Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Thanks Dee! Zoey is doing great! She is already trying to hold her head up and look around. You can just see the little wheels turning in her head. She wants to be up and running around with her big brother so bad. I think she acted like a newborn for all of 10 minutes before she decided she was too bored with that. She is so alert and already trying to rule the house. I think I am going to have a run for my money with this one!
Love, you funny thing! You're ready to be preggers again, big time, huh? I can understand's an amazing experience to create this little being and get to know him/her... And there are SOME things about being pregnant that I miss :) We are thinking to start ttc early next year when Gavin is a little over one. What does DH think? Does he want to wait still, or is it just a logistics thing?

Brandy, she is GORgeous! :)

Dee, so happy for you and your two princesses...

Does anyone else have the experience of feeling like they are doing everything for LO? I don't get as much hands on help from DH as I kinda thought I's pretty much me & baby, except here and there when Daddy plays with him for a little bit or I specifically ask him to do something for us. HMM.
ready- I'm more than ready. I'm so broody (but I don't let dh know that). Last night I had a dream about getting a bfp and taking test after test to be sure. It felt so real that I wanted to run out and buy a test. I wish we could start trying now but we are looking to move out of state to be by my family (since dh's parents have pretty much blown us off entirely). So right now we are looking to find him a job out there before we move. After we move and get settled into a place, ttc shouldn't be much of an issue since the money would be there. He was raised an only child so he is content with just one but is agreeing to more... eventually. He's in no hurry for more. Roman could be 10 before he'd actively want a second one. Even then he much prefers older babies/children to newborns.

DH was like that in the beginning. I felt like I was doing everything for Roman (not that I minded) on top of taking care of the house as well as DH and myself. It was overwhelming!! We fought about it quite a bit but now he does really well with helping out. I think it's because I had to go back to work full time and his hours got cut so he is mostly home with Roman during the day. I think he sees how difficult it is to juggle everything and decided that I really couldn't do it alone. Maybe you should try talking to him and let him know how you feel?
LOL, love, I hope you can try for that bfp before you chew your arm off! I hope DH can find a job and get you guys moved and seems like it has been a long process of hoping to move because I think you were talking about it while we were pregnant still. Roman is a cutie--and so big!

I wasn't surprised to be doing all the baby stuff initially because I was on leave from work and nursing. I thought it would be different once I went back to work and it really isn't...I had a number of weeks of really feeling bitter. That's passed for the most part, but I still feel weighed down by how unequal things are at home. I love spending time with Gavin so that gets me through but...I know it's not fair. I have tried to discuss it, but I hate fighting, and DH is so bogged down with working and insomnia that I can see he doesn't have a lot of patience and energy to give. I understand now why the #1 thing couples fight about is division of labor after baby. I even got the book "baby proofing your marriage" when I was pregnant. I knew this would be an issue, but I suck at resolving it!! :)
Ready- not a bad idea! Maybe if I start chewing my arm off dh will agree to start trying so I'll stop :rofl: It really has been a long process. We did end up moving at the end of March to a 2 bedroom with loft, 2.5 bath townhome with a finished basement. Roman is so much happier here and so are we. I don't particularly want to move again but I'm just not happy where we are (in life not our home). There has always been a great deal of tension with the inlaws and since Roman was born it has only gotten worse. To spare the long boring details, we only see them on holidays and birthdays now. It involves us going out to lunch with them and pa (dh's grandpa), the inlaws sit at one end of the table, we sit at the other and pa sits in the middle. They don't talk to me and say minimal to dh, they don't really look at Roman, talk to him or even touch him for that matter. For an hour we go out and pretend to be a family, which I am sick of. Mother's day we normally do one celebration and combine dh's birthday (since they are just days apart) but this year his parents decided not to celebrate Mother's Day, just his birthday. So we got his mother a card and I got nothing but they still got nan a car and she died just before Christmas. I really don't care about the card it's the fact that Mother's Day doesn't exist now that I am a mother, to their only grandchild at that. And it gets better.. Dh and I went to Ohio for a week over Father's Day to visit my family since my mom, my one grandfather and grandmother all have birthdays just days apart around Father's Day (not to mention I haven't seen them since this time last year). Dh called his father to say happy Father's Day and his dad said all of three words before hanging up, none of which were "thank you", "you too" or "happy Father's Day". At this point we are 1000000% done with them. As far as we are concerned they aren't Roman's grandparents and never will be. My grandparents are trying really hard to pull all of their connections to get dh a job out there asap so we can move home. His parents are terrible people and they leave us no reason to stay here.

