Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Ready- I find that men just don't enjoy shopping the way we do, unless it's specifically for them and something they are interested in (which means we usually aren't lol). I could spend all day everyday in BRU looking at the same things I've seen only 1,000 times before, DH on the other hand is all about being "in and out". It's just a man thing. They don't understand the magical powers of tiny human things that draw us in and make us never want to leave. Burlington's is a great store, but sadly we don't have one in the area or I would have done some shopping there as well. Not like I really needed to buy MORE clothes on top of the overflowing amount that I already have. But who can resist?!?

Ny- you have Jimmy John's out by you? I love their subs, far better than subway for sure. I can't wait to see those pictures!! I bet he's just the cutest thing. Did they confirm for you that it's still a boy? When I had my scan last week to check the fluid levels and LO's weight the tech doing the scan was hilarious. We were chatting away and then she shows me his "family jewels" (her words lol) then later he flashed them again and she said "there's the penis... And the balls". DH and I laughed. Good to know his boy parts didn't vanish lol.

Eeeek!! Less than 24 hours now. Part of me is glad to know exactly when it'll happen so that I can have my family there. My mom has been sleeping by the phone for weeks waiting on my call so she can rush out here. It's really nice that my one set of grandparents can make it. My grandpa has been dying to hold a new grandbaby and this will be the first birth he'll get to attend so it means a lot to him, and to me. I'm just nervous about the pitocin. I want a natural labor, no epidural, but I'm afraid I might cave as I hear the contractions from the meds are far more intense. I had a dream last night that I had to have a c-section-- I'm afraid of that being a possibility. I want him here so badly but at the same time I'm a bit afraid of becoming a mother.
Ny, can't wait to see your pictures!

Love you'll do great as a mom & wow is it going to happen soon! Pitocin will amp up what you would normally feel...just do your best. Even if you don't go all natural, maybe you can labor through a good part of it and get meds/epidural closer to transition so you aren't exposed to so much of it? You can't really plan your delivery (oh I'm sure you have learned that), so just roll with it and focus on having a healthy baby at the end of the day. Can't wait!!
Hi Ladies! How is everyone?

Love- I will be thinking of you tomorrow!! You will be a fantastic mom and don't stress about natural or not for the delivery. You just do what you can handle. It will all be okay. Can't wait to hear the news!!

Ready- Glad you are having fun buying things now! How fun!!

Ny- Excited to see pictures!

Afm- I think I finally Ov'd. Another CD18. Here I was thinking with the ewcm, I would have been around CD14. We have been BDing every day for the past 9 days, lol. Twice a couple of days. I have to admit that i'm a bit tired, haha. But there should be plenty to catch that egg so Fx'd!! :)
Love- yea we have JJ here. I like them, but haven't been eating any cold cut subs so haven't had in ages! Our scan was funny too. The tech was shaking the baby trying to move his legs and we all laughed noticing he was shaking his junk and saw it in 2D. ...then when he went to 4D the baby actually put his hand up and gave us the middle finger. JUST the middle finger. So of course the tech paused that on the video and typed in "hi mom, hi dad!" next to the baby flicking us off. He didn't actually take a pic though of it so I dont have it, bummer! But its on the DVD so we can still laugh about it.
You'll be fine in labor. Pitocin did make me need an epidural though. and I needed a c section afterall. Lol. Not my birth plan at all! Nothin you can do.

Kiki- sit back, relax, and hopefully your body is getting it right this time! Think happy thoughts to your uterus! Lol.

Once again, I will get those cute 4D pics up, I swear....just on my OH's Macbook and he has them on here, but its weird and I'll do them on my Mac in a bit.
You know Love, i was due to be induced with my daughter and the morning we got up to get ready my waters broke and she came on her own! Don't give up just yet that it may start!
Either way wishing you the very best of births and how exciting to be meeting your little boy so very soon! :hugs: Good luck hun and best wishes.
I'm back from our cruise! It was nice. I managed to not think of ttc for almost the entire time, which was awesome. :thumbup:

Love, OMG!! I expected to see some baby pics! I'm so sorry you're so uncomfortable, but soon it will be over! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. :hugs:

Ready, great pics!! A BOY!!!!!! I love boys!!!!! Do you have names picked out yet?

Kiki, my partner in ttc crime. :haha: Sounds like you have your bases covered. Now, just relax. :flower: I hope we both get bfps at the same time. Someone will need to keep this thread going!

