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The Really Useful TCM Thread

I love dogs and would love to breed them, would love to see pics too! My boss breds terriers but i want another cocker spaniel keep trying to convince oh but he isn't going for it at all lol
Hey Jen...go into advanced msg and click the paperclip hun and browse, it should open your computer files...select pics and upload...close that window then click the arrow down button by the paperclip and insert pics...took me ages to figure it out:hugs:

We were originally going to get a Golden before my DH admitted that he was desperate to start ttc number 2 but scared cos DS had come so early so we put furbaby plans on hold...this was April08. My MIL bred Poppy...and I was there to help Poppy out....amazing!

I only got to a couple of shows to watch the goldens but it has definately become the plan for my 40th...Only 10yrs to wait....makes any tww seem almost bearable:dohh::rofl:
Do you show your golden?

Looking forward to seeing those gorgeous boys of yours:hugs:xxx
Just thought I would share my first accupuncture experience from today:

Firstly Dr Monk spent about 10-15 minutes reading through the completed questionnaire then came into the room where I was waiting. He said he was a bit confused as to why I was coming to see him because I am only 29 years old and have been pregnant once already in 5 months which is pretty good going. I would agree, statistically yes, but my charts and hormone levels are clearly showing me an issue so I don’t see why I should wait to fix it!
He says that 70% of women will conceive in the first year and they may/may not have such problems and not knowing about them is the best thing. Rubbish!!!!! I said...so could a woman with a 3 day luteal phase conceive...and he said “well, no not really”.
He was also not particularly interested in my charts and said he thinks it just makes me stressed out. Well I can tell you that the only thing that stresses me out is doctors that don’t listen their patients! Lol
I am a data analyst and so taking my temp, gathering data and making the charts is very relaxing to me (nerd alert!!!! :blush:)
He said he didn’t think I should be going down the medical route so soon and should maybe see what he can do for me for a bit. I am just wondering how much all that time with him helping me is going to cost at £67 a pop! It was £105 for the first treatment too!
So anyway, he then did the treatment which was a combination of electroacupuncture and normal needle style:
--Electro thingy round each big toe
--One on the top of each foot
--Electro thingy on the inside of each calf
--Needles on the inside by my knees and on the top of my legs just under my knees
--One just under my bellybutton (where the laporoscopic surgery scar is)
--One just over my uterus.

He then left me there for 15-20 minutes to simmer! :rofl:
I felt a wierd floating sensation while I lay there and, to be perfectly honest, things did get a bit blurry and wierd for a bit! I then felt quite relaxed and imagined I could fall asleep.

He took the needles out and sent me on my way. He wants to see me in a weeks time. I have booked the appointment but keep being in two minds whether to go back. Real bugger since I have just spent £105 and I don’t have tons of cash to throw about!!!
Got back in my car and something very odd happened. I got 3 quite intense AF type cramps which took me totally by surprise. I sat there and caught my breath and all was fine again. Odd. He had said I might feel more relaxed after the treatment for the rest of the day but nothing like that!?!?! It hasn’t happened since so we shall see.

I do think acupuncture is an excellent therapy, but I am just wondering if he is the man to do it.

sorry for the essay :blush:
Hi 2016,
Thanks for that account..love reading how others get on in thrie sessions. I would be very sceptical about his questioning of the necessity to come to him so early..what is the point in waiting only to find that in a few months time you'll be going down the same road anyhow. 105 quid is also quite steep and 67 for each session after??? I pay 50 euro (about 43 pound) and my herbs are 5-10 euro but that lasts me for two weeks. Maybe give him one more chance and perhaps look for another therapist who you might feel more comfortable with. It seems, he's already started off on a negative footing with you. Hope you have a nice weekend and sleep well tonight...I find that I always do after my accupuncture. :hugs:
Thanks for posting about your session Hun:hugs:
I think I'd be simmering to Hun...not exactly the attitude that you needed before your first session huh?
It does seem a lot to pay Hun, I booked my 1st TCM appointment for tuesday and the consultation is £20, physical treatment (needle/electroacupuncture) is £35 and the cost of herbs varies depending on what you need. As Fitzy has already said...maybe keep next week's appt but I'd maybe look elsewhere as well, whereabouts in the UK are you?:hugs:
Hi everyone,

What a fabulous thread. Thought I would share my accupuncture experience from today. I had a MC in Nov - erpc 7 weeks ago and no period so far. I went to see the TCM doc (who happens to see my tenant and so I get one free session a month :0) ). He normally charges £25 in the Dr & Herbs shop.

