The Really Useful TCM Thread

Minimin...keeping everything crossed scan will show a healthy bub with a lovely heartbeat:hugs:

Reba...s*&t about the spotting..AGAIN!! Hope you have a good weekend away.'ll be having a busy one no doubt...energies to be spent on BD'ing only!!:winkwink:
Minimin, congrats on the BFP and I'll be thinking of you. I know it's so scary after having mc's. Best of luck at your next scan honey :hugs:

Reba, I'm so sorry about the spotting, I struggled with that for months on end and even after I got it to go away, it still came back again (admitedly less and fewer days though). Do you only have cycle end spotting or do you suffer from mid cycle as well? My FS told me the end of cycle spotting is not as much a concern as mid cycle. What worked for me to get rid of mid cycle was a supplement my acupuncturist gave me called Vitanica Pregnancy Prep. As soon as I started taking it my spotting went away and stayed away for several months. Then when it did come back it was only end of cycle and only a day or two. I also take 50mg balanced b complex as I have a luteal phase on the shorter side (worst 10, at best 12).

Hope everyone is doing well!!
bernina................ Did I miss something?? You have a BFP!!!!!!!!

How did I miss that?? Massive congrats

And of course to Minimin lets hope and pray its good news at your scan this time. I cant imagine how nervous you must be as I was at 12 wks and have no history of MC whatsoever. My heart was literally in my mouth. Best of luck x
Thanks girls! And of course Bernina- Congrats :wohoo:
One more day down.....eek!
Thanks Laummatt!!! I'm glad I could finally join you over in the pregnancy threads even if you do have quite the head start on me :)

Hope you're continuing to feel well!!
Congratulations Bernina!! Fantastic news x

Minimin, good luck with your scan :flower: I know nothing will stop you worrying but the fact you've had so much TCM treatment is definitely on your side.

Sorry Reba :hugs:- great to see what you look like though! When are you off on holiday? Still planning to leave the clomid til september?

Hey everybody :winkwink:

Saw Qing yesterday. 5/6 dpo - looking at my chart I could have ov'd on cd 14/15. Have definitely ov'd but my post-ov temps are quite low so she's given me a new spleen decoction with ginger, for warming. PLus the same kidney yang tonic as last time. I'm continuing to treat myself with aromatherapy for the remainder of my chest infection, although it's barely there there's still a tiny rattle when I breathe out hard, and we don't want any damp...

My spleen was a bit tight when she started but after a little time on my front with the back needles in, she checked my pulse and it had opened up a little bit, as she put it, and was much better. She checked my tongue and pulse once I was on my back. My liver is better (there was always a bit if liver weakness but not as bad as anything else) and my puny kidney yang is definitely much, much better. Huzzar!! On my back, I had needles in my lower legs and a bit of in-and-out on my sternum, for my spleen, plus one needle in my left thumb flap.

I'm to do heat on my back and the spleen massage on my tummy and legs but no more moxa on my tummy for the moment.

Fingers crossed again, then...

Laummatt - #1 decided to wear big girl pants yesterday! Quite a few accidents, but she's taken to it really well and on one occasion was sat on the potty doing a wee before we even knew she needed to go!
Hey Abs... Ahh potty training. we've just done that about 2 weeks ago as soon as preschool broke up. We seemed to get lucky and he took to it well, bit confused about wearing pants but not weeing in them at first but he's quickly got the hang of it, as long as were on hand to help get them down. I think if your prepared for accidents its not very stressful. Went to town with him today and he announced that he needed a wee (very loudly) in cafe Nero but NOT a POO!!!! ohh lovely.... I do still pop him in pull ups for the car journey as we live half hour from anywhere but he's been quite good. No more nappies.. for a while Yeah!
She sounds like she'll have it in few days.. big girl now ;o)

Fingers crossed for you....
uggh I just did a huge post and somehow lost it! Too tired to do it all again, will come back later

Minimin, thinking of you. Wish I could take some nervousness away.
Thanks Daydreamum.
I am trying to keep positive :wacko: but kinda failing every now and then. I will post ones I know something tomorrow.
Sorry you lost your post! Hope you are doing well hun :hugs:
Morning all

Firstly Bernina - OMG congrats to you - you must be over the moon. :thumbup:

Minimin - hope the scan goes well.

