Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Oh and hi to everyone else!

Good luck to you Mrs and i'm sorry about AF Brandy.
Love, are things any better today? Heather, I've been watching your fb posts and kendon is too cute! I hope his colic gets better...

Kiki and Mrs, fingers and toes crossed for you!

I'm sitting at Legoland feeling entirely sorry for myself. Disney was much better. Not only have I not been able to do any rides that the boys did today, but I can't get in the waterpark with them because of the open wound on my toe. I'm literally crying in a chair, what a ridiculous mess I am. Stupid me. Maybe I'm just tired after a week of a kid focused vacation. Sigh.
Oh, on the plus side, I forgot to mention, I'm halfway through my pregnancy already! The little bugger poked me higher up on my belly than I've ever felt him today. Also, DH boldly told my brother this week that we had chosen a name... I thought we were still in negotiation. Gavin it is. :) Still need a middle name though.
ready- things seem to be going a lot better today. Took Roman out for his first shopping trip today at Babies R Us. Everywhere we go people stop us to tell me how adorable he is and it just makes my heart swell. He's been feeding well which makes me think my supply is coming in well. He's also having plenty of poopy nappies, which make me so happy. To think the highlights of my day involve changing a poopy diaper, but I absolutely love it. Tonight is going a lot better so far. After talking to several wonderful ladies in the baby club and breastfeeding section I'm realizing that his cluster feeding at night is normal if it helps him sleep I can endure it. So I'm feeding him every time he fusses and so far it has him out like a light, I just hope it keeps up once DH and I try to head to bed.

Congrats on being halfway there!! Just 4 weeks away from being viable!! I can't believe how fast the time is going. The high pokes are fun for a while, until you start getting a regular foot to the ribs. That part I don't miss lol, but he makes up for it by kicking me around from the outside now. I'm sorry you are having a rough day on your vacation. Part of it is hormones and the rest is probably exhaustion from being on your feet so much and not having a chance to relax and do something just for you. Gavin is a great name!! At least that decision is out of the way lol, even if you had no idea it had been decided on. But you still have another 20 weeks to pick out a middle name. Maybe you'll get to be the one to declare that it's been decided lol.
Love, glad to hear that things are getting a little bit better and easier, now hopefully he can start putting some weight on! I can't believe to look back to the day i announced my bfp and to look right now and see i only have 10 more weeks to go!!!! Ready I like the name Gavin, very unique yet not a name thats never been heard before! We have a name picked out as well, don't know if i've shared it or not but her name will be Kyleigh Michelle
Glad he's doin better Love! BF takes a while to get the swing of things so you are not the first mother who has felt like jumping off a bridge over it.

Ready- Happy half way! For some reason, I feel like you are flying, and im in a stand still! Can't believe you have a name before i do. Hahahaha. Hope ou cheer up. I found all of our Disney Vacation was frustrating that I couldn't do stuff with them. Disney itself was fine but the really fun exciting things I couldnt do. Boo. Now same with going to the fair, and we went to a water park the other day and I couldnt do the water slides....sigh. Boring!

Some names we are debating with now. Kian Patrick. Jude ____. Evan Patrick.
Thanks repo :) that's exactly why I like Gavin... Unique bit not odd... It was my pick and I didn't realize DH was 100% ok with it. I am totally stuck on a middle name that actually means something. Your name is cute!

Legoland sucked for me yesterday but I got over it. Disney was a bummer for missing the bigger rides but I was much happier there-- there was so much to see and lots of small rides and 3d movies. Good thing u didn't do Legoland, Ny!!

Love, sounds like lots of ups and downs in the early baby days... Hopefully we can all learn from you and be prepared for it to be that way. Hope you guys have a good day today! We are all plugging towards the finish line at the same pace, but maybe certain parts of the wait go faster than others. I'm sure the last weeks will drag and drag. Ha! Headed for home today- long flight here I come!!
Are you guys Irish, Ny? How about Kieren? I always liked that name. Not sure on the spelling. I think you have some good choices there already...
Happy 1/2 way Ready and sorry you got upset at legoland, silly pregnancy hormones!

Love, so pleased to hear that you are doing well with Roman and managed to get out and about, i think now it will only get better! :)

AFM - i have my first proper scan next week which will be 12 weeks 4 days - cant wait - we are going to take the kiddies to see their sibling - i am scared still but trying to be positive as much as i can :)

Hi to everyone else and good luck to those TTC and TWW
You ladies are all so very wonderful. Just the kind words alone make me feel a little bit better.