He checked my pulse and tongue and said that my kidney meridia is very weak and that I should not TTC for 2 months until it is strengthened. He felt my tummy and said that my uterus had not fully contracted. Anyway, I had 5 needles in uterus area, 3 in scalp area, 3 on eah upper arm, 2 in thighs and 2 in ankles. I started to have some mild cramping in my ovaries and so the needles were doing something. He also put a heat lamp over my uterus. I lay there for 30 minutes and then he removed them. I know that my body is feeling quite weak and so I am going to wait 2 periods to build up my strength.

Was anyone given Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan pills and do they work? He told me to take them to strengthen the kidney meridian.

I haven't had a chance to read through all the posts in this thread and so wondered if there had been any good news from those using TCM?

I should just add that the pills are kidney chi ones - little black balls and you have to take 10 twice a day. If anyone is using these, would love to hear about if you felt any different.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss sweetheart:hugs:
It seems amazing what they can tell you about what's going on and be able to help you get the correct balance back again...a lot better than western medicine's approach.
I really hope it all works for you sweets and you get that super sticky, healthy bean next time:hugs:
Thankyou for sharing your acu experience as well...I haven't started mine yet...counting down the hours to tuesday:dohh:

Thanks girls! I will go see him one more time but will look for another as a back up.

Welshrose...I am in east anglia.
I should just add that the pills are kidney chi ones - little black balls and you have to take 10 twice a day. If anyone is using these, would love to hear about if you felt any different.

Hi yes those are the ones abi and I are taking. The English translation is kidney chi pills from the golden cabinet. I've only started them this cycle as I was on herbal tea previously now I'm taking both. So far so good, once dh starts I'll be hoping we conceive soon. I've noticed this week twinges in my uterus and loads of creamy cm, definite changes compared to
previous months. Welshrose will def get pics up of my furbabies on Monday, glitterqueen I love cocker spaniels, they are so adorable! I did show our golden for awhile but haven't done any showing since starting this wacky ttc journey. I'm hoping we'll move to a bigger house in the next few years and then start dog breeding. Xo
:wave: sk100 and glad to have you on board!!
So sorry to hear about your loss and hope the next couple of months brings you healing and strength before trying again. I have had three accu sessions and this has brought on ovulation. My periods have been very erratic since coming off BCP but never had regular cycle from when I started them at 14. I am taking similar looking herbs (brown balls) but mine are for nourishing blood and regulating hormones. Hope to hear lots more from you on this great thread. :hugs:
I should just add that the pills are kidney chi ones - little black balls and you have to take 10 twice a day. If anyone is using these, would love to hear about if you felt any different.

Hi yes those are the ones abi and I are taking. The English translation is kidney chi pills from the golden cabinet. I've only started them this cycle as I was on herbal tea previously now I'm taking both. So far so good, once dh starts I'll be hoping we conceive soon. I've noticed this week twinges in my uterus and loads of creamy cm, definite changes compared to
previous months. Welshrose will def get pics up of my furbabies on Monday, glitterqueen I love cocker spaniels, they are so adorable! I did show our golden for awhile but haven't done any showing since starting this wacky ttc journey. I'm hoping we'll move to a bigger house in the next few years and then start dog breeding. Xo

Thank you to the previous posters for a lovely welcome! 2009 was a very sad year - my daughter passed away shortly after birth and I also had a MC. 7 weeks after the ERPC, no period, which is really freaking me out as I have been over-googling. Will go to hopsital on Monday for a check up.

How much are paying for your kidney chi pills - I was charged 10 quid for a week's supply but online they are a 5 quid......
Hey Girls...:hugs:
:shock:...I just had to rescue us from the 3rd page:dohh::rofl:
How's everyone's weekend going?

