The Really Useful TCM Thread

PS - I forgot to mention that my agnus castus experiment came to an abrupt halt on CD9. I took it from CD2 to CD9 but had lots of spotting from CD4-CD9 (my AF stopped on CD3). I'm not sure if the agnus castus caused the spotting but when I stopped it on CD9 so did the spotting.

PPS - on a good news front we pick up our new furbaby on 28 March, a little black cocker spaniel called Daisy :happydance:
Hi everyone,

Had my 6th session last night, she put the needles in the usual places (hand, belly, legs, feet, ankles). She also gave me a new batch of tablets to take along with the powdered herbs - these are called Ba Zhen Yi Mu Wan and they translate as Eight Treasue pill for mothers (or something like that). So here's hoping they make some difference this month. My next session is next Thursday - this is an expensive carry on isnt it!

Hey Lulu - good luck with the new dog - i'd love to get a puppy - not practical for us though with work etc - poor thing would be alone most of the day which wouldnt be right - but i so want one. Might get a cat instead!!!
Saw Quing yesterday as she's away on friday.
Told her the herbs are really bitter (had trouble with them on sunday; kept thinking about the next time I had to take them and feeling nauseous, not so bad at all on monday and yesterday though, funnily). She said to add a spoonful of honey, or anything else sweet, to the cup - top tip! Can still tell herbs are bitter but it really takes the edge off the taste :thumbup:

What is it with the spotting? I've never spotted in my life, other than what I think was implantation bleeding when I had my chemical last year, but my period ended on saturday, I was pretty much clear on sunday and had some spotting monday, tuesday and today (getting browner/more faded each day). Quing said not to worry about it - mentioned something about the liver sometimes doing this - and said no whan i asked her if ti might be the herbs, clearing me out fully so to speak. Playing on my mind a bit though.

Anyway, the tea tree on my chest, in my vaporiser and in steam inhalations, along with lots of rest, did the trick and I feel pretty much back to normal. Quing put a cup on me anyway and I had needles in all the normal places - scalp, some quick in-and-outs on my upper back and some needles in my lower back, plus heat lamp.
Lying on my back, she did some in-and-outs on my abdomen and then put hte normal ones in my lower legs and put hte heat lamp on my abdomen.

Seeds in my right ear again.

Seeing her again a week on friday. I'm on CD10 and very aware I need to ov earlier, about CD14 at latest I think, so I'm a bit concerned I still only have creamy cm.
The herbs I have at the moment will last til tomorrow morning. The new ones are going to be less bitter apparently. I need to make them last til next friday morning. Need to use lots more water then I do with OH's psoriasis herbs, soak and cook them for longer and make more portions. OH's herbs're really doing the trick. Would be working even better if he'd drink more water and come to bed earlier...
Yet another pregnancy announcement at the weekend. They seem to be a weekly event at the moment and it's just doing my head in.
Abi x
Hey Abi,

The spotting sucks - hope this is just a one off for you.

I'd dreading going back home at Easter cos I just know one of my friends if not two of them will be annoncing their BFP's.... i need to practice my shocked, happy face.... not my "i hate you" face!!!

We all seem to be around the same CD on here - im CD7 at the moment. I got 10 OPK's last weekend too so gonna use them this month and try to just DTD every other day until I see a positive on them. I really hope the acup can help this month - it will be my 8th session next thursday (ov should be due to take place on Friday) so I hope the sperm meets the egg!!!
well, its obviously the month for spotting. i'm on CD19 and on my third day of spotting...started on monday and was really red which worried me. now just sort of brownish (tmi, sorry).

Acu session today and she popped needles between my eyes, above my knees, on the outside of my shins, tops of my feet and two in my toes, which she then did moxa on which was lovely and warming. according to my prac an upset digestion can cause spotting as the quality of our blood relates to the quality of our digestion. mine has been dreadful for about two weeks now - down to stress primarily (been a bit like ibs plus indigestion). the needles were in points which were supposed to stop the spotting and settle my poor tummy down! it was very relaxing and i nearly dropped off a couple of times. no sign of ewcm or ovulation as yet - bit of a pain - but if i ov on day 29 which would be the same as last month then next weekend will be a bding marathon! seeing her again next wed.

here's hoping our ovaries get on with it! x
Hi all - well I had my acu yesterday and he was pls'd with my improved cycle and general well being but said I must eat more meat, beetroot and nettles!!!! DH will think I've finally gone past the point of no return!
I asked how we can encourage ov to come along earlier this month and he said that its up to the herbs and what my body does with its extra energy. It will ovulate when its ready and this may be late this month and maybe next but soon it will feel strong enough to ov at a good time. Come on body!! Im so up and down on this rollercoaster this month, really down and desperate then loads on PMA and total calm!! I think Im actually going crazy.....

Anyway took the 'must get more rest' literally and went to bed last night 8.30 and got up at 7... ok so was up twice in the night with DS but only 10mins at a time. And then I took his afternoon nap with him today... how much sleep can I have??? Im up for finding out!!