Abi - yeah off on holidays at the end of Aug and hopefully starting the clomid then too.

Well my full AF came on Sunday (not Tues or wed as predicted) so that was only 2-3 days of spotting compared to my usual 5-6. Of course she showed up in full force and Ive been popping pills ever since - could do with 2 more now but I'll leave it, I'll get the hot water bottle out when i go home for lunch. Was in agony in bed last night so got up to get more drugs and went to the loo and (sorry TMI) a huge clot fell out of me - i always think im having a MC when that happens - it was huge and i could feel it moving through me and then falling out. Then another 2 after that but they were small.

Anyway I was (and still am) in 2 minds about the clomid - whether I should just bite the bullet and start now or wait til after the holiday??? what to do. My DH wants me to start now - and i kind of do too but the cons out weight the pros - cons being I have a few heavy weekends of partying coming up as loads of family and friends are home for a few weeks in Aug so i will be out drinking and over indulging. ANd of course then Im on holidays so thats more wine and food in Spain, and a flight and swimming in a chlorine pool and being in a foreign country if I feel sick or something. The pros are the sooner I start the sooner I might become pregnant and my patience is wearing thin now. But I think deep down I should wait!!!! Im CD3 now so I was suppose to start the clomid yesterday but I know its still not too late (can start up to CD5 cant I?).

What do you all think - start now or enjoy August and start when I get back from spain in Sept????
Hi girls, lets try this again!

Minimin, hoping the scan went well.

Bernina, huge congrats to you! I love seeing ppl get their bfps it gives me hope.

Reba, bugger af showing up early. Those clots sound terrible no wonder you've been in pain! Do you always get clots like that with af? I don't know about the clomid. I would probably start now if it was me because I have no patience! It does sound like you have a lot going on in August though so maybe it would be best to enjoy this one last month. . .

Laumatt, had to laugh at your ds wanting to do wees while at the cafe! I'm toilet training my ds atm and had a similar experience at the shops. He announced while we were in a que that he had to go wees and before I could decide what to do the poor kid said very sadly "oh no too late." It's hard adapting to it thats for sure.

Abi, well it seems the soy did make you O earlier. Hope the temps go up and keep on going up for you. How's the chest infection? Hope it's all cleared up now. You sound like me very prone to them. Ds is toilet training now too we have really good days and then not so good days. If I take him to a park or to mums group thats when he tends to forget. It's costing a fortune in pull-ups though they arn't cheap so I think I might look into some cloth ones I can wash.

Glitter, how did all your bd'ing go :winkwink: lets hope the egg had no chance of escape.

Fitzy, how are you going chicky? Have you done the hypnothereapy yet I can't remember now.

AFM, am cd 28 and at moments feel as though af is about to show and others I don't. I definetly don't feel pregnant though. I kind of wish af would just hurry up and get over with I hate this end of the tww. Boobs are sore like they usually get just before af and getting the niggly cramps and things so thinking shes not far off.
Hey girls!
#1's just been wearing big girl pants since we started training (with a washable nappy at night or for nap times and a folded-up towel on top of waterproof mat in her car seat or buggy) and she seems to have really got the hang of it. We take the potty and related paraphernalia everywhere and so far we've been really lucky- note I say So far! Obviously there've been accidents when she's been too busy playing but on the whole she's doing marvellously. Washable ones are a great idea - you can just shove them in with other clothes on a 40 wash, if you give them a little rinse beforehand to get any urine rinsed out.

How are things minimin?
I think with the heavy weekends and holiday it's best if you leave the clomid til September, Reba. I get the impression that's the way you're leaning anyway though.

I'm 9/10 dpo today and just keeping my fingers crossed. My temps seem good - yesterday, after a good sleep I got 36.72 - a record! - and this morning after really disturbed sleep 36.6, which I'm not sure what to make of. How about you, daydream?
Hey Girls,
The scan went well. Babba measuring 7w4d today with a nice HB. they didnt monitor HB though :(
Need to register with Antenatal and Midwife and more bloods this week.
Still in shock- I burst out crying when the sonographer told me she could see the baby :wacko:
Acu yesterday- Dr Yang was pleased and said to continue with our treatments.

