Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Ready- welcome back!! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time telling your family. Babies are always exciting and I'm sure they can't wait to meet him or her! Welcome to pregnancy, this is only the beginning. I find myself to be very weepy these days. Just about anything will make me cry. Sometimes just laying in bed with DH will make me cry. In the hospital I cried every time he said he loved me.. Made him very confused to say the least.

Star- I'm going to have to give that a shot.. Maybe it'll save me from getting up close to 10 times a night to pee. I would love to get a good nights rest before the baby comes.
Ready - glad telling your family went well if not emotional :) I also told my parents tonight (they came round because it is my daughters birthday today) and they were delighted! :) Most other people we will wait until 12 weeks because obviously i am just sooo scared.

My son and daughter had their sports day at school today and i had tears in my eyes watching them, i am soo emotional too!
Also been sooooooooooo tired and a bit sicky if i have not eaten in a while so that must be a good sign.

Love - i hope you are doing ok with the ankle and resting thing, must be quite frustrating at times for you now but not too long to go! Do you have all of babies things ready?

I took another I/C this afternoon with dilute urine and it was at least as dark as the previous one, deffo not lighter anyway so i have to hope that it is ok, maybe those tests only get so dark?
Dee they only get so dark, but also, those ones seem to get darker every few days from my experience at the beginning of this pregnancy. i went through like 20 of them. Lol.
Dee resident expert with ICs lol think I actually pee'd on at least3 packs of 20 ha ha no joke they gradually get darker butnot obviously in the beginning I had them all lined up on my window sill how late are u for AF have u used a frer or digi they will put ur mind completely at rest especially the FRER xxx

Love not long now honey u must be so excited! I can't wait to see pics leaning fwd defo helps me so fx'd u get some relief x

Well my big bro wife pg too and I hate to say it as we are all so close she has stolen my thunder.... My mum pointed it out to me I am 18wks and never mentioned it on Facebook as I didn't want people to comment about my brothers till he was ready they then put their baby scan all over fb and my wee one not been on pretty gutted but at least all my friends and family know I didn't tell anyone till I was 28wks with ds as I was so scared wanted to shout this one from the roof tops but couldn't at my 12wk cos she was worried,.. Oh rarrrr sorry that has been winding me up so so bad

We have decided to announce sex of baby which we find out a wk on Monday as ds is having a wee bro/Sis xxx

Ready so happy ur news was spread happily xx
Okay now I'm caught up! Love, how is your ankle? Any more contractions or are you just enjoying your time to rest & relax before all hell breaks loose (I mean, Roman arrives!)?

Rosa, I'm thinking of you today and your endo procedure :hugs: I know you are afraid of pain; I hope all goes well and it is easier than you expect!

Ny, your bump is adorable and I can't get over your 3d scan pics! I showed DH the one of your LO he thinks maybe we should get a 3d (we have not been planning to do that). Anyway, your little guy is so, so cute!

Dee, step away from the ICs and get a real test! But really, the ICs change color very gradually and you are only stressing yourself out by testing at different times of day. Get a two pack of frer--take one with fmu and another 2-3 days later with fmu. You should see a clear increase in the darkness of the line, and all the confidence that it brings... Sounds like you are starting to get some symptoms, so I am sure that all is well!!

Star, glad you are doing ok, but I am confused--I thought you already know you are having a girl? Oh, and Im not sure why your decision to announce the baby had anything at all to do with your sister in law being nervous about her pregnancy...hmm. Whatever the reason was, shout it from the roof top now. Go right on facebook and paste huge messages and pictures of how excited you guys are with your news. Your friends will be supportive, I'm sure!
Ready- it was so fun to do the 3d. I was kinda wishy washy over doing it too but really liked it. Whats neat is that we have a dvd that is 45 minutes long so thats a long time to just sit and watch baby!

I am glad your fam was happy! Have you done the official FB announcement as well?
Ready- it was so fun to do the 3d. I was kinda wishy washy over doing it too but really liked it. Whats neat is that we have a dvd that is 45 minutes long so thats a long time to just sit and watch baby!

I am glad your fam was happy! Have you done the official FB announcement as well?

That's great about your scan! No we haven't announced on FB...I'm nervous to! I'm kinda thinking about buying a doppler. That way I could just check it out right before we post so publicly. Is that crazy?
Yep, do the doppler, I strongly suggest it for someone who needs reassurance. It has even been helpful every once in a while now, when he hasnt moved in a while and I hear that the heart sounds good, and I swear the doppler then makes him wiggle again so all is well!

I didn't even tell my mom til 13 weeks so you are doing well! Lol. FB, I think it was 16-17 weeks. Cant remember now, but was late.
Okay I just ordered one online :blush: was super cheap, so in any case, hopefully it will provide some amusement. Question, am I in second tri now? I find it hard to figure out what the cutoff is...
Hmmm. I cant remember what I went with now to consider myself in 2nd tri....13, 13.5, or 14....BUT yes, I think 13 is 2nd tri. Wait, whoa! You are in 2nd tri! Holy shneikies! Is it going fast for you like your pregnancy is going fast for me? Lol
Hmmm. I cant remember what I went with now to consider myself in 2nd tri....13, 13.5, or 14....BUT yes, I think 13 is 2nd tri. Wait, whoa! You are in 2nd tri! Holy shneikies! Is it going fast for you like your pregnancy is going fast for me? Lol

:haha: You're funny...yes it is going fast for me too. I am SO looking forward to not feeling so sick or tired. I have a lot that needs to happen to feel "ready" for a LO and I suppose 2nd tri is the time to pull it together. I think spring/summer go faster for us because we have so many trips and activities to plan and prepare for. I better be careful or I'll get to September without having prepared anything for baby! My little bump is getting bigger by the day, it seems. Maybe I'll post a 13 week pic and you all can laugh at what I consider my bump :winkwink:
Ready - we wouldn't laugh at your bump - all bumps are cute whatever the size and shape :)
I keep thinking about what i will have to get ready for this baby, i kept loads of stuff from my first two for a few years but then over the next few years it all got given to people or thrown away so i will have to start from scratch again!
Don't wanna think too far ahead yet though - just want my beanie to stick well and grow :)
Hope everyone else is good. :flower:
My ankle is doing much better. I can put my full weight on it once again but I still limp around because it's still a little tender.

