Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

READY, your shwoer sounds so nice and fun. Definitely a good idea to start the registry soon before the "main" shower. Also Awesome that you got so many movements from your LO... Sorry to hear about the toe though, hopefully it will not be too much of a problem.

NY, I haaated that test!!! LOL. Good luck with it, hopefully the results are better than the last test you took... GL

I had an OV show on OPKs this AM so I am happy!!! We also had a "donation" this morning, so hopefully the chase has begun. My temp spiked up as well, so I am thinking my chances are good! FXD :dust: Hope everyone else is doing well out there....
My doctors suck. I dont have GD, I passed the 3 hour test that I had to call and insist they give me after spending 100s of dollars on testing supplies and even more money on extra appointments for GD, that I dont have.....fricken so mad at them rigt now. If I didnt finally push this test, I would have had so so so many more appointments and hell to go through and be extra monitored for a condition I dont have. Not to mention spend 100s of dollars every week for more testing supplies and nutritionist information. GRRRRRRR.
Ready- I'm glad you had a nice baby shower! Oh it's going to be so much fun to start the registry! I would go crazy! I'm sorry about your toe. :( I hope it's feeling better and the doc didn't hurt you!

Mrs- That sounds like very good timing! Fx'd! :dust:

Ny- That is so aggravating but really great news at the same time!! I would definitely be irritated though after spending money on all that stuff and you don't even need it! But thankfully you don't have to stress and worry about GD!

Nothing going on with me.. Just lots of :sex: Haha!
Thanks, Mrs and Kiki... Sounds like you two are on the same cycle timing this month... FX! Have fun with DH, Kiki ;)

Ny, I'm SO SO glad that you pushed for the 3 hour test. I think it's really stupid that your doc didn't plan to do it. I don't remember all the zillion things I read, but I must have read that the 1 hour test can be wrong in a number of places because even I know that! :happydance: for no GD!

My toe hurts like a $%*(&@. Doc didn't do anything to it yet, but it's infected pretty badly and I'm having part of the nail removed on Thursday and I have to take antibiotics :( So much for a drug free pregnancy. I have good news too, though. While I was in the waiting room, I had a my hand resting on my belly and was just hanging out--the baby punched my hand! It was the first time I've really FELT the movement from the outside :) :cloud9:
Thanks! :)

I'm sorry about your toe!! Will they numb it or anything before they remove part of the nail? At least the antibiotics will get you better! How fantastic is that to feel little bean from the outside! Oh that must have been amazing. :) bean was saying hi mommy! He/she wants your toe to feel better soon too. :)
Eewwww! Toenail injuries are one of my "eeeeebie jeeeeebie" parts! But, best to get the infection under control asap, dont want anything roaming around in your blood with a baby present. Yay for feeling big kick!
Thanks :) They will numb it (I wouldn't do it otherwise!), but it really hurts now and will only be worse for awhile after the procedure. I have to heal quickly because we are going to CA Disney at the end of next week and I have to be able to walk all day! Looks like lots of laying on the couch is in store for this weekend :thumbup:
Oh, and Love, thinking of you today! :beer: Here's to stripped membranes & the start of labor!

Kylar, your pics of Kendon on fb are so darn cute! Question...what clothes do you put on a newborn when their umbilical cord is all yucky still? I wasn't sure what to register for in NB size. They only wear those clothes for a few weeks anyway, right?
Mrs- :happydance: WOOOT for a positive OPK AND a donation!! Fingers tightly crossed that this cycle is one that ends in a BFP!!!

kiki- lots of EWCM?? That sounds promising. Do you remember having an excess amount the cycle you had your BFP before? Lots and lots of :sex: lol the more :spermy: the merrier.

ny- so glad to hear that the 3 hour test proved what you pretty much already knew. Who knows what caused you to fail the test, maybe the fact that you had breakfast? I know they told me not to eat anything and to have it done before noon-- perhaps that caused your results to be off? Either way it's such a relief that you checked out just fine. That means you can spare those around you and indulge in a little (or a lot lol) of chocolate!