Well I ended up cancelling my reflexology appt on saturday as the roads are still pretty bad here and it was going to end up being a one off treatment with that therapist. I have found a therapist that has a specialist interest in fertility but I need to save up the pennies to be able to pay for a course of 6 upfront....imediately after christmas and days away from Callum's b'day...Hoping to start it in Feb/March. I am definately going to keep the TCM appointment thou...even if I have to get out there with a blow torch to get rid of the snow/ice :winkwink:

Heapsa :hugs: xxx
Hey girls - welcome newbies! Ruddy witch got me yesterday - boo.
At least I can say that thanks to the TCM my post-ov temps are calmer now, if still too low, and I've not had loose-ish bowel movements around the first day of my period. Huzzar!! I suppose. Massage and acu tomorrow - truly hurrah!
As I mentioned a little while back, in my last post, I'm off the kidney chi pills and on something else now. Not taking any TCM pills CD1,2 & 3, like a good girl. I've decided to knock the EPO and agnus castus on the head, so now just taking wheatgrass, spirulina, Pregnacare conception (switched to this from the normal one on thursday), Omega 3:6:9, B-100.
Quing advised me to cut out dairy to help with my nasal mucous problem. Am only having milk in tea; have cut out my lunchtime cheese sandwich and bought alternative sandwich fillings; switched from dairy to soya yoghurt and will have this on cereal instead of milk. Once I'm pregnant I'll evaluate it again, but nothing NOTHING!! will persuade me to eat soya cheese instead of organic cows' milk cheese because it's absolutely vile. Bleurgh.
I had a pulling sensation in my womb on friday night.
Last month's illness and travelling/processed food really set me back - 7-day LP, ov'd a day late and 26-day cycle.
It'll be this cycle, eh? I'll ov on day 12/13 and know I'm pregnant on CD22, like last time :rofl::rofl::rofl: Of course I will. Sorry, sorry, PMA.
Abi x
Morning Girls...:hugs:
How is everyone?
Abi...can't wait to hear about the massage and acu later Hun:hugs:

Hope everyone has a good day...I'm putting off the housework at the mo:winkwink:...it's nice to have peace and quiet...the schools are open today:yipee:....why go and reck it with the sound of the hoover?!:dohh::rofl:

Big :hugs: 'n' Love xxx
hi everyone feels like ages since i have written but i have been reading :)

Welshrose l sit back and ejnoy your day with NO housework!! shame you had to cancel your reflex im sure you will enjoy it when you start

Abi..poo! this is going to be the MONTH PMA.... ha ha ha glad you have started the wheatgrass thou. Let me know how you get on with that..

Had Acu last week. Its alot more enjoyable now as he is using smaller needles and it doesnt hurt.
Next session is on 20th Jan

BTW: i didnt go to conference in the end. Had ot make up a whole lot of lies and feel so bad about it, but hey im gonna try to make the most of it. they are all in Austria skiing at the moment:(
Hey girls well still no sign of AF, that's a massive improvement if I def did ovulate on CD14 as this is now 9dpo. My cp is still high, soft and closed and lots of creamy cm...sorry if tmi but usually I don't get any of that! Go tcm! I'm due on Sunday and despite my bad news last week I'm still positive about the tcm. I was chatting to the girl you had mentioned Welshrose Alaskanwhitec and she gave me some tips so I'm going to up dh's zinc levels and tell him he must start snacking on as much pumpkin seeds and leafy greens as possible...plus no laptops! I've my next tcm appointment tomorrow so I'll tell Cathy then about dh and see if acu and herbs might help. For those that wanted to see pics of my furbabies see below...if it works! Chinook is the newfy and the golden retreiver is Brodie. This was taken last June when we first got him. He was 15 kg then and 9 weeks old...he's now 83 kgs and 20 months. Our retriever is fit to walk right under him. I have more photos somewhere of him now he's a bit bigger...will take a look an upload them when I get a chance. Sk my kidney chi pills are free but I'm paying £40 for the herbal tea every week...steep I know but worth it for a bfp!
xo Jen


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Hey Girls...
Still avoiding the housework:dohh:...must go and get on with it but you may gather from the sig that I have been playing:winkwink:

If it doesn't float your boat then don't worry about it...I really won't be offended...but if anyone else does fancy it then here's the link...

