Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Oh MRSM-! :hugs: boo for af! I am so sorry.. Your temps were looking so promising! Agh, why does this have to be so hard?!?!

Rosa- I hope it works! All of this will be worth it in the long run!! How long till ur in the tww?

Brandi- SOO glad the appt went good!

Afm- Cd 17. My temps are wacky and higher than they usually are pre-o. Sucks.. Right when u think u know ur body-bam, it changes. I just want to flip her off but that wouldn't be very nice to myself lol

No bd yesterday or day before, we're having date night tonight so that is on the checklist of things to do tonight lol.

Weird thing- I dreamed I had a baby last night. Come to think of it, everyone in my dream was having babies. Pretty crazy. That's all I remember tho. Hope it's a good sign.
Rosa, I'm sorry you are struggling with your injections and hormones...not a fun process but you will get through it. Your retrieval must be next week sometime? Here's a little emoticon to cheer you up-- :bike: Haha, I mean who comes up with these things??

MrsM, sorry to hear that your temp has dropped :( Boo witch; it takes a whole lot of resiliency to ttc. FX for next cycle!

Mrs, :hi: I hope your wacky cycle is just what the doctor ordered!
Ah so much to catch up on!
Rosa- I'm sorry you are suffering the hormonal insanity of being pregnant while your ovaries explode with eggs. Just think, really soon those little eggies of yours are going to be little babies in a dish! Then a little baby in your belly!! We're all here to support you. Just keep positive thoughts, as hard as it is. I've heard that a positive attitude really can make all the difference.

Brandy- I know how hard this pregnancy is going to be on you, especially with your loss being just a few months back. We all wish we could sleep right through first tri and wake up when the chance of mc drops way way down. If you can, try not to compare this pregnancy to your loss. I know it's nearly impossible. This pregnancy started out nearly identical to my loss but here I have a healthy little peanut glued to my chest. This bean is going to be so sticky that he or she is going to be overdue lol. I'm so glad to hear that your appointment went well! It's great that your doctor is setting you up with a high risk specialist.

Mrs- I'm sorry your body is being all screwy, but fx'd that a screwy body makes for a pregnant body! Have you considered seeing a fertility specialist, maybe try clomid?

MrsM- I'm sorry to hear about the temp dive. Stupid witch just doesn't know when to stay away. Can't take a hint can she.

kiki- how are you holding up?

ny- I remember the first couple days after my section. Getting out of bed was the worst. Those pain meds were wonderful, but I stupidly would decline them if I was feeling okay at the time. That came around to bite me later. Did they not give you that nasty salty drink to help prevent nausea? I felt the pain of them cutting into me which is why they had to put me completely under, did you tell them you could still feel it? I'm so sorry this has to be your last. Did they say if it would be at all possible for you to have a vaginal delivery? My delivery wasn't the greatest either, but you're absolutely right, these tiny little humans make it so worth it. I would go through the same labor again and again just to have my little man.

ready- the glucose test wasn't that bad, at least I didn't think so. Just be sure to have something with you to snack on as soon as you're done. It saved me from feeling sick later on. Geeze you're already 25 weeks. Soon we'll all be watching the thread night and day to see pictures of your new little guy.

