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The Really Useful TCM Thread

thanks welsh thats really sweet, ill check out the link now..

next appt is on 18th , i have a scan and will start injecting if all is ok..

next acu appt on friday!
Hi girls I just wanted to say I have booked to see Dr Monk
https://www.drmonk.co.uk/infertility6.cfm on Friday at 3pm...my first experience of accu/TCM :dance:
Will let you know what I think...hope it helps my crazy cycles!

That link is really great 2016...hope your first session goes well...keep us posted!!
Morning Girls...:hugs:

Fitzy...can't wait to peek at tomorrow's temp sweets....Loooookin good for cd61 O???....Hope it's another rise...:winkwink::dust:

How's everyone else doing?

Sorry to be posting again:blush:....I just booked my TCM appointment!!:wohoo::yipee:

It's on Tuesday at 10:30!....Soooo excited now:dohh:

Hope to catch you all later....Big Love n :hugs: Lisa xx
ohh how exciting welsh rose. Im sure you will enjoy it..
Hey all how is everyone? Got bad news yesterday dh got his semen analysis results back and they are low. Should be 20 million in every ml and his are only 5 million. The doctor has said we'll have to have assisted conception to get pregnant. I'm absolutely gutted. Spent all of last night in tears and ended taking today off sick. Does anyone know how sperm levels can be increased? He's going to start going to acu at the end of the month. Xo Jen
Jen im really sorry to hear this and i know how you feel. At least you know and now you cna do something about it.

i would recommend you look at the zitawest.com and get the vitamen, i think she has the best vit tabs. DH sperm is good but he is still taking it. i take the female ones

they are more expensive but its worth the money. Have a read of her website and see what you think. Also alcohol, smoking and diet will help.

I really do know how gutted you must be, this is what i was told after my lap and it took me weeks to get over it.

Of you decide to go down the ivf route and you wnat to know anything please let me know. i have done tons and tons of research.

allow yourself to feel upset because its a huge thing to be told. Hopefully the Acu will help your dh.

finally there are lots of people who are told similar things and somehow get preg naturally. I dont know how but it does happen
good luck xx
Aww Jen...I'm so sorry that you and your DH had that bad news hun...I don't really know what to say sweets except I wish I could give you a real-life hug:hugs:

As Muncho says sweets the zita west site is definately worth a look and I know on the link that 2016 posted it mentions that acu can improve sperm quantity and motility.
I feel really gutted for you Lovely...it's not the end thou...just a b-road before getting back on the motorway...you've always been so sweet in your posts..you deserve that :baby: so much!

The hugest of huge hugs...now go give that man of yours a big squeeze:hugs: xxxx
i know how you feel we have just been told we have to have icsi due to dp low motility but mt tcm practitionor said take zinc, vit c loads of water and healthy diet acc also helps. I love newfoundlands by the way so i am jealous-i have a cocker spaniel x If you want to travel outside ni and want any info on my clinic just shout x
Morning girls:hugs:

Jen how are you doing Lovely? I've been thinking of you heaps:hugs: I've just popped into the bfp announcement section and only clicked on one before rushing straight back here....There's someone on there called alaskanwhitec who has just posted an announcement...she maybe someone who can give some helpful ideas...go check out the post lovely...:hugs: xxx
Hey all, sorry about yesterday just felt like it was the end of world. DH is going to start going to tcm practitioner and see what they suggest. The vitamins are such a headache as his body is holding onto too much iron so he was avoiding all those but he started taking the wellman ones yesterday. He doesn't drink or smoke which is a positive. I desparately hoping our appointment from the hospital comes through this month now. I just want to get in and speak to a specialist as soon as possible rather than worrying about the worst case scenario which is what I usually end up doing hence making myself sick yesterday. On the upside fertility friend is now saying that I possibly ovulated on cd14, that has given me some cheer as it means the herbs and acu are starting to work. It's just a shame that we've found this out now. I'm convinced the herbs and acu will improve the levels and motility. In the meantime we're at the mercy of the NHS and their next available appointment. FX'D its soon as I'm slowly but surely going insane with worry and I'm fed up spending most of my evenings crying, my face is sore! Even my dogs know something is up, my newfy and golden retriever haven't left my side since Wednesday afternoon when we found out. The newfy is being such a big dote, he's got a habit of butting you with his head when you're crying or upset...I think he does it to distract you, so he's been head butting me for the past two days and just sitting with his head in my lap. He's 13 stone and still not fully grown so that's a mighty heavy head! I'm still not sure what our options are, as soon as I heard assisted conception I assumed it would either be IVF or ICSI...DH bless him, thought he would simply be given a few pills and that would work. It's so stressful!
xo Jen
Don't you dare apologise Jen....it's what we're here for sweets...to pick one another up...and be full of shoulders and ears...:hugs:
I'm glad those gorgeous furbabies are looking after you....So Jealous!:winkwink: Have you any pics...would love to see them.
I hope your appointments come thru quickly Hun and that the TCM really helps your DH.
How is he doing Jen...hope he's getting the odd newfie headbutt to:hugs:
Don't you dare apologise Jen....it's what we're here for sweets...to pick one another up...and be full of shoulders and ears...:hugs:
I'm glad those gorgeous furbabies are looking after you....So Jealous!:winkwink: Have you any pics...would love to see them.
I hope your appointments come thru quickly Hun and that the TCM really helps your DH.
How is he doing Jen...hope he's getting the odd newfie headbutt to:hugs:

