Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

MM I am so sorry and frustrated for you. I know you are strong, positive, and will forge on to get your testing done and a you will get your sticky bean. Sorry you are dealing with this, but glad your docs are taking it seriously and not waiting until you have 3 losses to begin testing and figure this out. Good luck!

Love- I am on and have finally purchased a FSOT SSC for my bday from OH- got a petite Robins Nest Birdie Buckle. I like it so far, am still training LO to love it though, he hates being worn right now. When he is a bit bigger, i will try back carry and see if he likes tha tmore. He hates being faced into me and tightly held. He seems to suddenly like the dumb Moby again, but its not supportive enough for him, so I may scour the net for a woven wrap now too! Im addicted to baby carriers:) I also want a Mai Tai, have been stalking them for a while too! I still have to practice with the buckle carrier when out and about...I feel like its complicated to get him into it and stuff still.
Oh, and found a baby wearing group closest to me is 45 minutes away...and they arent super active, so not sure ill be attending anything there. I wish I could go to DC for the convention in june or july! That would be fun!
lol ny! Yes, it becomes a quick addiction... you could spend a small fortune on carriers. I am obsessed with Obimama featherweight mei tei's. They are made of linen and gauze. So comfy to wear and they breathe really well, which makes them an amazing summer carrier. I am finally getting one for myself from a friend who is selling hers. I use it all year because Roman is such a hot body that he tends to overheat if I dress him appropriately for the weather then wear him on top of that. I tried a Robyn's Nest mei tei, It was a little too big in the body for Roman so I wasn't too fond of it, but they do make smaller sizes and it was pretty comfy. If you need any help with carriers feel free to message me on facebook. I'm training to become a leader so that I can help other mama's with carriers.
good to know about the cooler mei tei because kian and i are pretty hot in the RNBB he is a heater too. im researching a wrap that can be turned into RS or mei tei so i just have something very flexible.

Rosa- its a babywearing convention! lol. sounds so nerdy i know. It may be, but lots of information, classes, vendors, and just fun with women who baby wear. im not going, OH said no. lol.
Wow Rosa! I just realized you are already entering 2nd tri!!!!! Woohoo!
So very very happy for you! Here's to smooth sailing the rest of the way!!

Just wanted to stop in and say hello!! Have been super super busy lately so haven't had anytime at all, and what time i do have i spend with the kids!!! Got a promotion at work to a store manager so been hectic.

Congrats on the bfp's lately and Dee and MRSM, hang in there, I know it's easier said then done!!
Okay, I am about to have a serious breakdown! I dont know if I have shared this yet, but the company that my dh and I went to work for in Atlanta went bankrupt. Good news is that DH accepted a job in Dallas, Texas where my parents live. So I just got my insurance transfered and everything. I have called, NO JOKE, 30 different OBGYNs today and no one will take me because I am "too far along"!?!?!?!?!?!?! What?!?!?! So what am I suppose to do, go into labor and just show up at a hospital demanding a c-section?! I have freaking DIABETES! They are suppose to be monitoring me weekly from here on out!?!? I am in tears. I have the flu and I am in severe pain all the time with my RLS but not a single DR so far wants to deal with it?!? I don't know what to do!
Well, after calling a total of 35 offices I have been informed that no one will take me at 29wks because they do not want the responsibility put on them if something were to go wrong from this point on that potentially could have been the fault of the previous 29wks. I have been told that my ONLY option is to wait until I go into labor and just show up at the hospital closest to me and inform them that the baby has to be delivered by c-section and explain the situation. I was told that if I have any issues or concerns from here on out to go to the ER to be looked at! I Went this entire pregnancy thinking that I would be meeting Zoey early by scheduled c-section. But now I have to go into LABOR?!?
Brandy, that SUCKS! :nope: Is there no way you can somehow stay where you are...schedule a c section? Not exactly close to your husband. Maybe work out a deal with his work or something? I mean, I know it sucks, but I think having to go to the ER without any prior doctors appointments sucks even more. Plus, at the end aren't we supposed to go in like every week for an appointment?
I am already in Texas. And yes, I am suppose to be seeing a DR every week from this point on. But like my mother has told me, women have been doing this forever without peeing in cups once a week, right? Lol! I am so scared of going into labor. When I had my MC in April, that was the worse pain I have ever felt and this baby is already 10 times the size that one was.
I'm sorry about your situation brandy :hugs:
Don't be scared about going into labour hun, usually the pains start slowly and then build up so it probably wouldnt be like the miscarriage.
Why were you having a scheduled c-section, was that your choice or was it due to the diabetes?

Hope you can work something out :flower:
Brandy- that's horrible. Can you sign a waver or anything stating that you will not hold whatever new doctor responsible were anything to go wrong that is a direct result of the previous 29 weeks? I would stop calling places and just start walking in. People can be so rude and dismissive over the phone because they don't have to deal with directly. Walk in and demand to speak to someone in charge aside from the front desk assistant. Explain to them you have diabetes and had a horrible miscarriage previously. Make them see that it important that you receive prenatal care. If they still won't take you I would contact children and family services and explain to them that you have been in search of prenatal care and have been continuously denied. Perhaps they would be able to find someone to take you on.
Thanks for the advise ladies!

Dee- Yes I am having a c-section because of my diabetes and having had 2 previous c-sections already.

Love- I called family and children services yesterday. They are the ones that actually told me to show up at the ER in labor. The problem is that I have moved to the worst state there is for health care right now. Did you know that Texas just did away with PLANNED PARENTHOOD?!? Yup! So all of the women that were going there now have to go to private practices, which means they all have waiting lists and no one is willing to bend.

I have found an OBGYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well actually, I ended up calling the closest hospital here and it just so happens that they have a Women's clinic attached to the hospital that will take me. I have my first appt on the 26th!! Yeah!!!! I explained the situation to the woman on the phone and she was beside herself upset about it and set me up right away. I have also lucked out in the fact that the hospital that it is attached to has been voted "the best place to have a baby"! They have a state of the art maternity unit and a level 4 neonatal! So I am officially in good hands!!! I am so relieved!!!

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