The Really Useful TCM Thread

Good luck ladies!

I believe acu can really work. It did help me with my cycles, but I needed more help so we still had to use IVF. But I used acu leading up to it and after transfer to help. I would recommend anybody use acu in conjunction with IVF.

Looks like you have had quite a long journey to motherhood as well. I'm so happy for you! :)

YAY! My copy of 'the book' (The Infertility Cure, referred to copiously throughout this thread) has arrived - along with a new box of cbfm sticks; I'm so glad the postie couldn't see through the packaging!

That book is so awesome. I refer back to it often.

I just got a CBFM. I am pretty regular, but I still am never quite sure of my O date. I think my ovulation has been weak. I was so excited when I got use one of the sticks for the first time.
Hey ladies! I had my appointment yesterday and she was really pleased with my health. She said that my tongue looks great, so the cleanse I've been doing has really detoxified my liver. I have not had to take herbs in several months and she says the way I'm going that I won't need them for a while. We discussed my cycle and she's fine with the fact I haven't had a period. She's confident it'll come. So am I. Hope you're all doing well.

So glad this thread is alive again.
Hey ladies! I had my appointment yesterday and she was really pleased with my health. She said that my tongue looks great, so the cleanse I've been doing has really detoxified my liver. I have not had to take herbs in several months and she says the way I'm going that I won't need them for a while. We discussed my cycle and she's fine with the fact I haven't had a period. She's confident it'll come. So am I. Hope you're all doing well.

So glad this thread is alive again.

That is great news! It's so good to see positive changes. If AF shows then I bet a BFP won't be too long behind. How long did you have to take herbs and what did your tongue look like before?

I have been taking herbs going on four months now and my acu said at my last appointment that I was at a "good place" now. I've been afraid that she's done all that she can do for me and is about to give up on me, but maybe the fact that I've still had to take herbs means that there are still some improvements my body needs to make?? I hope I'm making sense...
Hi ladies, so glad to see this thread being revived and hope you get as much support from it as us original girls did! I credit acu with so case is very complex and I had the added issue of recurrent miscarriage to add to the mix which needed medical intervention due to underlying issues. However, I have stuck with acu the whole way through and still have great faith in Dr. Wu...I am still seeing him weekly at the moment! Wishing you all tons of luck and hope those BFP's find you all really soon x
So nice to see this thread being revived! TCM has helped so many of us on here, it's nice to see new fresh faces giving it a go! Turbo turtle that sounds really positive, now just for af to show up!
Fitzy congratulations, keeping everything crossed for a happy and healthy pregnancy!
So I had my fourth acupuncture session on Tuesday. She kind of scared me actually as she told me quite clearly that I have a 'cold uterus' - something she'd alluded to before, but not in such graphic terms. Basically she said a fertilised eggy would arrive at my uterus, and on finding it cold and inhospitable would say 'sod that - I'd rather expire!' (My take on it, not exactly how she put it!) She treated it with moxa, which she had done the previous week and I'm now like a crazy lady (ok, even crazier!) sitting with a microwavable polar bear on my abdomen! I've been applying heat daily (sometimes repeatedly) since then and have been trying to get more spicy food into my diet and avoiding (ish) raw foods. So spiced stewed plums for me today, then celeriac, apple and ginger soup shortly for lunch.
I was surprised that she used needles in my abdomen and that she used the moxa, after reading what a lot of people said on here early on about no needles during LP. It seemed she was mostly using the same points as previously. However, I have to trust her judgement and I did just sort of ask that no needles would be used that might be potentially harmful. She said that she wouldn't be doing and 'purging' or, I think 'clarifying'??
Any way, my abdo stayed warm for the rest of the day, but I'm taking no chances and trying to keep it warm. It was 8dpo when I saw her though, so I don't know if it would be too late for this month if there were a fertilised egg.

I'm gradually working my way through The Infertility Cure and picking up some dietary tips along the way to work with my spice and ginger additions.

Dropped off OH's obligatory second SA this morning as they won't let us proceed with IVF without it, despite it being fine last time. I went baby shopping for a friend's newborn gift afterwards. SOOOO many lovely things! At least I could honestly say 'I'm shopping for a gift for my friend' - although I've been known to use the line when it has not been the case!

I was a bit naughty though because I bought myself a Hungry Caterpillar sleeping bag/Grobag. Trying some PMA and figure it works for either flavour of baby and if I don't even have a baby (God forbid!) then it can be a gift for someone else's baby. So cute though, I just couldn't resist!