ready- aww your poor toe. I know how much that sucks, I've have to have a few infected ingrowns removed and it's definitely no picnic. I think the numbing part is the worst, it feels like your toe is going to explode! I find not watching helps a lot. That's so exciting that you felt LO on the outside!! Soon you'll be feeling those kicks under your ribs and aimed at your kidneys (always a fun one) lol. Hopefully your LO isn't shy like mine and will let DH feel him/her. DH has only felt LO move a handful of times, normally he stops moving as soon as anyone touches my belly. Clearly a mommy's boy already.

I hate that I keep vanishing these days. I keep an eye on the thread but by the time I get home and have time to respond I find myself passed out on the couch. I swear I could literally sleep the entire day away. My appointment went well... well, as well as it can go when you have a doctors hand shoved so far up in your hoo ha that you want to climb the wall. I haven't lost much plug since leaving the office, which doesn't surprise me due to how much I lost when he did the partial. I was actually surprised there was any mucus left! He said my cervix is very favorable and because of that he is willing to induce me at any time. I've been put on the schedule for Monday at 6am if nothing happens before then because that's the next time he is on call and he would really like to be there to deliver the baby (and quite honestly it would make the experience much more enjoyable to have him there) but if I wanted to go sooner he'd talk to one of his partners about doing it. I tried the castor oil cocktail he suggested and it is so gross, no taste but the oily gooey texture is what really got me. So far nothing special to report, cramping more on my left side through my lower back. I've given up on being hopeful for things to happen because the more hopeful I am the more of a let down it is when nothing happens. He'll come when he feels like it, I'm just too impatient.

As far as I know you put them in regular clothes when they are newborns. I've never seen any specifically designed for the umbilical cord. I'd imagine just nothing tight fitting or that would rub too much. As far as newborn sizes go, I'd add a couple things you like to your registry but no more than a couple different outfits as he or she probably won't be in them very long. 0-3 months seems a better size to register for. If you're lucky maybe someone you know will give you plenty of their hand-me-downs. I'd ask people not to buy you a ton of newborn stuff though and more 0-3 or even 3-6 month clothes. It's so easy to be drawn to the really tiny clothes as, let's be honest, the tiny clothes are just freaking adorable but you'll end up with too many sizes that are too little and you'll be stuck buying everything else after LO gains a few pounds. My mom told me to pick out easy outfits, onesies and things that are easy to get baby in and out of in case he spits up and just to make it easy on the exhausted mommy who will be up at all hours for feedings and changings. At least for the first little while you aren't going to want to spend too much time fiddling with complex outfits because you'll be so tired. But at least you have SO to help out which I'm sure he's going to love doing!
Yep, normal clothes for NB. The cord isnt fussed too much by them. I think the diapers with a little cut out for the cord are a brilliant idea, otherwise you need to fold them down and make sure they stay off the cord. Dont register too many NB outfits. They seriously grow out of them fast and you will be so sad to have so many they dont get into. Also, I wouldnt register for too many clothing at all, people will pick out what they want and think is cute for clothes.

Love- I am glad not to have GD, but mostly pissed at the level of care im getting out of it. They didn't call til late today, and thats only after OH called and bitched them out a little bit. He is really unhappy how they started just going on as though i've got GD without the other test, and that we bought all the supplies and then I had to actually ask for the test. He thinks they suck and wants me changing docs. They actually tried to lie to him and say they told me to do the 3 hour GD test and I must have been too upset and glazed that over. I cant believe they told him that!
Oh well, I had some red velvet cake for breakfast, and cotton candy at lunch. Lol.
ny- seriously?!?! WTF. I think you should switch doctors too. I switched at 21 weeks and it was the best decision I could have made, DH agrees. I was afraid to move to a new doctor so late in the game but it was well worth it. My doctor now is absolutely amazing and I only wish I could have had him my entire pregnancy. He makes me laugh but he's also very thorough, makes sure all my questions are answered and doesn't make me feel silly over every little concern I may have. He would rather see me come in every day if I thought something wasn't right than to sit at home telling myself "it's nothing" and something actually be wrong. I would at least consider switching. Just think if this is how they treat you over a GD test imagine how they will be when it comes to your section.

