The Really Useful TCM Thread

And I could have written what you just wrote, daydream! I know exectly what you mean about missing the boat - when you say it, or write it down, it does seem a bit daft, but when you think it it makes perfect sense. I have the healthiest lifestyle of anybody I know and my body deals with pregnancy really well. What you have to try to remember is that under chinese medicine everything revolves around the same organs we're so obsessed with as TCMers and that imbalances just manifest themselves in different ways - ie kidney yang deficiency can ( as I remember) lead to osteoporosis rather than infertility. In positive times I remind myself of this and the fact that at least I know I'm sorting out my problems. As for bad habits, my sister is due on Oct 1st and is still drinking wine, although less than usual. Her statement 'if I gave up alcohol my body would go into shock' just says to me that she's being too selfish to make changes for the benefit of her unborn child - foetal alcohol syndrome doesn't just affect the babies of alcoholics, it's been found in children whose mothers drank very small amounts. She's still eating soft cheese too. Grr! If you're not willing to moderate your eating and drinking habits for a few months what does that say about your understanding of the importance of your baby?? And here we are doing everything we can. At least we can say that.
Rant? Moi?!
hey girlies
went to doc today at cathys advice due to the very bloated tummy and pain-he thinks it is ibs/ really bad period even though i told him the pain was different. he gave me buscopan for cramps and ponstan which i informed him was dangerous if ttc but he looked at me blankly-as usual!! if still in pain in a week come back. i told him i should have made the appointment 3 weeks ago if that was the case but he didn't seem amused lol!! I think to be honest because my period was so bad this time i took strong codine based pain relief which has constipated me and the high fiber diet wasn't enough as i have quite a lazy bowel so i took laxitives and it seems to have eased a bit!!! but as for the hot flushed - started today so must be soy but tonight is the last!!
all i want for xmas is a BFP !!!! hope you r all doing ok
daydream and abs don't be too sad you did it once!! no comfort I know but treasure your little ones i am sure you r great mums x
Glad you're getting some relief now glitter - and sorry your doctor's a bit of a doughnut! Hope it's more manageable for you very soon - in time for making the most of the effects of the soy! :hugs:
Thanks for what you said x

My acu appt today:

Qing was thrilled at the effects of the soy iso and kept reminding me we need to make the most of it and get in plenty of bd-ing!

She treated me for my chest as well as the usual, so I had:

Needles in my lower back after heavy pinching; needles in my upper back - and the ones on the right-hand side were really achy so I imagine that's where the congestion is; the normal scalp needles. I had a cup on my back for a little while. Plus some lovely heat.

Once I was on my back I had a couple in my abdomen for a little while, one at the bottom of my neck, one in the crook of my left elbow, one briefly in the crook of my right elbow which was then moved to my right thumb flap, the normal leg ones plus one that sent tingles into my foot briefly. A bit of heat.

She's put seeds in my right ear again, including one for my chest, and has given me some pills for my chest too.
I'm finishing the egg-quality pills she gave me last week and she's given me some more for toning the kidney yang. Also still taking the er-chen-wan for my spleen but didn't need to buy any because I've built up a stock of them.
She advised me to be careful to keep my upper body warm til it's fully gone. I felt much better when I woke up this morning.

Spoke to her about whether it'd be OK to fall back to fortnightly treatments and she said probably, but given that I'm moving to saturday appts it'll be a matter of seeing when we can do it.

She could feel the damp in my pulse from my chest infection, but said that on my tongue it's not looking too bad at all.

Have a great weekend - not likely to be on here as I've got a friends birthday party and a family birthday party - both for #1's 1st bday - on sunday and monday.
Abi x
Glitter, your Dr sounds like a moron. I know what it's like I've had dental appointments where they ask if I'm pregnant and I say no, but I am TTC and they just dismiss it. I think it's just as important. Codeine doesn't do good things for my stomach/bowel either. Hope it's back to normal now and time to make the most of this soy! Prunes always do the trick for me.

This soy iso sounds like really good stuff! The tcm has seemed to fix my ovulation though so not sure if I should try it? Normally I take a herb tea before ovulation, but as Adam has gone to China for 3 weeks he's given me powder instead which is also cheaper and I noticed I didn't get as much ewcm and I think I ovulated a bit later. On the tea I was ovulating cd13/14! Which I never used to do it used to be around cd 20-24. I think this time it was more cd 15-16. I also havn't been able to find the soy isoflavones here. Maybe I could order it online?

Abi, Adam did a similar type treatment as yours last time I was there as I had a bit of a chest infection too. Except I've never had seeds in my ears? He gave me some tablets to take four each time, 3 times a day and it was gone within two days! I was amazed and thought I'd need to go on antibiotics.

