Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

It's really not that weird to get that far before you start having doubts. Early on there is just so much time and you think you'll be pregnant forever. As you get closer to the end you realize that everything is about to change and that's terrifying. At least you are prepared for a c-section. You know what to expect. I was terrified As they wheeled me into the operating roomamd even more so when they sent DH out because they were going to put me completely under. I'm always checking on Roman to make sure he's still breathing. You are a lot like me when it comes to worrying. It probably isn't a good idea for you to be reading stories about SIDS. It's just as bad as reading mc stories in first tri.
Ready- we went with a jungle theme as well. Fell in love with it as soon as we saw it at BRU. Have you browsed their online selection? It's a lot larger than what they carry in stores.
Hello friends! This thread sure has slowed down between the babies being born and pregnancies, I miss yall! How are my TTC girls? Only a couple of you left and we will of all crossed the finish line!! ;)

AFM- Kylar had his first dentist appt today, he did pretty well. Was scared at first but say on Mommy's lap and was much better ! Dr said his teeth looked excellent, but they were really tight and when he gets his adult teeth there wont b any rooom so they will be really crowded and crooked :/ I had braces and hated them !! But looks like he will have to go down that route. Boo! At least its not for many more years!

Kendon is starting to do a little better. He still wants held practically 24 hours a day, and he cat naps so much ( like 20 min then is awake again..) and it makes it pretty much impossible to get anything done, but thats ok.. I'm getting me a moby wrap and I cant wait. The front to back carrier I have is a pain in the BUTT! But it helps having him attached to me so I can do things , plus I think he feelsl like he's back in the womb!! =)
Kylar and love- your babies are beautiful!! Hard to believe a year ago you conceived :)

I'm popping in to say hi and that hubby and I are after 7 months back in the tww. :) and I'm pretty sure we have ALL our bases covered. Minus the lack of ewcm we bd'd 9 days out of the last 11. So I'm hoping that after all the chaos and grief earlier this year we can finally focus on our own family. (sigh)
Miss u ladies. Sorry I've missed so much!
Ready i think your bump is small for 20 weeks but everyone shows differently and it makes a difference how big you are to begin with and if its your first pregnancy i think.
Anyway you look fab! :)
Ready- we went with a jungle theme as well. Fell in love with it as soon as we saw it at BRU. Have you browsed their online selection? It's a lot larger than what they carry in stores.

EEK I've been so busy settling back into work that I haven't even checked in here... Love, which pattern did you chose, do you remember? I'm looking at one called I think Jungle Tales but there are several other choices. None exactly what I pictured, but they are all cute :) I love animals, especially giraffes, so I'm psyched about the mural we're going to do.

Mrs, nice to hear from you! How have you been? Hows your sis?

Thanks Dee for saying my bump is small...that helps, actually. It is quite the self-image adjustment to go through pregnancy. Today, I like my bump, I usually do I guess, but I don't like gaining weight and the "extra" that shows up elsewhere :p

Hi Heather! Glad the boys are doing well... What happened with Kiki & the other Mrs? Testing?...
Well Lovely Ladies, I am back! We had a wonderful time, not good enough, as no bfp before we left :sad1: however, af was nice enough not to show on our trip and not until this morning, after returning last night.

We are moving on to Sept. My cycle seems to be back in tact. My chart is in my siggy so feel free to stalk away and follow us on the egg chase again. I hope everyone is doing well.

CONGRATS :happydance: to those that received their bfps in my absence.

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: to those that are still in this chase, about to start the chase, and those that are in the most terrible TWW!
Mrs!!!!! So glad to see you back!!!!! I thought of you often and wondered how you were. Such wonderful news that things are finally settling down in your life and you are back to ttc. I'll keep my fingers tightly crossed for a speedy bfp for you, after everything that has been going on you certainly deserve it. 9 out of 11 days? Sounds like you've made sure there are plenty of :spermy: to catch that egg! I can't believe how much time has passed. It felt like I'd never have a LO, but here he is. The light of my life.

Ready- Some of the hardest times of being pregnant involve looking in the mirror. It's hard for every woman to watch as her waistline, and the rest of her for that matter, slowly expand. Just wait till you look at your body after you have the baby. My stomach is jello and I gained weight in places that didn't need to get bigger lol. But it'll all go away. I've already lost quite a bit by breastfeeding. DH has even pointed out that my body is shrinking in certain places. It's all worth it in the end. I'd spend the rest of my life with this jello belly just for this little man of mine. The bedding set we picked was Baby Cocoa by Lambs & Ivy.

That should be the link but I'm doing it from my phone so I'm not sure if that's right or not.

MrsM- so sorry about af, but at least she waited until you returned from your vacation. Fingers crossed that this cycle turns out to be so much better!
MrsI!!!!!! We missed you so so much. So glad you're back and ttc again with us! Everyone's getting knocked up, so I hope we're not far behind!

