Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Doctor called back. She said that if they aren't all that painful then she isn't really concerned. She just wants to me to take it easy and hydrate. If they get closer together or become more intense she wants me to come in. The only thing I'm worried about is getting too far into labor because I'm waiting for it to hurt. With my older sister my mom felt the same as I am now, nothing really painful, just minor cramps and tightening but she was in full blown labor. Even when I was in the hospital the nurses were really surprised at my pain tolerance. DH and I have to run out to the store in a bit to pick up a few last minute things for my hospital bag... that I still need to pack... I really need to get this procrastinating thing under control lol.
Maybe the walk at the store will regulate them a bit more so you can know what is happening. Walking does that sometimes and progresses labor.

Spent all day doing my registries!! So exciting, but holy cow. If i dont get much of it for shower gifts, I have a LOTTTT to buy. stressful.
I'm back from the store. Contractions aren't any closer together but they are stronger, though still not painful in the least. The doctor I spoke to (my doctor's partner) said that unless they start becoming painful and really close together there is no reason for me to come in. But what if my pain tolerance is just that high that they never really start hurting until it's too late?
Then you'd better hope you live really close to the hospital! Lol.....although, no matter how high a pain level, even if you can control it a bit, when they really get to be good ones, a woman can't really talk through them without kind of short breath or just cant even talk during them so you will know.
We shall see. When my mom was in labor with my older sister she felt very much like I am now even though she was in full blown labor. My sister didn't want to come out so she ended up needing a section. I don't live all that far from the hospital, 15 minutes depending on traffic. I wish things would progress a little faster though. Still just minor cramps and the contractions are still following the same time line. A little stronger tightening but nothing worth rushing out to the hospital for. Luckily I already had an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow and if I'm still feeling this way later into the night and tomorrow morning, DH and I are going to try to move my appointment up from the afternoon. He'll do an internal exam so he should be able to tell us what kind of time frame we are looking at.
Love, how are you this morning?? If you are 15 minutes from the hospital, try not to worry! Those cramps will get more intense, and even if rushed, you'll make it to the hospital. Sounds like you should know much more after you doc appointment today. Thinking of you!!
Ny- if the pump comes with them , then you are good! but I had tons of extras bc especially if you are at work then you will have to store your milk so you'll need more bottles to pump into, plus its just really annoying washing them all the time, lol.

My contractions are just really getting a lot more intense and a lot more frequent, but with the exception of Fri night, nothing to go to the hospital about even though I'm having a ton of them, they arent spaced apart consistently yet, and ok this is gross but i keep having lots of watery discharge, i mean not like my water broke, but enough i feel gross and keep having to change my underwear, and thats been happening days now, so not sure if that's normal, didnt happen with kylar.
150 is perfectly fine Ready. It could be a girl:) Thats what they normally are. But also, I know ours started 160ish at 11 weeks, went down to 140's 13 weeks, and then was 130's the rest of the this is common. My doc said anywhere from 120-160 and if it DOESNt fluctuate is when they start to get nervous I guess. Yay for your first time hearing it! Pretty awesome. I cannot believe you are so far along. 2nd tri! Just unbelievable to me. i feel as though i've been pregnant for ages, and here, you are in the same tri as me for a week! Crazy. Did the barfy feeling ever go away for you? Mine's returning some days now but ive not puked at all. I have horrible acid reflux heart burn feeling often. YUCK

I know, I can't believe I'm this far along either! It's really moving quickly, and beginning to lay the pressure on me about getting ready for this creature in & around summer trips (of which we have many) and fall holidays. My MS has gotten better, I think. Still the worst in the evening when I'm tired, but I had a couple of days of feeling pretty good over the weekend. :thumbup: I'm more often having a "full" feeling in my belly, and my bump keeps growing (along with scale). It's kind of nerve wracking that I'm gaining weight so steadily so early!

I'm very relieved to have my doppler and heartbeat whenever I need to hear it... Love, I could listen to that over & over again, too :)
My contractions are just really getting a lot more intense and a lot more frequent, but with the exception of Fri night, nothing to go to the hospital about even though I'm having a ton of them, they arent spaced apart consistently yet, and ok this is gross but i keep having lots of watery discharge, i mean not like my water broke, but enough i feel gross and keep having to change my underwear, and thats been happening days now, so not sure if that's normal, didnt happen with kylar.

Kylar, I didn't know you were having regular contractions! I have no comment on the discharge because I don't know what's normal, but I am excited for you! It sounds like you are getting closer :happydance: Over a week until your scheduled date...hmm...
Ready- so far this morning I'm okay. Still contracting but it's about the same as it was yesterday, perhaps slightly more uncomfortable. Bending over to pick anything up is almost painful because it feels like all the weight in my body is on my cervix. I'm so glad you are pleased with your Doppler, like it's hard not to be lol. Careful that the woosh woosh sound doesn't become an addiction :hah: Find you with it permanently strapped to your stomach wherever you go lol.