Going in to visit my girlfriends new baby girl today! Wish me luck. I know I'll be ok and can't wait to see her, but might have a few tears in the car though.
Just checking in....good to see everyone plodding along with their treatments and hoping the soy works wonders. I had to postpone last week's accu as had to go into hospital so will have my next appt on Tuesdy and can't wait. Feeling good...still spotting and bit tired but emotionally much stronger. Think that's just as important as physical wellbeing!
well girlies
day 9 and loads of ewcm - soy rocks-even if it does give you hot flushes!!
bowel probs all sorted now( sound like a pensioner lol!) getting ready to b'd. was going for every other day from day 8 but couldn't be arsed so will try for day 10 onwards-on night shift tonight! hopefully that will work
daydream-keep you chin up its hard when you see new babies my friend is due in 3 weeks and I avoided a bbq last night cuz although i am really pleased for them i couldn't face the baeby talk all night when i would be due 25th Sept-selfish I know but was really dowm yesterday about the whole thing-hope its ok x
Fitzy-hope you continue to get stronger xx
Morning all,

Fitzy - glad your feeling much better :hugs:

Glitter - glad the bowels are in good shape (haha - sounds like a pensioner I know). Great the Soy has given you plenty of EWCM too - get :sex: . Are you still seeing Cathy? I havent gone back - since start of June I think - saving for my hols so need every penny! And to be honest I just wasnt feeling the benefits.

Day dream - I totally feel like Ive missed the boat - all my friends are passing me out, having 1, 2 or even 3 kids since I started TTC and here I am still childless - it sucks.

Abi - glad you had a good acup session and the Soy seem to be working for you also. :thumbup:

Well as for me Im 7DPO maybe (not sure) and nothing strange or new to report - due to start spotting mid week and AF at the weekend (just in time for the Bank holiday - brilliant!) Found out at the weekend that another friend is pregnant (12 weeks) - she had a MC last year so Im glad for her but as usual Im sad for me. She started trying in Aug 2008 and got pregnant Jul 2009 but lost baby Sept 09 and I'd say they prob waiting til after christmas and started trying again so she got lucky with 7 months. Also my friend who lost the baby at birth in April is trying again - my DH was speaking to her DH (they are best friends) and he was saying they started trying again - but he said his wife wasnt doing very well with coping with the loss of her baby - i feel so bad for them, and for her especially - its just devastating. I hope its not too soon for them to be trying again. Or maybe it would be the best thing for them.
hi reba
i am still seeing cathy-but only have 3 sessions left and then will prob stop for a while as the ivf will be starting in aug- i really think it helped at the start but not so much now bit dissappointed that she never seems to change the herbs etc but them maybe she doesn't have too? day 11 less cm now strangely enough but we b'd day 10 so hope we didn't miss anything as i am usually a day 15 girl so fingers crossed xx
how is everyone else doing??
Hi all, had a session this morning. Nine needles in my tummy, one between eyes, two in fleshy thumb part, three or four in various places on each leg. No pulsing, just lovely relaxing reflexology work on feet for about half an hour during session. Really enjoyed it. Havn't been able to B'D since the mis as still spotting...just wish it would stop now. I'm on Day 14 but seeing as never ovulate I think I'll take provera next week to brin on a bleed.
Hi Girls,

Glitter, hows the soy going? We were going for the every other day from day 8 too this cycle and couldn't be arsed either lol! I think we started cd10 and mostly did every other day and I wanted to keep it up after O to try and help dp's sperm but meh. . .I'm trying. Still got everything crossed for you that this cycle works before starting IVF.

Reba, it certainly does suck! Thats not even the right word for it. It's very unfair that you don't have a bubs yet. I know you will make a fantastic mum when you do finally get your baby though.

Fitzy, hope that spotting goes away soon. I still have to make a reflexology appointment I get reminded when I read your posts then forget again. So glad your feeling emotionally better, did your they say anything about how you were at your accu appoinment? Do you think you will be able to ttc again soon?

