Oh ladies......I need a proper vent.
So, I role play in an online game. Yes, some of the RP is sexual, but it's just like playing a character. I'm not bothered by it and it doesn't make me want to run away with any other guy. Well, lately, I've been chatting quite a bit to another guy and our characters have gotten into a relationship.
I need to explain the divide first. You have "in character" stuff and "out of character" stuff. What happens in character should not transfer over to out of character and same with the other way around. You keep boundaries, which is what this guy and I are doing.
Now, we like a lot of the same things out of character. He's a writer, theatre buff, country music fan, and hopeless romantic. He's also engaged and has been with the same woman for 12 years! There are sparks between us, but only because of common interests. Neither of us has the intention of leaving our partners. In fact, we even discussed these feelings like adults and came to an understanding that we couldn't let them go further and we are more than happy being just friends. He's going to be in Glasgow at the end of October to see a friend and I'm going to be there for a training course and he asked if we could meet up for a meal. Now, I have VERY strong morals and I don't cheat at all. I can handle having a meal with a guy. I've had them with male friends before (including ones that have been attracted to me) and it leads to nothing. I even brought it up to DH! I wasn't going to go sneaking around!
Fast forward to yesterday night: DH goes nuts at me! Saying I'm "fantasy fucking" another guy. Tells me he would never be happy with me doing anything in an acting capacity with another guy (I've joined a local theatre group, btw. The guy is not from here either. He lives down in England so I don't know what's up here). DH basically tells me he hates it and is feeling insecure. He doesn't want me to meet up with him despite the fact that I asked him if it was okay and he said it's up to me. I'm sitting there completely flabbergasted! For the past two years since his mum passed, his moods have run hot and cold. I've dealt with him cutting himself, yelling at me, sleeping until all hours of the day. I tried to tell him that I can't just flick a light switch and start believing that he's changing for good. In the time that he has been going through all this, I've developed other interests. Yeah, sure, I'm on the computer a bit, but hell, I like to talk to people. I still take care of Alex, take him out, do chores around the house, which lately, means I'm doing EVERYTHING! I deserve some downtime! I'm getting major mixed messages here and it's making me go nuts!
Anyways, I managed to convince him that I'm not going to leave him

I don't know what to do anymore. I enjoy my role play and I enjoy being friends with this guy. I'm not willing to give up my theatre so he feels more secure. Frankly, I feel like he wants to put me in a box. As another side note, I have TONS of male friends. This isn't like one male friend out of tons of female friends. Also, he apparently was insecure with me going to see Wicked with a male friend before I moved here! *sigh* Anyways ladies, that's what's been going on. Good luck if you got through to here. I'm in a pretty fucked up place at the moment and I'm fed up. Really fed up.