Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Lovely bump Heather :) Good luck to you and cant wait to hear that Kendon is born :)

NY- sorry camp was so hard for you but good on you for going and helping out with your daughter etc, maybe you can relax some soon?
Thanks Dee, I will try to relax tomorrow morning before I work at night. That will be lovely to not have to wake up before 6 am! Love it!

Kylar- so when you say got your gown thats good for breastfeeding and your gear, what kinda stuff do you ave? And what kind of clothes are comfy for BF? I never did it with my daughter so need to know what to have! I am so behind. Haven't started buying anything for baby yet except for the full wardrobe I already have. Lol. I like clothes. How many packs of diapers and wipes do you buy at first to be considered stocked up well?
ny- you poor things. Sounds like you had a truly miserable time, but at least you were there for your daughter. I'm just glad to hear that, aside from your discomfort, you made it through without any problems. I was concerned you were going to fall while hiking or something. So relieved that you didn't. I think we've had enough pregnancy worries on this thread to last us a good while. Hopefully you have a couple days off coming up so you can catch up on your rest, sounds like you really need it. I'm sorry to hear you had the same storm we did. Luckily we were only without power for about 16ish hours. Places were still without power up until Wednesday late afternoon. I think someone may have called and complained since there is also another heavily pregnant woman living in our building and the building manager's son's 16 year old pregnant girlfriend is over a lot as well. So that's 3 of us in one building, without a stove or bathroom. Just a couple blocks over from us was still without power the next day. Being pregnant has its benefits lol. I LOVE the alien belly! It's by far one of the best parts of being pregnant. I would lay on the couch and watch my stomach move in all kinds of crazy directions. It was like the cartoon where they put an angry cat in a burlap sack and all you see is the sack jutting this way and that as the cat tries to claw his way out. Sometimes I'd think that's exactly what my LO was trying to do.

I can't believe I'm going to go so early my first time too, especially since my side of the family is known for having late arrivals. Both of my sisters and I were about 2 weeks late. I'm really not concerned with him coming so soon because I know his lungs will be well developed after the two steroid shots I received 3 1/2 weeks ago. I officially go back to work tomorrow, then I work Sunday and Monday as well. That is if I make it that long lol. I'm officially in pre-labor. Since yesterday morning I've been having cramps and contractions, nothing really consistent though they are becoming a bit more frequent.

Kylar- I'm sure if you go into labor and start to go fast that they will rush back for the c section. I can understand why you don't want to try to deliver vaginally, though not every pregnancy is the same so it is very possible you could do it naturally with little to no issue. In the end it is your decision and you should do whatever it is you are comfortable with. You are the one giving birth, no one else, so their opinions don't matter. Though I don't understand why you are scared of having to endure some of the labor pains in the even that you go before your section date.
Ny- if you have a Sam's Club out by you I would suggest going there for diapers and wipes. By far the cheapest out of any of the other places I have checked. You can get 108 Huggies newborn diapers for $24.14 or 108 Pampers newborn diapers for $24.28, if you have a brand preference. You can also get 720 Huggies wipes for $15 something. I bought a pack of the Huggies diapers and the wipes to start. A couple days later I found a sale at Walgreens for diapers and wipes and ended up buying 12 packs of newborn diapes and 15 packs of the 72ct wipes for a little over $84 and ended up saving just under $115 using my employee discount and coupons. So for right now I think I'm pretty set on diapers but I'm keeping my eye out for any upcoming sales and coupons.
I have costco, no sam's club. guess I should check it out there. Thats a lot of them that you bought from walgreens though. Holy cow!

For camp, I was more worried that i'd get too over worked and have preterm labor way too early! But little bean just stayed in there and tried to alien his way out. Lol. He's a squiggler! Hope you go into labor soon, im excited to have a baby in here!
We have Costco too, just not one in our city but it's really not all that far. Sam's is just closer but they are both about the same so I would imagine they have similar products at a similar price. Diapers and wipes are just so expensive that we have to look for what deal is the best. I'm not a doctor but I don't think one or two days of being over worked would send you into preterm labor. I spend my entire pregnancy over worked, running on next to no sleep and completely stressed out before my body had finally had enough and made me very aware of it. Either way it's good that your little bean stayed right where he belongs. Have you begun thinking over any possible names?

