Things I cannot say out loud....

FFS if my sil tells me about her wedding or buts in one more time about wedding details while I am talking(thats shes included everyone else in the wedding apart from my own children) I may be forced to actually punch you in the face! and if you carry on ignoring my children when my daughter is trying to talk to you i will flip. ..

I fucking hate that girl LOL :lol: rant over

awhh thats really sad news, same happened to my partners cousin , worse thing with her was I was preg at the time, and her sis in law and bro were expecting too. and she cant concieve naturally and cant afford no more IVF right now after 3 more attempts after not sticking ..

RIP to that little baby
and RIP to little Ruby Angel Fudge who was born sleeping 2 years ago :(
OH - Thank you for standing by me and for backing me up for tomorrow.
Mum - Don't worry about me tomorrow i'll be fine and if "daddy dear" says one word about you i'll rip him a new one. Same goes for bro and sis in law. If it wasn't for Boo then i wouldn't be going. I promise i won't tell wee bro. I know how much me doing this will hurt him but this is for Boo not me.

Hugs to all :flower:
I'm soooooooo fucking glad big effing brother had finished!!! Sick & tired of OH obsessing over it.

Quite mad he's sat & watched the full 90min show this morning instead of just googling who won. We're meant to be packing. Grr
Oh- if you do not go to the doctors about your fricking asthma, LO and I are going to stay with my mum. Every single night you keep me awake with your coughing and wheezing and I've had enough! Evie has just started sleeping better, and I'm getting even less sleep than before!! And your bullshit reasoning of "I don't want to become dependant on drugs" is ridiculous. If you were diabetic would you refuse insulin?! I'm now going to sleep on the fricking sofa, as I literally can't take anymore!!
Aww there crap at going to the dr aren't they?
My dh has probable mild Tourette's, mainly twitches with some grunts and vocal tics, unless he's tired you don't really notice it too much (unless you give him a glass and ask him to hold still while you pour something in it, his arm twitches and wants to throw while his hand grips for dear life, always entertaining that one lol)
He got to the point where they said it was probably Tourette's and they needed to do some more tests and set him up with some meds and therapy and he never went back.
Its not as bad at the mo as it has been, when Flynn was tiny he would cuddle him and sometimes give him to someone really quick coz he felt like he was going to throw him, I've had a couple of smacks too, just sat happily watching tv or laid in bed and out of nowhere comes a smack lol I still make the mistake of distractedly telling him to stop bloody twitching which draws attention to it and makes him much worse leaving me with a twitching grunting lump next to me for a while till he gets back in control.
Sometimes it's funny sometimes it's not, with meds it'd probably go away completely but I can't make him go.
Yet dh just twitches yours has asthma which is more serious, show him statistics of asthma attacks and ask if he wants to be there with your lo and if he wants to be able to run round with her or if he'd rather he was either not there at all or sat on a bench watching?
Holiday today ladies :D

Almost finished packing. Just last min essentials. I'm excited to take my wee man to the seaside!!!
Tanya- Men are useless aren't they! He has huge form of not going to the doctor. He had lots of ear infections when he was younger, which disintergrated his inner ear bones, leaving him pretty much deaf in his left ear. Yet even now, when he gets an ear infection, he won't go to the doctors for antibiotics! Last year he seemed a bit under the weather, so I dragged him to the out of hours doctor, and he ended up being admitted to hospital for 2 nights on an IV antibiotic because the infection had got out of control!
He's off all day tomorrow and weds, am tempted to phone his doctor and make him an appointment myself! I can't take another night of being awake for hours before finally moving to the sofa!!

Broken-have fun! I love the seaside :) Where are you off to?
Yeah make the appointment for him. Promise him a blowjob as a reward for going :haha:
OH- thank you for listening, and giving the right answers, I'm off to look out my corset and stockings for a treat later...
Michelle's DH is in for a good night ;)

Life- can you PLEASE give me some direction! I feel like I'm, just bouncing about between everything just keeping my head above water. I want to make my business grow, but I need better luck with money to be able to afford to grow it.

Money situation...... shit.

Why is it illegal to sell yourself??
:hugs: Emmy, I know what you mean, I felt a bit like that for a while too.

Whit woooooooooo Michelle! ;) lucky man! ;)

Awww, Luci and Tanya, sorry to hear your oh's aren't well. :( mine is useless at going to the docs too.

Have a good trip broken, bring us back some rock!

Dear AF, where are you? :( you are now 3days late. I cannot abide tardiness. :nope: (took a hpt on saturday- :bfn: ) kinda glad, pretty sad. :(
I got approved to go on my training course! :) I knew I would, but it feels good to think the higher ups approve of me working with victims of sexual crime :)
Well done Ozzie!

I feel bad.... need to get Doo some winter clothes but we can't afford any :(
:hugs: not even from second hand shops? Thats where I'm gonna get Maria a new winter suit if she's outgrown last year's one.

Can't believe my ex told so many fucking lies to CPS. It makes me so angry. And of course he is "ill" now so he can't bring Maria tomorrow like agreed. ARGH! Police will be called.
I can't get her back (unless his dad can persuade him to let us pick her up) - the social workers said he can't be forced to give her back until we have a written contract :(

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