The Really Useful TCM Thread

As for jokes, one of the funniest I've heard is when you take your baby for its 6-week check and the doctor asks you what you're using as contraception. :rofl::rofl: Jojo and laummatt will know how funny this is already, the rest of you will find out quite soon. :thumbup: Is it bad to laugh at a doctor?

Abi x

Ok I get it -the baby is the contraception.... Nice one!

Welcome back Glitterqueen - I hope Cathy works her magic on you again. And I hope she works her magic on me too.... :thumbup:

I started my proper AF in the middle of the night last night. I was dreaming I was having a blood transfusion etc and that I was breathing like I was in labour and I woke up in bad pain so went and took two nuerofen (only things that help me quickly - and wanted to get back to sleep pretty fast not lie there in pain for an hr). I feel fine this am again. Hopefully wont need anymore painkillers.

Pretty Pee'd off though that AF arrived but Im over it - on to a new cycle and more acup and herbs etc.... I really need to stop obsessing so much. :wacko:

2 of my friends are trying at the moment and I know that when I see them at Easter they will be telling me their good news - i need to practice my happy face.....:dohh:
Not sure if this will come up as a proper link, but it has some really full answers to various fertility/TCM questions and is well worth a read.

Abi x
Hey - ok so not temping has just come back to bite me in the butt!! Im on day 28 of a 'normal' 24/25 day cycle. Of course I can only guess when I ov...... should be due on today at the latest... maybe the herbs are actually working and I'll get a decent LP or maybe ....... cant let that thought take over too much.

ohh yes contraception... bloody idiots.... didnt need that for a few months thanks very much!!! with sore boobs, stitches and exhaustion... who are they kidding....
As for jokes, one of the funniest I've heard is when you take your baby for its 6-week check and the doctor asks you what you're using as contraception. :rofl::rofl: Jojo and laummatt will know how funny this is already, the rest of you will find out quite soon. :thumbup: Is it bad to laugh at a doctor?

Abi x

Ok I get it -the baby is the contraception.... Nice one!

Welcome back Glitterqueen - I hope Cathy works her magic on you again. And I hope she works her magic on me too.... :thumbup:

I started my proper AF in the middle of the night last night. I was dreaming I was having a blood transfusion etc and that I was breathing like I was in labour and I woke up in bad pain so went and took two nuerofen (only things that help me quickly - and wanted to get back to sleep pretty fast not lie there in pain for an hr). I feel fine this am again. Hopefully wont need anymore painkillers.

Pretty Pee'd off though that AF arrived but Im over it - on to a new cycle and more acup and herbs etc.... I really need to stop obsessing so much. :wacko:

2 of my friends are trying at the moment and I know that when I see them at Easter they will be telling me their good news - i need to practice my happy face.....:dohh:

HI i didn't relaise you were going to cathy as well-isn't she lovely. I was only seeing her for bout 8 weeks when i fell preg after 14 months of actively trying so i think she is great-r u having accu and herbs. I fancied trying reflexology just for relaxation but don't want to bankrupt myself, cathy had mentioned something about paying for block sessions to save money so i think i might do that this time. i had really painful periods too but cathy really sorted them out so good luck xx
Morning all - so my bubble of 'maybe, maybe' has burst, the witch is here! On a good note my cycle has given me an 8 day LP (which is an improvement from 6/7) just need to get ovulating earlier. Onwards and upwards, I think Im runningout of energy tho!!
Sorry to hear she got you Laummat but the slightly longer LP has to be a positive!! How long have you been doing accu? Am sure earlier ovulation can be worked on- it might just take a while. Take it nice and handy for next few days in prep for the next stage of the TTC marathon!!:hugs:
Hiya Fitzy - thanks. I am quite happy about the LP even if it is still crap!! Even Dh was disappointed this morning, I think he's also worried about another month of marathon sex!! Im surprised that Im disappointed but not upset, I've got my head round going to the FS now and being put on Clomid so didnt really expect much altho it was lovely living in the 'I might be' bubble, cant wait for it to be a reality now, whenever that might be :wacko:

Yes going to rest up well now and speak to him about this ov, I've only been going since end of Jan (ish) so early days still.

Think Im also in a good mood as DS actually slept all night till 6am.... hoo-bloody-rah!!!!! bout time!!

How is going with your FS, when will you start higher dose of Clomid?

HI i didn't relaise you were going to cathy as well-isn't she lovely. I was only seeing her for bout 8 weeks when i fell preg after 14 months of actively trying so i think she is great-r u having accu and herbs. I fancied trying reflexology just for relaxation but don't want to bankrupt myself, cathy had mentioned something about paying for block sessions to save money so i think i might do that this time. i had really painful periods too but cathy really sorted them out so good luck xx

Hi Glitterqueen - yeah I started with her on the 1st Feb - just had my 5th session on Tuesday. Its very relaxing and she is such a nice woman. Im taking the powdered herbs and the black tablets too. The powdered stuff is so bad I have to hold my nose - mind you i might be starting to get a taste for it.

