Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Rosa Good Luck! :hugs: Update us afterwards.

Love- get lots of rest since being sick whle pregnant totally sucks. Can't take anything...but water! Pfffft. I did steamy vicks stuff for my breathing when i was all sicky.

Dee- i have read that a super heavy period can sometimes mean your body got ready and built up some good lining in the uterus for pregnancy but the pregnancy didn't implant or something. So it could now be cleaning out, and making a try for next cycle. If its just this one, i wouldnt think there are issues yet.

Ready- are you feeling green today?
Love, at this point the line between crazy and sad is very ambiguous! Lol! So it sucked. Like really painful. But it only lasted about 5 seconds each time it hurt. The worst thing was walking into "that" part of the office, and seeing the enormously scary and huge poin needles hat I could only assume were going up the vajayjay. I immediately started crying. The nurse and doc were so nice and worked quickly. I also had an endometrial biopsy which was a surprise to me so that fear made cry too. Anyway it's over and doc said this is worse than hsg on Monday so I am relieved abou that. Said would not do an iui this cycle and then I told him he reason of dh being on military leave and he said hmmm well we'll talk about what u can do. Truth be told dh will be around early in am and late at pm so at least we can try on our own. Typing this on iPod sucks! Thanks for ur concern ladies :hugs: I'm fine now.
Rosa, big :hugs: to you! You were so brave; good work! I had a cervix biopsy and I remember that feeling of sticking something through the cervix--not fun! I don't know how I"m going to get a watermelon through it later.... Ugh. But, you did it & it's done now! Three cheers to the doc for considering getting your iui in this month :)

Love, I'm feeling ok the last couple days, thanks...queasy just when I get hungry (every 2 hours) or I'm tired. I wonder if the B6 I've started has helped me some. BTW, does anyone watch a Baby Story or any of those TLC shows??
Good job Rosa! I am glad its over with. Doesnt sound incredibly fun, but there are worse things I guess! Labor for one:) SO, did the doc sound like "we'll see what you can do," meaning lets do it this month...or just kinda placating you....
If DH is gunna be around early early mornings and late night least you can try on your own. Is there another medicine they can try to give that helps get pregnant when you try on your own for that time at least?

Ready- I am actually watching TLC now and I have watched those baby shows since, Oh, 2004 when I was pregnant with Ella! Lol. I have not watched them regularily and do get sick of them, but will still watch sometimes. Right now is "I didn't know I was pregnant". Hmmm. So strange to me!~
I like I didn't know I was pregnany and one born every minute!

rosa big hug to you going through all this, but in the end you won't even think about what you had to do to hold that little one!

ready the sicky feeling does go away eventually!

afm, I haven't posted much or kept up as I spent the weekend at childrens hospital with my 9 year old daughter apparently she suffers from what's called hemipalegic migraines, on saturday she went with a friend from the ball field before her softball game and I got a call at work that she came in the house with a headache and 5 minutes later she went limp on her right side and was completely slurring her speech, my first thought was stroke. She went to our local er and from there was transported by ambulance to the childrens hospital 45 minutes away. I was a complete emotional wreck. She's doing better now all the side effects are now gone but she's still getting atleast 1 headache a day which scares me cause they said she can battle this all through childhood and is likely to have more episodes like that and can't do anything for her except give her aleve!!! But better than her having a stroke so I'm thankful for that!! I hope everyone else is getting along ok!
Good job Rosa! I am glad its over with. Doesnt sound incredibly fun, but there are worse things I guess! Labor for one:) SO, did the doc sound like "we'll see what you can do," meaning lets do it this month...or just kinda placating you....
If DH is gunna be around early early mornings and late night least you can try on your own. Is there another medicine they can try to give that helps get pregnant when you try on your own for that time at least?

Yes, we'll definitely try on our own. Who knows, maybe after the hsg, we'll get lucky! I'm so glad it's done with. I kept thinking I have to get used to it, because I'm imagining labor is MUCH worse! :haha:

I'm not sure what he meant, to be honest. I don't think he meant we'll try for an iui this cycle, but maybe injections or a different o med. Who knows. I go in next Wednesday to find out what the test results are and have a consultation. We'll discuss everything then.
Yes I was thinking injections of a different medicine of some sorts is what he meant. Maybe push for that a bit since you will be able to do some BDing on your own, but the meds would be nice to try until you could do IUI.