Sounds like you had a yummy breakfast!! And lunch lol. Now you can enjoy all the things you love without guilt, and if anyone has something to say about it just tell them the baby wants it and if baby doesn't get it mommy will be a cranky brat, works for me lol.
Mommy is a cranky brat either way:) I work tomorrow but hope something happens with you and appologize if something does happen and im not here right away to comment or hear the news. I will be on later after work! Good luck if tomorrow is the day!
Thanks girls...I won't register for many clothes at all, but I saw these kimono shirts that are supposed to be easy to get over their wobbly heads and thought maybe these were the special things you are supposed to have for that first week or two :shrug: I won't worry too much. I've been given a number of 0-3 onsies and such already, and sleeping gowns which will be the best for diaper changes at night. Only one pack of NB size so far. I love all of this baby stuff, and started piecing together a few registry items already :)

Yesterday was a tough day--between my toe throbbing, a cold I picked up last week, and :cry: a little pink spotting when I wiped. This happened once before, and it rears it's head again. It was only that one time, but of course it worried me. Thank god this time, I can feel the little bugger swimming around in there so it was less concerning. I did call the doc, and they have moved my ultrasound that was supposed to be next week up to Friday. So, they will be checking for "issues" and I will be checking for a little penie. :) I'm mostly remaining positive about the spotting and thinking about finding out if this is indeed a little girl like we think, or not.

Love, as always, my fingers are crossed for the best outcome for you which, at this point, is a delivery soon. I know you are beyond ready and Roman is safe to be is only a matter of time. The castor oil sounds simply vile, and a true testiment to the desperation that a mother feels when her due date has come and gone. At least your insides will be nice and cleaned out..... FX!
LOVE, I hope things begin to happen normally for you. Things seemed to drag on with our daughter so I definitely know how you are feeling. Just when I stopped thinking that things would progress and happen normally (2 days after my doc appt) I went into the hospital!!! Hoping this is the case for you if not sooner!!! GL!

NY, switch docs!!! Seriously! They will send your records, the new doc can get up to speed and you can enjoy the remainder of your preg!! GL

AFM, I haven't seen a shift on FF, but my temps have risen and keep climbing. Last "donation" this morning, which I am a little happy about because I think that I actually OV on CD19 or CD20 and had a "donation" on CD20. Happy because I am not feeling very well this morning, very sluggish, tired, etc and we don't waste "donations". Just hoping to feel a little bit better. UNLESS, by the grace of GOD... this is a "symptom." :haha: I know it is too early, but needed a laugh.... I hope the other ladies on thread are doing well, testing :dust:, :hugs: for AF/witch, and GL to all!!!
READY, I posted at the same time, sorry to have left you out. I hope all is well, I am sooo happy they moved your U/S up, it will certainly give you piece of mind and increase the faith you already have in your little squirmer. Do tell if you decide to do the gender, would be awesome if you were right! GL! FXD for a GREAT Friday!
Ny- you're absolutely right. Pregnancy = cranky brat. But chocolate and other goodies make it a little better lol. Thanks for the hopefulness but I'm pretty sure today is going to be just another day.