Things have been a struggle over here. I've been off work since Roman was born and still haven't received my mat pay. My store manager told me I had to fill out this form, so I did, but she failed to mention the "I" had to call the disability company and file the claim... gee thanks. So now everything is delayed and just frustrating.
We've given up on breastfeeding and moved on to pumping every 2-3 hours during the day and every 3-5 hours at night. He gets so frustrated at the breast because I'm not making enough, it doesn't flow fast enough and because he doesn't have the greastest latch he isn't very efficient at milk removal. It stresses him out to nurse and in turn stresses me out. We still have to supplement so instead of causing him distress by forcing him to nurse, I'm pumping and giving him as much boobie juice as I possibly can. I drove out to middle of nowhere to see this pediatrician who is a board certified lactation consultant and specializes in breastfeeding and breastfed babies. She said she doesn't think I'll be able to exclusively breastfeed at this point because it's one issue on top of another and none are an easy fix. To up my supply she wanted me go back to nursing him every 2 hours like a newborn, feed him off each side, then if he still needed more give him 2oz using the supplemental nursing system. 30 minutes after he finished nursing I should pump for 10-15 minutes. The only thing is I go back to work next week which isn't enough time for this to work. Had I found this help weeks ago I would have been more than willing to give it a try, but at this point it's just too much work when it'll all be broken up when I go back to work. By the time he's done feeding and I've finished pumping it would be time to start the whole process all over again. So instead we have moved on to pumping like a dairy cow, I'm taking 2 capsules of More Milk Special Blend 3-4 times a day and this weekend I'm going to be making lactation cookies. I'm trying so hard not to just call it quits.
Weighed him at my support group on Wednesday, he's up to 9lbs10oz. That little porker lol. He finally graduated to size 1 diapers at 6 weeks. He sees a new pediatrician on Monday, one recommended to me by one of the breastfeeding moms (who's also studying to be a lactation consultant) in my babywearing group. I see my doctor on Monday as well to have my IUD put in. :happydance: That means we can finally have real :sex: again. lol
Thanks, ladies. :hugs: Yesterday was better. I did my own jabs on Wednesday night and I still can't believe I did it! I'm so terrified of needles, always have been. But dh can't be home every night at 9 pm, so that means I have to do it. AND I DID IT! :yipee: Just doing that gave me confidence and encouragement. I felt great yesterday and today. (Minus annoyances at work...trying not to care so much.)

My retrieval is tentatively scheduled for next friday, the 7th. I'm not even nervous for the procedure. Can't be as bad as the laparoscopy! :wacko: Plus, my dh will be with me this time. Only thing that makes me nervous is making enough good eggies. Doing everything I can to get some good ones. Lots of protein, lots of water, no alcohol, little caffeine...scan today said that I'm right where I should be with regards to follies. :shrug:
Thanks everyone! I am staying a positive as I can!

I tested tonight and probably will continue to periodically during the 1st tri until I feel safe. I was shocked by the test! Lookie! This is awesome right?! This meand my HCG is so high that the test line took all the ink, right?


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Hello girls!

Thanks everyone. We are doing very well, and would like to invite anyone to join my.Facebook have not already. I am constantly uploading pics here and there of my guy, and I haven't even uploaded any from my actual camera yet! It's under Nicole Page and avatar is a baby. That's are comfortable if not, I totally understand. I already have a few of you on my friends. Hope you are enjoying my pics of Kian.

I have totally overdone myself. Got home yesterday and we went shopping yesterday on way home from hospital. Then I've been nesting and cleaning hard core and went shopping all over today and had fAmily over. Well, I began hurting a LOT and got a low grade fever with chills tonight and oiled. It hurt so bad to have chills rip through my body. I slept and woke up shopping wet and seems the fever broke. Hope it was just my body doing too much and not beginning of an infection. I keep forgetting I'm 4 days post op from a very traumatic surgery and can't help it. Tomorrow I hope to relax all day.

Love I'm sorry breast feeding ended. I love it so much, but he also doesn't seem to get enough from it. And right now it hurts so flicked bad I cry sometimes as he drinks. Ooooh ouch! Never expected that! You are at least giving him your milk still. That's the main goal. I hate pumping. It hurts and makes my nipples a weird shape!

Rosa when do you do beta testing? Is it at your clinic or do you test at home? I know its a ways off, but I'm sure you know the date and can't wait!

Ready how are you doing?

MM I'm sorry for the bad news. Was lookin so good there.:( stupid body.

Mrs hooe its a lucky one for you. When do u test?

Brandy I am praying for your little baby. Good luck with all the diabetes monitoring. Sounds intense.

Repo you are gettin there now! Hope its been a good experience for you. Enjoy the pregnancy it flies.

Kiki how are you holding up? Still feeling down about it all? That was a while back um sure you've turned around a bit.

Kylar hope your cute boys are well.

Sorry if ice missed anyone. I am breastfeeding a monster and looking at a tiny screen on my phone so can't read very much.
ny, just sent your a fb friend request! i'm sorry you're in so much pain. make your dh do all of that work! :haha: rest up...can't wait to see pics of the little guy! Is kian pronounced with an ee sound or an I sound?