Hsg- I am the "nurse" who is in on those with the patient....its done in radiology so picture a radiology nurse, anyways its actually the radiologic technologist but people don't know what that means. lol. My biggest advice is to take a pain reliever an hour before your procedure, and to BREATHE. Sounds so stupid but while they inject the dye into this little catheter thingy, it can sometimes just tighten up uterus with some crampiness and women tend to hold breath in that situation but that makes your muscles in uterus tenser, and it hurts more. So while they are injection the stuff, close your eyes and do deep breathing cuz honestly a loose uterus is a less crampy uterus! Lol. Otherwise its seriously not bad at all. Thats just advice to make the crampiness at its minimal. Which isnt even that bad to begin with and its quick!
Ny, yay for TLC! I started recording baby shows again a couple of weeks ago...I think it's interesting to see all the ridiculous situations and pain that women go through (although most get the epidural now), and I almost always cry at the end. I like Babys first day lately... Oh, and I didn't know I was pregnant is just ridiculous. There is so much that feels odd I cannot IMAGINE going nine months without having a clue! Gosh, why is my stomach so big and bloated? Give me a break... So, wait, is One Born Every Minute on again? I thought the season was over!!

Repo, what an awful, awful experience. There cannot be anything more frightening that your child being so sick or hurt. I'm glad she is doing a little better, and hopefully it does not turn out as chronic as they say it COULD. :hugs:
Ny- it's so hard to get any rest when I'm working 40hrs a week. Aside from already being worn out as is being sick is just kicking my ass. Standing for 10 minutes and I'm ready to take a nap. It makes me so out of breath. I started drinking warm green tea (decaffeinated of course) with honey and that seems to help a bit. Only downside is tea stimulates my bladder.. So that means my toilet sees me a lot more than my already frequent visits.

Rosa- :haha: sad bleeds into insanity where ttc/pregnancy are concerned. You are going to be such a trip when you get your bfp. That's when insanity begins to bleed over the sad until everyone thinks you're a nutjob lol. But you'll always have us other crazy ladies. To be honest I would have started to cry too seeing all that stuff. Even now when I go in for my checkups I get really nervous if I see equipment just lying around that I'm not familiar with. "you want to stick what where?!?" I'm sorry you had to go through that pain and discomfort but anything for a bfp right? I'll hack off my own leg for a healthy LO and to be honest I'm pretty fond of having two legs lol. At least your doctor didn't say there wasn't anything he can do for you this cycle as far as trying to rush things slog for timing sake. He sounds wonderful. Even if it's not IUI maybe he'll have some other great plan that will do the trick.

Ready- just keep some sort of nibbles close by at all times to combat the nausea. I find that even now if I don't eat enough I'll get nauseous.. Plus lightheaded and shaky. I catch up on one born every minute on lifetime's website. I love all the baby shows. I've been watching them here and there since I was about 12.
My daughter now loves watching the baby story and bringing home baby and stuff once in a while i catch her watching with me:) But she doesnt have much patience for the labor parts. Cant blame her. i cry a lot too, but actually cried more over that show in the years of TTC than I do now because I was more sad and wanting of that, now im a bit more terrified:)

Love- when are you gunna work until? I have tons of hours this month so that im working over 40 a week and im usually part time so thats going to be killer. My job is running all over the hospital, pushing 1,000 lb machinery around, and moving patients around to take their xrays so i am so dead after a couple hours nowadays im scared. But more money for baby so i will hafta get through it!

Repo- glad the situation isnt as bad as it could be, and that your daughter grows out of this soon.
I'm probably going to work right up until I go into labor. Knowing my luck, my waters will break while I'm at work. I already work 40 hours a we and it's a killer. It wouldn't be so terrible if I were moving around rather than just standing in place with the option to pace from time to time. My feet hurt so bad by the end of the night that once I get home to relax standing up for anything makes me want to cry. I would much rather do a job like yours, standing is just brutal. But as you said, it's more money for LO so it's worth it in the end.
My jobs ok when there are students there because I have them push the gurneys down the hall and the portable xray machine around the hospital and in surgery I just have them move the C-arms and stuff. Moving patients I've got to figure out a better way though I really hurt myself the other day moving a big heffer who pretty much fell on afraid of tearing the placenta or something. Another thing that is no fun at my work is the radiation exposure. I have to constantly worry about the exposure to my baby...but there isn't much I can do to avoid certain things because they pretty much still make us do most things.

