Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Happy thanksgiving!! Remember when we were the turkey day testers?

Sorry about af to those who she got

kiki- test test!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day! It's black friday but I'm laying low at home; hoping to make some great progress on the nursery! I've been having a crazy lot of braxton hicks contractions, like every 3-15 minutes yesterday. Anybody have that many this early?

Nice, Kylar, that was so long ago :)

Kiki, FX for you hun!!!
Mrs & Dee- I'm so sorry af got both of you. That stupid witch just doesn't know when to stay away.

Happy belated thanksgiving! Hope all of you had a wonderful day with family. Did anyone do any black friday shopping? Peanut and I went to a few stores. We picked up a vacuum at Walmart, slippers for me and a onesie for him at Kohls, a Farberware cookset at Target, a new computer monitor at Best Buy and lastly a new keyboard at Office Max. We managed to get everything on our list. Dh had to work a 17 hour shift for black friday so it was just Roman and I. We left the house around 11 and he slept the entire trip (until about 4:30am) in the mei tei. Couldn't have gone better.

kiki- Are you planning on testing soon? I know how frustrating it is. The month before my bfp I was 2 weeks late for absolutely no reason. I was convinced that it was my month but af came riding in on her red horse. Then the month of my bfp I kept getting bfns just before af was due and then the day she was due. I figured my body was just playing the same stupid game as the month before. At 5 days late I finally caved and tested again, and to my complete surprise it was a bfp. Maybe this is finally your month!

Ready- I didn't really have a chance to get BH contractions since I went into preterm labor and spent several weeks on nifedipine. After I stopped taking the meds though I was pretty much having contractions for hours on end. I would mention it to your doctor the next time you see him. It could just be your body getting ready and moving the baby downward but it could also be something more. I don't mean to try and worry you, but it's worth mentioning it to your doctor. Better to catch it early because if it is something they can take care of it if it's caught early.

Roman got his shots today and it broke my heart. Poor little guy cried but stopped when I held him. even started to tear up.
Hi Love :) Sorry about Romans shots, its heartbreaking seeing them scream in pain but its for a good cause :hugs:

I am leaving TTC for now...........i have some tests coming up about my headache problems and i want to get all that resolved before we go again, saying that i hope we can start :sex: just after the new year :flower:

Hope everyone is ok? Kiki - any news?
Good luck Kiki!

Love, that's a great black Friday. Brave to do alone w roman. We went to Walmart at 9pm and waited for true blood DVDs til 945. It was madness when they started ripping plastic. I stood way out of the way with kian. Then in the morning we went to menards and toys r us. Took us forever! Didn't really get anything too exciting but the true bloods were $10 from $40 so that was awesome. My sis asked for season 1 and we could get two seasons so she'll think she's been spoiled! Specially since I got her a printer already for $100 off the price! I love Xmas shopping!
How did you drive with him in the wrap! I assume you mean he slept each time you put him in it! Lol.

Dee, I am keeping up on your journal, I hope you have a little ttc break to figure the headaches out. Being preg with those wouldn't be fun at all.

Ready I had BH from like 20 weeks so yea,,,,had them all the time!
KIKI, I hope AF is staying away.... FXD! :dust:

BRANDY, I hope you are having a safe trip and easy move.

READY, I hope the Braxton's are easing up on you Hun!

Aww... ROMAN, shots time already.... Hang in there LOVE:hugs:

I hope all that celebrated had a Happy Thanksgiving.

AFM...Stalk my chart.... 6DPO (FF changed 1 day today), I had a doc appt today. Not much info, no bloodwork because I am TTC and only 6DPO and I could possibly be implanting, but made an appt for 3 weeks from now as my cycles have been crazy since July MC. So we shall see. I am not going to temp past 8DPO so 2 days is it (temp declining now) and I don't know if I am going to SS unless it is something like nausea and super sore bbs (none as of now.) Last night I had to sleep with the fan as I was sooo hot! And on Friday, I slept for like 17 hours, Saturday I slept for about 12hours. I am having some weird cramping today so my nerves are bad. As well, last night, by brother, announced that they are pregnant, again, my nephew turns 1 tomorrow. I of course was and am happy but was soooo like man, when am I going to be blessed again.... However LIKEAUSTRALIA got her BFP so I am so very happy and concetrating on that. Well:shrug:...watching my chart closely.... :paper: WAITING.... GL FXD!:dust:
Dee- I know he needs these shots, but he doesn't understand that. All he knows is that something is causing him pain and he has no idea why. But it's over now and I don't think he even remembers it. I'm sorry to hear you are putting ttc on a hold, but at least you'll be getting this thing with your migraines sorted out. Better they fix it now before you are pregnant. You'll have a wider variety of treatment options. I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed then when you get back to bd'ing that your bfp is a quick one!

