Rainbow, *hugs* hope you feel better xxxx
Ozzie, it must be nice to see him playing so nicely and it's a result in how you are raising him!!
Emma, baby, please start sleeping better, you have never been the best sleeper in the world but we have come through it with co-sleeping etc. but this new idea that you take 3 hours to get to sleep and then wake up 20 minutes after you are in bed, you almost crawled off the bed twice, it's unsafe for you in bed now. Please stop getting up every 2 hours, I love you but I'm at the end of my tether and your dad has gone to work with so little sleep I'm worried about the drive back!
OH you did we'll looking after LO on Sunday while I was so ill but don't think you did my job, I still BF her all day, then I also looked after her while you went for a dozen fags through the day when I could barely stop myself passing out, you also did nothing around he house, it took me an hour and a half to clean up from Sunday!! You also 'forgot' to feed Emma proper food apart from her easy snack I told you where to get it. I want to hug to for looking after her but slap you for thinking you did what I do and did the best job ever!!
Yourself, get your arse into gear and get on Zumba on the wii, 4 pounds lost only 20 pounds to go till you are under the BMI limit and no consultants threats next pregnancy (probably crazy for thinking of another but I practically get up as much as with a newborn)
One last thing MIL you are missing my daughters 1st birthday for a selfish holiday you can't afford don't dare say you don't see her enough and don't ask us for money, using you heating allowance for a holiday is wrong and we are still paying off your dam debt for the next 40 years as you won't sort it out with us, you selfish cow!!!
That was longer than I thought sorry, but I feel better xxx