Next appointment is on Tuesday.
So I had my fourth acupuncture session on Tuesday. She kind of scared me actually as she told me quite clearly that I have a 'cold uterus' - something she'd alluded to before, but not in such graphic terms. Basically she said a fertilised eggy would arrive at my uterus, and on finding it cold and inhospitable would say 'sod that - I'd rather expire!' (My take on it, not exactly how she put it!) She treated it with moxa, which she had done the previous week and I'm now like a crazy lady (ok, even crazier!) sitting with a microwavable polar bear on my abdomen! I've been applying heat daily (sometimes repeatedly) since then and have been trying to get more spicy food into my diet and avoiding (ish) raw foods. So spiced stewed plums for me today, then celeriac, apple and ginger soup shortly for lunch.
I was surprised that she used needles in my abdomen and that she used the moxa, after reading what a lot of people said on here early on about no needles during LP. It seemed she was mostly using the same points as previously. However, I have to trust her judgement and I did just sort of ask that no needles would be used that might be potentially harmful. She said that she wouldn't be doing and 'purging' or, I think 'clarifying'??
Any way, my abdo stayed warm for the rest of the day, but I'm taking no chances and trying to keep it warm. It was 8dpo when I saw her though, so I don't know if it would be too late for this month if there were a fertilised egg.

I'm gradually working my way through The Infertility Cure and picking up some dietary tips along the way to work with my spice and ginger additions.

Dropped off OH's obligatory second SA this morning as they won't let us proceed with IVF without it, despite it being fine last time. I went baby shopping for a friend's newborn gift afterwards. SOOOO many lovely things! At least I could honestly say 'I'm shopping for a gift for my friend' - although I've been known to use the line when it has not been the case!

I was a bit naughty though because I bought myself a Hungry Caterpillar sleeping bag/Grobag. Trying some PMA and figure it works for either flavour of baby and if I don't even have a baby (God forbid!) then it can be a gift for someone else's baby. So cute though, I just couldn't resist!

Next appointment is on Tuesday.

LOL @ your description of what happens when the egg enters a cold uterus!

I think a lot of acus don't use needles in the LP just to be extra safe, but actually it's fine if the acu knows what they're doing. There are some points that should not be stimulated during pregnancy, and others where the needles is not supposed to be very deep during pregnancy. I'm sure your egg is going to be just fine!

I'm sure you'll be needing that sleeping bag pretty soon too! It bet it really feels good to take a break from TTC hell and engage in some positive thinking .
I've also heard that acus can tell by your pulse if you've conceived or not. They just don't say anything bcz they rely on bloodwork to tell you. So they just alter their own medicine to fit your current needs.

A warm heating pad sounds cozy. I may start doing that.
My tcm practitioner told me I had a cold uterus too when I started tcm, she told me I had to keep my feet, hands and uterus warm so I constantly had a big fleecy blanket round me in the house and two hot water bottles, one on my feet and other on my uterus with my hands on it too. They can tell if your pregnant or not when they take your pulse as it feels slippery. Good luck, hoping this is your month!! xox
Hmmm. I'm finding the RL book a little repetitive and a little contradictory, albeit very interesting. In one section it's talking about the foods to eat and avoid, both generally and according to the individual's diagnosis, taking into account you can be deficient in more than one area. Well it's telling me in one section to avoid certain foods that contain this particular acid, 'e.g. blah blah blah, seaweed...' then in another section it lists 3 different seaweeds to eat! Also, it's telling me to eat meat in one section and telling me to avoid it in another!

I've just used FF to create a tally (you've gotta love a tally!)
I've done one for the number of days past ov that I start spotting and one for the total number of days I spot for before af. So I average 7/8 days of spotting pre af, which as my acu lady has confirmed, isn't good! Also, I average 9dpo for the spotting and am currently 11dpo with none (although I'm aware it's early and it still could arrive today.) On the basis of 13 cycles tallied, only 3 of them were over days 11 or 12dpo, with none beyond that. However, I was in this position unusually last month, when the spotting held off until 12dpo and got my hopes up. I have to remain rational and think that whilst of course I hope and pray the absence of spotting is due to a beanie, it could still turn up any time, and even if it doesn't, it's probably due to the acu.

So that's me! Does anyone else have anything interesting TCM or otherwise to share?

p.s. Fitzy - I thought of you as I was typing this as the ad across the top of the screen was telling me to 'Jump into Ireland' and also referred to 'Kerry'. :)
:) @ the Jump into Ireland ad!!!

I too found the Infertility Cure to be a bit contradictory...I did dip in and out of it but feel that following the guidelines loosely as opposed to being really stringent with them worked better for me. I think the vast majority of us fertility girls who use TCM have been diagnosed with cold uterus and I too used a heating pad and always sat with a blanket over my tummy pre-ov.

Sizzles its great that the spotting is sorting itself out. I hope it's because of a Beanie but as you say even if it's a sign that acu is working that's a positive!
Yeah, I thought the recommendations were contradictory too. I just follow the ones that I think will help the main problems I am having, and not get too hung up on the rest. It gets really confusing for me sometimes because I'll reading something in the Randine Lewis book, then I have another book called Making Babies which is kind of similar, and then I have my acu telling me stuff.

I'm with Fitzy--definitely best to take a loose approach and not get too hung up on the details. I notice my acu pretty much takes a loose approach too. I am very good about taking my herbs and follow the dosage instructions to the letter as if, but my acu is very loose about it.

Sizzles I hope you get your BFP this month. I know it's hard not to get up hope when you see things going in a positive direction. Either way, it must be exciting to see real changes in your body. My acu also has given me things to warm up my uterus. The only thing about that is that I don't have any signs of a progesterone deficiency. My LP is 14-16 days long and my temps stay high throughout with no spotting ever in my life. I guess it's the standard thing to do because it can't hurt even if I don't really need it.