I am waitin for my next scan- already scared :( Will keep you posted and checking here. I am rooting for you girls.!! :)

Morning ladies,

Minimin - fantastic news about the scan - im sure the next one will be good too. :thumbup:

Day dream - I hope she doesnt show for you and you get your BFP.

Abi - temps are looking good - i hope and pray this is your month too.

Well I bit the bullet and I started the clomid. I rang my sister (shes a trained midwife and a general nurse) and she said there will never be a perfect time to start (and shes right cos I have a 40th Party in Sept which includes a flight to london and a drinking session) so I just thought feck it Im starting them tonight (last night) so I have my 1st clomid pill in me now!!! no signs/symptoms of anything yet! Will call hospital for a scan for next friday (11 days after 1st pill) and hope everything looks ok.

Abi - i know I prob should of waited but after 32 plus months TTC im getting fed up waiting and I now have an excuse not to be drinking and partying too late.
Thank you all for the congrats and well wishes!! First scan on Aug 13, don't think it will feel real until that time.

Minimin, so glad to hear your scan went well and you got to see LO and the hearbeat, amazing!!!

Reba, best of luck with the Clomid. I didn't have any real side effects other than super hot flashes the first month I took it and maybe a bit more painful ovulation. The side effects seemed to diminish with my next 2 rounds.
Seems there's lots of action around here at the mo!!

Mini..great news from the scan.
Abs..hope the soy works its magic this month...those temps look great!

I had my hypno appointment yesterday and it wasn't at all what I had imagined. Wasn't put into a trance/asleep at any point. It works by inducing the rapid eye movement during which time different feelings/emotions you have are discussed. There was also some visualisation technique involved. The therapist seemed to think that from the session we had I've been dealing with all that has happened efficiently and moving myself through the process well. Had really vivid dreams last night which she had said would probably happen.

Today was accu day. Really enjoyed it and felt most relaxed I have been in the past few weeks. My tongue was pale...spleen deficiency but not pale as a result of coating which I usually have. Must dig out Randine and read up on that section again as it's been a while since thumbed through it. Hot foods ahoy for the next few weeks!!!
gadzooks! two more bfps! I need to pop in more often. the most massive and heartfelt congrats to the lovely ladies Minim and Bernina.....just the most wonderful and exciting news for you both. I will be keeping EVERYTHING crossed for you - wow - just the best news ever.

glad to see the rest of you are keeping up with your treatments and trying to keep positive in the face of it all - the hypno sounds really interesting as does the soy. I remember reading somewhere if you eat a lot of soy then it can adversely affect fertility BUT it would appear this is wrong, and taken at the right time it can bring ov forward. I will keep this bit of info for future reference (having waited, several times, for over 30 days to ov.....sigh.....)

not been having any acu as trying to save money and anyway its going on antenatal yoga at the mo - but my acu lady has said some treatments towards the end of the pregnancy would be a good idea esp. if bubs is being stubborn about coming out! these middle months are treating me well after a pretty hellish first 12 weeks - I've never been so ill in all my life. But its worth it, even if it feels crap at the time.

good luck and best wishes to all xxx
Well Af turned up this morning making it a 29 day cycle. Not as much pain as usual. I really really wanted an April baby but it was obviously not to be.

fitzy, do you think you will go back for the hypnotherapy or do you feel strong enough on your own now?

Reba, really hoping you are one of the lucky ones who clomid works first time for. 32 months ttc is too long. I really hope your bfp is just around the corner.

Abi, how are your temps going? I don't do temping anymore as I found it just stressed me out to much. Hopefully this is the lucky cycle for you

Minimin, so happy to read about your scan. Stay stong for mumma little bub.
Hey Day dream - sorry the witch (bitch) got you again. :hugs:

Thanks - i really hope im one of the lucky ones too but as usual im not feeling very hopeful. I read loads of things about how it only really helps if you dont Ov and I do Ov - but then I read good stories about people who Ov'd every month no problem and they got lucky 1st (or 2nd Month). I really hope thats gonna be me. Wish i could think positive - but the old negativity is creeping in!!! :wacko:

Hope everyone else is doing well?
Daydream...sorry witch ruined the party yet again:growlmad: I feel really chilled since the dreams have been full of babies but also lots of other vivid ones too. I think I'm in a really positive frame of mind and won't book another appt unless I feel I need it down the line.

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