Brandy- :test: :test: :test: :test: Fingers tightly crossed!!!

kiki- maybe a wacky chart is a good sign. Have a good time in Philidelphia and figers crossed for wonderful BFP news when you return!!

Mrs- I'm so sorry about your BFN, we all know how disappointing those are. But don't give up hope just yet. I didn't get my BFP until AF was 5 days late and ny was another one who had a late BFP. Several ladies have the lousy luck of not getting a BFP until later. I'm keeping my fingers crossed you are one of those ladies and AF stays away for the next 9 months!

Rosa- I'm so very sorry you have to go through this. I can only imagine your frustration. My sister is going through the exact same thing at the moment and it breaks my heart. I felt so guilty being pregnant while she is taking Clomid and hormone shots and going through IUI. Her best friend is undergoing IVF. There is nothing wrong with you. Your body is just having a rough time, but IVF WILL work. You WILL get your BFP and that LO is going to be so lucky to have you as a mother because he or she will be so wanted.

ny- congrats to your sister!! I'm sorry you didn't get to see/hold your new niece. Just think in a short time that's going to be you, aside from the NICU thing. You'll be holding your wriggling little man and everyone will be so anxious to see. Getting huge and crabby is just part of it. I know I certainly wasn't the most pleasant to be around the closer to the end it got. Even now I'm not sure I'm the most pleasant to be around with all the crazy hormones causing me to cry at every little thing lol, but it'll all get better and is so worth it.

kylar- I really could use some advice. I posted over in the breastfeeding section about what's going on so I don't bog down this thread with my baby troubles. Hopefully the meds help Kendon feel better. It's heartbreaking to watch your LO suffer and not be able to do anything about it.

Ready- so glad you had fun at Disney and weren't completely banned from the rides! I can honestly say I don't miss the constant bathroom breaks. It's so nice to be able to go to the bathroom and not have to go for a couple hours or having to go and actually having the option to hold it just a little while longer to finish off what I'm doing. How's that little bump of yours coming along?

As for me, we took Roman to the doctor today. He's lost 12% of his body weight which has me worried. We're going to try to up his feedings to every 2 hours to see if that helps things along. He has to go back in on Friday for a weight check to make sure he's gaining weight. My poor little man. I had a doctors appointment for me as well today-- had my c-section staples removed. Doctor said I'm healing nicely which is plus. Made my appointment for 5 weeks from now to discuss birth control, not that I have any idea what we want to use.

ill fb you
Repo- the time really does fly. It feels like yesterday that I saw those two perfect lines and now my little man is 11 days old... I just can't believe it. Wow, 10 more weeks. Before you know it your little girl will be here. You've picked a lovely name for what I'm sure will be a very lovely girl.

ny- the last month or so is just as bad as the first month or so. Just waiting around to see what happens next, but the last month is a hell of a lot more uncomfortable lol. I love the name Kian. What about Jude Kian?

ready- we chose the name Roman because it was unique but not so unique that people would ask what we thinking when we named him. A middle name that means something.. hmm. Any ideas at all yet? I'm sorry your vacation hasn't been as fun as you'd have liked it to be but at least you are headed home now and hopefully you'll get a day or so to rest and relax. A vacation after your vacation lol. Going on a 'fun' vacation while pregnant is difficult because you are so limited. The best vacation a pregnant woman can take involves lounging around somewhere nice while people cater to your every whim.

dee- I can't wait to see pictures!! I think it's great that you are taking the kids along, it'll be something they never forget. I will be keeping nothing but positive thoughts for you. I know how scary a scan can be, especially after a previous loss. But just remember this little bean is super super sticky.

Well Roman's appointment didn't go how I thought it would. He's lost another 2 ounces, which was a complete shock to me since he seems to be eating better and is certainly putting out plenty of dirty and wet nappies. The doctor was really concerned with his weight loss and I now have to supplement an ounce of formula with every feeding. Tomorrow we go in for another weigh in. I saw a lactation consultant today and she made me feel much better after seeing the doctor, who despite telling me how well I was doing made me feel like I was failing. She watched him feed and said we have a good latch and he's suckling well, the main problem seems to be that he falls asleep too quickly and then is difficult to wake. I ended up renting a hospital grade pump so that I can help up my supply and also supplement him with an ounce of pumped breast milk at every feeding instead of formula. I'm hoping that supplementing, either breast milk or formula, will help him sleep at night since he will have a nice full belly. Last night was really rough, he kept us up until about 6-ish this morning. DH and I had to be up at 8 to get him off to work and Roman and I off to his appointment. So I'm running on about 2 hours of sleep and praying tonight goes better.
Ready- OH is very he tends towards those names. Im German, and those names arent so cute! I like Kieran too. Kian is just shorter and I like short names! However, I thought of Gabriel today. Like Gabriel too!
Ahhh...picking name is so much fun :) I think you are narrowing things down, Ny... Can't wait to see your scan pics, Dee--it will go great! Love, I know you're struggling right now but it will get better. It's great that the lactation consultant and your doctor have helped with a plan for getting you both on track!

