The Thread of Calm

Looks like the wind won't cooperate today so my hopes of spending the day hiking are dashed. So back to running on the treadmill today. But we should be cooking out with the neighbors tonight and DH has Monday off. This weekend has been pretty laid back and I have been pretty productive with scrapbooking.
This week will be filled with military functions. Dh's commander is pscing so his farewell lunch is Friday and then we are having a brunch the next day for his wife and the other spouses who are leaving this summer. Then its my mom's wedding the next weekend. I will be heading out to Laughlin, Nv to be her maid of honor. Then she will be coming to visit me the next week. I am looking forward to keeping busy!
Ladies can I join you? We are ttc/ntnp number 2 at the moment (well we are having a couple of months off the idea - for me)

Last month I 'got involved' reading the posts in ttc and in the space of one month I went thru 3 packs of opk's, 2 FRER and an internet cheapy :haha:- I tend to get a bit serious I think.

My dh wants us to ttc more than I do - dont get me wrong I am excited at the thought of number 2 and as we tried for a year for Oliver and Im not getting any younger number 2 will be a blessing but Oliver is one of those kids that never ever ever stops and battles with me on everything possible along the way so more than anything I am scared of how I will cope with 2. Also I like the idea of NTNP a little girl which seems to be a bit hit and miss technique anyway.

My name is Lisa I live in Lancashire I'm 34 and I childmind 2 days a week (not my chosen vocation I was working as a research assistant in a psychology department before I got pregnant but this works for me for now)

Look forward to getting to know you all xxx
Hi Daisydoo, welcome to our calm thread! Hopefully we can help you to cut down on your OPK and HPT consumption, LOL. I know what you mean about wondering at times whether you'd cope with two, I feel the same. I also worry about childcare arrangements and costs for two children. However I am adopting a 'don't think about it' approach and will just have to cross that bridge when we come to it!
Hi Daisydoo, welcome to our calm thread! Hopefully we can help you to cut down on your OPK and HPT consumption, LOL. I know what you mean about wondering at times whether you'd cope with two, I feel the same. I also worry about childcare arrangements and costs for two children. However I am adopting a 'don't think about it' approach and will just have to cross that bridge when we come to it!

Snap here too lol

I am so over this whole TTC thing. I've been feeling like death since 3dpo and confess to doing a couple of HPTs to try to get to bottom of the illness and nothing. I've put this cycle down to experience and waiting on AF this weekend to wipe the slate clean!

EDIT - 1st June and AF arrived this morning. This explains a lot - looks like I got my wish lol Maybe I should put a lottery ticket on lol
Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a good weekend and beginning part of the work week.

Lisa (Daisydoo), welcome! Glad to have you here and hopefully we can help you "calm" down a bit on the TTC train. ;)

aimee, sorry about AF. At least she didn't eff with you and be late. :hug:

Going from 1 to 2 isn't all that bad, especially because you already know what you're doing. :haha: With mine I have found that Cormac (#2) is very laid back just take everything in type of kid so he is easy compared to Tiarnan (#1). Lucky for me my mom watches them while OH and I work so we don't have child care costs, but you make it work. You find ways to stretch your budget and second kids aren't nearly as expensive as first kids. All of you working on #2 will do just fine when the time comes.
Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a good weekend and beginning part of the work week.

Lisa (Daisydoo), welcome! Glad to have you here and hopefully we can help you "calm" down a bit on the TTC train. ;)

aimee, sorry about AF. At least she didn't eff with you and be late. :hug:

Going from 1 to 2 isn't all that bad, especially because you already know what you're doing. :haha: With mine I have found that Cormac (#2) is very laid back just take everything in type of kid so he is easy compared to Tiarnan (#1). Lucky for me my mom watches them while OH and I work so we don't have child care costs, but you make it work. You find ways to stretch your budget and second kids aren't nearly as expensive as first kids. All of you working on #2 will do just fine when the time comes.