Ready- I had a rough time with my registry-- there's just so much stuff and so many brands, it's just so much to pick from. Don't spend too much time on it in one sitting or you're likely to go mad. If I worked on it for too long I'd end up more unsure than when I started. A really good thing for people to get you-- diapers, and lots of them. The bigger the stockpile the better in my opinion. I've bought so many diapers already and keep buying more as they go on sale. I figure you can never have too many (though I hear they aren't in the NB size for very long) and it'll save you from having a groggy 3am changing only to discover that a sleepless you and exhausted DH didn't realize you were out of diapers! That's one of my fears, running out of diapers in the middle of the night.

I'm so sorry you are spotting, it hasn't gotten any worse has it? At least you'll get to see your LO again sooner than expected! That's always a plus. It's amazing how complete they look at this point. A little girl would be so exciting!! It would be our first one on the thread!!! I'm so excited to find out-- you'll have to post pictures!!

Mrs- thank you so much! Things are just dragging on. I'm so tired of feeling like "this is it!" only to be let down several uncomfortable hours later. Fingers tightly crossed for you!! Let's hope all of this sluggishness produces you a nice bfp!! We need more of those around here. It's down to you, Kiki and rosa and then the whole thread will be pregnant (or with a newborn).

As for me-- not a damn thing this morning. Several hours last night with pretty painful regular contractions and then I went to sleep, the end. I have a busy day ahead of me; I'm going to clean the entire apartment. Clean the bathroom, scrub the shower, sweep and mop bathroom and kitchen, take care of the dishes and wipe the stove, take the trash out, vacuum, possibly clean the fish tank (at least the filter if nothing else) and do laundry all while DH is at work. If this doesn't bring labor on then I quit!!
Love, it's good to hear you sounding least somewhat less discouraged and more accepting :thumbup: Is your cleaning fit today another desperate attempt to kick off labor, or are you feeling the urge to clean? Because it sounds a lot like nesting to me... my sister spent Christmas Eve one year cleaning like a maniac rather than attending our family holiday party, and went into labor that same night--just a thought!

I'm definitely not spotting anymore; it was just that one time in the bathroom, just like last time. It must be blood vessels on the cervix cause if it was something more troubling, like placenta previa, I would think that I'd have a lot more bleeding. I'll take all the advice on the registery because I don't want to stress but I also want to have at least a reasonable set of things that I need, even if it isn't the highly researched best pick for every item. Phew, it will be a lot of work in any case!
I'm really not feeling any better but I figure if I try to convince myself that I'm feeling better it'll eventually turn into a least a half truth. I think a lot of the problem is that, aside from my general impatience, everyone keeps asking if it's time yet. My mom texts me every day just to ask if it's time and when coworkers see me they all make comments about how he needs to come out and what I should try to speed things along. I see these people nearly every day and I've been trying all the old wivestale things that supposedly cause labor and yet he's still in there. I'm frustrated that things aren't happening and everyone bugging me about it just doesn't make me feel any better. Not only am I putting pressure on myself to have him, everyone I know is putting pressure on my to have him. It's just GRR!!

I'm cleaning because 1) it needs to be done and I don't want to go into labor and come home to an apartment that needs cleaned 2) I'm hoping it'll kick start labor, if I could be so lucky and 3) I'm so tired of sitting on my ass all day when I'm not at work. I'm just so bored and I may just kill myself if I have to spend another day watching Netflix. So, cleaning it is. Keeps me busy enough until inwear myself out and pass out on the couch. I just realized how pathetic my life is these days...

What a relief that the spotting was only once. I'm betting you have a sensitive cervix and with all the increased blood flow it causes you to spot a drop here and there. At least you are taking it really well and trying to be relaxed and think positively. As for the registry, put things on it that you like. Even if you don't get them mos places will give a good discount towards the end of your pregnancy on items still left on the registry. It's a list of "things to get" for you as well. One thing I learned was that there is always someone who is going to have something negative to say about a product so don't take every review as absolute fact. I had a hard time with that. I didn't want to pick the wrong thing. If up have questions or are unsure of something ask someone who works in the store. Most of them are educated on the products and can give you a better idea of how it works, that is how we ended up picking our stroller.

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