Yes all these pregnancy announcements are tough, but Im getting better with dealing with them randomly. Had a 8 day old baby at playgroup today and wasnt jealous, just waiting for my turn. Our turns will come!! :thumbup:
Hey Reba, I know what you mean about the "I hate you" face! I feel bad for feeling bad about other people falling pregnant but sometimes I just think "Wait your bloody turn!! I was first in line! Grrr. There's nothing reasonable about LTTTC. I just feel so damn unlucky now. Last year was ever so stressful, just focused on ttc the whole time. Sometimes I evaluate the way I feel in myself and always come to the conclusion that I'm not a very happy person at all any more. Add to that the fact that my OH is being the father of all arseholes at the moment and it's been week of grrrr. We will all get there, I@m sure acu can help us, it's just tough doing all this waiting when some people just push ahead and grab it like it's nothing. I don't resent pregnant women, I just want to be one of them again, finally. After this big long moan, please don't think I don't realise how lucky I am to have #1 already - and I was one of the sneeze-and-I'm-pregnant crew the first time round.... oh the irony (you see, the really annoying people are those who do it twice in a row!).

Rubyloo, my digestion's been a bit funny recently and I'm partly putting it down to getting used to the herbs and possibly to the large amount of gunk that's been draining from my lungs. Hopefully I've seen the last of it, but I've yet to see the first of the ewcm.

I love those early nights, laummatt! Wish our bodies'd come on and do their thing. Bloody bodies...

Abi x
had my second acu appt after m/c today plus cathy put in some needles to help my sinus problem which is driving me mad-no runny nose just really painful headache! She told me again absolutely not to get preg this month but to wait until my period starts again but its hard especially since i am ov at the minute and i have never seen so much ewcm-typical!! still trying to eat healthy and lose weight but it is stubborn stuff this weight!! and eating so many veg has set my IBS off-ah well ho hum it will all be worth it in the end!! x
i hate waiting to ewcm yet but holding on for monday. i usually get it approx 5 days before so if its going to be day 29 again then that would be about right. it would be nice to ov before, but i'm happy to wait for my body to gear up so to speak. last month was lovely with the amount of ewcm!!!

just about everyone i know is either a) pregnant or b) just had a baby! its driving me slightly mad in truth. it leaves me feeling so bloody low - i'm not angry and i don't hate them....i just feel like i'm crap and my body is crap. not a very healthy outlook but there you go. i'm sat in front of the tv with a glass of wine. ok, so prob ought not touch alcohol but ttc is hard enough as it is. i need some pleasure!
Well we have been a busy lot attending our accu in past couple days havn't we if only our bodies will catch on that we're doing all this so that they can get on with the task of procreation..did someone forget to send them the memo:dohh:

I also had accu yesterday...session number 10!! My pulse was weak and little more coating on tongue than had been in recent weeks.I'm trying to fend off a full blown cold at the moment so that could explain it. I was put back on pills for blood tonic as well as my sachets of "motherhood" pills twice daily!! Needles went into feet, abdomen, fleshy part of thumb, one in scalp and one in the inner part of each ear. Nice gentle pulses for most of the session and only got really intense when he twisted the needles deeper for last 10 mins.

On Western front, I'm on last night of Provera so should get bleed within couple of days then onto my clomid 100mg...fingers crossed that I'll ovulate on it this month and that the accu and chinese meds will have my body well ready to ensure a little Beany will implant...that's my wish anyway!

Like the rest of you I have so many friends pregnant at the moment or just recently given birth. My email inbox is full of beautiful piccies of friends newborns and it's breaking my heart. Was in Next buying baby pressies at weekend and had to leave as was surrounded by lovely big bumps and I couldn't help feeling insane jealousy..I hate what LTTC is doing to me. It's not all the time but when it hits it hits BAD!!

Girls, our time will come...we've all started accu in and around the same time...let's think positive....I reckon there's a very good chance that we could all be Bump Buddies great would that be?? We can have a first tri TCM Baby Bumps thread...:happydance: Positive thinking...we can do this..our bodies are just taking their time catching up with our heads!!

Sorry for essay girls but do feel bit better now:blush:
Hi Ladies, :wave:

Well we all seem to be doing our best to get a BFP - wish it wasnt taking so long though!

Gliterqueen - it must be hard to not try this month esp seen as your getting loads of EWCM - but Im sure Cathy knows best and wants your body to be in tip top condition for next month. Hang in there - you can do it!

Abi - Sorry OH is being an "arsehole" - men eh - they just dont understand at all do they. Hope he gets over his mood soon.

Laumatt - Glad Acup went well - I must start getting a bit more sleep myself. Went to bed early last night (10.30) its usually 11.30 or closer to 12am - not good for the body so need to address that issue this week. feel like Im missing half the day though if i go to bed earlier. But i suppose its better for DH cos he's always so wrecked with work that its a better time to be DTD instead of 12am....

Rubyloo - My digestion has never really been that good to be honest - get heartburn alot, symptoms of IBS too but never had it checked out - no wonder I've been spotting for years! Might need to change the diet completely.

