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Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

So nice to hear that brandy!!!

OK ladies so i have been MIA for sometime now, but i'm back in action.!!!

So after all my insurance drama, things are finally in place..

I have started IUI with injectables, been using 150iui Folistim, had my first ultrasound today, 2 folicles!! 13.5 and 14cm..... next ultrasound scheduled for monday!!
Hi, Swep! :hi: Gosh, it's been a long time! This thread kind of fell away from us didn't it? I wonder what how REady's doing? Two follies...sounds like you're getting ready! Very exciting! Do you know about when the iui will be?
no, continuing with the 150 folistim, then follow up on Monday, then we should find out but i'm guessing Wednesday or Thursday....

Thanks Ladies
Ultrasound today only showed 1 folicle 15cm on the left, she thought the other one Saturday may have been a cyst. :(
Well shoot! Does that mean you'll do the iui anyway, just with one follie, or keep stimming?
Hi swepa! Hope your uterus is back into the game and ready to start fresh and give you that bfp!
Ok well ultrasound today saw 4 folicles!! looks like good i think... ultrasound again tomorrow!
Just took my ovidral!!!! IUI scheduled for tomorrow morning!!
OOh exciting Swep! - wishing you tons of luck :flower:

I am testing BFN and feel the same as any other month to be honest - think i am out again :nope:

Hope everyone else is well xx
SWEP sounds like a great increase and all systems a go, Good Luck!:dust:
Swep! That's wonderful! Fingers tightly crossed for a bfp this month! when will you get to test?

Sorry I've been absent ladies. We moved last week and don't have internet. Well, we sort of have internet. I'm using my iphone to power internet for my computer. Anyways, this place is amazing. I'll post pictures as soon as we are done unpacking.

Mini Roman update- He's been fully crawling for a while now and last week he was pulling himself up onto things and is now trying to walk while holding on to something. He's growing too fast!!!
Oh wow, these precious months are insane how much they learn by leaps and bounds. Kian isnt moving yet, but im not in any hurry!
Swep, yay!! ARe you done now? So excited for you!

love, good to see you!
ANDREA!!! :hi: Long time no see! How are things? What's your story now, where are you in your ttc journey?
Hey ladies! Been a super busy week. I had my first appt with my new ob on Monday. It went great! I really like them a lot! They sent me over for a growth scan on Wednesday and we got some pretty shocking news. My diabetes has affected the baby's size. At 31wks she is measuring at 5lb 10oz!!!!! Because of this i will be having weekly scans from here until my c-section. There is a higher risk of stillborn so they want to monitor her very closely. They said to expect her to be 9.5-10lbs! Glad i havent bought any newborn diapers or clothes! lol!

Anyway, here are pics from Wed.

First pic confirming that Zoey is indeed a Zoey! Lol!

Second pic is profile of her face.

Third pic is her face. Look how chunky her cheeks are!


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Look what i just got ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe it and i am shaking!


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