Thanks, that is very reassuring to hear your experiences of going from one to two. However I think Thomas has been a pretty easy baby on the whole (after the first three to four months anyway) so I'm a little bit afraid that our next one might be much harder work! I think it might be better to have the more demanding baby first when you don't have any expectations. My next door neighbour always tells me what an easy baby Thomas is and that she had two easy babies and then the third was a nightmare! OK thanks for that then, LOL.
Hope you don't mind me slightly stalking this thread, I'm more of a reader than a writer :flower:.
We have been NTNP/TTC number 2 since Feb, and have definately decided to take things down a notch as I could see myself turning in to the kind of obsessed person I didnt want to be. I do tend to get a bit obsessed with things!
I think this place is a lot better for me then the TTC forum. Good luck everyone.
Hi everyone. CD10 here I think, and feeling more than a bit clingy and emotional, hope that means OV is on the way not that I'm having a breakdown! No symptoms of it yet though.

Joined a healthcare cashback plan last night, it's expensive at £39 a month, but you can claim back optical and dental costs as well as lots of other things, since I pay £31 a month for my contacts anyway £8 a month to cover up to £500 of dental a year seems fair enough. Plus I'll get over £100 a night if I have to be in hospital for any reason, and if it takes us a few months to conceive we get £750 on the birth of the baby, so that would be a nice bonus.

Looks like I've had some good job news too this week as well as hubby (interview is Tuesday afternoon, very excited). As well as my main job I recently started my own business, and a guy I've been working closely with who I kind of consider my mentor told my parents over dinner at the weekend that I'm the most promising young business person he's ever come across, and it is his current intention to make me MD of his company when he semi-retires in about 18 months. I'm absolutely blown away by this, I've only been in business for a few months, I've never managed anyone except when I was a head waitress, so to think that before I turn 30 I might be in charge of 11 staff and a company turning over a few million a year?! Thats terrifying but so exciting that someone could have that kind of faith in me.

Hearing that has made me consider our TTC plans a bit more, but I still want to go for it, as if this does come to pass I'll probably need to be quite focussed on that for a few years, but DH is happy to take on more of the home responsibilities, or be a house hubby if needed, and I'm actually very much a person who thinks no job can make up for your family.

Got my grandad coming round for dinner this evening, my grandma (his wife of 53 years) died in January and he was doing okay for a few months but now he seems really sad and just quite lonely, and I don't know what I can do to make him feel better. Doing him some very traditional food though, have a gammon boiling in cider now which I'll roast just before he gets here, some chips and eggs to go with it, and then I think I'll do either a lemon sponge or apple flapjack crumble with some nice homemade custard for afters - real comfort food. I know dinner can't make you less sad, but it can make you feel cared for.
This weekend would have been great for me but my DH decided to get drunk on Friday night at proceeded to tell the neighbors at a party we were at how I am not much of a housewife and he is afraid if we have a baby he will have to take on most of the responsibility for the kid. Then he launched a tirade as if I wasn't three feet away from him for an hour how he expects more from me. I had never heard this or never known he was frustrated. But did he really need to launch into this tirade at the neighbors and not even talk to me about it?
Yesterday was better since I knew he felt bad but an I'm sorry for going off on you in front of the neighbors never came. Hopefully when I tell him I didn't appreciate what he did or said it will come. Then I can get back to being relaxed and calm and hopefully my positive attitude about this month's cycle will return. I am 12 days away from a blood test that will tell me if femara and the HCG shot worked or not. I had been very positive and hopeful until Friday night since I think fear drove some of his anger along with him being pretty drunk.
OMG, wantanerd, I would have been livid! That type of behavior is completely unacceptable and your DH should be falling all over himself to make up for it. Wow, I would have left his ass at the party and his shit would have been packed by the time he got home. :hugs:

embojet, welcome and good luck with your journey! I hope you fall quickly!

Dinah, fingers crossed for your employment prospects, it all sounds promising.

As for me, not much going on around here. We had Cormac's 1st birthday party yesterday evening and today the boy's started swim lessons. Next week I will be off work on vacation and I plan on spending every afternoon either at the pool or the park with my boys. I am so looking forward to the next two weeks. :happydance:
Well I did leave him and the party and went home. The next morning he was so nice to me and that continued through the day. I finally confronted him about everything on Sunday morning and he said he was sorry and he was drunk and didn't mean any of it. Then I milked him feeling bad and got him to make me pancakes.
Okay, pwew. Maybe I read it wrong the first time but I thought it read as though you just stood there and let him disrespect you. Good for you for leaving his sorry ass at the party. :hug: I hate when people try to use the "I was drunk, I didn't mean it" excuse for acting shitty.
Hiya everyone and hello to the new ladies :hi:. How's everyone been doing lately? Did you enjoy the reflexology Piemistress?

