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The Really Useful TCM Thread

Hey all!
Had my third accu session today. I told him that I was nearly sure that ovulated yesterday and mentioned signs such as my copious amounts of EWCM and my positive OPK.I had been feeling very hopeful that this could well be my turn for :bfp: However, got a bit down when he said "Hopefully, but usually periods need to come first!" (I've only had two since coming off BCP) and he also said that my blood was still deficient and hormones "blocked." I think he was trying to warn me not to get hopes up but it's made me feel like just :cry:!! Still, I have to just think positive and hope that AF will rock up in 14 days and after that lots of regular periods will come my way to give me best chance for conceiving my very own Jellybean!! Sorry for essay..just wanted to get it all out!!

I also got another type of herbal pill to take along with continuing the ones I'm on.

Jen, sorry you're feeling down...we all have those days! Sending you :hugs:

Welshrose...enjoy your reflexology...I LOVE it...so relaxing it just makes me want to :sleep:
Aww Girls....sending big hugs to both of you:hugs::hugs:

Abi...I have heard that sometimes being ill can be a good thing as your immune system isn't so hot and able to deter implantation hun...hope that'll be the case sweets:hugs:

Fitzy....I don't have any experience of bcp hun but today is cd1 after the last cycle reached cd74 without O and most of it spotting...it sucks babe.....sending lots of AF vibes so you can start a fresh one and hopefully you won't need lots of regular AF's....Sending bucket loads of PMA for the new one!:hugs:
I'm 4dpo.
Showed her my chart and she agreed my post-ov temps aren't high enough and this would be partly due to my chesty illness last cycle and being away over christmas. I asked her to work on my sinuses/mucous problem again, as since she got rid of my chesty cold it;s come back with a vengeance, stopping me doing my yoga and sometimes keeping me awake for an hour or so in th emiddle of the night, blowing my nose and coughing, after going to the toilet. Nice.

Started on my front with needles in my scalp, at the back of my head, and some in my upper back. She used a cup on my back for a little while as well and put some heat on my back.
Once I was on my back I had needles in:
my scalp (2); the top of my nose; my abdomen; each hand, by my thumbs (1); my legs (about 5). She massaged my sinuses a little bit as well. No heat on my abdomen as I'm post-ov.
She did say heat on my back is OK so I'll start using the hot wheat bag on my back for the time being.
She's changed my pills to You Gui Wan, whch she said will warm me up a bit more - she didn't want to give me too many pills, otherwise she'd've had me taking both lots.

My OH and I went together today - he's still taking herbs for his psoriasis, but she's changed them, to make them more moisturising. She's told him what I've been telling him - more water, fewer spices (including the tabasco sauce, you donkey!), more sleep. She's said Ishould add more water and soak and cook them for longer.

Going back next Monday.
Abi x
I've never asked this question but do all these needles hurt? I wouldn't say I have a needle phobia but I'm better when I'm the one holding it:dohh::rofl:

Drinking more is definately something I need to work on....can go all day on one glass:dohh::blush:

Oops, need to add this too: Hopefully my post-ov temps will start rocketing after these pills (and it'd help if I'd been taking them on an empty stomach, rather than with meals).
No, they don't hurt welshrose. Maybe a slightly dull ache or a tiny bit of pain when they go in, but not much. It means they're in the right place. You'll love it!
Abi x
Thanks Hun....as you all know I've been looking forward to starting all this for a while now....it's like pre-wedding jitters!:dohh::rofl:
I'm gonna be quiet now before you all ban my ramblings:rofl:

I just want to say before I go...I really love this thread girls....thank-you:hugs:
Morning Girls:hugs:

Just wanted to wish you heaps of luck today Muncho....hope you haven't got any/too much snow, we've had 6+inches and it's still snowing....:growlmad:

