The Vodka and Watermelon Girls

Indi, she is home. We got discharged yesterday afternoon. She is doing great. She wants to go just like normal. So, we went and played in the park and when we got home she played with the neighbor kids. Everyone was out in force to greet us. She is still breathing a little fast and we are supposed to check in with her pedi early next week. I'm calling this morning for an appt time. She has limited hours Saturday and Wednesday mornings.
We also came home today :happydance:

Now just need to figure out a bit of a routine that involves more than about 2 hours sleep a day :sleep::haha:
So glad C is home and doing well!!!

BF, glad your home :) the first few weeks are rough, hang in there it gets better :hugs:
AF has gone away again. That was one v light day and not quite 2 heavy days. Think she might just be on a break for a day or so again...
Sorry I've been absent I've just had major deadlines at work.

I'm so glad C is home and playing!!

BF it does get better. Also you can try supplements to help with supply like Fenugreek.

Love all you guys!!!
I want to read more about Adam, please. :awww:

What's the matter? Are you busy, or something? :baby:

Stick a paci in his mouth & tell us more... :)

Did C's appt go well? Has she fully recovered? Is your MIL eating solids yet?
I never thought we'd hear from you before Apr 15th.
I hope this tax season goes smoothly & quickly.

I hope your cycle starts behaving soon.
I forget its tax season there...Milty I was beginning to wonder where you were but that explains a lot!!

Conina, I hope your cycle starts behaving very soon!!

Dmom, hope things are going well with you :) I've weened down two blood pressure tablets :) For whatever weird and strange reason, the mmc I had that went to 13 weeks made my blood pressure go up and stay up and since this last chemical my blood pressure has slowly been dropping...very strange but happy to be weening off the meds :)

Indi, how are you doing? how about a few photos of Niko..please :)

liz, hope your well :)

Viking, I hope C is feeling much better and back to normal now!! Thankfully she likely won't remember what happened :hugs:

Bmom, hope things are well with you!! Any plans over Easter with your kids?

BF, I hope your enjoying your first days home with Adam :) He is sucha cutie!!

I know I would have forgetten someone I'm sure so I'm sorry if I did :)
I still wonder that we were able to create such a beautiful perfect baby :cloud9: well including all the obvious crying etc :haha:

He is a doll but sometimes he won't go down after his feed and I don't know why :shrug: I feel like I have done everything so what do I do next?! T seems better able to calm him but I've read that is because they can smell milk on the mother so I won't take offence :haha:

From next week T will only be up twice a week so I don't know how I'll cope :nope:

Yes we need more N pics. Adam doesn't seem like he has changed much so far but I'm enjoying him being tiny as I know it won't last :awww:
Are you holding him somewhat upright for 15 minutes after each feed? Many LOs are a bit refluxy in the beginning. Are you getting nice burps out of him after feeds? Sometimes, the lap method works better when they're that small.

If you find it difficult on your own, could you go to T's for a while?

It's so much easier for me to post on FB, so I'll post there. I never use PB anymore...

We're leaving next week for Chi to see my nephew! Finally! I'm so excited!

My MIL gave us food poisoning last Sunday, lol. It has been fun. I'm ok now, but DH is still a bit unwell. She served mustard that had expired in 2012. Thank god N hates mustard.

Then on Monday, N swallowed a tiny magnet. DH has been going thru his poo to make sure it passes per doc instructions. Lovely! Last week he ate a lady bug & before that it was cat food. It's a wonder that he's not ill all the time because DH never found the magnet, but he did find a few other things.

The weather is getting warmer, spring has sprung, so we are outside A LOT.

N has 3 yo twin girls after him. Lol. I'm not kidding, either. They follow him around & fight over him & try to hold his hand. He hates it! Needless to say, he won't be thrilled tomorrow because he has a play date with them. Their mother thought it was cute & invited us & I didn't know how to politely say no. The worst part is that I don't remember any if their names! FM!
:haha::haha: N is such a heartbreaker

Omg at him swallowing all that stuff!

How exciting you are going to see your new nephew. Hope it makes you broody again :haha:

Yeah I don't think I've got the burping quite right so will try those tips thanks indi :thumbup:

It's also getting like spring here so it will be nice to go out. I have a few parks within walking distance :happydance:

I've signed up for a 4 week nct course once a week 2.5 hours a time so will see if I meet more mums there.

I can't really go to Ts. It's a bit complicated. :wacko: I'm going to have to learn to stick it out but that's ok :thumbup:
I dread to think what we would find if we inspected nappies too closely!

Bf have you tried giving him infacol? It's supposed to help them get the wind up. We used to think c liked it-there's an orangey taste of it so we think it was a nice change from milk!

Afm I think this cycle is more normal (fx). Last time I spotted for ages after af and I think that might have delayed ovulation. No spotting this time so hopefully it won't be a 6 week cycle!

V hope c is doing well. Indi have a great time with your nephew!
No I haven't tried I nfacol although I do have some. He got a paci today which helped :blush:

Here's hoping you get a normal cycle this time :thumbup:
Thanks everyone. C is doing just fine. The pedi wants another lung X-ray but I think it's overkill as she seems back to normal 100% now. But we will do as asked. MIL actually served her grapes again. I haven't... Don't know when I will have the guts to do that. The upside to all of this is that we have become much more friendly with our neighbors and now I have people to hang out with. I've been so lonely in a way since C was born. She still dislikes the car so I tend to just stay home. Helps save money anyhow.
N has such magnetism!!! I hate it when I forget names. Don't sweat it too much. Just ask again and have fun. Blame it on lack of sleep. :haha:
BF, that new stage was so hard for me. I just let C sleep on me or she would have never slept. And I had to bounce on that yoga ball a lot too. Babywearing saved me from dying from clogged arteries from all the Oreos. :haha: I even saw a little hack where someone placed a mirror on the counter in the kitchen so they could see to do meal prep. Blew my mind. Anyhow, I hope things get better. Does your mom pop in? :hugs: He is such a perfect little sweet boy :cloud9:
Conina, I hope this cycle is normal. It is awful when things get wacky. :hugs:
Milty, good luck with tax season. We still haven't done ours yet.......
Crystal, has the summer heat abated? Does it ever really cool down there?
That's nice that you have become closer to the neighbours Viking :thumbup:

Yes I think maybe I'll just have to have him sleeping with me a bit more. At least he tends to sleep then :sleep:
Bf maybe I will come over help you out . I really need a break :haha:Viking so glad c is on the road to recovery must have been an awful scare :( Indy you may get used to it with the girls as I think n will always have women flocking around after him . Congrats on being an auntie ❤Anne I'm glad your cycle is settling down its always so frustrating as I know you are eager to ttc again ❤hi to liz milty crystal and Brooke and everyone else . Love you girls x

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