Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Ready- no nap today and i still felt awwwwful today!! so must not be the naps. I have got to get the the pharmacy to pick up my sickness meds. I had heard of sickness returning in 3rd tri to some people, but it's not fair... booo...
Sorry I've been MIA for a while, there's just been so much going on. Working full time, a death in the family, my trip to Ohio last Wednesday (got back yesterday evening).. I've just had no time to peek in and I feel bad about that. Right now I'm updating from the hospital where I've been since about 4 this afternoon. DH and I had a lazy morning, breakfast on the couch, a nice shower together and bd afterwards. Well after we finished I noticed I was bleeding bright red. I called the doctors office and they told me to head to labor and delivery. They hooked me up to monitors and I started having minor cramps and contractions. I was placed on an iv while we waited on my doctor to arrive in hopes it would slow the contractions. My doctor finally arrived and did an exam. Turns out I was boarding 2cm dilated and baby was head down pushing on my cervix and definitely in preterm labor. So now I'm on meds to try and stop the contractions, two types of antibiotics, and steroids to help mature baby's lungs in case the contractions don't stop. The contractions seem to be easing a bit but they still come from time to time. So I'm stuck here for a couple days to see what is going to happen. Doctor said that bd'ing this morning didn't cause this to happen. I was already in the early stages of it (unknowingly) and bd'ing caused the bleeding since my cervix was already vulnerable but I was already dilated. I'm so exhausted and uncomfortable. I hope everyone else is doing well though.
Sorry Heather that sucks - have you tried eating little and often and all that?
What about ginger herbal teas? I hope its just a passing short phase.

I ended up telling some of the ladies at work i had been TTC for a year (i didnt mention the MC) and they all tried to give me friendly advice such as 'well you just have to relax' and 'it will happen when you least expect, dont think about it'
I wanted to thump them all! LOL
Why do people come out with the same old useless 'help' - bah lol
Plus now they will keep asking - how could i of been so stupid?

I'm off to a concert on the 9th so i pray i get my BFP and then i can take a secret with me too :flower:
Oh Love, i just read you post! I hope things all calm down for you hun and the contractions stop. How scary. But i think you are far enough along for babe to be just fine :) am thinking of you, good luck (hugs)
Love, you poor thing! We were worried about you :hugs: Dee is completely right...worst case scenario, your little man is big enough to do okay even if you deliver soon! But hopefully the meds slow things down & buy you another couple of weeks. We are here for you--don't feel bad about not posting. Let us know how you are when you have time...
Heather, I can't believe you are so sick--is it the queasy feeling, or are you throwing up too? That sucks! Get the meds today...

Dee, people just don't know what to say about ttc. It's like we are all programmed to say the wrong or least helpful catch phrases when the topic comes up; don't take it personally!

Today is my ultrasound day; I'm just waiting to hear from the doc about what time to go in...yikes!
Dee- as ready said, people don't really know what to say when the topic comes up. We try to be friendly and supportive by saying "it"ll happen if you relax" but have no idea how frustrating it is. It also depends on how close you are to the person and how knowledgeable they are about ttc. If you aren't the best of friends it may be awkward to bring up some of the various thing to try aside from "relaxing".

Ready- oooh! I can't wait to see new pics of your little one!! How have you been feeling? Starting to get excited? I remember being where you are now and thinking "wow, I never thought I would be here". Just wait till you hit more milestones: 20,24,30,34 weeks... It feels so surreal.