Big :hugs: and lots of :dust: xx
Ah so jealous welshrose, we've literally had a skiff of snow last night and that was it! My dogs and I were hoping for a winter wonderland...I've a newfoundland so the temps at the moment are just perfect for him with his big double coat, the retriever isn't so keen though. Hey muncho my gp is referring me to the infertility (fertility) clinic at the royal hospital, he had said I should have the appointment through by the beginning of January but of course I took that literally...still waiting! LOL! I think my problem with it all is I feel like my opportunity to have a baby is dependent on someone elses timetable...I do not cope well with that fact at all! Does my head in to be honest as I had wanted a baby like yesterday!! Abi what are the new pills you are on? Are you supposed to take the kidney chi pills on an empty stomach too I wonder??? Saying that I have been as the tea is supposed to be taken after eating. I checked my temp this morning and it has gone up again but my chart is just a big mess from all the processed food and drink taken over Christmas. We were staying with my MIL for a good part of last week and I think this has messed up my temps too as I never sleep as well in other places as I do at home. Oh well no ovulation detected yet, bd last night just in case it decided to arrive today...can only hope! I've more acu next Tuesday so will see how it goes! Fitzy don't be feeling too down, as Cathy keeps telling me it takes a minimum of 3 months to see the full results of the acu and herbs...feel like the christmas period has set me back about a month though just from eating junk and drinking caffeine! Oh well onwards and upwards!
Hi ladies, hope it's ok if I join you over. Jen suggested I post on here after posting this on the Bvit thread:

'Hello ladies, I hope you dont mind me joining in. My background is that I have been on Vit B100s since last month after finding out I have a short LP. I sadly lost my first baby (beautiful little boy Gabriel) at 22 weeks of pregnancy in August 09. Since then my cycles have gone v short (22-25 days) with a 6-8 day LP. Prior to my pregnancy they were perfectly normal (28 days, ovulate on day 14). This is now my 5th month of ttc. My period arrived on Sunday 11 dpo so I am glad to say that it looks like the B vits are starting to work. However, it seems to have changed my period - whereas it would normally last up to 12 days with lots of spotting it seems to only have been 3 days. Has anyone else found the Bvits change your period? Sorry if tmi. I know I'm not pregnant so it can't be implantation or decidual bleeding which I did have with my first pregnancy. I'm finding the whole ttc very stressful. Thanks very much and good luck to you all on your ttc journeys. x PS - I am also having weekly acupuncture and using TCM. x'

I am praying for a BFP soon. My acupuncturist thinks I have a spleen deficiency and blood deficiency (I lost over 4 pints of blood when giving birth last summer). I am starting to feel more positive that the tcm and acupuncture may help me get a BFP. I'm not sure exactly what is in my herbs but I have one formula which I take up to ovulation and one which I take after ovulation up to bleed. I have it written down somewhere.... Does this sound similar to anyone else?? Last month was my first month on the herbs.

Thanks! x x
Hi ladies, hope it's ok if I join you over. Jen suggested I post on here after posting this on the Bvit thread:

'Hello ladies, I hope you dont mind me joining in. My background is that I have been on Vit B100s since last month after finding out I have a short LP. I sadly lost my first baby (beautiful little boy Gabriel) at 22 weeks of pregnancy in August 09. Since then my cycles have gone v short (22-25 days) with a 6-8 day LP. Prior to my pregnancy they were perfectly normal (28 days, ovulate on day 14). This is now my 5th month of ttc. My period arrived on Sunday 11 dpo so I am glad to say that it looks like the B vits are starting to work. However, it seems to have changed my period - whereas it would normally last up to 12 days with lots of spotting it seems to only have been 3 days. Has anyone else found the Bvits change your period? Sorry if tmi. I know I'm not pregnant so it can't be implantation or decidual bleeding which I did have with my first pregnancy. I'm finding the whole ttc very stressful. Thanks very much and good luck to you all on your ttc journeys. x PS - I am also having weekly acupuncture and using TCM. x'

I am praying for a BFP soon. My acupuncturist thinks I have a spleen deficiency and blood deficiency (I lost over 4 pints of blood when giving birth last summer). I am starting to feel more positive that the tcm and acupuncture may help me get a BFP. I'm not sure exactly what is in my herbs but I have one formula which I take up to ovulation and one which I take after ovulation up to bleed. I have it written down somewhere.... Does this sound similar to anyone else?? Last month was my first month on the herbs.

