The Really Useful TCM Thread

Muncho, I'm terribly sorry. Hope to see you on here again soon- will really miss you and your take on things. Will be thinking of you xx

Laummatt and Rubyloo, hope the temping-ignorance-is-bliss approach works for you. I know I sometimes get stressed about my temps, when they're not doing what I want, but not knowing what was happening would just do my head in! I tried the blind approach for 9 months before starting with FF, so I think I've done my time anyway. :dohh:

Rubyloo, your OH is a star!

Hey Yazzy, great news that there's very little wrong with you. Must have made you really happy. Did your prac give you any dietary advice for strengthening the kidneys, and is it your yin or your yang which is deficient? The Infertility Cure has all sorts of info in it that can help you - having said that, by the sound of it there's very little you need. Good luck!
Abi x
i am so sorry i will miss all your support and help pm me anytime you want - even to chat bout anything other than ttc
take care pet and hold on to your dream-it will happen xx
Hi everyone. I haven't been on here a while. Muncho and glitterqueen I am so sorry for both of you.

I'm feeling really :cry: today as the witch arrived - means I have another 9 day LP. I was so hopeful this month as my ovulation moved forward 2 days early, but like you Abster my period came 2 days early. I honestly feel like giving up! When I got pregnant with Gabriel it was on 2nd month of trying and since losing him my LP has been determined to stick at 9 LP. We are now onto month 9 of ttc - I know not a long time in grand scheme but since losing Gabriel my heart aches to have a healthy baby.

I honestly dont know what else to do? The Bvits worked for the first month but the weekly acupuncture and herbs dont seem to make a blind bit of difference. I am wondering whether Clomid could help sort my LP. Sorry I know this isnt really the right place for this type of question but can any of you lovely ladies tell me if you have tried this route?

Thanks and big hugs to everyone xxx
H Lulu, sorry to hear that your feeling down. My LP is stuck at 7 days and no matter what I do it doesnt seem to want to shift either. I am being refered in April to a FS and the GP has advised that the first step will prob be Clomid. Ive read all sorts about it and to be honest Im willing to try anything at the mo. I cant really help, but just wanted to let you know that your not on your own.
Come back next Monday and I'll be :cry: on here too! My ov hasn't changed, in fact I think it has got one day later with an even shorter LP last month and this month seems to be following the same pattern!!!!!!!
Af arrived last night so im out . I had afeeling yesterday it was coming:(
i know i did everything i could have, it wasnt meant to be. im gutted but want to move on.
im going to give BNB,TTC and acu a break now til my next cycle. im going to start at the gym after a 3month break

Thanks for everyone's support and i wish you all lot sof luck xxx

Muncho - sorry to hear that - hope you see your BFP soon - it will happen, it just sucks that it takes so long.

Take care
muncho, I'm sorry honey. I know words can't make you feel any better, but you're definitely not alone. I think your break sounds like a wonderful idea and getting back into the gym routine definitely can't hurt. Will help to get your blood pumping and move all those good hormones and endorphines throughout your system. Best of luck to you!

Yazzy, so glad to hear that your blood work came back good!

Rubyloo, best of luck to you this month! So many I know fell pregnant as soon as they stopped "trying". Here's hoping it does the trick for your body!

Laumatt, I hope you contine to enjoy the relaxed BD'ing with DH :) I've been very tempted to stop temping and just monitor cm and cp. The only problem is if I'm going to start the Clomid (still undecided) I need to know for sure when I ovulate. I have to admit though, not sure what the cause is but I do feel more relaxed about the whole ttc thing. I had this goal in my head of being pregnant and having a baby before Christmas 2010. But I realized honestly, who cares if I get pregnant this month, or 3 months from now, I'd be totally happy with either outcome. So during acu this morning I had a little chat with myself and released myself from the expectation. Right now I feel really good and like a bit of the pressure has been taking off.

Abster, very happy to hear your good news regarding your spleen and your phlegm!! Continued good health to you and as always thank you so much for sharing details of your sessions!

lulu, I'm so sorry for your loss of Gabriel. 9 mos is plenty long to be dealing with all of the stress of ttc, so never short yourself, you've been through so much. I truly believe that the body just needs time to heal after a loss. So many women on here who have had miscarriages or other traumatic experiences seem as if their bodies are fighting them. I know my body has been fighting me since a Chemical back in Aug of 2009. I believe the magic bullet for most of us is time, and unforotunately that is something we feel as if we are running out of. I would continue the acupuncture as at the very least it can offer you a dedicated time to relax and focus your energies on healing your body. Continue with the b vitamins (what doseage are you taking, are you taking a b complex or just b6?) and perhaps ask your acupuncturist if there is anything else you can do to help your luteal phase. My acupuncturist gave me a bottle of capsules today that she said should help with my luteal phase. It's called Vitanica Pregnancy Prep and the main igredient (Vitex, agnus castus) is supposed to be very good in helping the luteal phase. Here is a link:

Regarding Clomid, my fertility specialist has prescribed it to me to use during my next cycle. I'm sorry I can't provide any information on it as I've yet to take it. The Clomid Club thread over in Long Term ttc has some information that you may find useful when trying to determine if it's the right thing for you. I discussed it at acupuncture this morning and she told me her thoughts were that I should wait a few months and see if my body regulates itself. Then if that doesn't work to go the medication route. She suggested I use something called Femara instead of Clomid though and said I should talk to my DR and see if that could be an option. Supposed to work similar to Clomid but with less side effects.