As for me, not a whole lot going on. Still strapped to my bed by a slew of wires and cords. They upped my meds late last night because the contractions started coming more. DH stayed with me and is still sleeping in the chair next to the bed. This has made everything more real. I knew I was having a baby... Later.. But him trying to come early made me realize how unprepared I am. I'm terrified to have him. I don't know how to take care of a baby. Had an ultrasound last night to check his development. Cute as a button, because that's a requirement lol. He weighs 4lbs 9oz right now based on the measurements they took. I know he would be fine if he came now but I'd prefer he gain at least another pound before he decides he's ready. I've been listening to his heartbeat on the monitor for 16 hours now. Guess this makes up for not getting a Doppler lol. It's a beautiful sound I tell you. This whole situation is funny really. While I was in Ohio my grandma took my mom and I to see her psychic, the same psychic who told my grandma that I was going to be pregnant. She told me that this LO was going to come early but that he'd be fine. Day after I get home look what happens, he tries to come early. We still don't know if I'm having him or not but he's still trying.
Love, I am scared for you but know that your guy will be beautiful and ready even if he comes now. Its not ideal, but some things in life just happen as they should, so have faith that it will all be ok. I will be thinking of you! Enjoy hearing that heart beating away:)
Love, I think it is really common to feel unprepared...after all, you are going to face a major upheaval in your life. You've never been a mom before, or cared for a newborn 24/7. Whether now, or 6 weeks from now, you will face that hurdle. I'm certain you will get through it just fine. You will learn as you go, and become a great mom!

I will have my fingers triple-crossed, though, that your tummy settles down & your little guy can stay warm & cozy for a couple more weeks!
Hey girlies!

I havent had a whole lot of time to actually sit and post lately, but I have been reading every day.

Love- I have been worried sick about you! I am praying for you and just know everything is going to be okay with LO. And you are going to be an amazing mom! Dont worry, 99% of it is instinct. It will all come to you the minute you hold him in your arms. :hugs:

Ready- I cant wait to see you ultrasound pics!

As for me, nothing! Lol! My DS's sleep schedule and my husbands new work schedule have made it impossible to BD. We BDed for the first time last night in almost a week. I know, "Oh my? A whole week?" But we are an every day to every other day couple, so it felt like forever. Plus no BD during what I "think" was my fertile period. There's always next month.

So in other news, I have started a new jewelry line! I am super excited about it! I am selling locally and online at Etsy. Let me know whatcha think!

Also, I am a little nervous. Zachary (5yr DS) has a "Screening" for kindergarten at a charter school tomorrow at 11am. What does this mean exactly? Are they going to expect him to be a genius at 5? It is so different now from when my DD was in Kindergarten. They weren't expected to already know everything going in. And to be honest, with the PreK system being so different here, this will be his frist time away from me and in school. I hope I have prepared him enough, but who knows! We work on his letters and numbers constantly but he still gets hung up on them a lot. He has his shapes and colors down pat though. Am I worrying too much? I know this sounds silly, but I'd almost rather just send him to the normal Kindergarten just to relieve this anxiety!
Love- I know how you feel, Im not sure if you were here or gone but about a week and a half ago the same thing happened to me, only I wasn't bleeding I just had terrrrrible side and back pain and ended up in ER, dialated to a 2 , and having contractions. They stopped my contractions with a shot, and said that I was dehydrated. After the IV I was feeling much better so they are pretty sure my preterm labor started from the dehydration!! But it was awfully scary as I was 32 weeks. Are they worried about his weight? at 33 weeks Kendon was 5 lbs already, and you're like a week further than me. But they also say that those machines can be off target quite a bit on the weight, bc it doesnt measure fat! So maybe he weighs more than they think ;) Get some rest and we hope to here back from you soon! You and baby are in my prayers!!

Ready- I have been doing the so sick I feel like vomitting but nothing comes out - thing... but i picked up my meds yesterday so when it hits today Im prepared! I also was out of my diabetic test strips so it could be my blood sugar being messed up and i was unaware b/c i couldnt test it and see if my blood sugar was low. but i got some more of those too so i'm good to go now!! ;)
Oh I just had to post!! :cloud9: I didn't expect to feel like this...I had my 11 week US & oh my gosh was it fun :) This was abdominal, so not as clear, but even so...we could kinda make out a face profile, and definitely arms & legs and knees. The pics maybe aren't that clear, but my heart completely & totally melted during it. You know how if you lay a baby down and tickle her a little, the arms & legs go bouncing & waving like crazy? Right in the middle of the ultrasound, our baby did that. I just about died; it was so cute. She/he is about 2 inches tall and already formed & moving around. It's mind boggling and we're so happy.