No BFP for me this month. AF came a day late which was disappointing. Biggest surprise was OH reaction. I'm really surprised just how upset he was, and he kept asking if there was still any chance that I might be pg. Felt a bit like I was letting him down :( but I know that we've only just started and it's too early to worry. Anyone else fare better?
Ugh, boo for AF! Sorry to hear that OH is (unintentionally I am sure) making you feel a bit like a failure. :hugs:

I am about 2 or 3 DPO so only time will tell for me. I have a gut feeling that this may be the month but it's not 100%. OH and I finally DTD on Saturday for the first time in what seemed like forever and I "think" I O'd on the 6th. There will be no testing until the 25th, okay well the 22nd at the earliest. :haha: Fingers crossed for me and lots of :dust: to everyone else.
I felt a bit like I told him there was no Father Christmas. He was very disappointed, bless him! He's over it now though and is marching forward with this month's attempt. I'm a bit worried about all the research he's doing though!! :D

Keeping my fingers crossed for you all! xx
It's better for him to be involved than not bothered NotNic, shows how much he really wants this which is sweet. My hubby currently has 'The baby owners manual' on his bedside table - reads a bit like a Hayes car guide but hey, if thats the format he likes!

I think I OVed 2 days ago, temp has risen but only slightly, and I got a positive OPK, if anyone can read charts any better than me, or would just like to give me a second opinion please have a peek, it's in my sig. At any rate I think I'm firmly in the 2WW, due on around Thursday 23rd.
Hi ladies! :wave:

I don't think I could be any more calm if I tried?! :haha: Holiday this week, car booked for day trips, bills all paid, food in the cupboard. only minor headache is that my washing line bracket fell down on Wednesday which has meant problems in getting washing dried this week, but we can live with that....I spent over 4 years without one lol. :wacko:

How is everyone. cd12 today, still got a few days until OV I reckon, so I'm making the most of the chill out before the hell of the 2ww kicks in. For some reason I'm pretty much convinced that it wont be this month though. :shrug: Maybe that's also why I'm so calm. Been keeping up with the 'schedule nad BDing everyone other day (ish lol) so we will have to see.
I bet that since you are convince that this won't be the month, that it will be. :dust: Aimee! Hope your having fun on holiday.

Dinah, I hope the sperm caught that eggie. :dust: I am due the 20th or 21st so I am right there with you in the two week wait.

Not much going on here, just off work for the week. The boys and I having a blast with swim lessons, Tiarnan has learned to jump off the side of the pool without holding my hands. :happydance: I am so proud of him. OH and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary last Friday and went out to dinner on Saturday. It was strange but very nice to go out to dinner and a movie without the kids.
I feel the same aimee-lou. Last month I really thought that I might be pg. I had odd twinges and geared myself up to test (though AF came so I didn't). With hubby so disappointed we especially tried to 'catch the egg' this month to maximise the chances and to be honest it wasn't very enjoyable. There was a bit too much pressure, and we didn't really feel in the mood (sorry if TMI). Now I am roughly 7DPO (I don't chart - so this is a guess), but I don't feel anything odd, and I'm so convinced that this isn't my month, I'd probably faint if it is! I'm so relaxed, probably because I've used up all of my babymaking brain space so early in the month, that I had to look on a calendar to work it out! We're already looking ahead to July's BDing and we WON'T be doing what we did this month!!
Alright ladies, I am due for AF in the next few days and am holding off on testing until Wednesday morning at the earliest. I am going to see how the next few days go and decide wether or not to test from there. I have been having a few PG symptoms and some AF symptoms so I really don't know which way to lean. I have been having random soreness in the BBs which can go either way as I didn't have sore bbs with my first and very sore bbs with my second. I have been having some extra CM that I don't normally have before AF and I have had a headache the last 3 out of 5 days. Then starting last night I have had some cramping so that could be AF coming on. I hope these next few days don't drag on because I just might go a bit nutty if they do. I do go back to work on Monday so hopefully Wednesday will come quite soon.

How are things in your neck of the woods? :wave:

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