That is fab news Jen!....Aww big hugs Hun:hugs:
HSC is supposed to be how it is for pg:winkwink:....PMA PMA!
I'm so glad that Alaskanwhitec has been of help hun....I kept reading my post wondering if it was insensitive...and that was the last thing that I wanted it to be sweets...just thought she maybe in a very good position to help.
I've also read that 1000mg of Vitamin C is also good for sperm making and helping sort out any structural problems that the Lil guys may have.
OMG...They are gorgeous Hun....Chinnok looks like a bear, bless him...and well Goldens always steal my heart!:winkwink:

Muncho....glad your enjoying the acu more now Hun with the smaller needles:hugs:

Fitzy...I've just stalked your chart Lovely...:shock:....:wohoo:...for that major temp jump this morning....think I'd have to sleep all night with an electric blanket on to see a rise like that:dohh::rofl::.....Hope it's going to mean the best of things sweets:hugs:

Right it's time for some lunch me thinks...cos nevermind a bean in the tum...I think I may have a lion in there, the way it's growling at me!:rofl: Catch you all later xxxx
Hello everyone!

I had my 8th acupuncture session today. Thought I would fill you all in on how it went. Sorry I'm not very good at all the terminology as I haven't bought THE BOOK yet. To recap I have been diagnosed with a blood and spleen deficency. After losing my son at 22 weeks last August my cycles have become short (approx 22 days) with only a 6-8 day LP. Since seeing my acupunctuist (Tim) my last two cycles have increased to 24 and 25 days with a 9 and 10 day LP (I'm also on B100 and Chinese herbs).

I am on CD9 today. Apparently my pulse is still weak although my tongue is no longer causing any concern. I have a patch of eczma on my middle finger and palm of hand which Tim thinks is due to cold, damp and wind problem (in a Chinese sense I hasten to add!!). I had 14 points in total put in - one at the top of my head, one at the lower abdomen, one in each wrist and near elbow, and several in my feet, ankles and near the knees.

I love my sessions, they make me feel really laid back and like I am doing something positive towards getting a BFP. On the downside I found out that Tim is going to Cambodia in March for 2 years so I will have to find a new acupuncturist. Out of interest how much does everyone pay for your sessions? Tim is £35 for an hour which I think seems really reasonable.

Love Lisa x x
Hello everyone!

I had my 8th acupuncture session today. Thought I would fill you all in on how it went. Sorry I'm not very good at all the terminology as I haven't bought THE BOOK yet. To recap I have been diagnosed with a blood and spleen deficency. After losing my son at 22 weeks last August my cycles have become short (approx 22 days) with only a 6-8 day LP. Since seeing my acupunctuist (Tim) my last two cycles have increased to 24 and 25 days with a 9 and 10 day LP (I'm also on B100 and Chinese herbs).

I am on CD9 today. Apparently my pulse is still weak although my tongue is no longer causing any concern. I have a patch of eczma on my middle finger and palm of hand which Tim thinks is due to cold, damp and wind problem (in a Chinese sense I hasten to add!!). I had 14 points in total put in - one at the top of my head, one at the lower abdomen, one in each wrist and near elbow, and several in my feet, ankles and near the knees.

I love my sessions, they make me feel really laid back and like I am doing something positive towards getting a BFP. On the downside I found out that Tim is going to Cambodia in March for 2 years so I will have to find a new acupuncturist. Out of interest how much does everyone pay for your sessions? Tim is £35 for an hour which I think seems really reasonable.

Love Lisa x x

Lisa that is very, very reasonable! Cathy who also treats glitterqueen is £40 for acupuncture and another £40 for herbs....all in all very steep but like I said if it results in a sticky bean well worth it! Welshrose I just realised I said we had got Chinook last year, it wasn't it was June 2008 (phew how time flies!) He is just my baby bear even though he stands over 6ft now when he's up on his hindlegs....usually trying to lick my face! I'm only 5ft 7 so he doesn't have to reach to far :haha: Well girls I'm starting to resign myself to the fact that it's not going to happen for us naturally. I'm hoping that my fs appointment will be through within the next two weeks (god help my GP if it isn't :grr:) once they've run whatever tests need to be done and find out what our options are we'll be looking to go private. There is a good fertility clinic over here called origins but they are so flipping expensive! Glitterqueen & Muncho how much is your IVF treatment? Wondering if it would be cheaper for us to go elsewhere rather than Northern Ireland????
xo Jen :hugs:

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