Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Mrs, sorry about your bfn. :hugs: Kiki is right though, you're not out until af comes. Hang in there!

Kiki, you too! You're not out yet!

Love, I hope you're doing well. :hugs: I think about you often.

Ny and Ready, where the heck are you two?! :shrug:

Afm, another friend just told me she is pregnant. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. :hissy: SERIOUSLY?! :brat: I can't handle it anymore! I want to just go in my room and shut the door and not come out until I am pregnant. Sometimes I feel like there is something wrong with me. Why do all of these girls not have any problems getting pregnant? Why do I have to be the one with the fertility issues? I'm so sad right now. :sad1:
Not sure where ny is.. hope you are doing well hun! And ready is in cali for vacation. :)

And I know exactly how you feel Rosa. :hugs: It really isn't fair to be the only one with fertility issues. I don't have any real life friends who have the struggles I do and it sucks. Not one of them ever really had to even try. I recently found out 2 of my cousins are expecting. Ugh. I'm sorry you are feeling so down right now. But you are meant to have a beautiful little bean who will grow into a beautiful little baby! And once you have that beautiful baby, he/she will be SO loved and appreciated! You will get there hun. I know words are hard to find comfort in because it really comes down to why? It's just not fair we have to try so hard but just think how over the moon you will be when it does happen, and how amazing of a mother you will be!!
hello everyone!

Sorry about the negative tests in here:( I was thinking it all sounded so promising too. Grrrr

TTC sucks. for sure. I was over a year after a MC with this one, 14 months I think, so seriously, it does just happen, suddenly for who knows what reason. But that doesn't make any of it better or easier....I just hope it happens for you girls that are left very soon. Im getting impatient with you!

My sister had her baby today so that was a long day at the hospital. Then didn't even get to really see/hold baby because she has to be in NICU for at least 48 hours since she has a fever. Grrrr! I wanna see her! Kinda feel like a wasted day waiting in a tiny family waiting room for nothing. Lol.

I guess I dont have much more interesting here....ummm. Yea. Im pregnant still, getting huge, more crabby than most could probably imagine, and a real treat to be around I bet:) haha
Brandy , TEST!!!

Rosa, hang in there, you have some VERY promising possibilities awaiting you VERY soon!! Hang onto that, I have faith it will work!!

Love- If you have any bf questions, shout at me, I did it with Kylar for 9 months through MANY ups and downs. Almost quit so many times bc i couldnt tell if he was getting enough and it was sooooooo stressful. Each time i thought id have to stop i just cried and cried, thought it was the end of the world (hormones) even though i knew he'd be ok on formula, i just couldnt let go of the fact that it was my body failing, not him doing anything wrong. anyway, i am not an expert but we did go through many different difficulties with it and i could give ya some pointers if ya need/ want them.

AFM- Kendon is on acid reflux meds now, hoping that will help his colic symptoms, and im banned from caffiene, if neither of those work i will have to try cutting dairy products, BOO! He has had a better day today than yesterday, so maybe its working.. time will tell. I'm so not ready to be off maternity leave. Im easy back into it. Have 1 child tomorrow and thursday, and then next week i will have 2 children (4 counting my own) and then the next week allllll of them are coming back - so 6 total. But i AM ready to start making money again! My babies need spoiled and being broke is just not workin for us!! LOL
Thanks ladies. :hugs: I'm so negative about this process though. About ivf, I mean. I just can't imagine it working. I have to change that immediately, because I know it can affect the success. I'm thinking of ordering a CD for meditation and visualization specifically for ivf. Probably a money maker, but if it makes me less stressed and positive, it'll be worth it.
Hello, hello! I'm here and I've been reading just not posting. I've learned several things at Disneyland-- yes, it's the happiest place on earth but that does not prevent total meltdowns of kids and adults. My stepson had a good one this afternoon :) Hot sun and walking make a pregnant gal very thirsty, the consequence of which is never enough bathrooms & a continual search for the next pitstop. And, there are a surprising number of rides and attractions for babies and mamas alike. In short, we are having fun but I am utterly exhausted. :)

Rosa, chin up...maybe do try that CD. It can't possibly hurt and you need to keep your optimism for your own sanity. It will work!!!

Love, bf is hard for most, from all that I have read. I'm sorry you ate stressing about it. Just remember that the important thing is that roman is nutished. You are not a failure at all for using formula to help your baby; you're a good mom.

Hello to everyone else!!!
You ladies are all so very wonderful. Just the kind words alone make me feel a little bit better.