Read my journal...starting IVF in a few weeks. :happydance:

Ready, you.are.beautiful. I know you don't feel it, but your bump is adorable!! Obviously pregnant, not just "did she let herself go?" Not at all. :flower:

MrsM (now we have two mrs!), sorry no bfp, but glad that your cycle is normal. Here's to a new cycle! :drunk: (heehee I love that emoticon!)

Afm, STILL FREAKING WAITING. Not even sure what I'm waiting for! Appt on Friday, then we'll see what's next.
Thank you girls! You are the best :) Rosa, I'm so excited for you and your IVF's coming up so soon! Do you have to take any hormones or anything before in order to make extra eggs? I'm not sure how that all works. Oh, FX FX FX!

Love, your bedding is super cute! I looked at that one, and all the other animal type ones online. I just can't decide! But, our new basement is all framed in already and the electrician & heating guy are coming tomorrow so we are getting super close to having that space available and our nursery ready to decorate. EEK!
Thank you girls! You are the best :) Rosa, I'm so excited for you and your IVF's coming up so soon! Do you have to take any hormones or anything before in order to make extra eggs? I'm not sure how that all works. Oh, FX FX FX!

Yes. I have to take a boat load of drugs and injections, but I haven't learned about them yet. My guess is that I'll start them in 2 weeks. Not exactly sure what we're waiting for, but I'm thinking that most people do bcp for 3 weeks and then start. I'm not doing bcp (small ovaries, and doc doesn't want to diminish them any) so we have to do u/s to see exactly where I am in my cycle, so we know when to start. :shrug: Not sure. I've been told that I'll have so many eggs and that my ovaries will be so full that I'll actually feel them moving when I move. Gross. I"m expecting to be pretty uncomfortable for about a week before the retrieval, actually. Probably won't be able to work out or walk fast. The things we do for babies! :wacko:
Hi MrS! Welcome back and hope you are lucky right off the bat.

Rosa- thats freaky about being able to feel the eggies in you when you move. Not gunna lie, but holy freaky! Too bad we cant feel when the eggie is catched so we just know. But guess at least you'll have lots in there. Yay for that. Hope you react well to the injections. I knew a friend who they made her kinda emotional and sicky. But, nothing worse than real pregnancy I suppose so its preparing you!

Love- cute bedding! I keep having dreams about nursing and how aweful it sounds. Lol. Another girl on my FB just made a comment about having to see a consultant also yesterday....seems everyone has issues with it, doesn't sound any fun to me whatsoever. I am not a patient person so pray to god he catches on otherwise i'll most likely toss it right out the window like I did with my daughter! Did you do anything before birth to prepare your nips so they werent so sore? I was wondering if I can do anything.

Ready- I love the giraffes also. Well, them and the oh so irresistible monkeys. I told myself at the beginning, Im not getting all into the monkeys like everyone else does, and Lo and Behold, im into the monkeys. Im not doing a bedding I dont think, I like pieces, not sets....I found an adorable monkey pillow at Home Goods coupld days ago and will build off that piece. Not all monkey stuff though. Lol. Our bouncer chair is the Carters one with giraffe theme. So cute!

Kylar- hope he starts sleeping the right hours soon.....most babies are off right away. I want a moby wrap too, they look complicated to put on though! I have a front to back one and dont like it already. OH can use that one. Im just afraid of my back and carrying the weight around like that. It gets so sore. Have you tried a Moby, are they easy to put on?

Mrs- sorry for the bfn. Boooo
Thank u for the welcome backs!

Ready I need to scroll back when I have time and check out your bump! Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things in the world to me. Second to breast feeding. When I saw my friend breast feed her baby for the first time it looked heavenly!! I'm thrilled that you got your bfp (so sorry I missed it) it's normal to feel bloaty and big when pg. But just know that you are beautiful. :)
Lil sis is good. With her dad now. She's doing really well. Today is her 16th bday. Watch out world she just got her drivers license! :/
After her dad got custody I made regular trips to south Dakota to help take care of my step mom. It was tough especially with the new promotion. But my boss is really understanding and was great with that. She now has a in home health care aide. My dad calls her the maid lol. . . It's a really sad situation but at least they can make light of it. And now I don't have to travel so much. That was kind of stressful. :/

Rosa- :) I really hope isv does the trick! That is kind of oogly about feeling your eggs move around. Wonder what that will feel like. So 2 weeks till you start.. Which means about a month before you'll be in the tww? I don't blame you about bcp. I won't go back on them till we get our first. Then I'll be fine to start them again. I know they help your cycle. But I can't get past the thought that it screws my body up.