Afm, just waiting for AF, which should be next weekend sometime. Then, I go in on cd3 and start my IVF round. Yikes! I go through moments of excitement and "how could it NOT work? I'll be pregnant in 6 weeks!" to moments of "omg...what if it never works?!" I'm understanding what the ladies mean by emotional roller coasters! Sheesh. On top of everything else, I start my new school in a few weeks. I just emailed my principal, and I'm going to go in and explain why I'll have to take a few sick days the first month of school. I think I'll feel better after that.
Rosa! :hi: My partner in ttc crime! ;) I'm glad you had a nice cruise! It's so nice to just get away!
I definitely have my bases covered. That would be so fantastic to get our bfp's around the same time to keep this going!
Oh you must be so anxious for this process to start! Wow! I need to know everything that you do and how it's done. You very well could be pregnant the first shot! A lot of women are. It's all they need. And if it doesn't.. It WILL work. Don't stress! Your tubes are the issue so bypassing them.. You should be great! That's a good idea to go in and explain why you will be missing a couple of days.
Welcome back Rosa! If you have any pics you'd like to share of your cruise, i'd be happy to see them! We can have some "oooooohs"and "aaaaahs" over the cool things you saw. I hope the talk with principal goes well for you.

Or that AF just doesnt come. Maybe the cruise will help.....never know!

Love- the day I was supposed to go in to strip my membranes my water broke at like 3 am so I never had to do that. Who knows!
You ladies are just so wonderful, I don't know how I'd have gotten this far without you. I probably wouldn't have any hair by now or have worried it all grey lol.

ready- I'm not so much worried about being exposed to the epidural or it having negative effects on LO. It may be silly but my worry with the epidural is the need for a catheter. After my experience with one in the hospital previously, I want to do everything possible to avoid having one again. I know I can't plan my delivery, it's all up to LO.

kiki- congrats on ov!! Maybe all that ewcm will help those :spermy: (and oh how many there are lol) get to that egg once and for all. It sounds like you have all your bases covered, are you still bd'ing since you think you ov'd?

ny- I haven't had JJ in a month or so and now I really have a craving for them lol. Maybe I can convince someone to bring me one after I deliver. I love when the tech has a sense of humor during a scan, it makes the experience so much more pleasant. Was LO shaking his junk or was the tech doing it? If it was the tech I can see why LO was giving you the finger. "this is all I have to say about you shaking my boy bits!" lol. If you want a picture of it you can play the DVD on the computer and take a screen shot of that section and crop it down into a picture. I have a rather high pain tolerance so I'm hoping I'll be able to hold out and avoid the epidural. I'm going to have a chat with my doctor about alternative pain management.

Dee- you give me hope!! We have to be there at 6am so I have until then for something to happen. I would LOVE for this to happen naturally. How are things going with you? 10 weeks already!! Are you feeling any better about this sticky bean? Any feelings as to whether your mini wig is a boy or a girl?

Rosa- Welcome back!! So glad to hear that you enjoyed your cruise!! Sorry to disappoint on the baby pics, I was hoping to have some to share but this little bugger had other plans. They are doing IVF on cd3? That just seems early, but then again I know as much about IVF as I do rocket science. I can understand your mixed emotions, I'd feel exactly the same. As kiki said this WILL work for you. It's not that your uterus is a hostile warzone, your tubes just aren't up to par so bypassing them should be just what you need. I think it's a great idea to explain things to your new principal. I'm sure (s)he will understand and greatly appreciate your honesty and how up front you are being.

Well, 12 hours to go. I have to finish cleaning up the house a bit (don't want to come home to a messy home) and make sure all my last minute things are together for the hospital. We are trying to get a few people over tonight for one last get together before LO. Not like we won't see them ever again or anything lol. Kind of like a bachelor/ette party in celebration before LO.
Love- Yes there are quite a bit of those :spermy: in there, lol. Yes we are still BDing just in case it was fluke and I haven't Ov'd yet but fx'd that I did! I should know tomorrow if my temp goes up again.

Enjoy your last night at home with just you and DH! It's so crazy to think about how your life will change so soon! I will be looking on here constantly tomorrow to see what's going on! I'm so excited for you. You will do great! I wish you all the best and hope your labor and delivery goes as smoothly as possible! :thumbup:
Love, you must be settled into your hospital bed by now.... Sending lots of good thoughts your way!!!! :hugs:
So I'm all settled in, hooked to an IV and they started the pitocin about a half hour or so ago I think. Already starting to have some mild cramping and contractions. The nurse checked me and said I'm sitting at 4cm and baby is at a -1 station which is really good. My cervix is really low and she said that when the doctor comes in, which will hopefully be before office hours, he could easily rupture my bag since she could feel it. My eyes are sore because I only managed maybe 2-ish hours of sleep and spent the morning crying before leaving the house because I was so nervous. But all in all I'm feeling pretty good now. DH is taking a nap while he still can and I'm debating whether or not I think I can fall asleep. I've got my laptop close by to keep you all updated with the play by play.
Here are some pics of my baby. Its hard to choose because I get 51 of them! I actually found out that the tech DID take the picture of the the baby flicking us off!

