Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Mm good luck keep calm!

Brandy you too, keep calm it's the only thing you can control. After this week you'll find something new to worry about!

Ready, I nevr leaked! Except now of course. Do you wear breast pads now?
Just found the pick me up I needed!!

Guess what I just did?!? I booked a private gender scan!! For Dec. 3rd!! That is only 6wks from now! The place I am getting it done at 100% guarentees at 14wks!! Plus they are also doing 3D for part of the session! And get this! It was only $75! I get a photo cd and a dvd of the session! It feels so good to have something to look forward to at the end of 1st tri! I am going to focus on this and the baby name game along with lots of praying to get me through!
Awesome BRANDYS, you have something great to look forward to while the docs make you wait. Can't wait to see pics in Dec!

MRSI, GL Hun! :hugs:

NY, I know I am "trying" to remain calm. After each donation, I am able to relax a little I must admit. I almost fell asleep this morning.... :haha:

AFM...Stalk my chart!!! Yay! Feeling soooo much better!! Chart is coming together just as I hoped even after being sick for those few days, FF even took care of it as I indicated that I had a fever. Sure hope the SMEP is working well. We have just finished a donation about 3 hours ago.... FXD! OPK looked almost dark as the control this morning, hoping this evening it will indicate OV! I am sure OV is very near by no more than a day!! SMEP continues, another donation Wed and Fri! Then.... I wait.... GL FXD! :dust:
Yikes!! So many pages to catch up on!

Ready- I'm really not taking well to being back at work. As strange as it is, I think I'm coming down with post partum depression now that I'm at work again. When I'm home I'm so on edge and frustrated that it's starting to affect my relationship with DH. In the last week I think we have faught almost every night, about what I couldn't really tell you. 8 Weeks at home and we were happier than ever, now not so much.
Congrats about hitting third tri!!! It won't be long before we'll be stalking your labor progress!! We LOVE our Chicco travel system, though we never use it. Since I got into babywearing I have no use for the stroller. What carseat/stroller did you end up with? Somewhere around the middle of second tri I began leaking. It wasn't constant, just when I'd put too much pressure on them. Sometimes when I'd lay on my side and cuddle DH. It's pretty normal, I wouldn't worry.

brandy!!! Aww that's a gorgeous little bean!! And it'll be a very sticky one too! Lucky you, you'll get to see your little peanut all the time. I'm jealous! YAY for a private gender scan!! I couldn't wait till 20 weeks. Any feelings on what you're having? I knew I was going to have a boy.

Mrs- I'm so sorry to hear about your stepmom. I can't even begin to imagine what she must be going through. She is so strong to be handling it so well. I know I would be an absolute mess if it were me.

rosa- Has it been a year already?? I can't believe it! Wow, right after Thanksgiving will be a year from my bfp... where has the time gone?!? It feels like yesterday that I was staring down at that positive test. I'm so glad that I've had all of you lovely ladies to share the ups and downs with. You have all been so amazingly wonderful. :hugs:
EEEK!!! I can't wait to hear about your bfp!! Because there definitely will be one, I just know it.

I'm sorry I've been absent, last week was IBW (international babywearing week) and I was busy taking little mr. peanut out to babywearing events and winning all kinds of awesome giveaways. I was the winner of a gorgeous stretchy wrap and my little man just loves. DH even wears it and it's really the hottest thing ever to see him wearing our son. So adorable!
Love sorry to her about you and dh. We have been the same. Idk why?

I bought a moby wrap and haaaate it. So that baby wearing must not be for me. Boo! Still get nothing done. Never sleep, and now my nipples hurt too bad to nurse so I basically feel like my last real job in all this is to be his food source but hurts too bad:(. Not having the greatest time either. Maybe I should have just stuck to having a 7 year old.....?
Love- awesome hubby for wearing little roman around.

I'm still waiting for af.. I just hope she doesn't show before tomorrow at 2pm that's when my appt is.. Fx'd
ny- having a newborn is rough. I think you are trying to take on too much at once. The first couple weeks I didn't leave the couch. My kitchen was a disaster. Sometimes you need to just let the housework suffer. Do you think you might be suffering with something more than baby blues?
What is it you hate about the moby? Just because one carrier didn't work doesn't mean babywearing isn't for you. You could try a soft structured carrier like an Ergo (kind of expensive) or a Yamo (which I have). There are so many different types of carriers. Is it possible that you have mastitis or a blocked duct? You may want to talk to your doctor if the pain is that bad. I don't want to upset you, but have you considered bottle feeding more to give yourself a break? By no means am I implying you should give up on breastfeeding but maybe expressing to feed would be helpful. Don't beat yourself up, I spent weeks crying over my struggles with low supply and having to supplement with formula. Once I found what worked for us, we were both happier. Do what's best for you. A happy mommy makes for a happy baby.
Love, I actually have been pumping and bottle feeding more because of the pain. I don't think it's a medical issue, but his latch is soooooooii wrong. I know all the ways to try to correct it, but he just won't. I can't go to a group for it cuz my insurance won't cover it, so I google a lot, and have learned a ton, but he won't budge. I have been happier with bottle feeding but really want to nurse:(

I think the blues have been exaggerated by the pain. Maybe yore right I may be trying to do too much ni guess it's the feelings of pulling my weight around here since I'm not working. I don't want OH to think I sit home with sleeping baby snuggled all day......