Thanks! x x

Hey Lulu, I'm on a tea and kidney chi pills from the golden cabinet (fab name!) I've a luteal phase defect which is caused by kidney yang deficiency. Abi has the same prob as me. I'm convinced the tcm will all help us get our BFP's this year!
xo JEN
Hi girls I just wanted to say I have booked to see Dr Monk
https://www.drmonk.co.uk/infertility6.cfm on Friday at 3pm...my first experience of accu/TCM :dance:
Will let you know what I think...hope it helps my crazy cycles!
Ah so jealous welshrose, we've literally had a skiff of snow last night and that was it! My dogs and I were hoping for a winter wonderland...I've a newfoundland so the temps at the moment are just perfect for him with his big double coat, the retriever isn't so keen though.

OMG Hun...Now it's my turn to be jealous!....A Newfoundland and a Retriever...is that a Golden? They have got to be two of my favourite dog breeds!....DH said no to Newfoundland cos he reckons they're too big...I bartered with him for a Golden for my 40th when kids are a bit older and I have time to take up showing and working activities. We have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who is adorable bless her and gets on so well with Callum (DS).


We're all in now, warm showers all round...including the dog:dohh::rofl: and celebrating clear blue skies:yipee:

Lisa X:flow:X
2016 That website looks so fab Hun, and so inspiring when you read the success stories:yipee:...get prepared to have yours on there hunni:winkwink:
I must say I also found it reassuring about the no needle acupuncture, the TCM lady that I have found also uses both principles and rates no needles highly...Can't wait to hear all about it!

:hi: Lulu,
I'm so sorry about your little boy hun:hugs:
This is a fab thread Hun and the girls are really great!
Hope you are blessed with a super sticky and healthy :bfp: soon....:dust::hugs:
Thanks so much Welsh Rose. I have been reading the threads and everyone seems so lovely. It's great to have a bit of support on the ttc journey. I never knew it would be so stressful. I fell pregnant 2nd month ttc with my first pregnancy and although I know 5 months is nothing in the grand scheme it feels like forever when your heart aches for a baby. Here is to all of us getting super sticky healthy BFPs soon! x x
Oh i had my hsg this am and it bloody hurt. DH couldnt come in with me but the nurses were really helpful.
they confirmed my left tube was blocked and i have a dip at the top of my uterus. thats it. took 10 mins in total and i thought SHIT what will child birth be like

phew glad its over..
Lulu...I couldn't agree more babe! Lets hope all the Yin and Yang about the place makes it a super special place to be and we can all end up being TCM Bump Buddies:winkwink:

:hugs: xx
Sorry Muncho...must have been typing at the same time as you:hugs:
I'm glad you managed to get there...you were my first thought this morning when I looked out the window:hugs:

So what do they actually do then Hun? Are they able to unblock your tube? Did they say anything about the dip?
As for childbirth babe...you get thru it...the thought of meeting your LO takes you to another level and gives all that pain a very satisfying purpose.


i waxed my legs and bikini line last night for the doc :)
You lie on a table and its a bit like having a smear but alot more painful Then i think they put a tiny tube thru there callled a cathether . theres like an xray above your stomach area so you can then see the screen. The doc then inserts the dye and you see it going uo the cervix and into the womb and thru the tubes. thye moved the catherer around a bit .
thats when you could see where the dye has gone or not gone .

thats was it, then you take out the stuff and sit up and wait for the dye to drip out. I have had a pad in all day incase of bleeding. i took painkillers before and after.

glad i had it done but dont want to go thru it again

Oh yea i got the whole thing on a dvd - mainly to show my FS. Will show DH later :)
Muncho....Good call on the waxing babe!....You're a braver woman than I thou...I'd still be plucking up the courage to pull that first strip back:dohh::rofl: I've been and had it done and strangely the bikini line and under the arms weren't as bad as I expected....lower shins thou...:shock: :sad1: :shock::haha:

Besides the pain, and obvious worry as to what the outcome would reveal I bet it was interesting...in a strange kinda way:hugs:

Glad you shouldn't have to go thru it again thou:hugs: When do you get to see your FS next?

Have you checked out the link in 2016's post...it talks a lot about acu and IVF and the increased success rate...I've got everything tightly crossed for you hun xx

Lisa :flow::hugs:

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