The Really Useful TCM Thread

Went to Patricia for my appointment today and really enjoyed it. She said my pulse was really low and sluggish, particularly on left hand(heart side) but exactly what she would have expected after what had happened. She said her focus today would be more to start bringing a balance to whole body but she did use some needles on my tummy too.The two around my uterus were very pinchy and sore for minute or two at the start. Loved the reflexology while needles were in...completely switched off. I have another appt next Tuesday..looking forward to it already.

Have decided that the sooner I can start to think positive about trying again, the more it will help my body/mind recover too. so happy to read your news and I will be keeping everything crossed that this is a sticky Beanie:hugs:
thats exactly what happened to me last month-didn't seen to effect ov as i still got a positive and at the usual time so hopefully all will be ok- my af due sat and have spent the day in bed with really bad cramps and headache-it seems to be going back to the way it was when i was younger-cathy said thats good-younger hormones etc but its bloody hard to live with!! on countdown to ivf drugs start 15th aug but still have one more month to try fingers crossed xx

Great for younger hormones hun...if only we could turn back the physical signs of aging with accu too!! Hope AF stays away 2m and the cramps are implantation!! x
just saw an article on facelifts by accu- so maybe it can!!! make me look younger when i am collecting pension and child benefit at same post office at same time lol x
not sure if u know but i m/c in feb at 8 weeks so if you ever need to talk ........ xxx
Thanks Glitter..I do of course remember your loss and I'm so sorry you're still waiting for the miracle to happen again. :hugs: Will def be calling on you when need someone to chat to who understands...don't want to turn this thread into doom and gloom:nope: The girls on this site are so great....makes you feel that people really do care and know what you're going through x
just saw an article on facelifts by accu- so maybe it can!!! make me look younger when i am collecting pension and child benefit at same post office at same time lol x

:rofl::rofl: I'll be right there with you on my zimmerframe!!
Fitzy, that reflexology sounds devine! I think your doing remarkably well not letting yourself get down and thinking positive. I'm not sure I could do it but I guess we can surprise ourselves with our own strength sometimes. I had a girlfriend get pregnant last year and lost bub at just over 6 weeks. Afterwards she was the same and was really positive and did some accu (which is what got me thinking about it) and the next time they tried she got pregnant and now has a beautiful little girl.

Glitter, I wonder whether the accu for anti-aging is working on my voice? I had a woman from the bank call the other day and she asked if my parents were home :rofl: "Ummm I own the house". . . . she was very apologetic and I just thought it was hilarious. She said "well you do sound very young."

I really need to do something! It's 10am and I am still in my pj's. Hmmm must get motivated to do something, I hate winter.
well i am now cd1 witch got me this morning and its really sore-sitting in work drugged to the eyeballs with one of those heat pads stuck to me and trying really hard not to snap at everyone!!
starting soy this month - still undecided what days to go- originally thought 5-9 for better mature eggs as i ov every month on day 15 of a 30 day cycle but now wondring days 3-7 and go for lots of eggs instead-any ideas girls?
last month of trying before we blow all our worldly savings on icsi xx
Glitter, aww I'm sorry af got you again! Nothing worse than going to work with horrible cramps. I'm not sure about the soy hun I havn't really looked into it that much yet. I have heard great things though.
well i am now cd1 witch got me this morning and its really sore-sitting in work drugged to the eyeballs with one of those heat pads stuck to me and trying really hard not to snap at everyone!!
starting soy this month - still undecided what days to go- originally thought 5-9 for better mature eggs as i ov every month on day 15 of a 30 day cycle but now wondring days 3-7 and go for lots of eggs instead-any ideas girls?
last month of trying before we blow all our worldly savings on icsi xx

Hi Glitter,

Witch is a bitch but least you can start with the soy now! :hugs: I'd b tempted to go middle of the road and do 4-8, once you see how your body reacts you can adjust the next month, thats what I did, I started 3-7 and when ovulation was still a bit late I did 2-6 the next month and got BFP! Of course if you got bfp first month that would be awesome! :flower:

Morning ladies

Glitter sorry the witch got you - hate the cow! I would go for more eggs than better quality (I'm sure those eggs are good enough quality too). More eggs might mean a better chance. I was told to start my Clomid on CD1-5 (thats really early) so hope it works.