And now I'm worried that I'm not necessarily needed anymore since I am failing with nursing:(.

I think the moby is huge and takes a while to pit on....and I couldn't figure out how to have LO sitting in it......? Maybe a sling would work better?

I started to work out a little bit but started spotting again. Sgh. It's all so frustrating! Love, when did you stop bleeding after c section?
Roman was much the same way. We could see where his latch was wrong but he was set in his ways of suckling. Even now with a bottle he still doesn't latch properly. You need to do what makes you happy. I really want to nurse but for me it's just not realistic. Don't think you aren't needed because nursing is rough. Kian needs his mommy more than anything. When I stopped nursing (I didn't give up, I did what was best for Roman and I) it broke my heart. I felt like I was denying his something, denying him that closeness. I discovered other ways to have that special time with Roman other than nursing. Every night as part of our bedtime routine little peanut and I take a shower together. I hold him against my chest and we stand under the water and cuddle while I wash him. He's grown to LOVE this special time with me. Last night he was just a fussing mess but as soon as DH brought him into the bathroom and turned on the shower he was as quiet as a lamb. Once we were in the shower he passed right out. IF you decide that exclusively expressing would be better for both of you, there are so many other special things you can do with Kian. He'll never stop needing his mommy, whether or not he is nursing. If you want to keep trying to breastfeed, the hospital should offer free support groups.
DH keeps telling me that I can't be super mom and do it all. I need help. Taking care of a new baby is a full time job. Doing that on top of dishes, cooking, cleaning and taking care of everyone else is just impossible. The house doesn't have to sparkle. All that matter is that Kian and Ella are taken care of.
Yes, the Moby and other wraps are a lot of fabric and quite intimidating but once you get it on and figure out how it works it's really not that complicated. Look up a video on youtube on how to use one. I never thought I would love wrapping the way that I do. A ring sling is a lot easier. You just have to make sure the top rail is tight enough to support his neck. They aren't meant to lay cradled in them unless they are nursing.
It's WAY WAY WAY too soon for you to be working out, you are going to hurt yourself. They say to wait for 6 weeks for a reason. You don't want to damage your incision on the inside. I stopped bleeding after 3 weeks but I still ocassionally spot. The spotting I have now may be from my IUD.
Ok, I thought the slings were actually made for them to lay cradled. Duh. Thats cut you guys shower together. Sunds easier to bathe him that way than the counter! How do you grip him well as he is all slippery and wriggly and small?
Brandy, congrats on the private scan! Yay! It really helps to have something to look forward to!

Love, I'm sorry getting back to work is such a struggle; I know it will be for me too. I got all teary visiting a daycare last week :cry: I'm sorry!! I think we will like the Chicco system just fine; I felt I needed a robust stroller for a January baby in New England. I'd be happy to wear him around, but I don't think it's realistic in mid winter--I think it'd be tricky getting him loaded in a wrap with below zero wind chills, and plus I'd be afraid to fall. Speaking of, Ny, is it the wrapping that has you overwhelmed? I pretty much breezed past the Moby for that reason...I don't think I'd do well with all that fabric and tying. I know some people love it though. I picked up a baby k'tan to try out but I can't say whether it will be good or not. I think Love is totally right, though, try a different carrier like a sling or gosh what's it called...Love you have one, it's just a front soft carrier that goes over the shoulders, super easy, Target has them I think. You need to get your hands free, girl! You'll be much happier. And stop trying to do it all! You'll make us all look bad :haha:

As to soreness, I am so, so sorry, Ny. I think I will be right there with you in a few months :( Is there any possibility that Kian is tongue tied? There's lots of info on that issue out there (easy one to fix too). It sounds like you need to see a lac consultant because everything I've read is that bf shouldn't be painful in the long run...
Ready is the baby ktan one that kind goes on like a t shirt? Yea, moby has way too much fabric to wrap. Like if I went anywhere it would take me a year to wrap the thing all around me! Plus he seemed all floppy and smushed in it and uncomfortable. Did u get yours online?

Oe thing about he chicco or any stroller systemis they are not very good at off terrain situations. Which seems like a big duh, but it doesn't even take grass or gravel well. Wish I go a 3 wheel a we do loys outdoors. Went to a corn maze fall fetival yesterday and the troll sucked! It also sucks going to soccer ove the grass. And th apple orchard, etc. Think we will need a 3 wheeler as soon as he is big enough. Otherwise the system has Beemer fine. Wish I could use the storage basket but can't when the seat is flat, which it needs to be when baby seat is in it. Si. Nothing is perfect! Lol. But it drives way smoother tthan grace ones. They were all wobbly feeling.