I'm just plodding along. I don't think this is my lucky month as I have some pms happening and Adam basically said if I get that I'm most likely not pregnant so I'm going to give it a few days then start my pms herbs which arn't great for pregnancy. I think I'm cd21 today but not 100% sure how many dpo I am. It was good seeing my friend in hospy with her baby I was fine and had no tears so I don't think I am as emotional as I was before starting the tcm. Also have another gf who has an 11 week old daugter and is having big sleep problems with her so went and helped her out for the day yesterday. It was very nice having some baby cuddles, maybe just holding all these bubs will get me UTD :laugh2:
Dh is doing very well with his herbs. Nearly finished his liver detox. He's also taking menevit. We will wait another month or so before getting the next sperm analysis and fingers crossed it's helped.
Daydream...glad you were able to have Baby cuddles with your friend's's really hard. I admire your strength. My friend was due yest and am going to visit her worried that won't have the strength to see a newborn hen s/he arrives:nope:

My accu said that pulse was a lot stronger. Still have a bit of coating on tongue but much better than it was. Should get a bleed from provera mid-August and am going to start next cycle of injections then so should ovulate around end of August (6 weeks after mis). My FS thinks that should be ok. I've my hypnofertility appt next Tues to work on my fear that this could happen again...hope it works!
day dream
soy is defo doing something loads of cm day 9 and 10 not so much now but ov test is gearing up for ov ad i have a line already which i never get as i ov on day 15/16- hope i haven't missed it. have to b'd tonight and cant be bothered i am off work and supposed to be sorting the house out but feel like poo really tired and sooooo unmovitated x
I've my hypnofertility appt next Tues to work on my fear that this could happen again...hope it works!

Hi, just popping in to see how everyone is. My sister had Hypnofertility, she had really high FSH and some other issues, was also due to have fertility treatment and she was pregnant the next month, so have faith!! She has to gorgeous children now.

Hope your all doing ok, hang in there peeps.

All well here x
Just had another session with cathy- pleased with everything I think usual needles etc.Just done an ov test- really dark line it's day 13 so b'd tonight , tomorrow and Sat- hope that covers it? mind you feel no more like it than i do running a marathon but needs must!!!
I know... feels like a chore - well, not so much that as the fact that I know BD nights are going to be later nights and a few late nights in a row take their toll. I love my sleep! Happy bd-ing lovely xx

Thanks for popping in Laummatt. Hope you're getting suitably fat now. Remember Jen1802? She's due in about 8 weeks...madness! Where's the time gone? Our first TCM baby. Blimey!
Hi Abs

I do often think of Jen as my cousin is due around that time. Yes getting fat now 21 wks in, having a much better time of it now. LO is getting used to the idea too and likes to speak to baby through my belly button... cute.
Good luck on the soy, I really hope it works for you. I will keep popping in x x
Hey girls :hi:
Havent been on for a few weeks but do keep stalking this thread :)
I'm waiting on an 8 week scan to check I am viable. I have had several MC the past year and an Ectopic so am at high risk. The last scan showed this isnt an ectopic :wohoo: but the gestational sac didnt have anything in it. It couldn have been too early- 5w6d so they said to come back in two weeks. making me 8 weeks they should see something. My last MC was at 8 weeks when there was nothing in the sac (blighten ovum) so I am bricking it.

Stil been seeing the Acu guy- he has upped my sessions to 3x per week (yep I have had to seel my right arm!!!!). I am also on herbal tablets 3 x a day! I had a bit of a scare a few weeks ago where I had some blood when I wiped! I went to A and E- which were useless!! after 6 hours they send me home after doing an examination- which they thought suggested it wasnt an Ectopic, and more blood work- where my HcG had risen. They sent me home saying there was nothing they could do and cant scan me as it was Friday afternoon.... errr WHAT??? Anyway- no more spotting blood since then. The scan I had done after the spotting was the 5w6d one.

Acu guy did say any bleeding was bad but the fact it had stopped is a really good sign. He said to rest tons, no anger or stressing! Eating lots of fruit, no cold things from the fridge as the cold Zaps all our energy and this is taken away from Babba and ttc. He said no booze (ahem- yeah I know) and no coffee but tea is ok.
I have had alot of Excess heat recently too so he has been working on that.

The past three weeks he has started doing Moxibustion! Which is interesting. He is using Heat to increase energy flows- one on each leg near knee and one on the top of my head.

I dont know what Tuesdays scan will bring but the Acu guy has made me more relaxed and given me some hope! The lady who he was treating for recurrent MC is over 34weeks and discharged from his care! Fxd!

I hope you ladies are doing well- I do pop in and keep up to date on you- I have everything crossed for you. :hugs:

Minimin x
Hi Ladies,

Minimin - I hope the next scan goes well and you see the baby nice and clearly! :thumbup:

Glitter - happy :sex: - i really hope you get lucky before the IVF process starts.

Laummatt - glad your doing well - and getting big im sure.

Well i started my usual spotting today (i noticed a tiny bit yesterday but I was in denial so pretended it wasnt there) but it came in full force this am. So thats me out again - full AF should be here Tues or Wednesday.

Anyway nothing else to report from me - off on another long weekend so will catch up with you all on Tuesday.


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