Also, Love, yes, it was the tech who shook his boy parts in the attempt to get his hips and legs to move out of our way and his parts were shaking. Lol.

The second picture is funny, looks like a mustache from the cord.

He was so cute, little chubby nose and lips. He also made a lot of faces, like grimaces a lot! very expressive little boy.


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Love- Good Luck!! I will keep checking in! I'm glad you are all settled. That should relieve some of the anxiety. Thinking of you!!

Ny- Oh my goodness! Those pics are awesome! He is adorable! I love the yawning one and the one with his hand over his face. He looked tired. Haha. Too cute!
Ny- those are absolutely adorable pictures!!! Such a cute mustache he has going on there. Just look at those chubby little cheeks!! And to think they are only going to get chubbier. He's such a little cutie, you must be so excited. It won't be much longer now before you're where I'm at, well aside from the induction part that is.

The contractions are starting to pick up and become a bit more painful. I'm trying to nap here and there while I still can. So funny story-- when I first sat down on the bed after arriving it started vibrating uncontrollably so they had to switch beds. Now I just got up to use the bathroom and the bottom part of the bed that gets removed during delivery collapsed. I'm not having very good luck with these beds lol.
Lol. be nice to the beds! They may bill you for them later....haha.

I agree, my little guy is getting cute in there! Im sure he's exhausted from all of his fighting with mommy for space. Poor guy is super squished in there, the tech showed us the way he is arranged and he is pretty much in a ball with his feet by his head all the time.
OMG!! LOVE, this is IT!!! and you are still on BnB, think I mentioned that last week :haha: thoughts are going out to you!! Can't wait for the pics!

READY, there is still time for the placenta to mocve, sit back, relax, and enjoy this preg! GL

NY, those scan pics are way tooooo awesome!!!

KIKI, YAY :happydance: for OV!!! You have your bases covered plenty!!!

ROSA, welcome :wave: back from your cruise! so much happening here as you see. I know you are super anxious for AF (for once) so that this process can get rolling! GL with IVF, we cannot wait to cheer you through preg!

AFM, I am 8DPO and getting more nervous. Not sure why, can only be attributed to the fact that I have had strong cramping for about 2-3 days and my right abdomen is achey... I don't remember AF that much, so I am not sure WHAT to think, onset or IB, or just Preg! FXD no site of AF today, and that I am one day closer to that :bfp:

I hope you all had a GREAT weekend! I am not sure if we were all able to hold out as next week gets closer, it is really early, but if you weren't any good news?

Sending out EXTRA :dust: to the thread as we start our week, the LAST week in the TWW!!! :dust: those that are starting the TWW and those that are beginning TTC and those testing!!!
Just stopping by to say hello!

Good job on O'ing Kiki :)

So excited for you future possibilities Rosa, and I can't wait to see pics from your trip!! JEALOUS!!!

Good luck today , Love. Will be checking for updates! Can't believe we all didnt know who would pop first, and here we are and Kendon is 3 1/2 weeks old! Weird to me that gestational wise they are about the same age, but just me going early makes Kendon older. Wild!

CUTE CUTE CUTE pics Ny!!!! I love the yawning one SO Much!!!! You will cherish those photos forever!!

Ready- how exciting about your registry and getting some boy clothes!! It did take me awhile to get used to "boy" this second time, I had soooooooo desperatly wanted a girl, seeing as this MAY be our last child, I was still happy for a boy, just not as ECSTATIC as I would of been for a girl. It took me quite a few weeks to be super excited, I think it started when we settled on the name Kendon, I just fell in love with the name, and it made it seem so much more personal and like he was really KENDON, and I couldnt help but be super stoked about him, the name made the deal for me! Maybe that would help you!!

AFM- Having some bf issues, I have a ton of milk at night and in the AM,but afternoons we are struggling, and I have a really strong let down, and it chokes and gags Kendon... So he pulls off and wastes tons of milk and then is still hungry, but he's wasted most of it and its all over the place and then there's nothing for him to eat. Its sort of frustrating but I know we will get through it. Had similar issues with Kylar, and eventually he got old enough to handle the strong spray of milk, but its tough in the meantime :( As for the low supply during the day, Im trying to find some pills a friend told me about called Momma milk or something like that. Hoping it will give me the little extra I need during those afternoon feedings. I am trying to drink more water as well :)
MRS- Good luck to you as well, can't wait til testing time for you !! :)

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