Well thankfully my UTI isnt as bad - still taking the antibiotics (day5). And we even managed to get a session in last night - will go at it again tonight. I was worried it would be painful and cause thrush but it wasnt and no itch yet. The probiotic yogurts must be working. Must do an OPK this eve too - yesterday was CD16 (usual ov day) but my AF arrived in the evening time so today might technically be CD16. Anyway need to get some :sex: in this evening and tomorrow again.

Fitzy - glad you had a nice session and I hope and pray you get lucky again really quickly.

Day-dream - thats funny, you must sound very young. Its a nice compliment!
Glitter...think I too would go for the soy earlier in cycle. I took my clomid days 2-6 when on it...not that it did much for me but hey!!

Reba...glad you're on the mend and even managing to :sex:. Hope this is a lucky month:hugs:

Another accu session tomorrow. I've also made contact with a lady who does hypnofertility...I'm going to attend a few sessions in order to try and give myself a more positive outlook before getting on the TTC train again. I need to try and instill in myself the belief that my body can carry a baby. TBH not sure if believe in hypnosis too much but will give it a try..I could be converted!!:wacko:
Hey Glitter, I've taken the soy iso cd2-6 this month, tomake me ov earlier, and am waiting to see what happens. Qing has given me some tablets for egg quality this month, on top of the spleen and kidney tonics.

Fitzy, a boyfriend of mone hypnotised me once at uni, when I used to have really bad period pains (he was a fan of neuro-linguistic programming but didn't do a look-into-my-eyes-don't-look-around-my-eyes-look-into-my eyes job!) and it worked really well. I think spending some time getting your body back in balance again is a really goood idea. :hugs:

Glad it's starting to get better Reba. Be careful with the BD though won't you?

Will post more later - including last week's session and some interestin ginfo Qing gave me about high blood pressure (my mum) x
hey girlies
well taking soy days 3-7 200mg each night- no side effects at all so far but still have the ibs from 2 weeks ago which is a bummer! hopefully the lepocol will sort it out. i am cd 4 so all very boring etc off work for a few days-supposed to be catching up on housework but that hasn't happened yet lol xx hope everyone is ok xx
hi all - nothing exciting to report from me - UTI all cleared up thank god and got a few sessions in with DH too. Think I'm 2DPO at the mo so all very boring here.

Hope everyone's doing well - glitter hope the soy work their magic for you this month - And you too Abi.

Fitzy - i'd love to try hypnofertility - im sure its nice and relaxing just like acup and reflex.
Nothing much happening here either! Probably around O time for me but really not feeling confident this month, not sure why but just doesn't feel like it's going to happen. Would love if my gut feeling was wrong though. Trying to dtd every two days at least without it becoming a chore IFYWM. Trying to think positive but sometimes it really feels as though it's just never going to happen. Ok enough of that must think positive!!! lol

Reba, glad the UTI cleared up for you in time! I'll be joining you on the TWW wait soon. *sigh*

abi & glitter, hoping the soy does it's thing for you both! Would be so good. About time there were some BFP's in here.

Fitzy, can't wait to hear how the hypno fertilty session goes. I'm really thinking about doing reflexology soon if nothing else just to relax!

Can I just say I'm really glad I found this group. I read a lot of ttc threads but don't tend to post as I don't seem to keep up, but really feel right here and look forward to seeing what everyone is up too. :hugs:
Hey daydream - glad you feel comfortable here, that's what I hoped would happen for women who use this thread. I think it helps that we're all leaning the natural way to some extent. :hugs: I really works for me too and there arent' many other threads I contribute to.

Glad your UTI cleared up and you got in some BD, Reba.
How's the soy treating you glitter? I didn't notice anything at all until my ewcm turned up yesterday - CD10! So, it seems to be doing its thing. Fngers crossed, now all we have to do is keep bd-ing. I've been battling with a chesty thing since tuesday and my temp went up for the first time today - to 36.68! - but it's just my body fighting the infection. I'll get something from Qing to deal with it, tomorrow.

