
bartness (and anyone else needing them)
I lost my fil a few monthsago, he was like a dad to me and was the nicest guy ever!
If you need to talk I'm here for you.
I didn't get to say goodbye either, everyone went to the hospice to sit with him but I had to stay home with Flynn.
Sil I know you're trying to help but its too much.
This month we've been decorating (had already bought the stuff) dh got ripped off on a big eBay sale, my car died and the exhaust fell off, dh's bonus didn't come through, fils death in service grant didn't come through (£15000 mil is giving us all £1500) lots of niggly little expensive things went wrong and we literally had no money (it was so bad my google history includes the question "can you use a tea towel as a nappy?" Apparently not )
Sil has had a good month, she's started a new job and is no longer unemployed yay! Other sil has been working two jobs and they were given their brand new works car.
Sil let us off with this months rent till we can pay it, we were still struggling, mil gave us £200 and we were better but not great, sil then gave us £50, left it on our sofa while we were in bed so we couldn't refuse it. Then yesterday comes home with a car full of shopping (two days after we did the big shop mind, although it was a bit of a stingy one with lots of tesco value stuff lol) it's all been really nice of them and I'm really grateful (we have nappies now too thanks to someone on fb having a link to cheap ones lol)
It's hurting dh, because I don't work he is the main breadwinner and he loves being the man and providing for his family (I've always earned more than him) he cried the other night coz he feels like he's failed in some way, which he hasn't its always tight with money and things have just all gone wrong.
Last week we visited mil nearly everyday for the day on the pretence of dh being busy decorating but really it was because we had no food in the house and she feeds us while we are there. How pathetic is that?