Brandy- :test: :test: :test: :test: Fingers tightly crossed!!!

kiki- maybe a wacky chart is a good sign. Have a good time in Philidelphia and figers crossed for wonderful BFP news when you return!!

Mrs- I'm so sorry about your BFN, we all know how disappointing those are. But don't give up hope just yet. I didn't get my BFP until AF was 5 days late and ny was another one who had a late BFP. Several ladies have the lousy luck of not getting a BFP until later. I'm keeping my fingers crossed you are one of those ladies and AF stays away for the next 9 months!

Rosa- I'm so very sorry you have to go through this. I can only imagine your frustration. My sister is going through the exact same thing at the moment and it breaks my heart. I felt so guilty being pregnant while she is taking Clomid and hormone shots and going through IUI. Her best friend is undergoing IVF. There is nothing wrong with you. Your body is just having a rough time, but IVF WILL work. You WILL get your BFP and that LO is going to be so lucky to have you as a mother because he or she will be so wanted.

ny- congrats to your sister!! I'm sorry you didn't get to see/hold your new niece. Just think in a short time that's going to be you, aside from the NICU thing. You'll be holding your wriggling little man and everyone will be so anxious to see. Getting huge and crabby is just part of it. I know I certainly wasn't the most pleasant to be around the closer to the end it got. Even now I'm not sure I'm the most pleasant to be around with all the crazy hormones causing me to cry at every little thing lol, but it'll all get better and is so worth it.

kylar- I really could use some advice. I posted over in the breastfeeding section about what's going on so I don't bog down this thread with my baby troubles. Hopefully the meds help Kendon feel better. It's heartbreaking to watch your LO suffer and not be able to do anything about it.

Ready- so glad you had fun at Disney and weren't completely banned from the rides! I can honestly say I don't miss the constant bathroom breaks. It's so nice to be able to go to the bathroom and not have to go for a couple hours or having to go and actually having the option to hold it just a little while longer to finish off what I'm doing. How's that little bump of yours coming along?

As for me, we took Roman to the doctor today. He's lost 12% of his body weight which has me worried. We're going to try to up his feedings to every 2 hours to see if that helps things along. He has to go back in on Friday for a weight check to make sure he's gaining weight. My poor little man. I had a doctors appointment for me as well today-- had my c-section staples removed. Doctor said I'm healing nicely which is plus. Made my appointment for 5 weeks from now to discuss birth control, not that I have any idea what we want to use.
Rosa, try to have faith in IVF, my friend tried for a baby for 8 years and then turnt to IVF, they had success first time and then used IVF again and got lucky again! It can happen for many couples.
:( Started last night. But, we havent been as focused these past couple months the way we were when we got PG before. DH started a new job, I started my own jewelry business, my daughter got signed with a talent/model agency, so there has been tons of focus and running around for that, and with Zach starting Kindergarten and all of the DR appts and document gathering, and dentists, and this and that, baby making kind of got put on the back burner. So we laid in bed talking about it last night and have decided to get serious about it from here on out. Which also means that instead of just coming in here to read every day, I am going to try to post more often. It really keeps my head in the game when I do.

Oh, did I show you all Micayla's (12yr old DD) youtube video? She has decided that on top of being a famous actor/model/dancer, that she is going to be a singer as well! Lol! Aw, to be 12 again! Hehe!

And here are some of her headshot pics from her agency. Sorry, mommy has nowhere else to brag on her girl! Lol!!prettyPhoto[2972]/0/

(if you click on the first picture it will take you to all the other pictures.
Hi ladies! Quick post..

Brandy- I'm sorry AF got you. :hugs: your daughter is beautiful! It's great she has so many dreams! I hope she pursues them!

Ny- Congrats on your new niece!

Kylar- I hope kendon feels better soon!

Ready- I'm glad you are having a great vaca besides the exhaustion and bathroom breaks! :)

Rosa- meditation can work wonders! I say go for it!

Love- I'm happy to hear you are healing well. I'm sure Roman will be okay! Upping the feedings should be good.

Hi Dee & Mrs!

I'm getting ready for my drive to Philly. Hopefully AF stays away but I dont feel very confident with that. Have a good rest of your week ladies!! :flower:
Good luck with the no af Kik!

Love I'm glad you are hanging in there and still trying.

Ready yea I went to Florida Disney over spring break at the beginning of this pregnancy. I know alllll about the heat, crowds, not enough bathrooms. Thank god I didn't get so tired so easily then as I do now with walking. I would never have made it!

Kylar poor kendon. Colic sounds awful I hope he starts to feel better soon. Can't believe you already have to start working again. That's only like 4 weeks. Good luck with that.