Fitzy - how great would it be for us all to get our BFP this month or next - and to be in the first Tri together - i really hope that happens. Ive been on BnB since last July and Ive seen so many people come and go that I was friendly with (they all got their BFP's and Im still here waiting) so I hope thats not the case again.

As for seeing friends getting pregnant before me, I dont hate them i just hate that it only took them one month or 2 max to get their BFP. I just wish they could experience what Im experiencing even if it took them 6 months - i wouldnt want anyone to go through 27 months like me though!

Well CD8 for me.... roll on CD16 and Ov day.... I feel good about this month - but i've felt that before and nothing..... ok positive thinking, happy thoughts.... :happydance: :wacko: :happydance:
Hey Reba - love the PMA! thanks for sharing and i agree, how amazing would it be to have a TCM first tri thread?!

as for digestion, i've got coeliac disease (allergy to gluten) and mega diary intolerance (i think i've mentioned this loads on here so sorry if i'm repeating myself ad infinitum....:roll:...!). if i avoid foods containing these my digestion tends to be pretty stable so it might be something to get checked out.....kinesiology is a great way to do this without invasive tests et al. (Although my coeliac was diagnosed by my doctor). my prac has blamed my terrible tummy on stress! i mean we all get stressed, but the last six weeks have just been so full-on. for example, due to DH work load this was me this weekend:


added to which his broken hand means he can't even iron his shirts!

MEN?! only good for a few things and even then you have to be in the right mood x
Hi Rubyloo

My cousin actually mentioned a kinseologist (cant spell) to me a few weeks ago - she said a few girls from her work went to this guy and they got their BFP - but also one or 2 didnt but its def worth a try. I might give it a go if the acupuncture doesnt work.

I love the depiction of your busy week - mine wasnt so busy :)
:brush: :toothpick: :shower: :coffee: :munch: :book: :sex:

Actually it was pretty boring -i need to get a social life.....
reba - the kinesiologist could find out if you have any sensitivities to food but i'd defo stick to the acu for getting pg.

not that anyone needs to know, but just to share anyway because i'm excited, i've got ewcm this evening and am sooooooo thrilled because i always get ewcm for 5 days before ov (counting the day it appears) so if that stands this month i ought to be due ov on the 16th or cd 25!!!!!!!!! last month was cd 29, my first month of acu and diet changes, and the month before that was cd 31. that's a whole 6 days knocked off since starting acu! amazing! even if i don't get pg if my ov continues to come forward that means i've at least got a chance of conceiving every month which is more than its been for a year now! oh to have a four week cycle!

watch this space!

Rubyloo thats fantastic news!! :happydance:

I actually just popped on here to see how everyone was doing and if anyone was having any joy with better ov or LP?!

Abs - is your body playing ball this month, any signs of that earlier ov?

Im CD 9 and nothing to report.... yet!!!
just to add - since acu on wed my bbt has been much higher (not post ov high yet) but just higher than it was.

oh, and my best friend who is in early pregnancy (6 weeks) had acu for the first time this week on my recommendation for her sickness et al. she now feels AMAZING! she couldn't believe the difference it made.

anyway, acu is great and i for one am a convert!
I am excited to finally join this tcm thread. I went for my first acupuncture session yesterday and loved it. Really relaxing and interesting the different sensations.

My goal is to achieve pregnancy - but I have a lot of conditions to battle. Just had a lap done - 6cm cyst removed - tons of endo removed - fluid filled blocked tube - pcos.

I was given Wen Jing Tang Wan - black little balls - 8 - 3 times a day for 2 weeks

I wondered if anyone else has taken it - and or had any success with acupuncture or this "herb"
hi blue!

although i'm still one of the 'newbies' here i'd like to welcome to this truly lovly thread, full of the most supportive people. i'm sorry to hear of all your problems and really hope that TCM will help you - i know for sure that its helping me - even though it might take a while!

good luck and do keep us all updated!

Hi Blue

Welcome to this thread. I really hope that TCM can help you. I too have only been dong it since end of Jan and have already noticed changes on my cycles, only a matter of time before they stop altogether for that magic 9 months!!

I see that your waiting for IVF so hopefully even if you cant manage it naturally it can prepare your body for the IVF and will have a happy outcome.

CD10 for me... still nothing... bit of EWCM but not much!! Come on body DH goes away next week so I def cant have a late ov this month!!!

Hope all are well x
:hi: Welcome to the thread Blue! Sounds like you've had a pretty hard time of it. Hope the accu can bring some balance into your body and help you on the road to your :bfp:! I havn't taken the pills you mention but do take lots of the "little black ball" concoctions at varying times in cycle!!

Laummat...fingers crossed that you get a nice normal ovulation pattern this cycle and are gearing up for a :sex:ing marathon this week!

Rubyloo...great news about your higher pre-ov temps. I've found that accu has really raised my BBT too as used to be averaging 96.8 (pre-ov) and now it's abou 97.2/3 so has to be working some magic eh??!!

Still waiting on Provera induced bleed to start my clomid's taking it's time!!

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