The Really Useful TCM Thread

Hi - Well I started my usual spotting on Saturday (2 days later than normal). So the acupuncture didnt really help this month. Im due my full AF tomorrow so if that arrives then the days of spotting have been reduced by 2 - maybe next month they'll reduce another 2 days and then I might even get a BPF.

I have my 5th Acup session tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. Im sick of taking the herbs - they are so gross. Onto my 5th week of taking them - when will it end. And its costing me a small fortune - when i should really be saving (cos hubbie might be getting made redundant!). Oh well another month wont harm I suppose - i wish you could get Acup on the NHS!

So Abster - how are you getting on these days?
Reba, I think it's a really good sign that your spotting has been reduced by 2 days, I would definitely be excited about that! How many days past ovulation are you?

What type of herbs does your acupuncturist have you taking? I'm sorry they don't taste well, is there anything you can add (honey?) to make them tase a bit better?

I feel the same about the royal jelly I've been taking, I have the fresh liquid/gel stuff and it tastes disgusting, makes me gag just thinking of it. I just ordered some freeze dried capsules so hopefully they work as well as the fresh stuff (minus the gag inducing taste).

Reba, do you use Fertility Friend for charting?
Reba, I think it's a really good sign that your spotting has been reduced by 2 days, I would definitely be excited about that! How many days past ovulation are you?

What type of herbs does your acupuncturist have you taking? I'm sorry they don't taste well, is there anything you can add (honey?) to make them tase a bit better?

I feel the same about the royal jelly I've been taking, I have the fresh liquid/gel stuff and it tastes disgusting, makes me gag just thinking of it. I just ordered some freeze dried capsules so hopefully they work as well as the fresh stuff (minus the gag inducing taste).

Reba, do you use Fertility Friend for charting?

Hi Bernina,

Well Im not sure if it has reduced the spotting by 2 days yet. Im due my AF tomorrow but if it doesnt arrive for another 2 days then it just means I was 2 days late with spotting (if you know what I mean!!!)

Im not sure exactly what the herbs are (theres a list of 8 or more ingredients - dont have them on me at the moment but I can find out and let you know - basically they are all to help move the blood and help the kidneys).

I was using fertility friend when i first started TTC (Back in 2008 - so long ago now) and I was charting my BBT everyday etc - by doing that I could see that I Ov'd on CD16 and now by doing the odd OPK i still ov on that day.

But today I've been constantly thinking about my low BBT (always 96.6F which is 35.9C i think). Everything I read tells me its a thyroid problem but i had bloods done before and they never showed any problem. Im thinking of going back to the doc and asking for more tests cos the only thing I see on Net about a low BBT is a thyroid problem - and i have some of the other symptoms too (coldness, thinning eyebrows, low libido, goitre (swollen neck))

Anyway Im feeling pretty depressed today - just had a crying fit cos Im sick of all this unexplained fertility crap - i need an explanation - cant go on like this for much longer. :(
Hi all, CD 2 here. Much better temps but still a useless 9-day LP. Stupid ov needs to happen earlier, like CD 13. Quing's going to give me dry herbs next month as they're stronger, so I'll soon be gagging along with the rest of you. Last night I had wine, pizza with cheese (which I didn't really enjoy), good chocolate and no spirulina, pregnancare etc. Didn't see the bloody point. Wish my body would behave itself (and I'd started going to Quing sooner - it makesa total sense that it can take 3-6 months to work, as it works in harmony with your body. My impatience it the result of 14 months without any help.). Oh, and this week my sister told me she's pregnant. Great news, obviously, but I;d been trying 14 months by the time she started trying, so it just doesn't seem fair.

Quing was really pleased with my better temps, but still said I need to ov earlier.
Needles in my scalp and lower back. Heat lamp.
Needles in my hands and lower legs (lots of them). Nohting in my abdomen and no heat lamp, "just in case".

Acu balls in my right ear again.

I know I should concentrate on the positive but I'm totally fed up. Don't think I'll bother with FF any more; I'm doing paper charts for Quing anyway.

I'm going to update on here and do some reading but I don't think I'm going to write much elsewhere.