Rosa I agree, meditation and yoga rock. I love them! I really hope you can find some peace with all of this and that ivf works for you. When it does you will forget all this crap you've gone through and be the happy pregnant one!

Mrs hope you are doing ok.

Brandy beautiful pics!
Sad thing is I don't think I'm hanging in there. I feel like a horrid mother. Last night was so aweful. From 6:40 till about 2:30 this morning all he wanted to do was suckle, not feed, just suckle. He'd cry and cry until I put him to breast. By 2:30 my nipples were so sore I just wanted him to leave me alone. I can't take 7 1/2 hours of useless suckling but I feel go guilty denying him when he's lost so much weight. At night I get so frustrated, sore and tired that a very small part of me starts to wonder if having a baby was such a good idea and having that thought makes me feel like a horrible mother. I understand that he just wants to be close to me because I'm mommy and all he's known for the pas 9 months but at some point my body just can't take anymore. I wish he would feed and more than a measly 10 minutes at a time. I feel so bad about him losing weight and watching him not eat breaks my heart but no matter what I try he just prefers to sleep through every feeding.
Did you discuss formula at all with his DR? Or are you completely against the idea? For suckling, are you against giving him a passie?
Love- I have heard of BF friends using formula along with breast milk and the baby doing just fine going from one to another. Maybe try that? I agree, try a passie maybe for that comfort feeling for him, and then when he is hungry he will just come to you hopefully.
Love, I'm so sorry you're feeling down. You are NOT being a horrible mother. This might be a touchy subject, but have you talked to doc about how low you're feeling? :hugs:

Afm, anti-climatic appt today. Did not find out my schedule, but rather scheduled another u/s for next Friday. :coffee: Back to waiting.
:wave: Hi Lovely Ladies!

LOVE, Thanks! That sends hope that you an NY had late bfps, as when my DW and I return from her bday vacay, I should be good and LATE... If nothing, then doc appt to see what's happening because I LOOK preg suddenly.... I hope that Roman feels and feeds better soon. Comfort for you, our daughter was 5lb 4oz full term and she lost and gained just like that, they changed feedings which helped then as NY mentioned, we began to use formula with milk and things were better.

BRANDY, you all are sooo very busy, sounds like me. Your daughter is beautiful. GL to you and your family members!

KIKI, drive safely up this east coast, as the earthquake shook us here and in Philly, and there is a Hurricane brewing and scheduled to hit this weekend. FXD and hoping that AF stays far far way!

AFM Ladies...15DPO, CD36! Current SS: Tired, BLOATED feeling heavy and clothes not fitting, feel wet but not much CM. Temp crept up a tiny bit this morning. Staying pretty persistent and above coverline. We leave for vacay tomorrow early, so I will test then, FXD! 16DPO!
Check out my chart below…

:dust: :dust: :dust to the Thread!!!!!
Brandy- the pediatrician suggested giving him half an ounce to an ounce of formula after every feed but so far I've been trying to do it on my own. I never wanted to have to use formula, it makes me feel like in failing as a mom, incapable of providing enough for my baby. Plus, I go back to work in 4-5 weeks and I need to make sure I have enough to pump so that he'll have a supply for when I can't be home. We have been using a binky but when he just wants to suckle in the evening/night he will either spit it out or cry around it.

Rosa- It can be a touchy subject but I'm not depressed. The only time I feel that way is after he's suckled so long that I'm crying in pain and all he wants to so is suckle more just for comfort. 99% of the time I'm so in love with LO and want nothing more than to snuggle close, but late at night when my nipples are scabbing over and ready to bleed I just feel so hopeless and wish for anything easier.
Giving him the formula is in no way you failing as a mom Love. Sometimes, and especially with first time moms, your milk might not come in for a couple of weeks, or even at all. Supplimenting him with formula until your milk drops is not going to hurt him. It will be a relief to both of you. Continue to breastfeed and pump so that your milk will drop, but top him off with formula and he will not only be plump and full, but he will sleep longer for you.
I agree with Brandy Love, if Roman needs some extra nutrition then formula is not a bad thing at all! :) Some after each of your feeds will give him the best of both worlds.
Also if he suckles for hours on end your breasts are not going to get the chance to re-fill, can you alllow him 15 minutes on each breast and then not feed anymore for a few hours, maybe that way when he does feed it will flow out more?? Just an idea.
You are not a bad mum in any respect, you just want to get it right and are scared of getting things wrong, thats all. We all have thoughts sometimes.
Once you are more settled into a routine things will come together i promise :hugs::hugs:

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