Love, so sorry the breast feeding is hard for you. :hugs: you're not the only one, hun. you're my hero for working at it and not just quitting when it got tough. however, he's had a good few months of it, so it's better than nothing. it will be just fine if you need to switch to formula. you need to look out for yourself, as well. :hugs:

My beta will be sometime mid-october. not sure yet. the transfer will be either the 12th or the 14th, depending on the eggs we get. And I think I can start testing about a week after that, but i'm sure the beta will be 14 days afterwards. not sure if i'll test before...i'll be a nervous wreck! :wacko:
ny- so glad to hear that you are and little Kian are doing so well. tsk tsk on overdoing it, though it doesn't surprise me. You nearly nested yourself to death before lol. I'm surprised you have the energy for all of that. When I got home I pretty much camped out on the couch, though I didn't sleep the entire time I was in the hospital. I imagine it's easier with a second child, you know more of what to expect and what to do. Try and relax as much as you can. Have DH bring you whatever you need so you don't have to get up and can relax. You need your rest since you are breastfeeding. A sick and worn down mommy is no good.
I'm sorry breastfeeding ended too. I miss it, but right now it's best for him. He's much happier and no longer distressed at his feedings. My hope is that my supply will increase and I'll be able to give breastfeeding, even part time, another go. He still nurses for comfort or to fall asleep occassionally. Just keep nursing on demand and your supply will increase. It takes a few days for your milk to fully come in. If you are worried about not producing enough, you could start pumping more often. There are a few things you could take but I'm not sure you'd really need them at this point. I have a recipe for some delicious lactation cookies if you want it. The first couple weeks breastfeeding is painful. I cried at every feeding, especially at night after nursing all day. It does get better I promise. Are you using any lanolin cream?

Brandy- that is a GORGEOUS test!! I just know this LO is going to be a super sticky bean!!
rosa- YAY!!! Congrats on doing your own jabs, that had to be hard. I'm not sure I could do my own.. I'm sure you'll be overflowing with good eggies. There's nothing wrong with you aside from some lazy tubes. Take the tubes out of the picture and you're in for a healthy little bean.
Thank you for the kind words. I can't imagine being anyone's hero though. Despite all that I've done I still feel like I could have, should have done more. I came so close to quitting, actually professed that I was done. He's only getting about 5ish ounces of breastmilk a day because that's all I'm able to pump. 7 weeks on Monday and I hope I can keep giving him at least some milk until 6 months.
Love- I am using the Medela brand creme at the moment, and some soothing gel pads for my nips...but still hurts so bad. Even pumping hurts badly...kind of glad to hear that for you it was first couple weeks too. I was actually thinking I was doing it wrong and that it should only hurt the first few days. But guess i'll just hang in there....

So do you just not produce enough Breast milk and is that just something that happens? Like, now, when I nurse I pump after and only get like 2 ounces of not much. Is this normal? I dont know what to do or expect, I never went to a class or read anything about it. Im just blindly going at it!

My little man has gained 5 ounces is 2 days!!! woo hoo. Guess im doing something right with feedings.....also, he pees through at least one outfit a day, sometimes 2. I am starting to think maybe his dapers dont fit right!

Rosa- Its Kian said with an EEEE sound....So Ian with a K. I am sad I didn't think of it before naming him that people would call him Kian with a long I sound a lot. Alerady happened at the doctors today. Poor kid, he's gunna hate that.

Brandy- realy nice test! woo hoo!
People say you're not doing it right if it hurts but even if you are doing it right it still hurts. The pain does ease I promise. When you finish pumping express a few drops of milk onto your nipples, rub it in and let it dry. That'll also help them heal. We all go at it blindly. Even the second or third time.
5oz in 2 days is wonderful!! With plenty of wet diapers you are definitely doing something right. Yes, I just don't produce enough breast milk, which is why Roman is a mostly formula fed baby (though not by choice). I'm taking supplements and pumping like a dairy cow to try to up my supply. Low supply is fairly common, but it's just not something anyone really tells you about. The whole time I was pregnant and in the first few struggling weeks my mom failed to mention that I constantly nursed because her milk just wasn't filling enough. She started me on cereal really early to keep me satisfied. If you are able to pump 2nd AFTER a feeding you have nothing to worry about. Baby's stomach is only the size of a walnut at this point so 2oz is quite a bit. When I pump for 10-15 minutes I'm lucky if I get an ounce between both sides at almost 7 weeks. LO eats 4-5oz per feeding. You're doing wonderful, just keep it up and I hope the soreness eases very soon and you can just enjoy the wonderfulness of breastfeeding.
thank you love
i will be happy when his sucking doesnt cause me to curl my toes and grip his little head and realize i need to let up my grip! lol. really just the right nipple. but yea, think i produce enough for now. hope it increases as it should so there isnt an issue as he eats more. how long can breast milk sit in the fridge? i see you were up responding at 1
;32 am. funny how any time of the night is like daytime forus now! i am awake doig things at weird times too.
does bf hurt? I'm scared of it, but really really want to do it.
ny- haha I was always up at weird hours even before I was pregnant. I've never slept well so I'm not missing much. Roman had actually been asleep for a good hour and a half at that point, I was just up pumping and snuggling with dh. I used to grip the bed so hard you'd think I was trying to make it a part of my hand. It does get better though, even with a bad latch the pain eased after a couple weeks. If you're feeding on demand your supply will definitely increase with his needs. Just don't be surprised when there are times that he wants to feed several times in a couple hours (cluster feeding). That's his way of telling your body that he's growing and to start producing more. The fact that you are pumping at all will keep your supply up. I doubt it's something you will have to worry about, but if you every come to a point where you aren't making enough I've got plenty of pointers and tips. Breastmilk can sit out for 6 hours, in the fridge for 8 days and in the freezer for 6 months (a year if it's a deep freezer).