Dee- I have almost everything ready for LO. The crib is set up, we just need to put the bedding on it. I'm pretty sure we have all the little odds and ends, we just need to start stocking up on diapers and wipes. I could use a couple more sheets perhaps, but otherwise we are just about set. It's taken a lot of the stress of knowing that when LO finally shows I'll be ready for him.

Star- It's a combination of being excited and nervous. Being that it's my first time I'm starting to get more nervous as the time approaches. I'm through taking my pills next Friday and I have a feeling that once I stop taking them labor will start soon after. I'm not sure I understand the situation with your brother and his wife. It doesn't sound like they have stolen your thunder, so to speak. You shouldn't feel gutted that your LO hasn't been on facebook, you can still post him/her. It sounds like you chose not to post on facebook until your brother was ready to post.. so I'm a bit confused as to what the issue is.

ready- lol I have a few contractions here and there but nothing to write home about. Pretty much the same amount I had been feeling before my stay in the hospital. My checkup on Tuesday went well. The doctor said I'm stable which is very good. Still between 1-2cm dilated, 60% effaced (I think that's what she said... maybe it was engaged?), head is definitely down. I just get this feeling that the pills are the only thing keeping me from going into labor at this point. Once I stop taking them and am able to bd again (which I am seriously missing at this point lol) I'm sure things are going to go quickly. Glad to hear you bought a doppler, it'll make you feel so much better. Any time you are even slightly worried, just pull it out and listen to LO's heart beating away and you'll even hear his or her every tumble and kick, even if you can't feel them yet. Technically you still have another week until second tri. It officially starts at 14 weeks and lasts till 26+6, but 13 weeks is close enough. It's amazing how fast the time goes isn't it? Before you know it you'll be in third tri and wishing LO would hurry up already lol.
Hi all

Love u will be great it is all very scary but once u lay ur eyes on the wee man everything just falls into place and it becomes second nature. I remember thinking what the hell did I used to do with all my time before he came along as I was always running late and so busy... yeah right little did I know lol... Thats good news that the dr stops ur pills on Friday u could have a baby by this time next week now that is exciting xx

Ready I still think its a girl but don't know for sure we don't get scanned here until 20wks so a week monday I find out.. xx

The way I typed the whole fb things does sound daft and pathetic to be upset over but didn't really explain it properly (I was too wound up when I typed it)... sorry... he asked me not to mention mine on fb just incase someone mentioned their news like "wow bet ur mum is excited 2 babies" so we held off telling anyone the whole family has been on edge and no one has been genuinely interested or asked about our wee one as they couldn't talk about it... My bro then had their 12 wk scan last week my sister got all excited and said yeah I can get both my babies on fb now thank god and he said NO U CAN'T.... he then turned and said "its not as if its her first god can she not let us have our moment!!" I hadn't said a word and wasn't even there he then posted it straight away on fb sounds daft I know but it has upset me as he knew what happened with DS and why we wanted to tell everyone quickly with this one, I know I'm crazy/hormonal wish my mum hadn't brought it up now :(

My dr told me 13 weeks was second tri, but everything online said when you turn 14 weeks... So who knows!:shrug:
Love, when do you stop taking the pills?

19 days for me, if I make it to my section date, which at this point, I've been doing really well so I feel like I will! I know I'm totally ready to get him out, but the longer he's in there, the better for him, and GD can cause baby's lungs to develop slower than normal babies, so he could really use the extra time in there to make sure his lungs are properly developed when he's born.. so I really do hope to make it to 38 weeks for the csection, even though I'd looooove to get him out early!
Kylar- I'll be done taking the nifedipine on the 15th, which is next Friday. I see my doctor on Tuesday so I'm going to ask him how long he thinks I'll last once I stop taking them. I honestly don't think I'll last much longer than the 15th but who knows. The nifedipine is keeping the contractions to a minimal but I'm still sitting at about 1-2cm dilated and LO's head is down putting pressure on my cervix. The doctor mentioned something about being 60% effaced I believe it was.
I see, well either way at least you made it this far! The effaced part is crazy! Im 2 cm dialated too and the dr said no big deal, BUT im 0% effaced! Well, at least that's what I was a few weeks ago, I'll find out what I am now on Monday. So I'll bet you go before me I'm sure! Unless something crazy happens to me soon, lol.
Also- What do you have packed for the hospital? I've been getting last minute stuff together and I thought of something , mylecon gas drops, for baby. I would of been in a world of trouble without them in the hospital with Kylar. He cried A LOT for no reason and we finally figured out he was having major gas pains, poor baby, and the drops work like magic, just one drop and they feel soooooo much better!! Just an idea!
The doctor said I'm stable for now, which is very good, so as long as I don't start dilating any further 2cm is okay. He's really wanting to come out of there. Apparently he's just as impatient as I am. He's still putting pressure on my cervix, the doctor can feel him every time I'm checked. Fingers crossed that nothing crazy happens to you and you make it all the way to your section date.

Honestly, I haven't even begun packing a hospital bag.. I'm not even sure what to put in it. I really ought to get on that though since he could come literally at any time now.

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