I'm really finding it interesting to see how my blood deficiency diagnosis corresponds to conditions in Western medicine. The changes I noticed were pretty gradual the first three months, but this cycle the changes have been a little more dramatic after I started taking B-12 vitamins. My period flow was the heaviest it's been in a long time. Also, I felt O twinges before O and very strong O pains around O time. Although my periods are regular, it feels like my ovaries are "waking up". It seems my "blood deficiency"=b12 deficiency because it dramatically improved after I took megadoses of b12.

Another thing that's interesting is that I'm having some of the same symptoms that a lot of ladies experience when they take Clomid. I've had my acne return after many months and strong O pains. I'm thinking that I might have been having weak ovulation all this time

So I feel that my blood deficiency is starting to go away. My acu said that my "heart pulse" was very strong. I haven't been able to figure out what that means yet.

Anyway, sorry for the book. I do tend to ramble on and on and on...
Another thing that's interesting is that I'm having some of the same symptoms that a lot of ladies experience when they take Clomid. I've had my acne return after many months and strong O pains. I'm thinking that I might have been having weak ovulation all this time

I wouldn't be so sure that it means you've been having weak ov. I always have some ov pain, and sometimes it's really intense, but my acu lady said she's going to work on minimising it and 'smoothing it out' as the pain suggests it's too much of a jolt for my body.

p.s. Still no spotting.:thumbup:
Sizzles, great for no spotting. Keeping my hopes up for you. Either way its a good thing.

Cali, it is definitely hard finding your own niche in all this, isn't it? I've struggled going back and forth doing exactly what I'm told and then putting my own twist on it. I've learned in life, and this goes for all aspects, when in doubt stick to what you're used to and know. I've rarely had a good experience if I do otherwise.

So I have acu tomorrow. I'm so excited. We were talking last time about how well my body has been accepting the needles. She says I haven't been flinching at all. I thought she was just going easy on me, but she said she hasn't. I wonder what could be going on?

Good luck girls. Its good to have acu people to relate with again.
Ooh! Good luck for tomorrow TT! That's interesting that you're not feeling the needles as much; I wonder whether that might be the same for me in due course; I have to admit, I kind of figured that this lady either put the needles deeper or used bigger needles than the lady I saw briefly last year.
I also find I really look forward to my next session; trouble is, I'm a teacher and in doing so I'm wishing my summer holidays away!
Lol. So true! Its kinda like waiting for your next paycheck. You spend your time waiting and then time flies and before you know it, its time for something else to be here.
My practitioner told me that when it doesn't hurt going in anymore that usually is a good sign and means there are no blockages along the energy paths. Sorry if that sounds a bit airy fairy but it made sense as when everything was working as it should be for me the needles didn't really hurt anymore. xoxo
How exciting! So do you gals get bruises with acu? I always get bruises in different places. Always have bruised easily tho.
Jen - it does make sense; I was just a bit surprised when it did hurt, since when I had acu last year it didn't hurt a bit. Hopefully it'll stop hurting soon: a) because I don't like it! and b) because of what you said!

Turbo - I tend to get one bruise each time I visit: I've had one on my chest/decolletage (if you please!), one on my tummy and this time one on my inner wrist. They pretty much last 6 days, so have gone by the time I see her next. STrangely, they don't really hurt though, as in, when you press a bruise you can usually feel it, but I can't with these.

Well the spotting has started. :growlmad: I had the teensiest amount last night, that only us ltttc-ers would notice, so I've counted it from today as it's the usual stuff and with your period you're supposed to count day 1 as the next day if you come on in the evening. So that's 12dpo, which is the same as last month when I hadn't started the treatment! So it's hard to know whether it's the acu or not as I tend to average 9dpo.

I'm in a bad mood now. I thought I was ok with the spotting, but that coupled with one cat just uncharacteristically swiping my hand (ouch!) and one cat going to the vet and struggling against me so much he's put a whole in my reasonably new top, I'm feeling a bit on edge.

So I just have the one more cycle to get pg before ivf referral. I should be on 2ww when I have my appointment when they will refer me. I just have to hope to goodness that I'll need to make a phonecall after it's arranged, telling them there's no need any more. God I hate this!
So I thought I was kind of ok with the spotting this month (despite my bad mood on Saturday!) Well it hit me more so yesterday when I had a bit of a meltdown and was a snivelling, crying and shouting mess!

Whilst I'm feeling slightly better today, I am feeling rather aggrieved at the TCM 'rules'. I'm supposed to avoid foods and drinks colder than room temperature, plus of course steering clear of sweets, chocolates and cake. All of this (particularly the temperature thing I think) is most important during the run up to, and including during my period. Well I'm sorry, but that's just when I need it most! Last night I had 2 glasses of chilled white wine and some sorbet! I just feel the need to eat chocolate and cake and all things bad for me at this time of the month. So I'm feeling rather dispondent.

Acu tomorrow, so I'll tell her how I've been feeling and see what she says/does.

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