Rosa- Breastfeeding does hurt for the first couple weeks, sometimes more sometimes not at all. It's different from person to person. There are gel pads you can get to help soothe and lanolin cream will help heal and keep them from drying out or cracking. No one really tells you about the pain beforehand which is why so many mothers give up on breastfeeding in the early days. It's really worth it. The pain does ease, you just have to take one feeding at a time.
Love- I am actually thinking he ma not have exactly the right latch, as now i've heard that if you look at his mouth and makes asucking motion, its the wrong latch, but if just the jaw is moving, its the right one. I see his mouth sucking and my nipple looks kinda flat when comes thats probably why it hurts so much. I try to correct his latch, but yea right. He isnt interetsted! I was so proud I pumped today and made almost 4 ounces! Also, a not proud moment has been the 4 times i've leaked all over today. Apparently its coming in more today? Idk why....but it hurts my booobs and they always feel they need to be emptied and when I begin, they leak down my front. UGH!

Rosa- Breast feeding is so NOT glamorous or easy or comfortable at all. Guess its worth it though if it settles down a bit after a couple weeks...
Your avatar is gorgeous NY!!! so glad to hear you are doing well, now to get you to take it easy a little and heal!!

I hope you are all doing well.... I am back in for another cycle. Hoping to do the SMEP method... doesn't seem so monumental I know, but for DW and I, it will be since we don't have the opportunities to just "BD" I will definitely keep you up to date on how that works. AF surprised me on Saturday, a little early and did not come in roaring like a lion as usual, it was so very strange. But, on a different note, she has made it very easy to track, 1st of the month... I hope to be in the egg chase by mid-month and test right at the end, near our daughter's b-day! Trying now to build up all that hope I had in Sept!
Hi ladies just checking in. Glad everyone is doing well! Still waiting to o. Should be any day now. :p fingers x'd
Congratulations NY - so long since i have been here and now you little man is here too :)

Breastfeeding definately gets easier ladies, basically our nipples are not used to being sucked on every hour (or more!) thats it, period. It takes a few weeks for them to 'harden up' then feeding is comfy and like second nature :)

:hi: to everyone.
ny- I was never told anything about a sucking motion indicating an improper latch. Is your nipple flat on just one side whem he releases? Even if your latch isn't perfect it sounds like you are doing very well so I wouldn't worry. Leaking is definitely a sign that more milk is coming in. I wish I had that problem. I went to take a shower this morning and started dripping which was really exciting. The past 2 days I've made 6oz! I traded in my hospital grade pump and bought the medela advanced pump in style. Went out and bought the car charger today so I can pump on the go! I'll be able to keep pumping every 2 hours even when I'm out. That should really help my supply.
dee! how are things going fir you? are you back to ttc or are you giving it some time?
dee! how are things going fir you? are you back to ttc or are you giving it some time?

Hi Love

Hope you and Roman are doing good xxxx:hugs:

I am seeing the doctors tomorrow to ask if i can be tested for stuff regarding recurrant miscarriages, so hopefully they will say yes or if they say it is not necessary i cant do much, either way we intend to try again, me and Oh just want a last child together :cry:

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