I just got my AF yesterday and it was pretty bad to start with but not so bad today - so dont think it helped much this month - hope that changes for next month. I would love if she could work some magic on me - its been so long for us trying (26th cycle now) - its heartbreaking.

I think I might need to go back to the Dr to see about a Lap & dye (I have never been checked and have alot of the symptoms).

I must seeing about paying for block sessions too - it can be quite expensive this TTC carry on!

Good luck to you too for this cycle. :thumbup:

HI i didn't relaise you were going to cathy as well-isn't she lovely. I was only seeing her for bout 8 weeks when i fell preg after 14 months of actively trying so i think she is great-r u having accu and herbs. I fancied trying reflexology just for relaxation but don't want to bankrupt myself, cathy had mentioned something about paying for block sessions to save money so i think i might do that this time. i had really painful periods too but cathy really sorted them out so good luck xx

Hi Glitterqueen - yeah I started with her on the 1st Feb - just had my 5th session on Tuesday. Its very relaxing and she is such a nice woman. Im taking the powdered herbs and the black tablets too. The powdered stuff is so bad I have to hold my nose - mind you i might be starting to get a taste for it.

I just got my AF yesterday and it was pretty bad to start with but not so bad today - so dont think it helped much this month - hope that changes for next month. I would love if she could work some magic on me - its been so long for us trying (26th cycle now) - its heartbreaking.

I think I might need to go back to the Dr to see about a Lap & dye (I have never been checked and have alot of the symptoms).

I must seeing about paying for block sessions too - it can be quite expensive this TTC carry on!

Good luck to you too for this cycle. :thumbup:

Defo push for a lap and dye-i had been tryng for 14 months and fell 2 months after lap and dye-even if they find nothing it clears the tubes so to speak. Be careful with the painkillers you take as well they aren't good when ttc but i know its difficult to cope without them. I had the black balls too they are specifically for painful periods my sedond period was much better than my first after starting accu so hang on in there xxx
How is going with your FS, when will you start higher dose of Clomid?

Hi hun,
Am on Provera again to bring on bleed and then start Clomid 100mg on days 3 -7 so by my reckoning that should be next weekend. Here's hoping it works this time:wacko:
Best of luck Fitzy. Do they make you do a preg test to confirm before you take the Provera? So when do you think you will ovulate, 5 days or so after the last pill?
I took a test and was so loathe to do it as HATE :bfn:'s with a passion!!

If/When (positive thinking:winkwink:) the Clomid works this cycle I've read that I could ovulate anywhere between 3 and 10 days after last pill!! So...a 2010 baby could still be a possibility!!!(Again positive thinking!!:haha:)

When are you starting Clomid Bernina??
Hey girls, saw Quing again on Friday. Had a chest infection following cold and was finding I was really tired/out of breath with any activity. Didn't have a temp chart to show her as for the 7 nights since I'd last seen her I'd either not had 3 hours' solid sleep, #1 being ill and waking a lot, or was ill with a raging temp myself.

Had 2 needles in my scalp, some (I think) in my lower back and a cup on my upper back for my chest, with heat on my back.

Once on my back I had needles in my right had (1) and my lower legs. She did some quick in-and-outs on my abdomen before leaving needles just in my lower legs (apparently the points furthest from the area being treated are the most effective ones, hence Quing's of my leg and hand points). Heat on my abdomen.

Now I'm on dry herbs. Quing said she could either treat my chest or give me the dry herbs, so I went for treating myself and attacked my chest with tea tree oil and steam inhalations which seems to have done the trick, as usual.
I found the tea very woody, bitter and strong on friday night - a bit bleurgh - necked it with my nose pinched after breakfast yesterday and drank it quite easily last night, so I must be getting used to it. She told me she can do a lot for me in 10 days with dry herbs (fingers crossed!). The session cost me £55 - £35 for the acu, which is the standard price, and £20 for the herbs. Herbs as a stand-alone treatment are £35 for 3 bags (6 days' treatment) but in tandem with acu treatment they only charge £20. Bargain!

Going back on Tuesday as she won't be there on Friday.

The black pills are "patented pills" made from decoctions of dry herbs and there are tons of them, rather than just being for painful periods. I've had different kidney toning recipes, one for my spleen and one for my chest in the past.

RebaRezzelba, does a hot water bottle work for your pains? You'll soon find your pains improve and maybe even stop very soon. All signs of yor menstrual cycle getting healthier. :thumbup:

Good luck Fitzy! Fingers crossed x

Sorry the bitch got you, laummatt - but at least you felt better about it this time, on the plus side.