So I'm keeping my doctors appointment for this afternoon unless anything changes. I decided to go ahead and go into work this morning. Hoping that maybe walking around and being on my feet will help the contractions become more regular and hopefully stronger.
Ready- Ya Ive been having them a lot lately, sorry might of failed to mention that. Friday I think they started up bc I got checked for dialation, and after that was when they started, I was actually considering going in I was having so many, but glad I didn't b/c it turned out to be nothing! I have a dr appt tomorrow, so hopefully will find out if I'm anymore dialated! I did my hospital tour today, and saw where I'll be staying, and found out the specifics of the c-section. Have to be there at 5:30 in the morning and will be taken back about 7, and csection starts at 7:30. Only me and DH allowed in room , and he can take pics =) No one can be in for my spinal though, and that makes me nervous, with my epidural last time, my mom was a HUGE help in keeping me calm (DH was deployed) but hopefully a nurse or someone will hold my hand to keep me calm during the spinal. Then Ill be in recovery for 4 hours, first hour, only me and DH and baby, then family can come in after the first hour of recovery after ive had time to bf baby and get my snuggles in!! =) Im so excited I can hardly stand it! Im really majorly stressing about missing Kylar though :( I have nightmares about it amost every night. He never leaves me, since I stay home with the daycare, hes with me all the time with the exception of when he stays at my mom and dads for sleep overs every once in awhile. I know HE will be fine, it's me I'm worried about, lol, I will miss him so much!
My appointment went rather well. I'm a bit more dilated than I was before, 90% effaced and the baby is sitting at a -2. Still having quite a few contractions, about 10 minutes apart but getting more intense and even slightly painful. They've knocked the wind out of me a few times due to the intense tightening rather than pain. Doctor said it could be any day now and to keep active if I want to speed things along. Looks like DH and I will be getting a lot of :sex: in lol. We are both off work tomorrow so we are planning to install the car seat and take a trip up to Babies R Us and browse around a bit, perhaps pick up a few more little things before Roman arrives. Trying to resist the urge to buy more diapers as I've come across a ton more coupons. I swear baby coupons are addicting!
Ready- I just listenend with my doppler for the first time in a while last night and its amazing how much stronger and more grown up his heart sounds! Lol. Love it! That things remains fun for a while:) Glad you feel better sometimes....then 3rd tri comes and you will probably feel like shit all over again. Sigh.

Love- im thinking of you! Cant believe you are so close now. Hope you don't hafta deal with contractions and partial labor for too long. Where do these baby coupons come from? I dont ever have any! Lol.

Kylar- thanks for so much info. I love how much you are telling me about everything. Helping a lot! I understand your worries about the epidural for c section. Im nervous about that too. Last time I had it done, was more an emergency situation so I was really really out of it from being in labor for the past 16 hours.....I dont remember much. I do remember during the c section my arms were out on these arm rest things and they were shaking so hard they had to strap them down and I hated the feeling. Then in recovery, the morphine made me itch so badly I felt like spiders were all over my skin, head, under my nails. Ugh. So bad. Hope you have some better luck:)
ny- I can't really believe it either!! The time has just flown by and I know it's only going to go faster once he's here. You're just right around the corner yourself! Another 10 weeks (which you'll breeze right through) and you'll be full term, can you believe it? The contractions really don't feel that bad, just uncomfortable. The frequent tightening gets annoying after a while. I'm just anxious for things to pick up. I have my hospital and baby bag all packed up but I keep feeling like there are things I've left out and I have no idea what. I get the baby coupons from the Sunday paper coupon inserts. Red Plum, Smart Source and P&G. It really depends on where you live though because when I went to visit my family in Ohio there were no coupons in their Sunday paper. You can also get a lot of the same coupons by printing them offline. I find them absolutely addicting. We've saved a ton using them in the last several months and I can't imagine going back to not using them. Depending on the coupon and the sale I can end up paying only tax on most items.
I wonder which one of you ladies will be first? Heather or Love?
Both my children went to 42 weeks! I remember being soooo ready for them to be born i was trying everything. Hope everything goes well for you both, thinking of you.
Ny- it's no problem whatsoever! I seriously would like to be a lactaction consultant, I just really enjoy helping people, especially with breastfeeding! Not like I'm an expert, but I do know quite abit about it from tons of research and experience with kylar though and I'd love to learn more!
I think Love might go first , depends what I find out at the dr today though , I could be more effaced and dialated than I think! Who knows! I dont go until this afternoon though but I'll update you after my appt! Last time I got checked it started major contracting, so I hope they check me, LOL! I have the very intense tight contractions too, they stop me in my tracks sometimes! But they wont stay consistent! My friend wants me to drink castor oil, and i googled it... NOT gunna be trying that method! I'd rather wait a week! lol
At the MOST i have 1 week today!! Can't believe I will be holding my baby boy soon!!
EEK! It's so exciting in here...two babies in the next week! I will miss you girls while you are getting to know your LOs! Love, at least you are able to tell that contractions are getting stronger & that should help you to know when the right time to head to the hospital is. How dilated are you?

Dee, you're over six weeks! Wow...are you getting any symptoms? Queasy or anything?

Ny, glad you are still enjoying your doppler--do you think it's okay to use it regularly, or is there any harm? I have only tried it the one time so far...
I don't plan on being going long after the baby arrives. I'll be on mat leave and will definitely be keeping an eye on everyone. He goes down for a nap and I'll pop on for a few, or while he's resting in my arms I can check from my phone. I'm only dilated between a 2 and a 3-- I wasn't expecting a drastic change as I've only been off the nifedipine a few days. I just picked up an extra shift at work today because someone didn't come in. The doctor said the more I'm active the more likely it is to speed up my labor and contractions. So I'm really hoping it gets things going. I'm ready for my little man. I need snuggles!
Back from dr. Not as exciting as I'd hoped, but Im a 4 and 60% effaced. so more than a week ago. but not progressing too fast. This weekend I'm going to start his eviction process. LOL
Ready- I asked my radiation physicist what he thought about ultrasounds and doppler usage he said totally fine. So yay! I did each day until feeling movement.

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