:hugs: to everyone, sounds like we could all use a good dose of positive vibes today!!
Hi all,
Firstly want to say how sorry I was to read your news Muncho..I really hope the break gives you renewed positivity and spirit to continue on in your journey towards that elusive BFP:hugs:

See there's been a couple of posts re clomid. I'm on my first clomid cycle. CD 6 and taking my fourth pill tonight. My accupuncturist also wanted me to wait a while but I have PCOS and amnt ovulating. Had one period in nearly three months of accu so not bad but also felt the western med route was worth trying. Am still going to accu but have stopped taking the herbs while on clomid. Have an ultrasound on Friday(Day 10) to see if follicles developing okay. No major side effects with Clomid apart from CRRRAAAZZZYYY dreams:wacko::wacko: Taking them at night before sleep. Will keep you ladies posted on develpoments if you want??
Fitzy, thank you so much for your information about Clomid. I will be eagerly watching your posts and chart to see how it works for you! My DR asked me to take it cd 5-9 and then come in for a scan I think on cd 10 (although that seems early but what do I know). Are you taking 50mg pills? I really hope this works for you!! Did your acu ask you to stop taking the herbs or is that something you decided on your own? I also plan to stop taking all supplements besides fish oil, prenatal, and spirulina (blue/green algae).

I have no idea what this means, but when I had my first acu session when Julie looked at my tounge she said it quivers which indicated low Spleen Qi. Well I looked at my tongue last night, after about 5 weeks of Acu/TCM and it doesn't quiever nearly as much as that first day! I just hope that's a sign that my body is being brought back into balance. Now if only those darn hormones would play fair and do what they're supposed to when they're supposed to!
Hi everyone , thanks for all your posts. :hugs: Best of luck fitzy and bernina with the clomid. I'd love to hear how it's going.

I've decided to try and think more positively this month. And to also try and relax a bit. I am not going to chart or use OPKs this month - I tend to have a good idea of when I'm ovulating just by CM so am going to try and just go with that. I am going to keep up the acu and I am also trying agnus castus until ov - I know it can not suit some people but I think it's worth a go for this month only.

In the grand scheme after the physical trauma my body went through last Aug (a 30 hr labour plus losing 4 pints of blood!), nevermind the grief and stress, I think I just need to give myself a bit more time and not expect miracles.

My DH has also agreed to us getting a puppy! :happydance: So we are going to see some this weekend - I can't wait.

Next acu session is 5 March. I've started seeing a new one since Tim my old one has left the country. my new acu is trained by the Zita West clinic and she has recommended I only come every 2 weeks. I used to go weekly. Anyone else just going fortnightly?

Love to all xxxx
Hi all

Just had my 4th acupuncture session last night. Im on CD24 at the moment. She put needles in my wrists, legs and feet this time (oh and head) - said she would avoid the belly. I asked at the end of the session why the wrists and she said it was to balance the whole body and to tone the uterus for the baby.... I said but sure you dont know if I pregnant, do you? ANd she said no that it was too early to tell - i had my hopes up for a second but its far to early to tell - only 8 days past Ov so implanation would only be taking place around now anyway.

I due to start spotting tomorrow or Friday for 5 days pre AF so we'll see if the acupuncture helps that - i really hope it does cos its a lot of money to be paying out for no results. She gave me more herbs to drink too and tablets also - i looked up the tablets on the net and they are infertility tablets to help warm the uterus (hope it all works).

She said also that i'd need another few weekly sessions and then we'd reduce either the acupuncture or the herbs - thank god cos thats £40 saved. I'll be totally skint after all this - but as long as the outcome is a positive one (a BFP one) then happy days. :happydance:

How is everyone else getting on with their acupucnture?

Hope your all well. Lulu I only see my acu guy once a fortnight, he assures me that this is fine and any more would be unnecessary, which is a relief cos of the cost. In fact it is a lot more reasonable that I thought it would be. Im also hoping to take Clomid when I get refered and read in Randine Lewis' book that it works well for people with Spleen and Kidney dief. So that good to know if these herbs dont do there job. I was also thinking of taking Soy next month but I cant make my mind up on that one!!
Fitzy, thank you so much for your information about Clomid. I will be eagerly watching your posts and chart to see how it works for you! My DR asked me to take it cd 5-9 and then come in for a scan I think on cd 10 (although that seems early but what do I know). Are you taking 50mg pills? I really hope this works for you!! Did your acu ask you to stop taking the herbs or is that something you decided on your own? I also plan to stop taking all supplements besides fish oil, prenatal, and spirulina (blue/green algae).