Part of me hopes I go soon and part of me keeps thinking I could wait another couple months lol. We are really starting to think that he will be here by Monday. If I'm sitting down and relaxing I notice the cramps and contractions more than when I'm moving about, simply because my brain isn't as occupied with other things. I've have more cramps today than I did yesterday so we shall see how tomorrow pans out. It'll be my first day back at work. I keep joking with my coworkers/friends that I'll be back all of a day before I go into labor so we shall see!
Love I was more worried about the dehydration part while working hard for the week outside hiking around and stuff. That can send you into preterm labor as it diminishes the amniotic fluid volume. Plus I dreamt a horrible dream that I went into labor too early. Not sure why im convinced this will happen....guess its because im out of the MC worry stage, so now have other worries to deal with!
Oh, and yea we have some name ideas, but nothing that has been decided yet. We haven't even started shopping! Lol. Guess we believe the baby is never really coming.
My- I would definitely suggest you start shopping, the sooner the better. The name can be decided once he's here if you haven't come up with anything suiting by that time. Plenty of people wait until after LO is born to pick a name. But it's really important that you start your shopping soon, especially if you are worried something may happen and you'll deliver early. DH and I bad a lot of the things we needed when I went into labor but the things we were missing caused me a lot of stress. We didn't have a crib, though we had it picked out, his parents had the car seat and crib bedding. We didn't have enough blankets, the clothes and sheets weren't washed... There was just so much stress on top of being in preterm labor because we weren't ready for him to be here. Now that we have everything set up and ready I can actually look forward to going into labor. The longer you wait to shop the more stressful it is because you feel like you have to do it all at once or else it's the end of the world and you start to panic.
How did you know of the things to buy? Im just confused by layette type stuff.....Can't remember what Ella needed as a baby!
My mom helped me a lot with what was actually needed and what we could do without.

Crib, crib bedding, mattress, diapers & wipes, several receiving blankets, bottles (if you plan to ff or pump), pacifiers, pump and storage containers (if you plan to pump at all), at least 3 additional sets of sheets, waterproof mattress pad. At the moment that is all I can think of. When I get off work I will go through the items I have and write whatever I missed. A newborn doesn't require much and since you (like me) are short on space you don't need anything big and flashy or all the luxury items. You just need the basics to get you started and then you can add this or that as time goes on.
This is true. Less is more for us! I remember a few things I loved having with Ella so will let you know a couple items. I loved having a Halo sleeper sack for her. I didn't use bed blankets at all for her whole babyhood as I was scared of SIDS so these are soooo cool. I will for sure be using them again. I also loved having a little vibrating bouncer seat. It was light and could come with me in the bathroom while I showered so I had her in there with me and it kept her happy. Also, an activity play mat that they lay on and look up at and play with. This kept her entertained for hours!
I used to just use a moses basket with breathable mattress and blankets, nappies, wipes, baby lotions and bath liquids, and clothes.
I never used bottles or pacifiers or sick/burp sheets so there was not too much to get.
Oh and a baby car seat! Or you cant get home from hospital.
Like Love says the next bits you build up as you go :)
AHHH got it! Lol. So funny, at girlscout camp there was a counselor from Stoke on Trent(?) if that makes sense....and she was trying to explain a pool floatie to the children and she called it a "lay upon" or something...and for a boat, a "dingy" was funny to try and get the right words that the kids would know of!
Thanks Dee, I will try to relax tomorrow morning before I work at night. That will be lovely to not have to wake up before 6 am! Love it!

Kylar- so when you say got your gown thats good for breastfeeding and your gear, what kinda stuff do you ave? And what kind of clothes are comfy for BF? I never did it with my daughter so need to know what to have! I am so behind. Haven't started buying anything for baby yet except for the full wardrobe I already have. Lol. I like clothes. How many packs of diapers and wipes do you buy at first to be considered stocked up well?