Glad I usually am only part time! I can handle a lot of hours for 2 weeks long as I have lots of time off after:)

Im excited, I get to feel baby moving quite often now! Not so infrequently. Maybe its the Frappe I had from mcdonalds today...i am feeling quite guilty but really really wanted one so badly.
My job likes to try and push means far as they can.. Which is starting to really get on my nerves. The one manager just doesn't hear me when I tell him that doing what I'm doing is starting to really hurt and cause problems for me long after I'm home. It's also a man so what would he know about being pregnant and the discomforts certain things cause. It's wonderful when the movements become more frequent!! I notice after eating or drinking certain things LO is more active, same with if I'm doing certain things at home or listening to specific music. Don't feel guilty about the frappe.. I indulge in a yummy coffee drink here and there too.. Some morning I need one just to get me going at work or else I'm useless. A little won't hurt. It's not like it's the only thing you ever drink, so once in a while is quite alright.
Love- a girl i talked to said she has 3 cherry pepsis a day and her doc said fine. WOW! I feel like that would make me feel guilty. I usually have a diet coke like once every couple days, or get a frappe, and if i do the frappe, i dont finish a small one on purpose so really not getting much of it. It made my bean MOVE today though! hahah
Diet coke is fine to drink regularly if you are opting for the caffeine free kind. No, large amounts of caffeine aren't healthy for the baby, but then again they aren't healthy for us either. Babies are remarkably resilient. Just think 30 years ago it was very, very common to find a pregnant woman smoking and drinking as though they weren't and their babies came out just fine. Every year the list of things not to do or eat while pregnant just gets longer. Soon we'll be told we ought to live in sterile bubbles and eat only the most organic foods or else our babies are doomed. Just use your judgment and don't overdo it. I'm sure your little bean can take some coffee from time to time. It's not like it's going straight into his cord raw or anything lol. Plus it's always nice to get some extra wiggles out of him during the day.
Rosa, Im so sorry that that procdure was painful, but glad for your sake it is over!! Good luck on the HSG soon!

Glad to hear everyone else is doing good, Love, how is your bump coming along? Haven't seen any pics from you lately!!? Can you believe we have less than 2 months left?? Unreal to me! Im to the point , EVERYWHERE I go, I get "when are you due?" "Boy or girl" "Is it your first?" "Wow 2 boys, you will have your hands full!" Those kind of questions and comments! It kind of annoys me when everyone acts like 2 boys will be sooooo crazy... Idk it seems like no one wants 2 boys, when i just feel blessed to have them at all, who cares what gender! There were a few people who say "im sorry," when we found out he was aboy!! CAn you believe it?? SO many people cant get pregnant at all, who am I to judge what the good Lord wants to give me?? It really hurts me sometimes! Anyway that's my rant for the day haha! Going to the Dr wednesday and scheduling my non stress tests ;( I have to have them TWICE a week!! On top on my regular appts every 2 weeks and my monthly ultrasounds. So I will be going to 3 different doctors from here on out and dealing with 3 different kinds of appts. AGH! But it's all worth it for a happy heathly baby!
I have to have an MRI scan on the 28th to try to figure out why i keep getting dizzy/headaches. Thing is you are advised NOT to have if there is a possibility you could be pregnant so i may have to not try this cycle which totally sucks :( I am going to phone and ask before my fertile time just in case, i would only be like 1 week pregnant but i wouldnt wanna take any risks...

I hope i get my BFP before you ladies that are pregnant have your babes! :flower:
Hi ladies! Nothing new to report. AF has left and now it is time to get down to business! yeah! I am going to try to get some reading of this thread in as I feel like I have been neglecting you all and dont know what is going on most the time. Things are just crazy here right now and getting anything for myself done is next to impossible. Hopefully I can catch up on everyone this weekend. Luv you all!
Good morning ladies! Did everyone have a good weekend? It was my one year anniversary with DH, and we had a nice date night and just laid low on Saturday... I was really sick yesterday, but what can you do? At least we got out of the house and had some fun part of the weekend. Today is my scan! BLAGH! I'm nervous, but not too nervous. I hate the :sick: feeling, but I guess it IS reassuring that all is well...

Dee, I hope you get some answers from your MRI... and Brandy, no worries, we'll be here... Kylar, sounds like a LOT of appointments coming up--yikes! What do you do with your daycare kids when you have to go to the doctor?
Good luck Ready!!! ;) Cant wait to see good news!!

I have a sub that comes and watches the kids on days I have appointments! I just got a new one for this summer to help with all the tons of them I will now have! Problem is I have to pay her each time so it is going to get expensive!! Boo! My mom is a school teacher and off during the summer, i wish i could have her do it but she had surgery and isnt able to do much ;( oh well, this baby is expensive already, lol! but worth it!!

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