*~*The Young Parents Club *~*

that sucks that she was fussy but good deal that it was nice enough to go out!

wow lucky u winning money totaly jelous!
I lost £5 on the national =[ I don't do big bets coz I never win anything..and I forgot to put the lottery on..watch all my numbers come out tonight AND it's a double rollover.

I'm so glad Liam is sleeping. He's been so fussy today. He screamed at 6 til 6:30..just as I was making him a small "top-up" bottle in case he wasn't full up...he fell asleep...Typical!
I almost have peace, just need my 4 year old sis to be put to bed, then I can chill out for a little while. She's been a pain in the bum today too. She wants my blanket but she's not allowed it because her and my other sister argue over it..Aand it's MINE! She keeps saying she's cold thinking I'm gonna change my mind...Ha, NO!

I keep turning the TV off to try and make the flat a bit more calm, but everyone else keeps turning it back on!
I think I need an early night!!

Ok, I just phoned my mum as I missed the actual race, and my horse, was indeed the one that wouldn't shift his backside.
:haha: my OH picked the non runner too !

It was a £5 free bet out the newspaper I used so didn't cost me anything.

My LO has been a nightmare since we got in, he missed his afternoon nap with us being out and got soooo overtired, he just screamed for an hour solid - wouldn't drink, wouldn't do anything.

He's gone to sleep laid on his tummy on my bed, he hates being on his tummy normally :dohh:

Tempramental baby !!

:haha: my OH picked the non runner too !

It was a £5 free bet out the newspaper I used so didn't cost me anything.

My LO has been a nightmare since we got in, he missed his afternoon nap with us being out and got soooo overtired, he just screamed for an hour solid - wouldn't drink, wouldn't do anything.

He's gone to sleep laid on his tummy on my bed, he hates being on his tummy normally :dohh:

Tempramental baby !!


Liam will only sleep on his tummy, I done it for a few days because he was sniffly and thought it was best him being on his tummy so the snot can run out instead of getting stuck and him being all flemmy, and to try and avoid it getting to his chest..and since then he will only sleep on his tum and wakes up instantly if I put him on his back and won't settle back down, I know the risks but I'd rather he sleeps when he's tired than screams because he's not comfortable.
I'm a bit pissed that the horse wasn't classed as a non-runner, he didn't run so in my opinion, should be, If he was I'd have got my money back. :(

I didn't get any free bets because I only found out today that it was the grand national at about 2 o'clock :growlmad:
EJ has a snotty nose to ive raised the mattress under the head end so hes not laying flat as he woke up so often this afternoon during his first nap because of being flat im hoping it will work overnight and help him sleep as i really need a good sleep im tired im hoping he wont wake for a feed either but i think im pushing it with that one,
im off to bed now hes settled
oh sorry lynnikins!!!
Shall fix it in a sec and will add Chantal n Andi to the OP
I missed youuuuu, how are u and bubba Ella?
She is beautiful <3 =]
Lol my mum picked Dont Push it coz she says that to my stepdad literally ALL the time lol. One of her fave phrases. He took the mick outta her for picking based on his name and not even looking at his running record...and he won! :haha:
She put on a 5er at 22-1, so shes got an overall profit of 115 quid :rofl:
And she won a 10er on a scratch card this affy!
Has been her lucky day lol, my stepdads face was a pic :haha:
Off to update the OP now :thumbup: xxxx
Oh sorry jessica i missed u!
Hello my lovely :wave:
There is a young parents forum out there, just not part of this site
Off to the OP i go....xxx
jw does anyone feel like they are the only one taking care of LO??

i know he isnt my OHs son but he did step up and want to be his dad, and FOB never does do anything other than have him a few hrs a week for right now nd i clean then nd wash bottles.
but OH goes to bed at 9 and goes to work at 7 in the morning and then when he gets off he works on his car or watches tv, he plays with Aiden for a little while every night, but i do the changing, the feeding, the baths. nd he works monday- sat and then friday and sat nite he goes out or has friends over and then goes to bed really late after im asleep then sleeps til late into the afternoon and then is up with us for 6 hours.... i jst want to sleep in jst one day!

am i crazy for wanting this?? i know i see my friends for a couple hours during the day thru out the week but i take LO. i love my son but im seriously needing some me time u know?? my mom offers to take him but long time ago my dad said she shouldnt cuz its my son not hers and caused big fight. so i tell her no.....

im leavin monday and taking LO, its jst him my mom and i goin, and OH says this is my vacation... i want to SCREAM NO ITS NOT!!! i still have to get up at 6 and do everything i do here!! im only going cuz i need out of the house! i love him so much nd he makes me happy its jst lately i want some me time, nd its sat nite the last nite we could spend time together cuz tomorrow ill be in bed by 7 or 8 cuz we leave so early the next morning..... nd he is in his garage drinkin with his friends workin on the car! GAHHHH!

