in a hospital or something like that (god forbid) you most def would not be able to deal with work related emails or calls so just completely ignore his correspondence unless it is something specifically relating to your absence or illness. Hope your ok! :hugs:
xo Jen
Jen congratulation!!!! :0) that is the best news. I'm so pleased for you and it has given me hope that I may get my own bpf soon. Here is to a super healthy sticky little bean x
Well girls, got my :bfp: yesterday morning def dark line and still no sign of AF:happydance: So unbelievably delighted! DH was in work when I rang to let him know and he was ecstatic! Can't believe I'm finally pregnant after 8 months of trying, I'm 100% convinced it wouldn't have happened for us if it wasn't for the tcm bringing my cycle and hormones back into balance! Can't wait to ring the gp and tell him to stick that in his assisted conception pipe and smoke it! :happydance: I'm really sad to be moving on though, I'll keep coming back on to check how everyone is! :hugs:
XO Jen

Congrats Jen!!.. have a great 9 months.. it's so good to hear that the tcm works!!
Aww Jen:hugs::happydance::dance::wohoo::hugs:
I'm SO happy for you sweetie....and can't wish you enough love and luck for a wonderful 9mths with a super sticky bean!
You better had keep popping in on us....the place wouldn't be the same without you!:winkwink::hugs: xxx
I've just ordered my copy of the Randine Lewis book and also PCOS and your fertility so that i can take bits from both.

My herbalist moved me onto tablets i am going away quite a bit and it is too difficult to boil the herbs. Also the tablets were cheaper which helps as having those and the weekly acupuncture is adding up.. My DH is an accountant and is starting to get nervous about all the money spent on this.. Hopefully we'll see some results soon so that i can proove to him it's worth it! :winkwink:

So now i am taking Bui Fen Wang and Tao Hong Si Wu Wan 2 times daily, once my raw herbs run out on Weds..
I am so happy for you well done you xx please keep in touch will miss you-hope Cathy's magic rubs off. My af is one day late but I have cramps so think I am out-tested Sat but BFN.
So pleased for you xx

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