Things were the same with dh, when I was home on leave I really didn't mind. Honestly I never wanted to put him down so I loved every moment I had with him. Then I went back to work full time and as much as I love Roman, I wasn't loving coming home from work to more work of a different kind. I ended up breaking down a few times, still hormonal, and told him that if he couldn't help me then I might as well do it alone. No one enjoys fighting, but it may need to happen before you reach a breaking point and things get really ugly. It's not good for you and it won't be good for Gavin.
OMG, love, what an awful story! Didn't you used to see your inlaws like everyday? I can't believe they wouldn't take an interest in that adorable little boy...what a waste, for them, for you & for Roman. Move on up & out, I guess...but how disappointing! I hope DH can get a new job soon so you can be near family that cares about you all.

I find that I am more happy and a better mom if I just get a break every so often, even 45 minutes to complete something, like a batch of baby food or a phone call. Heather, I don't know how you do daycare and take care of your boys all day long--where do you find the patience?!

Sometimes, I can get this break when he naps (he is not a long napper) and that does the trick. When I don't get it is when I start getting amped up, and you are so very wise, I should address it but I guess I dread the confrontation. EEK! I'm such a wimp. I'll try to take your advice.
WOW HOW THE HECK ARE YOU TWO?!?!?! ready and love I haven't seen you two in forever :) :dance: its soooo great to see everyone back! you can see I'm still TTC lmao! No baby for me yet...but we are working on it and in process of trying to adopt! So whichever comes first is what it'll be :) SOOO GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE BACK THIS IS A REUNION!
andrea, it's SO nice to see everyone again! Love and Ready, do you have parenting journals or anything we can stalk? :haha: I love your avatars! I have to look closely at the names though, because at first glance they look similar. :haha:

Andrea, any news in the ART world?

Afm, doing good. LO is currently sticking his feet or something into my ribs and it's an interesting feeling. Can't say it hurts, but can't say I like it. :wacko: Things have been going well, except my insane itchiness. If I'm still itchy next week at my ob appointment, I'm demanding a blood test. Passed my 3 hour GD test though! :yipee:
Rosa I can't believe your almost 30 weeks WHERE does time go?!?! My gracious!!! Thats awesome.....I can't wait til you have your LO to hold :)

For me AF came last night...onto another medicated cycle....duno how many more of these I can handle :( ...I hate these things! They never work it seems for me that is.....I wish DH would let me go ahead and do the IVF :( but he just won't and I can totally understand his concern as its sooo much money :(
Ready, I couldn't even begin to explain their reasoning for this. They are determined to see dh fail because he didn't do things they way THEY felt he should. What kind of parent wants to see their child fail simply to say "I told you so"? I too can't believe that they could have such little interest in their only grandchild. But it is what it is. They won't be getting an invite to his first birthday and they certainly won't be notified of any other children we will have unless they drastically change (which is as likely to happen as world peace). I don't need them and neither does Roman.

I know exactly what you mean. We all need a break from time to time, even if it is just to take a shower or pick up the house a bit. I know you don't like confrontation, and neither do I, but sometimes it is necessary. Otherwise you are going to end up holding it in and become resentful of your dh. Eventually you'll end up blowing up for something completely silly like he left a spoon in the sink or there was a crumb on the floor. Perhaps if you don't want to confront him, leave him a little letter explaining how you feel. Just tell him that you feel like you are bearing all the weight and it's really taking a toll on you. You don't have to tell him you are angry with him, just let him know that you need help. Have him put himself in your position for a week and see how he handles having to take care of everything. I'm sure he'd see your point then.

Andrea, Rosa :wave: It's good to see some chatter going on around here. It's been so dead recently!

Andrea, good luck with adoption!! Though I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get your bfp before it comes to that. I know IVF is expensive which has your dh put off to the idea, but it really does help a lot of people. Look at Rosa, she has her perfect little bean due to IVF. It's worth looking into, or even making a consultation to get more information.

Rosa, I can't believe you are almost at the end already!! You must be so anxious!! Have you picked a name yet? If you think that is an interesting feeling just wait till the very end when he wants to stretch all the way out and there just isn't room! I used to get a heal straight out my side that I would have to push back in because it didn't feel good. Any new bump pictures?

