Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

I can totally understand the pressure you are feeling from yourself, others, and even your doc's expectations. Everyone "thinks" you should have delivered by now, but it just goes to show--this baby has a mind of his own, dammit! It's hard to shake off the expectations, but do your best... You are SO not pathetic, you are just tired, full-term, and ready to meet your LO. I imagine those things are 100% consuming at the end, and you can't think that you're going to have a diverse schedule and thought process when all that runs through the mind is "GET HIM OUT!" :rofl: Just wait, in a week's time, all will be well with the world and you'll be exhausted & have no outside life for all new reasons.

I'm thinking of the registry the same way--a "to buy" list for myself, and whatever I get as gifts is that much less I have to pick up :) Baby is not moving around much today...I wonder if the antibiotic makes her sleepy or something :shrug: It's a little worrisome; thank goodness for my doppler waiting at home!
I. Am. So. Tired.

SO, just checking in, saying hi to everyone!

Ready- glad the spotting stopped. That would freak me out! Glad you have a doppler, thats gotta be reassuring for sure.

Mrs- hope the donations are doing their job:)

Love- do some squats. Lol. Kidding. Go shopping or something. Thats at least fun!

I have to take Ella to see smurfs in a little bit and im so exhausted I dont wanna! But here we go. ....
Oh, and Love, thinking of you today! :beer: Here's to stripped membranes & the start of labor!

Kylar, your pics of Kendon on fb are so darn cute! Question...what clothes do you put on a newborn when their umbilical cord is all yucky still? I wasn't sure what to register for in NB size. They only wear those clothes for a few weeks anyway, right?
thank u!!
Even though the umbilical cord is still there, its dried up so you can put any clothes you want on the baby :) Kendon is in preemie clothes and some newborn stuff :happydance:
The funny things is the only person I'm not feeling pressure from is my doctor. He gave me the option to be induced on Monday (or earlier if I really wanted though he wouldn't be there to deliver) and I accepted. He's doing whatever he can to help me along because he knows I'm more than ready to be done, not because he wants me to be done. It's quite clear that Roman has a mind of his own, already seems to be taking after me lol.

I wouldn't really worry about not feeling LO moving as much today. I doubt it has anything to do with the antibiotics and more that she's found a hiding spot. There is still so much space in there that some days you won't feel as many movements, though she's definitely still wiggling plenty. Even when I was 20 weeks and for a bit after I'd still have slow days but because he found a nice comfy spot somewhere in back where I couldn't feel him. Now that there is no space left I feel every little twitch. I'm constantly getting a foot sticking out on my right side, almost enough to grab lol.
So, I didn't get half of my list accomplished today simply because I just don't have the energy to do any more. I miss the days of being able to work until things were done. I did do some shopping today, plenty of walking that's for sure. I called the doctors office and verified that my induction is in fact set for Monday, I go in at 6am. I'm a bit nervous as I've heard horrid things about pitocin. I'm not really sure what to expect and I'm going to need to call and find out if there is anything special I need to do before hand.
love, i had pit with my son because i was having contractions just wouldn't go into labor, it really wasn't all that bad, though i did have an epidural, but i had my daughter completely natural being my 1st and the pit i had before the epidural was nothing comparable.
repo- I planned on not having an epidural unless things became completely unbearable. From what I've read, pitocin brings on strong, hard contractions. The body doesn't have a chance to work up to the hard labor, it just sort of happens which causes most to ask for an epidural. The epidural can cause the contractions to slow or even stop which then makes the need for a higher dose of pitocin and therefore a higher dose of the epidural to fight off the increasing pain. A vicious circle of one thing counteracting another. My goal is to deliver as naturally as possible. I'm sure I'll want some form of pain meds but I would really like to not have an epidural if I can possibly manage.
I am so lame, I cried a few times watching the smurf movie. My family thinks mama has lost it a bit:)

Bean is moving so much inside of me he stretches from one side to the other so hard it causes major braxton hicks and racing heart.....and sudden urge to pee. Its so weird. Also, I feel his little feet scraping across the inside of my stomach a lot more now....Kinda cant wait for this baby to be out of here im out of room!!!
The joys of pregnancy eh? I cry for absolutely no reason sometimes. I'm pretty sure one of the pregnancy requirements is to go completely insane at some point.

Earlier on when there is still plenty of space the movements are so exciting and cute.. then you run out of space and they are kind of painful and you wish they would move around just a little less. You have at least 7 weeks left before he should even be thinking about coming out, but I feel your pain. I've been done for a while now, the last month or two get pretty tiring. I keep asking myself "is it over yet?"
I am sweet talking Bean into only staying in there for 7 more weeks. I am too short and too out of shape to do this anymore!
Good luck!! Maybe your little (not so little anymore) bean will listen unlike mine. What day is your section set for? At least you know you won't have to go all the way to 40 weeks, no worrying about being overdue! I was joking with a friend about writing Roman an official eviction letter ending with "or else we are coming in there after you" lol. At this point I can almost imagine myself going in there after him.
How overdue are you Love? Both my kiddies made me wait an extra 14 days!
Every day i come on here expecting to hear a birth story from you but nothing!
It has to be soon hun! :) Take care x
Even though the umbilical cord is still there, its dried up so you can put any clothes you want on the baby :) Kendon is in preemie clothes and some newborn stuff :happydance:

He's in preemie clothes? How much did he weigh at first again? I had no idea I would need tiny clothes for quite so long...