So, my appointment last friday, CD5:
QIng said the soy-iso was fine (although she didn't know about it, she obviously knows about the effects of oestrogen and said that if it helps me to ovulate earlier then it's a good idea).
She said my kidney yang deficiency seems much improved (remember, though, that it was really, really weak so it's all relative) and my tongue is looking a bit better generally. I still have a bite mark on the side of it though..bah!
On my front, I had needles in my scalp adn lower back, plus some hard pinching beforehand) and some in-and-outs on my upper back. Then some lovely heat and a bit of a drowse...
On my back, I had 3 needles in my abdomen, 1 in each thumb flap and some very strong ones in my lower legs. Plus some heat on my tummy, which was lovely. Really relaxed.
Seeds in my right ear again.
This week I've been taking er-chen-wan (spleen) a different kidney tonic and something to improve my egg quality, just in case.
I asked her about dietary aids for high blood pressure (my mum's meds have been changed and she's getting puffy ankles as a result of the medication's effect of softening her arteries). Qing recommended avoiding wheat and dairy, damp can be a big factor, plus having plenty of garlic, celery, sweetcorn and corn oil. She also told me that tai-chi and qui-gong are very useful. WHen her husband was in his 40s his blood pressure was all over the place. He took up tai-chi, which he practises daily, and his blood pressure is perfect now, and he's in his 60s. She also told me she has a client she's treating with herbs for high blood pressure. Needless to say, my mum won't go near tai-chi, but I tried...

Abi x
HI Abs
my tummy has been really sore the last few days- think it might be the soy so i might reduce the dose for the last few days-either that or i have appendicitis-its that sore!!
bad bloat etc but really want to persevere as its my last chance naturally. i do suffer from ibs but the pain is continuous not crampy- starting to get a bit concerned- left a urine sample with doc just to make sure its not the uti back again-hope its not!!! great news about your result with soy so far-really hope it works xx
Ouch Glitter, sorry you're having such a painful time :hugs: A few women on the soy thread I've been using have mentioned hot flushes, which I'm glad I haven't had, but no mention of stomach pains, although people react to things differently. If you're in the slightest bit concerned about what might be causing it you're right to do whatever makes you feel happier - and hopefully more comfortable. What has Cathy said? Hope it clears up, whatever's causing it. :hugs:

Daydream, I know what you mean when you say that sometimes you feel as if nothing is going to help you fall pregnant with #2, no matter how much you believe in it or how effective you know it is. When I feel that way, it's not that I think what I'm doing won't work but more a case of feeling that for some unknown reason there's not going to be another one - almost as if that decision was made about my life a long time ago by mother nature, for want of a better way of putting it, and that having a second child is for other women. I think that's what is making it so hard for me to deal with friends' pregnancies - 3 of the girls I met at my first-time parents group are expecting their 2nd, all approaching 30 weeks, having fallen almost instantly, and I'm dreading the next couple of months because it's birthday party season (Starting with #1's 3rd birthday party on sunday) and I know I'm going to be devastated if I'm not pregnant by the time they have theirs, the first of which is due at the end of september. Added to that, my sister's expecting her first soon and I have friends (including one across the road) expecting their 3rd babies and other friends from baby groups are dropping constantly. What makes it seem really unfair is that they all conceived instantly, when I'd already been trying for a year. That's what really hurts - and the fear that I won't be joining them is always at the back of my mind, as you say. And #1 loves babies and has started asking me about brothers/sisters. Argh!!
Abi, gosh I could have written that post! A girl I worked with and who was pregnant with me for our ds's called me this afternoon to tell me she had her baby girl. I am happy for her I am, but it hurts. I feel like I'm missing the boat which I know is a silly way to think but I'm being left behind. I am the only one in my mums group now who does not have another. There are two other mums but theirs is by choice. They all fell pregnant within the first few months of trying. The other thing that hurts is none of them including the girl who had her baby today are particularly healthy. The one who had her bubs today smoked through her entire pregnancy and bub is tiny. I'm just tired of doing everything I can and making all these sacrifices and others who can just fall at the drop of a hat and that goes for everyone in here who are so so deserving and trying so hard it just seems so unfair. I wish I could see some reason behind it all. My ds turns 3 early Nov. and he has been asking for a baby too! He actually lifted up my top the other day and looked at my tummy and said "baby in there mummy?" It breaks your heart.

Sorry for the long whinge girls!

Glitter, hows your tummy going?

Hows everyone else doing?

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