Abi x
abs - am so with you at the moment! my best friend has just announced she's pregnant which is fab, fab news but we wanted to get pg at sort of the same time. she'd only been trying for about three months if that. i'm on to six months actively ttc (although only had 3 opportunities to get pg due to LONG cycles.....) after six months of i feel pretty crappy about myself and my body. am trying so hard to keep positive but its damned hard!

anyway, on to body/acu stuff:

Last month i ov'd two days earlier than the previous month, but i also started spotting two days before af which is unusual (if any i'll spot the day before). my post ov temps were marginally lower too which was a disappointment. i think this has a lot to do with loads of stress at the time - things were not great. anyway, not had any acu for two weeks as things at home been completely mental and i just wanted stuff to settle down a bit. i'm sticking to the Ying 'friendly' foods, taking my suppliments and keeping off tea/coffee/sugar. when i'm tired i'm trying to avoid pushing myself as this affects Ying energy, which i need, in order to bring my ov forward. i've chucked the thermometer in the bin and no FF for me this month - very liberating feeling! DH and i are on the bd every other day thing - figure this will give us as much chance as any of catching an egg as and when it appears! got him on his suppliments and he's onto month 3 without the evil fags. yay for him!

gotta try and keep some PMA about this all - praying sooooooooooooo hard for a bfp this/next month!
Hi All.

Reba, I see what you mean about the spotting just being late if AF doesn't show today (which so far looks like she hasn't). Are you feeling any more symptoms that she's about to arrive? I've also been ttc since 2008 although we didn't start until around August of that year. It's hard to remember a time when we weren't ttc, just seems like another lifetime. It may not be a bad idea to see your doctor and ask them to check your thyroid. I had that done last year when I started experiencing terrible headaches for seemingly no reason.

Abster, I've been on the dry herbs for a month now and I actually really like them. They're not the best tasting, but definitely not hard to get down. Just have to make sure to dissolve them really well in boiling water. Sorry if I've asked before but are you taking a b complex vitamin to help with your short luteal phase, or what about Vitex agnus castus (chasteberry)? Both have been shown to help increase the luteal phase. I'm sure your acupuncturist already has you on the vitex (could be mixed in with your herbs), but just thought I'd check. That is great news about your sister, but I also know it probably feels a bit bittersweet. My sis in law just announced her pregnancy and it was completely by accident, they weren't even trying. I too am very happy for her, especially since they tried for nearly 2 years conceiving their first, but it still stings a bit when it's not you. I've also been on baby and bump a lot less than usual. I just feel like ttc has taken over my life and the more time I spend on this forum the more I can see myself obsessing over it.

Rubyloo, congrats for your best friend and I really hope you get your BFP very soon so you can enjoy the joys of pregnancy together :) I truly believe that stress is the number one factor behind undiagnosed fertility. I think the longer I've been ttc the more I've stressed myself out and have caused my body to go a bit whacky and out of harmony. I'm hoping through acu and yoga and just trying to relax more that I can bring things back into alignment. Easier said than done of course. For some encouragement, DH and I did the egg meet sperm plan (every other day bd) and I got preg the first month with that method, so it definitely covers all your bases and maximizes your chances. Just make sure not to completely wear each other out, after that cycle DH and I were so sick of BD'ing!

Best of luck to everyone and chins up, we will get our BFPs one day! In the meantime, remember to relax, appreciate life, and don't view the time spent ttc as wasted time, every day is precious and we need to remember that. I have been very guilty of forgetting that and pretty much wasted months of my life being miserable, but I refuse to do that any longer, life is just too darn short. :hugs: :flower:
hey Bernina!

goodness only knows what i'd do without this thread to post on......thanks for the kind words and support. i'm impressed to hear of your conception on the sperm meets egg thing....every other day bding. DH and i could be in for the long haul this month if my cycles are anything to go by! haha! 29 days or there abouts!

am thinking of trying epo just to keep things 'well oiled' down there - any of you ladies have any experience of this? i only ask as some people swear by it while others hate it. for example, one woman on this forum said it delayed ov....but i remember taking throughout most of my teens for pmt and i had lovely 28 day cycles! its also supposed to help with cystic breasts which i've suffered with since my early 20s.....pre-period is always agony! i also know i'm supposed to stop taking it after ov.

any advice?!


Seems we're all going through the horrors a little girls...think down in the dumps days/weeks are perfectly acceptable on this rocky road!!

Went back to FS yesterday....Big disappointment:cry:
Seems clomid 50mg hasnt follicles really developing enough.
Back on Provera to bring on bleed and then 100mg clomid to follow in the hopes that this will make my ovaries do their job!! Am feeling rather down about the whole thing but am sure I'll pick myself we always do!!