FOB is a drunk and doesnt step up either...

sorry jst needed to rant.... *sigh* rant over :p

thanks for listening!
yeah i feel sometimes like i have both the boys all on my own lol, esp when im doing all the feeding and changing and because im BF-ing then im the one up at 2-3 am doing a feed then again at 6-7 doing a feed and change while DH sleeps through both those feeds and normally gets up after ive put ds2 to bed again and got ds1 up and fed him breakfast and changed and dressed him, and by then ive fed myself and tidyed the house too, DH likes staying up till 11-12pm and i just cant do that now i need more sleep than that would allow so im going to bed at 10 with ds2
it drives me nuts some days, im up at 7 again this morning (woke up at 3 and 5 too feed) nd i didnt got to bed till 11 30 cuz him nd his buddys were too loud grrrrr
I feel where your coming from Bree i totally do, my oh has only changed one smelly nappy since our LO was born!!! It really gets on top of me sometimes but hey I suppose i just get on with it, I feel like there is nothing else i can do - if i dont do it, no-one will! So he has just got used to not doing it :shrug: I can see myself getting alot more pissed about it though as time goes on.

I bet on Joe Lively in the grand national, no win :dohh:

And thanks for fixing the ticker Kris :)

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine this weekend, i threw a bbq party yesterday yum! :thumbup: Shame about the clearing up i had to do this morning tho lol! Other than the bbq i've spent my time gardening hahaha. Young mums club? I sound past it! But no, seriously my garden is huge its like 2 huge fields lol.

Hope everyone is well anyway :flower:
OH came in and apologized last night after his friends left, he crawled into bed and and rambled on for like 20 mins bout how sorry he was cuz one of his friends made the comment bout how lucky he was to have a girl like me =)

oooo Joely i love to garden! i have a few veggie plants poping up im hoping alot more do this week, my flowers havent yet i dnt think they will =( so ill give them this week nd if they dnt pop up im gonna go buy new nd start over! lol aiden likes it too cuz i take him out side n his little walker nd he plays nd watches all the birds lol

o and not to long ago i posted bout getting to build a house, well turns out this house OH loves came up for sale we went and looked at it and it needs fixing up but has sooooo much potential! <3 i want it but we will see
Haha I'm terrible at gardening, I can't even keep a pot plant alive! My mum asked me to watch her veg whilst she was on holiday...I killed them all xp
lol awww i was bad when i was pregnant i had a few house plants but i always forgot to water them lol mom said its that baby brain thing where u forget stuff all the time when ur prego
i dont garden lol our backyard is graveled over so dont have to worry about it and dh takes care of trimming the hedges at the front,
we spent this afternoon in the park and it was lovely although my bum hurts from sitting on the ground and now i have a kitchen full of dishes to do which i dont want to do but if we dont do them today then i'll have to do them tomorrow as dh will be back at work , i might bribe him to do at least half of them
There's no point doing half the dishes, if he's gonna do any, he might aswell do all of them.

I'm very lucky, Me and OH do about 50/50 when it comes to looking after Liam, feeding and changing nappies etc.
Me and gardening don't go very well, The only thing I've ever managed to grow is cress :haha:
hey everyone!
today i went to the dollar store and got 9 glass bottles for 6 dollars :O
and I just saw this same bottles marks down at another store for 12.99 a 3 pack!
what a deal!
then I went to wallmart got a big pack of diapers(100 diapers ) for 11 dollars!
, and they were on sale for 14 and i had a 3 dollar off coupon!
I love deals!!
the smaller pack of 72 diapers was 17$
yay preggoeggo deals are good!!!
i've never seen glass bottle b4! I don't have any special bottles, i have a couple avent ones that fit my pump other than that i have a few cheap plastic ones that seem to do the trick. don't need to spend a fortune! I still have 3 packs of newborn nappies left- about 130 in total lol, hoping we get to use them all b4 she gets too big!!!
you guys don't have glass bottles over there?

Quintin start growing out of his size ones (well he was leaking alot thats when i know to move up to the next size) I just kept using them anyway, and just changing him more, cause I didnt want the diapers to go to waste! lol

I have a diaper buyingaddiction
I think i have like over 500 diapers right now :O and his size now, and half in his next size.

do you guys have huggies reward points, or pampers gifts to grow there/anywhere?
Hi guys.. just saw this.

Tasha -- Elyse born March 13, 2009. 13 months in a couple of days :cry:

Rome... I am addicted to my Pampers Gifts to Grow points haha. I have 1343 right now... I didn't start entering them until she was like 4 months and have been slacking on it since Christmas really :dohh:

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