I got a lot of extras that arent really necessary but i learned from the first time how helpful they would be! You will need a pump, and i recommend actually having it with you in the hospital bc they tried to give kylar sugar water to help him latch and keep him hydrated, but it filled him up and made him not want to bf , so i will be pumping if that happens again! And my pump needed fresh new parts so i got all that, plus i bought a couple of differen kind of soother things for my boobs when my milk comes in. One is by the brand Nuk and they sell them at motherhood maternity, its like an icepack that goes around your boobies and it can either be heated or cooled to sooth and keep you from getting lumpy and mastis! Then i got some cooling gel pads that basically help with the same problems. i also got disposable AND washable nursing pads, the disposable are best for when you are out like at a restuarant or something, bc who wants to put a soggy wet cloth nursing pad in their purse when it gets saturated (which will happen a lot in the beginning!!) but the cloth ones are best for home when u can just throw them in the wash when they get wet!! I also got some lanolin cream for my nips in the hospital, it helps with the cracking and pain, and is perfectly safe if baby injests some of it off your boobie!! The night gown I got is also at motherhood maternity it just criss crosses in the front so you can get boobie out without lifting ur whole night gown, they also make great nursing bras that are the same style, i had a couple nursing bras from kylar and ended up getting a couple more. I reccoment the crisscross ones for not in public they are so much easier and more comfy, but they have 0 padding so for out and about there are other kinds that have a snappy thing to pull down in front. If you want i can send you links to good ones! ;) Also if you are going to pump, you will need stuff to store the breast milk in, they have freezer bags that are fairly cheap ! Anything else, just ask! I looooove talking about bf-ing, lol!
ny- you poor things. Sounds like you had a truly miserable time, but at least you were there for your daughter. I'm just glad to hear that, aside from your discomfort, you made it through without any problems. I was concerned you were going to fall while hiking or something. So relieved that you didn't. I think we've had enough pregnancy worries on this thread to last us a good while. Hopefully you have a couple days off coming up so you can catch up on your rest, sounds like you really need it. I'm sorry to hear you had the same storm we did. Luckily we were only without power for about 16ish hours. Places were still without power up until Wednesday late afternoon. I think someone may have called and complained since there is also another heavily pregnant woman living in our building and the building manager's son's 16 year old pregnant girlfriend is over a lot as well. So that's 3 of us in one building, without a stove or bathroom. Just a couple blocks over from us was still without power the next day. Being pregnant has its benefits lol. I LOVE the alien belly! It's by far one of the best parts of being pregnant. I would lay on the couch and watch my stomach move in all kinds of crazy directions. It was like the cartoon where they put an angry cat in a burlap sack and all you see is the sack jutting this way and that as the cat tries to claw his way out. Sometimes I'd think that's exactly what my LO was trying to do.

I can't believe I'm going to go so early my first time too, especially since my side of the family is known for having late arrivals. Both of my sisters and I were about 2 weeks late. I'm really not concerned with him coming so soon because I know his lungs will be well developed after the two steroid shots I received 3 1/2 weeks ago. I officially go back to work tomorrow, then I work Sunday and Monday as well. That is if I make it that long lol. I'm officially in pre-labor. Since yesterday morning I've been having cramps and contractions, nothing really consistent though they are becoming a bit more frequent.

Kylar- I'm sure if you go into labor and start to go fast that they will rush back for the c section. I can understand why you don't want to try to deliver vaginally, though not every pregnancy is the same so it is very possible you could do it naturally with little to no issue. In the end it is your decision and you should do whatever it is you are comfortable with. You are the one giving birth, no one else, so their opinions don't matter. Though I don't understand why you are scared of having to endure some of the labor pains in the even that you go before your section date.

Thanks! But trust me, when you actually are in full blown labor, you will know why I'm scared, lol. Not scared of a few contractions, but after a certain point the contractions are absoultely unbearable, there's nothing wrong with beig scared of that! Not saying I wouldn't go through it for my baby, but it IS a bit scary! I agree I need to not listen to peoples opinions though, its just hard its part of just how i am, i care WAY too much what people think. But the truth is just like you said,its my delivery, and not a sole but me and God knows what I went through last time. Only people that were there were my dr, me and my mom and MIL and i all 3 of them AND My new dr think I need a csection, then their opinions matter more than strangers who dont even knwo what i went through, but its easier for me to say that than believe it, lol.
some more of my maternity pics are done =)


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Thanks Heather- That helps me so much to hear what others used for BF cuz I didn't do it the first time around. Never even bought a pump, so I obviously wasnt very dedicated to "trying" it. For the disposable nursing pads you bought, now, do you always wear them to stop for leaking? I don't plan to nurse in public, or at other people's houses, just pumping and bottle feeding then. I only want to nurse from the boob at will I need these nursing pads still?

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