Hi Bernina,
I took Clomid on CD 3-7 and it was the 50mg dose. If this does not bring on ovulation this month it will be upped to 100mg but fingers crossed it won't have to be.
The decision to stop the herbs was my own as I didn't want anything to reduce clomid effectiveness. Stopped taking them from CD1 - 8. Had accu today and he gave me pills that are specifically to be taken the week before ovulation Now that I'm not physically taking Clomid pills (know the effects will still be ongoing in my body) have decided that will take the chinese meds for next 6 days as prescribed. Figure a combination of both eastern and western can't hurt!!:shrug: It's all new to me but will kep you posted on news from ultrasound on Friday!! When are you due to start taking it??
Thank you so much fitzy! It's so nice to hear from someone else going through the same thing. I really hope the 50mg works for you, would be nice not to have to go to the higher doseage.

I think I'll do exactly what you did with the herbs, skip them cd 1 - 10 in my case and then go back on my regular pre-ov herbal blend from the acupuncturist. I totally agree on combining East and West, can't hurt to have both sides working for you!

Can't wait to hear how your scan goes tomorrow, hope those eggies are nice and ripe and the lining is good and thick!!!

I'll be taking it with my next cycle which should probably start around March 11 - 13, so 5 days after that I'd start taking them.

My cycle is so whacky this month, pre ov temps all over the place, no sign of any type of cm, been very dry this month. No clue what's causing it!

Best of luck to you tomorrow!!!
Morning everyone. Bernina & Fitzy Im really keen to know how both the west & east meds work for you as my Dr seems to think bthis is what I'll be prescribed soon. Keep us posted!
Have half thought about taking Soy Iso next month as they are meant to work in a similar way but we'll see how it pans out this month. So I have no clue when I ov!!! No temping /OPK this month, seemed to have EWCM for over a week so am going by the last day even though that wasnt he most.. ahh well, nice to have the break before I have to start temping for the FS.... Hows everyone doing, this thread seesm to have gone a bit quiet???

Anyone got some good news?? Not nec BFP, just good things???

Well I havent started spotting yet (due to yesterday) so Im hoping the acupuncture and the herbs are doing their job - If i could sort out the spotting thing before getting my BFP i'd be happy - I can feel twinges in my ovaries so I think there is something happening (like AF will show) so I dont think im pregnant but im happy i'm not spotting as of yet. This might be sorting out my LPD.

Anyone else any news or developments?
Hi girls, you're right the thread has gone quiet...I know I for one have just settled into acceptance of my "wonky ovaries" as I like to call them. Don't want to obsess in so far as is possible so just sauntering along. Still temping as have to for FS but not stalking other charts on Fertility Friend or googling every twinge and ache like a woman possessed!!!:haha:

Off to my appt in hospital in an hour. Hopefully I can come back later this eve with good news about beautifully developing follicles and lining!!:happydance: I'm gearing up for a weekend of much :sex:ing if that's the case...OH wont know what's hit him!!

Delighted I'll have some Clomid Company soon!!
Appt. Update:

FS informed me that what he was looking for on todays scan was:
1) A triple line in uterus(indicating good lining)
2) A follicle that was developing nicely (about 13mm)

Scan showed that I do have the triple line which is good but he feels it's a bit thin. I also had one dominant follicle but it was only 8mm. In summary FS says that he likes what is happening but not for CD 10 (it would be more in line with what he would like to see on day 7/8). I have to go back for a second scan on Monday afternoon to see if there's been improvement over the weekend.

Not the great news I was hoping for but not disastrous either...fingers crossed that lazy follicle gets its ass in gear before Monday!!:dohh:
Fitzy - good luck Monday. make sure you let us know what happens!!
Fitzy, thank you for sharing the results of your appointment and scan. I really hope you get the news you're looking for on Monday, come on little follicle, grow grow grow!! Momma wants a nice little bun in the oven :)

My temps took a nosedive this morning, so I'm hoping that means ovulation is approaching. My temps have been so high this cycle, almost every single one of them has been above my normal coverline of 97.4. Just today I finally dropped down to 97 so we'll see. I also stopped spotting on cd 13, the same day I started taking the new Pregnancy Prep supplement from my acupuncturist. No clue if they're related, but either way it's good news. I just hope my estrogen is where it needs to be and that my lining is building up nice and thick in prep for ovulation. I haven't noticed much fertile quality cm, but DH did say he noticed "that eggwhite stuff" after doing the BD yesterday. I explained that sperm and ewcm look similar but he swears he can tell the difference. Sorry to say looks like he's been brought over to the dark side with me :) I have my next acu appointment tomorrow after work, really looking forward to it. Maybe she can help bring on the ewcm!

Best of luck to everyone this week!!
Hi all,

sorry i've been out of the loop for a few days - been looking after DH after surgery last week. on CD 7 and missed acu last week due to everything going on - back to my prac this week though. really enjoying not having to temp every morning but just hoping beyond hope that ov comes forward this month. my best friend found out she was pg today - which is the best news ever but we were hoping to get pg at the same (ish) time. she's been trying for about three months, if that. Oh well, am still absolutely chuffed for her, just need to get that bfp myself - she says she can't do it without me!

those of you on Clomid - good luck with it all and keep us updated xxx

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