He is indeed, we had a bit of a row yesterday about it as my mum and aunt know everything that is going on but his side of the family don't. His mum knows I've a luteal phase defect and we're actively ttc but he won't tell her about the latest news we've received. I just feel it's unfair for my side of the family to have to support us through this and not his. In short it is resulting in us alienating ourselves from his side of the family. I've no desire to go visit them as his decision to remain silent means putting on a brave face and pretending that everything is ok. :cry: I've a very altruistic nature and a strong sense of what i feel is fair and I think his decision isn't fair on either of us as like I said we're going to have to put on fake smiles and pretend everything is grand when it couldn't be further from the truth. As far as I'm concerned family and friends are there to help you deal with any burdens but he just wants things kept private. Oh well, he is coping alot better than me, he's pretty laid back anyway and doesn't jump to conclusions unlike me. He's happy enough to wait until we get our fs appointment, whereas I'm so impatient for it to come round. I asked him about going private and he said yes but he wants to go through the nhs first. Guess we're stuck waiting around now. I keep hoping for a miracle like muncho said, one of those ones where people who can't get pregnant, do actually get pregnant naturally. I'll keep holding onto that thought as it's getting me through the day at the moment!
xo Jen:hugs:
Sorry to hear about your setback...but...that's all it is...a minor setback on the journey to getting your :bfp: and when that happens we'll all be there beside you :happydance: you on!! I've read so many stories on various sites where sperm motility has been improved through supplements, exercise, dietary changes and alternative therapies so it sounds like you are doing everything right. Sending you much love and :hugs:
Morning Girls...:hugs:

Fitzy...can't wait to peek at tomorrow's temp sweets....Loooookin good for cd61 O???....Hope it's another rise...:winkwink::dust:

How's everyone else doing?


Hi Welsh,
Just saw this post now and as of today FF has put in my coverlines with ovulation at CD61...had another rise this morning!! So I'm officially in TWW....I've been waiting a while to say that:wacko: Not getting my hopes up because of what my accupunturist said about blood deficiency...don't think my uterine lining would be healthy enough to sustain a little Jellybean at the moment:cry: However, I did have more EWCM than have ever had before for the days leading up to ovulation(maybe from accupunture and herbs??) and we :sex: every day for the 3 days up to ovulation so can't help feeling a teeny weeny bit hopeful...!!!
Jen....Men really are from Mars babe:hugs: It's probably really hurt his pride and I guess by telling others it only heightens his feeling of failure...I'm not making any excuses for it Hun and of course from a woman's point of view I'm with you completely...just trying to see the otherside as well. I'm sure there is a lot going on in his head/heart that he's not allowing you to see because he's probably trying to protect you cos he knows how much it means to you sweets:hugs: Hang onto those success stories sweets and I'm sure just like alaskanwhitec you'll get a fantastic announcement to make to:hugs::hugs:
Fitzy....:wohoo::happydance:.....That is fantastic Hun and a beautiful set of crosshairs I must say:winkwink: Everything crossed for you lovely...when can I start shouting :test: at you??:winkwink: :hugs:
Don't you dare apologise Jen....it's what we're here for sweets...to pick one another up...and be full of shoulders and ears...:hugs:
I'm glad those gorgeous furbabies are looking after you....So Jealous!:winkwink: Have you any pics...would love to see them.
I hope your appointments come thru quickly Hun and that the TCM really helps your DH.
How is he doing Jen...hope he's getting the odd newfie headbutt to:hugs:

Hey Welshrose just seen this there now, yes I do have pics but I can't figure out how to upload them onto the messages. Betheney has it down so have asked her to tell me what to do. We were going to breed our newfy but he ended up with a OCD in his shoulder so we can't breed from him now. We will def be breeding from the golden retreiver though, just need to find a really good quality bitch pup at some stage. We've gotten so side tracked with all this ttc business that it feels like we've put our lives on hold, we've just stopped going to the dog shows so I'm not even sure which retrievers are doing well in the ring. We do obedience training with our golden too, he really is the perfect golden boy! :haha:
XO Jen
hi Jen
hope you are feeling a bit better today x

Hey missis, I'm up and down like a rollercoaster today! :wacko: I keep trying to get on with my work and then thinking it might not happen for us and next thing I know I'm blinking back the tears. Thank goodness I work in an office of women who understand. I'm feeling slightly better after reading info that betheny posted on my journal. He's started taking vits and I think the acu and herbs will help but it will realistically be 4 month before we'll see a massive difference...in our case it'll be more like 5 as I'm already in the acu but he won't be starting until the end of the month. To top it off I read somewhere that a man who started acu and herbs ended up with a lower sperm count...not sure how that happened as all the studies I've researched are incredibly positive about it's effects. My only hope is that changes can be made to sperm levels and it's not a permanent condition. After all it only takes one to reach the egg...speaking of which ff has me down as ovulating on cd14....result so should try and be happy about that. I think what's making me worse is my SIL has had her wee baby there on Sunday and has loads of pics up on Facebook of him...it just reminds me constantly that it's not happening for us yet and it really is breaking my heart into a million pieces.:cry: How is everything with you?
xo Jen

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