FFS if my sil tells me about her wedding or buts in one more time about wedding details while I am talking(thats shes included everyone else in the wedding apart from my own children) I may be forced to actually punch you in the face! and if you carry on ignoring my children when my daughter is trying to talk to you i will flip. ..
I fucking hate that girl LOL
rant over
awhh thats really sad news, same happened to my partners cousin , worse thing with her was I was preg at the time, and her sis in law and bro were expecting too. and she cant concieve naturally and cant afford no more IVF right now after 3 more attempts after not sticking ..
RIP to that little baby
and RIP to little Ruby Angel Fudge who was born sleeping 2 years ago
I fucking hate that girl LOL

awhh thats really sad news, same happened to my partners cousin , worse thing with her was I was preg at the time, and her sis in law and bro were expecting too. and she cant concieve naturally and cant afford no more IVF right now after 3 more attempts after not sticking ..
RIP to that little baby
and RIP to little Ruby Angel Fudge who was born sleeping 2 years ago