Ny!!- love the bump :) about the nips. They have those rubber things that go over them to kind of protect them. Idk what they're called but my friend used them with her son. She said she preferred them vs without.

Hi other mrs :) sry about the bfn :( I haven't read back any how long have u been trying?

Are Kiki and Brandi still here? ? ?

I'm 2-3 dpo I believe. Like always I have my doubts about getting a sticky bean. But we dtd ALOT so much I'm tired of doing it lol. We bd'd up to o and the day after just to make sure. I wasn't taking my temps regularly but I can kind of tell if I've I'd because my body is hotter. Weird but pre-o I need all of my blankets. Post-o just a sheet is fine. Fingers x'd!!!!
Rosa- thats freaky about being able to feel the eggies in you when you move. Not gunna lie, but holy freaky! Too bad we cant feel when the eggie is catched so we just know. But guess at least you'll have lots in there. Yay for that. Hope you react well to the injections. I knew a friend who they made her kinda emotional and sicky. But, nothing worse than real pregnancy I suppose so its preparing you!

It's totally freaky! I'll just have to walk slowly (I tend to power walk EVERYWHERE, even when I'm not in a hurry) and take a break from the gym. Oh darn! :rofl: I just hope it's not painful being so full. I can handle the weirdness (I say that now...) but if it's painful and I can't take pain meds...I'll just have to be attached to my heating pad, I guess. :shrug: I'm SURE I'll have reactions to the injections. I'll probably be an emotional wreck. But you're right, just getting ready for pregnancy hormones!

How are you doing?

Rosa- :) I really hope isv does the trick! That is kind of oogly about feeling your eggs move around. Wonder what that will feel like. So 2 weeks till you start.. Which means about a month before you'll be in the tww? I don't blame you about bcp. I won't go back on them till we get our first. Then I'll be fine to start them again. I know they help your cycle. But I can't get past the thought that it screws my body up.

I'm 2-3 dpo I believe. Like always I have my doubts about getting a sticky bean. But we dtd ALOT so much I'm tired of doing it lol. We bd'd up to o and the day after just to make sure. I wasn't taking my temps regularly but I can kind of tell if I've I'd because my body is hotter. Weird but pre-o I need all of my blankets. Post-o just a sheet is fine. Fingers x'd!!!!

The tww! You must be exhausted from all of the :sex: I hope you don't have a long wait! Glad to hear your sis is doing well and is with her dad. That must have been stressful.

I believe the time line is a 5 week thing for ivf, so hopefully by the end of September I'll be in the tww. I have a feeling it'll be the LONGEST tww of my life, though. :wacko: Oh I'll never go back on the bcp. Evidently, I won't need it. :nope: But I think the doc is not putting me on it (almost every woman goes on it for ivf) because my ovaries are smaller and a bit older than they should be. I hope that doesn't mean I won't get any good eggs. He has me on a special vitamin for egg quality, so maybe that'll help. I'm just glad he knows ahead of time and can plan my cycle and meds accordingly.
Ny, yay for giraffes! I found a bedding pattern that has animals cartooned in a way that I love best so I may end up with that but it still isn't what I pictured. I'll have to check out that bouncer!

Mrs, glad to hear you are doing well! It sounds like things have settled down with your family, thankfully, and it's good for you both that you are able to focus on each other and baby-making. After awhile, a person only has so much to give others--you must be kind of tired! It's nice to have you back...
LOVE, thanks! It was very nice of AF wasn't it, just hoping she is in and out quickly so I can see some lines!!! How are you and Roman, the DH??

ROSA, that IS an awesome emoticon, I can't wait to use it.... :haha: I hope that you get some good info on Friday at your appt.

MRSI, I see welcome back is in order :wave: there are sooo many pages to read back, you can read my journal if you rather. However, I am reaching the 2 yo mark for #2, with a MC recently in July. I see you are in the TWW, FXD!!! It is ONE of the hardest waits... :dust:

AFM Ladies...CD2! Back in this egg chase again. We are fully ready. During relaxing times this past week, we chatted, fine-tweaked our plans and are ready to get this Sept bfp. Even got a new BBT-T so be certain. We are going to do more CM monitoring as well. Between temping, charting, CM checks, and more “donations” we are confident that this IS going to be IT!!!

Follow my chart below…

:dust: :dust: :dust to the Thread!!!!!
Rosa- I think tylenol would be safe for you as it is in pregnancy. Not that it does a shit ton of any help! Lol. Also, the power walking thing- yea, I used to also, til I became big as a boat and now im a slow poke. My mind is contantly like "come on feet get movin!!!" but my body can't go fast anymore. lol. Its joyful. Otherwise im great! Getting baby fever! Excited for fall. I LOVE fall. This is my favorite time of year so can't go wrong!