Back from vacation and have enjoyed getting unpacked and cleaning up the house. We are in the middle of the tropical storm out here in NH, and I'm hoping our basement stays dry. We are starting construction down there tomorrow to finish a space for a home gym and office! We needed to free up an upstairs bedroom for the nursery :happydance: A few weeks from now, we will have our nursery room empty and ready to decorate :) So, attached is my bump pic at 20 weeks...I look haggard, but ignore that. I could use some opinions--do I look too big for 20 weeks? I feel huge. I've gained 11 or 12 pounds and I just have nothing to compare this too. Oh, and got fitted again yesterday--the bbs have grown from A to B to C. Ha!


  • 20 Weeks.jpg
    20 Weeks.jpg
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Ready- you look amazing!! Such a cute bump you have. You don't look too big at all. Your body is very petite which makes your bump more prominent. Be proud that you can walk around and look pregnant instead of looking like you had a few too many cookies lol. Have you two been thinking about what kind of nursery theme you want?

Roman had another weigh in yesterday-- he gained 3 ounces! We go back on Tuesday for our 2 week check up. Things slowly seem to be getting better. Nights are a little easier though we are still so exhausted.
Cute bump Ready! I was once that small too. Lol. Hope the storm lets up for you, Hold on tight!

Love- glad he is gaining weight. Means you are doing something right!

I am having those feelings of not really wanting to have the baby....yea, im a great mom, I know. . I just feel like why did I want this? I have to go for the c section, which is aweful hell and im terrified. Then I wont sleep for who knows how long, deal with a baby who is crying and up all night, scared of SIDS every second, can barely move around because I am in so much pain, probably wont breast feed well, cant leave the house, and basically, none of it sounds fun anymore...:(
Ny- :hugs: :hugs: it's normal to start feeling like that the closer it gets to delivery. I felt the same way. The closer my induction got, the more afraid I became. I would lay in bed with DH and cry because I was having doubts. The first few nights Roman was home I cried because he fussed all night, wanted to suckle constantly, I was so exhausted and my nipples were extremely sore. All I could think was "why did I do this??" and even had a few moments wishing I hadn't had him at all. I felt like a horrible mother. But those thoughts pass I promise. Things still aren't easy and I'm still struggling with breastfeeding but when I look at him I fall in love all over again. I still have a few moments late at night when I'm sore and exhausted where I just want him to go away, but that's when I hand him over to DH so I can have a few moments to breathe. This baby is the love of my life and just seeing his little face makes everything worth it. A new baby is rough on everyone but I know you'll do wonderful. Everything will change when you see his face for the first time. You're not alone, I'm going through the same thing. C-section, pain of recovering, troubles breastfeeding. We will all be here to offer support and encouraging words. Every day gets a tiny bit easier.
Thanks love. Its a weird thing to get this far and have doubts. I dont know whats gotten into me. Im sure it will be fine, just reading about the c section is freaking me out. Then I read of a baby dying of SIDS and its all just so scary!
Thanks,'s just my perspective on things I guess. I will have to get used to gaining a s#*& ton of weight :) Love, we are definitely doing an animal or jungle theme. DH is planning to paint a mural of animals on one wall. I am still hunting for a bedding/curtain set that I like. None of them are exactly what i pictured so I will have to settle on something...

Ny, I think every single person, mom & dad, has moments where they wonder "WHY did I want to do this?" You are totally normal; try not to worry. The way I explain it to myself is to accept that even with all the difficult things in pregnancy, early baby days & parenting, I simply CANT imagine myself not having a baby. There is no choice for me, only accepting the hard and good things about it. :flower:

The storm wasn't too bad around us; we didn't even lose power but we certainly got lots of wind and rain. Kiki, how did it go for you all? Any testing news for anyone?
Yeah for gaining weight, Roman! He's a little champ... Things will continue to get better for you, Love, I'm sure!

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