I probably wouldn't wanna wear him around in snow either. I'm already nervous to slip in thhe ice when just carrying the carseat. Which, by the way,is heavy! Wow!

I was really trying to avoid any lactation consultants or groups, having people shove my baby's head on my flopped out boob or watching my nipple makes me uncomfortable.

Love, do you know, how is baby situated in the when newborn? ? Upright or laying?
Yes, the k'tan is the tshirt one...I tried it on and it is comfortable in the way it crosses front & back without ties or extra fabric. I got an XS by the sizing on the thing, and it seems too tight to fit a baby in! I'm not sure how that works; maybe I need a bigger size. Really not sure what would work well for you, but keep trying until you find the right one! You're right on strollers (and most stuff), nothing is perfect! Right now, I'm having analysis paralysis on diaper bags. :dohh:

As for avoiding consultants...I can understand not wanting your boobs on display, but I think you have to look past that. Isn't anything worth trying to stop the pain?
Oh gosh... The cramps are coming!! Holy hell. I hope she stays away till tomorrow after 2pm!!!! Aghhhh!!!!!!
ny- Wring Sling Here's a link on how to wear a newborn in a ring sling. You usually only want them to lay cradled when you are nursing.
I LOVE my showers with Roman, probably just as much as he does. We only bathed him in the sink once and it was clear that he didn't care for that. It's really not that hard to keep a good grip on him. The key is to hold him against your chest and make sure you are supporting his butt. Wash his back and hair, rinse him thoroughly then turn him around and repeat. I always have DH come in and take him from me before I get out just in case.

Tying a Wrap
Wrapping a Newborn

ready- I'll let you know how wrapping goes once the snow and freezing cold hits. I thought the same way you do about wrapping before I was shown how to do it and actually gave it a chance. The baby k'tan is okay.. I've never used one but in looking at it and watching videos, the only thing I can see wrong with it is sizing. Every woman has a different body shape and if it isn't sized perfectly LO could have too much wiggle room and not enough support especially when they are tiny newborns. With wraps, they are fully adjustable and there are so many ways they can be worn. There's tummy to tummy legs in, tummy to tummy legs out, hip carry, back carry and different versions of each. It's so versatile well up into toddlerhood. The soft carrier are called soft structured carriers (SSC). If you want one of those, with the buckles and such try to avoid the baby bjorn. The baby bjorn has the baby in a sort of dangle position instead of a more comfortable seated position. A really common SSC is the Ergo but they are rather pricey when bought new ($115-$165). I bought a used Yamo which is very similar to the Ergo for $50. There is a site where you can buy, sell and trade carriers and can get really great prices.

I can understand you not wanting anyone to watch you nurse. I pretty much gave up on modesty after Roman was born. You do what you have to do to make things work. The consultants have seen it all and are there to help if you'll let them. It's nothing to be embarrassed by.
I will give my moby a chance I think.
He likes being close but my arm got tired today!

Ready, I couldn't decide on a diaper bag either. Lol. I didn't get one til like a week after kian was born. Restarted shopping well before he came but I couldn't decide. Finally got a skip hop that was the grays, silvers, and navy blues to match stroller system.

Love what is that site to buy used slings on? Aso, why is a wrap called a ring sling?
ny- I'm glad you're going to give the Moby another chance. Once you do it a few times, it's really easy. Roman loves the wraps because they simulate the womb with his legs all tucked in and his head against my heart. Puts him to sleep every time. is the website to buy, sell and trade wraps, mei tei's, ring slings, SSC's and more. A wrap isn't the same thing as a ring sling. The first video was a hyperlink. That is a ring sling. Fabric held in place by two rings.

Finding a good diaper bag that isn't going to cost you an arm and a leg is really difficult. You need something that has plenty of pockets on the inside and out because just stacking things in one big pocket makes for a messy diaper bag after one use.
Thanks I will check it out! If I remember......2 am and still no sleep I feel like a zombie.....
Don't you just love being a new mommy? Crazy thing is I'm already thinking about baby #2. What is wrong with me?? But the doctor said I can't get pregnant for at least 18months. Sad face.
Mrs, bad :witch: bad :witch:

Love, what's the difference between a sleepy wrap and moby wrap? I liked your videos--they don't make it look too hard.

Ny, poor thing--I hope you get a nap in today. Have either of you read "babyproofing your marriage?" I started it this week and it's funny and covers all the typical things couples disagree on and fight about after baby arrives :thumbsup: Oh, and I'm definitely getting a skip hop bag, I just can't pick which one because darn DH doesn't want anything girly and of course those are the ones I like.

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