Have accu appt tomorrow but really thinking about not going this week. Am on Provera so nothing that's going on in my body is natural at the moment anyhoo and could do with the cash this week too!! No temping for me just gonna take it nice and handy:winkwink:

Thinking of you all girls :hugs:
fitzy - i would continue with the acu regardless of the provera/clomid. one of the things that i've read about acu that's stuck with me is that its still effective when used in conjunction with western medicine. the acu will always be of benefit, but ultimately its up to you.....acu is expensive.....good luck with it all.
Morning all

Abster - sorry to hear the witch got you and another 9 day LP. I don't blame you at all for eating what ever you want, I think I do that every CD1!!! Lovely news about your sister, congrats, I know it stings but it will be your turn soon.

Fitzy - Im sorry to hear those lazy ovarys didnt kick into action for you yet, lets hope that the higher strengh will give them the kick they need. How often do you go to acu? I go fortnightly, seem to fine by me and my prac and a little less expense too. I can throughly recommend the not temping route! I havent temped or OPK at all this montha nd its been lovely as its not started the day of stressing they're not doing as I want and I've had to keep checking what day Im on, and lots more :sex: just in case Im fertile, and its been ALOT more fun!!! :blush:

Rubyloo - sorry to hear you feeling down too, were not doing so well here hey? I have tried EPO for a few months and it does give you more EWCM but I also think it has delayed my Ov. I seem to be getting later every month, so Im going to lay off it next month. I've quit the B vits too, I dont think they made a blind bit of difference to me and if I take them I cant take my 5mg of folic acid, are you on yours now?

RebaRezzelba - how is the spotting working out?? Hope its a good improvement for you?? Keep us posted x

bernina - ohh your so right, we waste so much time beating ourselves up but we continue to do it! I need your PMA rubbed off on me.... I too am trying to stay off B&B a bit and with the non temping I do think its actually helping, or maybe its the acu?? I dunno but Im far more relaxed about it.

Well as I have said no temping for me and Im currently on day 27 (usual 24/25 day cycle) BUT I think, of course I dont know, that I ov later... so probably due on tomoz..
hey all....

laummat, thanks for the info on epo. still in two minds about it - as said i did take it for years and had regular cycles......its more for the ewcm and sore boobs! they give me a dreadful time every month! anyway, despite all plans for sperm meets egg thingy this month, didn't manage last night as i've done something (goodness knows what) to my back and hip and am in agony! going to try and see my osteopath today - just praying they have an appointment! my body seems determined for me NOT to get pg at the moment. lol.
Hi Everyone,

I had my 5th acup session last night. She avoided the belly area again cos I still havent got my proper AF (still spotting - which normally lasts 4/5 days). She also put a needle in each elbow area which she said helps the blood flow and remove heat so should help the spotting. She put two needles above the knee also (cant rem what she said they were for). The only thing about last night session was that I felt really cold (cos my sleeves were pulled up). Next time I will see if she can put the blanket right up to my neck (prob not though cos there are needles sticking out of my arms....

I thought AF would be here this am but still nothing - mind you if I go to the loo now she'll prob be here (i can feel her coming).

I was pretty down yesterday too but I need to just snap out of it - I've been fine for months but I suppose it all catches up on you and you break down. At least my DH noticed I wasnt in great form and said not to worry that we'd get through it etc so that was nice. I had a few glasses of wine myself at the weekend too - thought why the hell not. Thats it now for another month so thought I;d enjoy a nice Pinot Grigio!!!!
Hey girls, sorry we seem to be having a group crap-time :hugs:

Fitzy, I'm sorry it was bad news at the FS - I'm with Rubyloo in thinking that you should carry on with the acu whilst having provera. It can only help :thumbup: At least you can be safe in the knowledge that you're doing better than that woman we both advised not to take the "clomid" she'd bought online. Think she gave up posting when nobody told her it was a wonderful idea :dohh:

Rubyloo, what I do know is that EPO takes about 3 months to get into your system properly. I'm very sceptical about whether it'd delay ov - lots of people seem to try somethingfor a little while, experience something they don't like and decide the new supplement is to blame. Given that EPO takes so long to get into your system properly I think it's more likely that delayed ov is caused by something else. I took it on and off a lot during my teens/twenties. The acu should help with your PMS symptoms as well, I'd have thought. I think it's worth trying it - it is recommended for all the reasons you need it, after all.