Afm, I have an appointment tomorrow morning to have my IUD looked at. I can't feel the bottom of my strings, just the side of them which makes me think it might not be in the proper place. Part of me wants to take a test but I'm pretty sure I'd be very disappointed with the results. I think I may just have them take it out and go on the pill... or something else. I don't know. I am just so broody that I hate the IUD for how effective it is. I don't have any chance for an oopsie lol! I'll see what the doctor says in the morning and go from there. I wish there was a broody off button that I could push.
Oh I go to the fertility doc who does the IVF its just we can't really afford the $8200 bucks per cycle NOT including my medications :( so its VERY expensive and if it failed :( I wouldn't be able to try again.....but.....I might talk more to DH tonight about how I feel about it....
Im going to update the first page can everyone update me thats preggo on your due date and color of bump and brandys on zoeys dob
Rosa, I can't believe you are almost at the end already!! You must be so anxious!! Have you picked a name yet? If you think that is an interesting feeling just wait till the very end when he wants to stretch all the way out and there just isn't room! I used to get a heal straight out my side that I would have to push back in because it didn't feel good. Any new bump pictures?

Bump and nursery pics here:

We're going with John Patrick and we'll call him jack. Very eager to meet him! :happydance: I feel like all I do is push his foot back from my ribs. :wacko: I love it though. :cloud9:
Two girlies due december 6th (but very likely to be before that!)

(my last angel was august 2011)

Thanks Heather :flower:
Zoey was born May 23, 2012. Thanks so much Heather!

Rosa!! The nursery is beautiful!!!! And I adore the name Jack! You make me miss my bump, it is absolutely perfect!
Brandy she is gorgeous! Love her pics

Hey everyone! Just reading the chatter in here. I am in misery over here with an overly adorable but NEEDY child. Oooofda. He is a handful and a half. I cried yesterday. Lol. I feel stupid about it today but im struggling! He pretty much wants to be held and breast fed all day and now all night too. He sleeps in my bed now and grabs and pulls at me until I feed him, so then im not sleeping. During the day we get one nap time, so my break is then. But my house is ready to be condemned!

Ready- i just wish OH would help with the house more! He pretty much comes home and plays with Kian (thank god) but then im scrambling around trying to do things and then after Kian is in bed im up til midnight usually doing house stuff too and he is "relaxing" on the couch because apparently he thinks I relax all day long or something. But if he watches Kian for a little bit, there is ablsolutely nothing done around the house. Sigh. Men are just not like us at all! You better talk to DH before you start a real resentful relationship. Those are hard to recover for sure.
Rosa! Your nursery is just adorable! Perfect for that little cutie you will be bringing home. Your bump is adorable!! I wish mine had been that perfectly round.

ny, do you babywear while you are at home? If I need to get something done and Roman wants to be held, I just throw him on my back and go about my day. He usually looks around, or I'll give him a toy or something to hold onto and eventually he falls asleep. Do you nurse while you babywear? That may be helpful during the day to help you multitask. Or you could try taking his day time nursing sessions as a chance to relax. Sit down, put on a show or close your eyes while he nurses, even if it's just a few minutes. As for the nighttime nursing, he's 9 months old and should be able to go almost all night without nursing. I know everyone has different views on this but perhaps you should try letting him cry it out? Give him 10 minutes then go in and console him without nursing, then go another 10 minutes? It's really hard to do at first but it does work. We let Roman cry for 5-10 minutes if he is just whining. When he starts getting hysterical we go in. Most times he will settle himself down. Now he only gets up once during the night and that's around 11 pm after going to bed at 7-8. I think you may need to have a talk with your dh as well and let him know how you are feeling. It's really not good for you to be this overwhelmed.
How are you ladies doing... I was with this group when it first started for a while but then me and my DH stated having problems and we quit trying and eventually split...

I just wanted to check on how everyone was doing, I see a lot of the girls still on here...

I am having a little issue at the moment and even though its has been a long while i still first thought of this thread...

I have been with my b/f for about 6 months or so and i just got a surprise :bfp: and im kinda freaking out... after trying with my ex for over a year i never thought it would happen and now its here...

I really hope this isnt insensitive to thoughs trying, i know what you are going through but i guess i just want someone to talk to...

Lots of :dust::dust::dust: to all
Oh Hopeful!!!!!! We all missed you so much!! CONGRATS!!!!! I am so freakin happy for you! You wanted a baby so badly and in my opinion God waited until you were in the right place, at the right time, with the right person! You are so welcome back!

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