ny- I felt like such a wife when I was shopping black friday. Aside from the monitor which I bought last minute on impulse, all the things I wanted to get were household items lol. I didn't get to Walmart till a little after 11pm so the initial madness was over. Walmart was the main place I wanted to go for the vacuum. After that I decided I'd try the other stores on my list but if any seemed crazy or even slightly dangerous we were going to call it quits. Luckily the majority of the crazies were all lined up for Best Buy's opening lol. Oh no, I didn't drive with him wrapped. It's not only extremely dangerous but also illegal. He slept the entire time, even while I was putting him and out of his carseat. Normally he stirs when I move him but he was completely out.

kiki!! Have you tested!?!?
Dee, I'm sorry you need to take a break but mostly I'm glad that you have a plan you are following and hope you will get your new little one when you are ready to try again!

Love, boo on the shots, that's not a fun one for a little baby...and kudos to you for hitting the black friday deals with baby in tow :thumbsup:

Made great progress on the nursery this weekend; I'll post a pic here once the furniture etc is up and ready :) Thanks for your input, Love & Ny, on the contractions...I had an appointment this morning and asked about them. The doc wasn't too concerned but I ended up getting some extra checks to make sure. Had my dilation checked for the first time ever!! Silly thing to get excited about; I was a fingertip dilated, so no biggie. And then they did a protein swab to see if I was "ripe" for labor. Just got the call that the test was negative so there is a 99% chance that I won't go into labor in the next couple of weeks. Yay :) Contract away, little uterus, I guess.
ready- lol "contract away little uterus". I'm not sure you realize that your uterus is far from tiny these days lol. I'm glad you talked to your doctor and all is well. Trust me, you don't want to go into labor now. You aren't far enough along for them to just allow you to deliver. They'd try to stop it and that really isn't a fun experience. So it's good that you'll be baking that little munchkin a while longer. I can't wait to see updated pics of your nursery!! I saw the walls on facebook and it's just adorable!!

I have big news!! Roman is sitting up on his own!! It doesn't last very long and he's still a little wobbly but he's doing it! I'm so proud!
Hey ladies! I am officially a Georgia peach! The move went great! I miss my mommy and daddy already but I am a big girl and will be just fine. I have an amaing husband to take care of me. We both had our first day of work today and got Zach enrolled in school. It was a great day. I havent worked in 6yrs!! Wow! But it felt great getting back to business. We are both working for a local company here that is owned by my best childhood friend. I am the new office manager snd dh is a contract installer. The company does all of the installs for 11 Lowe's stores here in Atlanta, so it is very busy and a lot of money to make! Yeah! Havent got insurance set up yet because I want to be able to get my December perscriptions first, lol. Anyway, have to get little man ready for bed.
YAY ROMAN, sitting up!

BRANDY, so good to hear the move went well. We have plans in the next 3 years to move to ATL. (I was born in GA) Enjoy!!

AFM...PLEASE stalk my chart.... 7DPO , the worst night of sleep. I was so hot, DW woke me because I was sweating and said I could turn fan on me. Twinges galore as well... I soooo hope this is some sign of a BFP. Tomorrow is last day of temping, I am not going to temp past 8DPO. Going to do all I can NOT to SS unless it is something like nausea and super sore bbs (none as of now.) I hope I am blessed to join my brother this month with a BFP. Well:shrug:...watching my chart closely.... :paper: WAITING.... GL FXD!:dust:
MRsM- I grew up in Ga. from the time I was 4yrs old. So I am definitely a Georgia girl at heart. Where in Atl are you from? I am from Gwinnett County. It is so crazy to be back here with the people I grew up with! My DH loves them all already!

I have my fingers crossed for you and that BFP!!
Hi ladies :) busy busy week!

Kylar- yes I remember were all turkey testers :) lol I had a crazy dream last night. And u were in it. So weird but I dreamt that I called to talk to you about baby stuff. How crazy lol

Love- yay for sitting up! They're all growing up so fast.