Mrs- I will check on those nip covers! Never even heard of such a contraption. Im gunna start to lube em up a lot now too so they're (maybe) less likely to crack. Im afraid of crackly, bleedy nipples! Lol. Glad things have settled down for you guys again and hope you get the baby now!

MM- The great attitude you have should help a lot in getting that bfp! Hopefully, right. Our bodies are annoying some times but best to be upbeat about it all than a downer!
Ny, they're called nipple shields...probably a good idea to have some handy, just in case. I heard that using lanisoh cream for a week or two before delivery can help the nips. Even so, it's going to be painful. I am super sensitive in that department so I feel your pain--we will all have to go through it together!
Ready- I had a really hard time choosing. We had actually decided on one that had sea animals and bubbles on it but when we went to buy it we saw the one we ended up with on display in the crib next to ours. Once we saw it and actually felt the different materials we just couldn't pass it up.

Rosa- how many eggs are they doing the first time? I was just thinking, you have a really good chance of twins or higher! Have you and DH considered the possibility? I'd be afraid of anything over 3 simply because there is such a risk. How strange that you'll be able to feel all the eggs moving around. I wonder what that would actually feel like... I'm so excited to hear how things turn out. I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed that the first time is a charm for you.

Ny- the first week and a half was the worst with breastfeeding. He was new to it, I was new to it and we were both trying to figure everything out for the first time. Just don't give up, at least stick it out for a month before deciding to quit. So many nights I wanted to just switch to formula because it hurt and I dreaded his feedings, but things are so much better now. It still hurts a little bit initially when the milk lets down bit after a few seconds the pain passes and it's nothing like it was in the beginning. I tried the nipple shields in the hospital but for me they actually made the pain worse. It's worth a shot if you want to try them. The lanolin cream is a lifesaver. I was using bag balm (which is amazing) but you have to wash it off before feeding and washing already very tender nipples is not fun. The lanolin cream you don't have to wash off. You could try using it a couple weeks before delivery but I'm not sure it would completely prevent you from cracking and being sore in the beginning. Definitely use it after every feeding, it'll help keep the cracking to a minimum. I would actually strongly suggest seeing a lactation consultant. Even if he latches well and feeds like a champ she can answer and questions and concerns you might have. If he has issues in the beginning a consultant can make a world of difference. If his latch it slightly of it can cause a great deal of pain but she can show you just what to do. A little help really goes a long way. Just because you see a consultant doesn't mean you are failing or something is wrong. I felt so much better about breastfeeding after seeing the consultant last week. I would also suggest a breastfeeding support group if your hospital offers them. I went to one today and it was wonderful!! The other moms were so wonderful and had so much advice to share. Roman made a few friends, not that he realizes it lol. It was just so nice to sit and talk to women who had the same problems I did and to hear their tricks and tips. He's already feeding better.

Mrs- so glad to hear everything with your sister is going well. You are such an amazing person to take him in until everything was settled. Here's to hoping for a speedy bfp!!

MrsM- we are all doing well. DH is so wonderful with Roman, sometimes I tear up just watching them together. Roman is having better nights now that he's being supplemented with formula. I think part of his fussiness had to do with him being hungry. He's such a spoiled little thing I tell you what. He slept fine in his crib until his last feeding before I went to bed last night. He fell asleep so we put him to bed but 10 minutes later he started fussing. So I brought him to bed for some snuggles and he was out like a light in seconds. He did it again just a little bit ago. He fussed because he wanted mommy to hold him while be slept. He has me wrapped around his tiny little fingers. Have you and DH worked out your donations for the month? Just a thought, maybe add a few more around ov time? I mean when DH and I were trying we bd'd several times for several months before we caught the egg. You just have it so much harder because you are using a donor and it's not like you would be able to (or even want to lol) take him off to bed whenever you pleased to make sure you got the egg. I really admire your strength and positive outlook on ttc. You handle it all so well, I was a constant wreck lol.
Rosa- how many eggs are they doing the first time? I was just thinking, you have a really good chance of twins or higher! Have you and DH considered the possibility? I'd be afraid of anything over 3 simply because there is such a risk. How strange that you'll be able to feel all the eggs moving around. I wonder what that would actually feel like... I'm so excited to hear how things turn out. I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed that the first time is a charm for you.

The amount of eggs depends on the quality. If it's a great embryo, we'll just put one in. I'm young (ish) and since my only problem is the tubes, one is good. If it doesn't work the first time, we're putting in two. Won't put in more than two. They have guidelines according to age and "issue." I go back and forth with twins. I'd love to have twins and just be done ttc! But I also don't want to worry about pregnancy complications or having them born way early and spending time in the hospital.

I'll be sure to let you know what it feels like to be a hen house. :rofl: I hope that the first time works for me, too!

I'm glad to hear that things are going better for you. You sound happier. Glad that Roman is doing well. :flower:

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