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OMG Ready- I just teared up for you. This is really it! You have a real, growing, forming baby inside of you and im just over the moon now. Its really amazing isnt it? Did they do the NT test of the back of the neck for downs? Mine was done a tad before 12 weeks....i think they've only got until 12-13 weeks to do it. Its optional though, but i was advised to do it so i did. Yay for a lovely baby in there! How did your Step son take the news? Or have you waited to tell him still?

My daughter is now in love with Bean inside me and I am just thrilled at her interest and concern with it all. So cute.

I still get sick once in a while. It will be like a day of puking and sickness out of no where. Its so lovely. Now the biggest thing has been acidy heart burn and indigestion. Sooooo not fun! But love feeling the dance party inside there at times!

Wow Kylar- your little guy is big in there! He would probably be all ready to come out if it happened early, huh. Thats a good weight, and that was a couple weeks ago even!

Love, Kylar- you should post another bump pic! Im excited to see the tummys in the 30's weeks!
Thank you Ny--I've been tearing up too! It's so much more real now... DH was totally floored by the waving and kicking; he can't get over it. I think it's more real to him now too.

I'm sorry to hear you are still having sick days! Ugh--I'm still hanging onto hope that my MS will ease away over the next 2 or 3 weeks. We haven't told my ss yet... but I am so glad that Ella has come around so well! How could she not; babies are irresistable! I think my stepson will be very happy. I've been thinking about trying to include him in the US where we learn the gender.

Kylar, I hope your meds work for you today!
Thank you all so much. It makes me feel better knowing you are all keeping such good thoughts for little Roman.

Kylar- they didn't give me a shot to stop contractions. I'm on a magnesium drip as well as the regular iv and an antibiotic drip plus steroids to help his lungs mature. They also gave me two horsepill antibiotics of a different type and a shot of something unpleasant in my butt. The bleeding has just about stopped, still wiping pink when I pee. I'm not feeling many of the contractions but they are still being picked up on the monitor. The doctor said they are keeping me till the weekend, for now. If anything changes I may be here longer. Everything else with the baby looks fine so I'm not really all that concerned if he does come early. I'm just worried about what happens after they send me home if they can stop the labor. I can't afford to use all my mat leave before the baby gets here but I don't know if they will let me go back to work.

Ready!! How'd the scan go!! I need to see cute pictures and awesome news to cheer me up!!

Brandy- I know how you feel. DH and I are a very active couple too. Doctor told us this morning that we aren't allowed to bd until at least 37 weeks. Feels like forever from now and the farther along I get the more I want. Go figure.
Clearly I missed that post ready. SO FREAKING CUTE!! You are 100% for real having a baby. Looks absolutely perfect!! You must be overjoyed!! That made my day.
Clearly I missed that post ready. SO FREAKING CUTE!! You are 100% for real having a baby. Looks absolutely perfect!! You must be overjoyed!! That made my day.

Hehe, thank you :happydance: I AM overjoyed. I keep tearing up. I loved seeing an actual baby on that screen and I loved seeing how happy DH was.

Take it easy over there and think good thoughts about Roman...we certainly are. There's nothing you can do right now about the work situation so just focus on resting; you can deal with all of that once they see if they are able to stop your labor. Is your family visiting?
This is the last bump pic I took at about 31 weeks I think. Everyone is telling me how small I am for being so far along. With all the weight I have gained I was afraid people were going to tell me what a whale I am.


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DH has stayed with me, he ran home to care for the cats and pick up a couple things. My mom is still in Ohio but she's driving home first thing in the morning and I'm sure she going to head straight here. The inlaws haven't been by because DH knows I would rather not see them right now. A close friend is dropping by later today so that will be nice.

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