Brandy- THRILLED to hear you're moved and settling in! And yay for goo jobs!

Mrsm and Kiki- FX'D tightly for you!! This could be it for you!

Dee- where r u at in your cycle? I've been taking some maca again this cycle so hopefully that induces o. I've already noticed a BIG increase in cm.

Afm I don't mind waiting till after Xmas. A Xmas bfp would be great! But the drs office called me yesterday and now want to schedule the leip. Grr.. It's always changing. So I'm just going to do it and be done with it. Frustrating but that's scheduled at the end of the month. Then I'm going to an actual fertility specialist and maybe look at clomid or seeing if any tubes are blocked. Idk what all I'll have to do but I'm frustrated with it so much right now.

Another one of my friends is expecting her 2nd now. Just found out yesterday. So that's 3 of my close friends that are pg my cousin just gave birth to her 2nd and another one of my friends just had her 3rd. I'm happy for them because it's so exciting but I dont even "like" their status announcements anymore. Is that bad? I kind of resent them because by the time we have kids all of theirs are going to be half grown. :( so I'm holding on to a thread of hope that my twin and I get pg close together.
It's so bad to have such a double view on it. Here I am with you ladies who I consider close friends and whenever we get a bfp here it's so exciting and we're all so happy for eachother!
But my friends I see on a daily basis and but just decide to get pg and get it the first month.. I'm just tired of it. Am I horrible?

On to pma I am still very happy for them and their bundles of joy.

Dh and I were talking about it last night and he is so cute. He snuggled up to me and put his hand on my tummy and said.. Well we could always have a food baby :) let's go get some dinner, his treat. We don't really share money. Both seem to have more of it combined that way lol. Friends and family say it's weird. But it's what we do :p
MrsI - my ticker thing is correct - AF is finally almost over - just a few spots today. I'm not going to TTC this month because i have some migraine issues to sort out with an appointment for a MRI (you cant get one if you are pregnant) but hopefully they will do that soon and i will be back TTC in jan :)
Good luck to you though and hope the maca works.
MrsI, I feel for ya. I go through the same thing with my friends irl. I have hidden so many people on FB that I am pretty sure I have more people hidden than I have not hidden. :rofl: I'm afraid to hang out with friends because I'm always convinced they're going to announce their pregnancy. If they're not pregnant, they're trying. They all know about us, and how hard it is, so I think they're all empathetic. It's still so hard though. :hugs: I hope the doc can help you.
BRANDYS, I actually was on Fort Benning. When I was done with college, I did an apprenticeship at the Univ of Ala and was in ATL regularly. I have convinced DW that that is a perfect place to live in 3 years.

DEE, so glad that AF is sneaking on out.

MRSI, :hugs: I hope you get info and assistance at your appt. Your story is alot like mine, my bro just announced theyre PG with the 2nd, and their 1st just turned 1 yesterday. I am over the moon about being an aunt, especially with how close me and my bro and sil are. Hoping I can carry a cousin for my new neice/nephew at the same time.

AFM...Stalk my chart.... 8DPO, I felt so cold last night, but DW said I felt hot, temp doesn't suggest I was cold. Last day I am tracking temp, don't care to see the numbers drop. No SS to report really. Not sure why, but feeling like I am out.... Well...:shrug: :paper: WAITING.... GL FXD!:dust:
MRS I hope you get to be preg with your SIL! I was trying for over a year and my sister didn't know that and I had no idea she was either, but when she told me she was pregnant I was devastated. Thats a terrible reaction, but I couldnt help it. BUT little did I know, when she announced it to me, I was beginning stages also! Things work out:)
That is awesome MrsM! Hoping you make it this way!

Dee and Mrs I I hope your appt's go well. Dee, I get such bad migrains as well, I should probably have them looked into one day.

Rosa, Dee, MrsI, MrsM, Kikki-I hope and pray for you girls every day. I have faith that it will happen for you all!

AFM- Bean has officially turned into a little shark!! Holy crap! I forgot what it felt like! It feels like "she" is doing laps in my uterus! And it happened over night. Yesterday as a matter of fact, just all of the sudden I could feel "her". And now it is constant. Seems so early for them to be this strong?!
Brandy - thanks for your kind words and its lovely that you get to feel your bubba now :) Its a fabulous feeling :flower:

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