Abi x
greetings all! the sun is out here which, despite the frost, is a hugh boost to the spirits!

i'm sat here eating my blood-nourishing breakfast (brown rice flake 'porridge' with raisins, figs and mixed spice...) and suddenly thought about all the ladies on here! so thought i'd pop on to say hello.

despite the latent control freak in me i'm finding the freedom from temping really nice. quite often i'd go to bed and worry about a) waking up and not getting back to sleep in time or b) during the 2ww worry about my temps dropping. all in all it did not make for a good night's sleep! what i am finding about the diet et al is that although i've had a pretty horrid cold for the best part of a week, its not come to anything much. everyone else around me who's had it are on antibiotics. my sinuses are still giving me a bit of hassle, but i'm finding lavander oil inhilations are pretty effective. Abi - well done for the tea tree route - my mum has always sweared by this when an illness is threatening being more serious! :thumbup:

as to everything else, well, the bding every other day went out the window last week as DH and i are so busy at the moment. bed was for sleeping! although we are trying to make up for things this weekend :winkwink: the freedom from temps/opks etc has made him more relaxed too so the process of trying for a baby has become a lot more pleasurable! i'm trying to take the advice of some of the info i read on that link Abi had a few posts back and bding in the morning. in truth i've always preferred morning nook as i'm relaxed and generally have more energy. goodness knows when i'll manage to ov this month, but got acu on wed and hopefully we'll see how things are doing then.

anyway - this has turned into a tmi essay so i'll leave it there!

Morning girls - It sounds like we all need our prac to kick our ovaries into Ov earlier!! Come on ovaries, you can do it!!

*warning of a little to much info here* so the witch arrived Fri, few days late but hopefully with a longer LP 8/10 day depending on when I ov'd - course I dont know this month!! Either way Im not preggers!! When she did arrive it was much redder and more in quantity, still not heavy but I never have been. I do usually spot for a few day after (up to 5), but this time all completely stopped in 3 days. Thats got to be a good sign, hasn't it?

No PMS again this month, but some cramping on CD1. This time, I took it well that the witch was here until Fri eve, I just burst into tears. Have never done that before, I think it was frustration, being back at CD1 again, thinking I may not ov till day 18/20 again. God I hope my prac. can help with that this month....

Heres hoping for all of us, keep us posted x x x
Morning all.

Well my AF started on Thurs morning (heavy), Friday (med-light) and Sat non existent until that night (weird), sun (spotting), today (spotting). I only had pain Thurs morning, no usual backache though which is good (actually cant rem the last time I had that weak lower back aching feeling - think the acup is def helping there). So only took 2 painkillers this period altogether which is brilliant. The hot water bottle really helped - i even took it to work (nobody in the office on Fri) so it was lovely and soothing.

I have my 6th acup session tomorrow evening - Im really hoping that she can help me this month.... And i really should go to the doctor again and ask about the lap and dye.... maybe i dont have endo but my tubes might just need a clear out. Must mention it to Cathy tomorrow night see what she thinks.

I bought loads of health food stuff too - nuts, seeds, grains, beans etc - gonna get a few good healthier meals in me every week. Try to avoid take aways (which i have done for about 4 weeks now), fizzy drinks, sweets and cakes (my downfall). I had a few wines over the weekend cos I was visiting my sister - not too many though so back on the wagon again....
we all seem to be in a simialr place in our cycles.. weird!!

Just wanted to ask if anyone who has been taking Bvits and stopped has had a better LP. I've been taking Bvits since Nov and my LP has got shorter , 8, 7 & 6 and this month I thought sod it, doesnt seem to be helping and I got a longer LP. Just a thought, Im sure its the herbs more than anything but they obviously aren't making much of a diff to me!
I took BVits for 3/4 month last year and they didnt make one bit of difference to my LP so I just went off them again.
RebaRezzelba thanks for the reply. I was beginning to think it was just me but after a bit more research it appears we are not alone. One girl claimed hers went to 3 days.. Will steer clear from now on and just get the vits in my diet.
Hi everyone, sorry to hear the witch seems to be getting us all. :growlmad:

I haven't found that the BVits have shortened my LP though they don't seem to be helping anymore so think I may give it a miss. One interesting thing I read in the newspaper on Friday is that apparently certain vitamins (incl C and B) have a VERY short shelf life and can deteriorate in as quickly as a week after opening the tub. I did find that my LP went to approx 10-11 days after the first month on Bvits but now they are having no effect - I'm still munching my way through tablets from the same tub as I bought such a big tub. I wonder if that may be why they are no longer working :shrug:

Anyway, I had my 3rd acu session on Friday with my new-ish practitioner Galit. I was on CD12. She only did 7 needles this time. Two very low down below my ovaries, two above my ovaries, one in my left wrist, one in the right hand side of my left foot near my toes, and one on the left hand side of my calf on my left leg. Apparantly my pulse and tongue are improving which is positive. I'm off on holiday next week so won't have the next session now until next month's cycle.

This month I have also stopped using the OPKs. I think I ovulated around CD14 (as I had EWCM on day 12-14 and ovulation pains which stopped on CD14) but I can't know for sure as I have decided to stop monitoring it as it was stressing me out. I have found it very liberating I have to say. And if I did ovulate on CD12-14 then that is an improvement. Although my LP is only 9 days Galit said that it is not an exact science and she thought that for some people it is still possible to get pregnant with a 9 day LP (she is Zita West trained). I am trying to relax and I'm feeling a bit more positive finally.

I also went to my GP today (I booked it 2 weeks ago when I was in the depths of despair about the witch arriving). He is going to do a full test of my bloods on CD 3 and CD21 to reassure me nothing is wrong.

Sorry this has turned into a very long post! Anyway, fingers crossed to us all for our BFPs


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