Reba, hang on in there, the acu will start making a difference soon. I understand completely that you want it to work NOW becasue I feel the same way. Since I started in Nov, following dietary guidelines as well, my streaming nose has gone away (sometimes it'd be an hour or so during the nignht), I have loads more energy and feel less congested throughout my body in general, my blood was slightly clotty and mucousy and is now much better, and this cycle I've had no bloating the first few days of my cycle, no tenderness at the side of my breasts and my post-ov temps last tiem round were higher and more stable. All of these things make a big difference when put together. Just wish I'd started TCM a year ago! Keep doing everything you can and it'll pay off :hugs:

I've been taking B-100 complex since 24th October - not sure it's making any difference but I've got loads of tanblets left so I'm not wasting them. I took Agnus Castus / Vitex for a couple of months but knocked it on the head after christmas, along with the EPO which I dont' really think I needed, because I felt I was taking too many supplements. I did show Quing all my supplements and she didn't know what agnus castus is - having read RL's bits about it I don't think it's for me anyway. Til now i@ve been taking patented pills, but she'll be putting me on dry herbs now I think, so I'll be boiling herbs up at home.

Hope this month is better than last month!

Abi x
Hi Abster - I know its hard when things dont happen right away -i will def give acup a few more months (i just hope she reduces it to once a fortnight cos im kinda skint!)

I was taking EPO for about 8/9 months and also B100 complex for about 3 months and gave them all up as well cos thought I was taking too many things - just wanted to go au natural... Only thing im taking now is the chinese powdered herbs and the tablets and folic acid.

Anyway think we all need a bit of cheering up - any one got any good jokes???? :haha:
fitzy - i would continue with the acu regardless of the provera/clomid. one of the things that i've read about acu that's stuck with me is that its still effective when used in conjunction with western medicine. the acu will always be of benefit, but ultimately its up to you.....acu is expensive.....good luck with it all.

Hi Rubyloo,
Am still going to do accu just gonna take a break this week. I rescheduled my appt for next Monday. Just wanted to forget about TTC this week and indulge myself in a little bit of selfish me time!! Defo think the East meets West medicine route has to be the best. Am going to reflexology tomorrow as really love it and havn't been since December. It always makes me so relaxed!!
Hey girls, sorry we seem to be having a group crap-time :hugs:

Fitzy, I'm sorry it was bad news at the FS - I'm with Rubyloo in thinking that you should carry on with the acu whilst having provera. It can only help :thumbup: At least you can be safe in the knowledge that you're doing better than that woman we both advised not to take the "clomid" she'd bought online. Think she gave up posting when nobody told her it was a wonderful idea :dohh:

Thanks Abs! OMG I'd forgotten about that ridiculous even contemplating self-prescribing like that!! I am so happy with the two docs I am seeing in hospital. They are both progressive and so on the ball when it comes to the follicle tracking as they want to ensure that overstimulation does not occur!! Sticking to my accu...I've had 9 sessions now...come on your job!!

Do any of you lovely ladies do reflexology??
HI ladies
had my first accu session since the m/c and i am back on the herbs and as soon as i get my AF i am back to ttc again-trying to stay positive i did it once i can do it again !!!
TMI coming up but i was still bleeding after m/c but 2 hours after having accu the bleeding stopped and it has gone so I think Cathy is magic(MY TCM practitioner by the way - not just some ramdon person lol!) loads of pma girls xxx
HI ladies
had my first accu session since the m/c and i am back on the herbs and as soon as i get my AF i am back to ttc again-trying to stay positive i did it once i can do it again !!!
TMI coming up but i was still bleeding after m/c but 2 hours after having accu the bleeding stopped and it has gone so I think Cathy is magic(MY TCM practitioner by the way - not just some ramdon person lol!) loads of pma girls xxx

Glitter, that's amazing about flow stopping!! She really must be a miracle worker AND I just know ou can do it again too!!!:happydance:
Hi Glitter! That is amazing that the bleeding stopped after acu, sounds like your lady really knows what she's doing!

Fitzy, I don't do reflexology but would really like to give it a try. I love love love a good foot massage so I can only imagine it would be like the best foot massage ever. How long does a session usually last?
Welcome back Glitterqueen :hugs: You can def do it again - especially with Magic Cath!

Mmmmm...... reflexology - love it! Really relaxing and if you're having iot when you're pregnant you'll find out that your feet change a little as the baby grows, so yoru therapist can literally feel it. Had it (interspersed with massage when I was first pregnant) very regularly from summer 06 to early this year. Am only taking a break until I'm pregnant. Once I'm up the duff, I'll have acu fortnightly and be able to afford massage monthly again, moving onto reflexology after about12 weeks, depending how comfortable lying on my front is. My sessions last about an hour and quite often i find I've been drifting in a semi-conscious state, much like at acu.

As for jokes, one of the funniest I've heard is when you take your baby for its 6-week check and the doctor asks you what you're using as contraception. :rofl::rofl: Jojo and laummatt will know how funny this is already, the rest of you will find out quite soon. :thumbup: Is it bad to laugh at a doctor?

Abi x

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