Baby is bumping around more regularly than yesterday, so I guess all is well :wacko: I CANT WAIT for my ultrasound tomorrow, but in the meantime I'm freaked out about my toe thing this afternoon. ARGH! Hurry up, workday, & be done already so I can get on with this stuff. :coffee:
LOVE, it seems that your LO is quite comfy in there.... I am thinking that it will be in the next 24hrs...

READY, it is such an exciting time when you feel the baby regularly. I sooo can't wait to have that feeling again.

NY, we are due to see the Smurfs next week with our 8yo, was it good even with your emotional crying? I personally am looking forward to it :haha:

AFM, my chart looks different this morning, I hope I am not getting my hopes up too much. I feel better today, not sick like yesterday. My temp rose more this morning, and it seems I OV on Sunday. I did not that the OPK was the darkest in the evening. I do morning and evening just in case I ov I think that I OV on CD19 or CD20 but that is hopefulness since the "donation" was monday, I want to think I timed things so well. I think I am 3-4DPO??? Just hoping my temps stay up and I have a :bfp: in my near future.... FXD!

:dust: to the whole thread!!!
Dee- going by lmp I was due August 3rd or 4th. God it's been so long since af showed that I can't quite remember the exact day of my last one lol. By my very first ultrasound I am due today but every ultrasound I'd had since the very first one put me due at about the 31st of July. Since I switched doctors halfway through my pregnancy he is going by my very first ultrasound dates though I don't believe it's correct. I keep expecting to come on here every day with a birth story too but alas, not yet.

Ready- you don't need a ton of teenie clothes. Every baby gains weight differently. Some stay small for a couple weeks then hit a growth spurt, others hit a growth spurt sooner. Good luck with your toe today!! I've been in the same position a couple times and I know how unpleasant it is. I'm so excited for your scan tomorrow!! Can't wait to here if you're baking a little prince (like the rest of us lol) or a little princess!! Don't forget that we want pictures!!!

So DH and I got a call early this morning informing us that his nan is back in the hospital. She's faught lung cancer twice, has lupus and now has been fighting a losing battle with brain tumors. She has good days and bad days but between the medicine and the swelling in her brain, she just isn't the same. She was spitting up blood so she was taken to the hospital. We are going to go see her for a bit today. Out of everyone, she was the most excited that DH and I were having a baby and now I'm afraid she may not make it till he's born, even though Monday is just a few days away. She practically raised DH so they are very very close and this is his first child. She's been so anxious to meet him. As silly as it may sound, DH and I think that this baby has kept her alive. When she was in the hospital several months ago she was in really bad shape. She wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink and refused to allow any of the doctors or nurses to touch her, not even to take her vitals. She didn't seem to really know who any of us were. DH and I went and saw her and before we left he told her that I was pregnant with a little boy. Soon after that she started getting better and was able to go home again. We know that Roman won't know the nan we knew and he probably won't even remember her at all but we at least want her to meet him before she dies, and we know that day is coming soon. I wish I could speed things up to ensure she's still here when he's born.
Mrs- I would LOVE for him to show in the next 24hrs. I've been so uncomfortable. My lower back, pretty much in my butt, feels like there is just a ton of pressure. Going pee is absolutely miserable, it feels like I need to have a BM but very little to nothing happens but I have this insane urge to push which ends up causing strain. I pretty much use my toilet like a birthing ball just so I can pee.

It's still really early but I'm sending tons and tons of baby dust your way!! Fingers tightly crossed that this is a bfp in the making for you!! Have you picked a testing day yet?
So sorry to hear that DH's Nan is back in the hospital and not doing well. Sending lots and lots of :hugs: you guys way! More reason I am hopeful that that LO pokes on out within the next 24 hours FXD!!!

Yes, I have picked the 23rd. But I am wondering if I should wait till the evening of the 24th as the wife and I are scheduled for a flight first thing in the morning to start her bday vacay.... hmmm. I think that the 23rd is the longest I will be able to hold out though since it makes me about 16-17DPO. We don't want to test on the same as the time we did with our previous which was 10DPO, after the MC we decided not to do ALL things exactly the same, also expected my cycle to be so messed up that we couldn't do things the same. Today, I am saying 8/23....
I didn't get my bfp until I was 5 days late for af, which was roughly 19-21 dpo. Ny had a late bfp too, it was frustrating. Fingers crossed for two perfect lines on the 23rd!! I can understand not wanting to do things the same as with your loss. Even though you know that doing things the same won't cause the same results you can't help but feel that it will.
Hi everyone!

Mrs- it was a cute movie. Just touching because the couple in the movie are pregnant and they did a lot of little moments about the new daddy and touching the belly, and the baby and family, so of course, being pregnant I cried. Lol. Happy stuff. But my 7 year old really enjoyed the movie. So, i'd say go see it. They do use the word smurf to replace some words that you know would be bad words, or cuss words, but its kind of a humor only the adults really get.

Love- im sorry for nan being in the hospital. I teared up at the though tthat your baby kept her going! So beautiful. I hope she can meet him and doesn't get to sick to even be around the baby when he is born. Any day now......You must be so excited! Funny about writing an eviction note. You should write one to put in his baby book memories! My c section is October 12. Seems forever. I seriously don't know how I can grow for 2 more months.

Ready- how did the toe chopping off go? Lol. Sounds icky, I am glad you are done with that! But ouch, walking around wouldnt be fun after that.....are you in need of crutches for it or are you able to walk? Cant wait to hear what you are having tomorrow!

I have my second 4D ultrasound saturday and can't wait to see if he has chubby cheeks or not !

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