Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Congrats Hopeful - maybe it's just meant to be right now :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Love - how did your doc appointment go? Thank you for your advice, Love & Ny...not much progress at home although DH did give Gavin a bath last night and he IS the best at making the little guy laugh. I need to find a balance beween resentment and conflict...I've been thinking about how to do that. When I figure it out, I'll write a book and send you all a copy! :rofl:

Ny, does Kian just need you a lot for interaction? They are still so little to "entertain" themselves, although of course we want them to--even for 10 minutes! It is super draining to be home all day meeting needs (similarly, super draining to work away from home and then try to cram things in at night) other words, we are tough chics for managing all this! Cry if you need to, it's not silly; I know I've done it. Have you gotten any sort of nursing break now that he's taking solids and, also, have you tried bm in a sippy cup or cup?

Rosa, YAY for an awesome nursery! I remember the anticipation SO's such an exciting time to create that nest for LO... so happy for you :hugs: I do not have a parenting page etc to share although I post stuff on FB pretty regularly. I don't get on here much, or online much, except to google baby stuff. I think we should make a top ten list of google terms for new moms. I think my top hit has been "breastfed baby green poop"! You won't believe how much time/energy you will spend thinking about your growing baby's poo.

AFM, little Gavin has been up 5-6 times the last two nights (I lost count really), needing to be held and cuddled and waking up rapidly once I had him down in his crib. Tummy ache from new solid foods? Teething? Something is up! :coffee:
Ooooh, hopeful, welcome back! And congratulations! What an unexpected surprise! Are you shocked, happy, nervous, what? :) :) :)
Thanks Ladies it feels good to get such a warm welcome back...

Ready I am all of the above... and terrified.. im worried about everything and the fact it wasnt planned and what my mother is going to say (she never wanted me to have children and i really want her to be excited)

I dont really feel pregnant no concrete symptoms i still expect af to come on

well bunch of :dust: to all
hopeful!!! :hugs: Welcome back and huge congrats!! I agree that everything happens for a reason, maybe now you are with the right person and it is the right time for you to finally have the lo you very much wanted. I have been in your very shoes, just a few months after meeting dh I found out I was pregnant (lost at 7+3), after thinking I wasn't able to get pregnant. I have been baby crazy for as far back as I can remember and I was with I guy I thought I would be with forever (silly young girl that I was) and we tried for almost 3 years and nothing. Then after that ended and I was involved in other relationships I still didn't fall pregnant without using protection. I wasn't trying but I figured that after trying for 3 years with out even the faintest bfp that I just couldn't have children. But lo and behold after meeting the right man it happened instantly. Have you told him yet? How does it feel? I'm sure it will be alright, it may not be the ideal time but you will figure it out and you will be a great mother, whether or not your mother approves.

My appointment went fine. I see my doctor next Monday (on my birthday) to go over the results. The tech didn't see any cysts and the IUD is in place. Though I still think it may be best to remove it and possibly switch to the Nuva ring or something else. I did find out the I have a long skinny uterus. My inner skinny girl I suppose :haha:

ready, did you sit down and talk to dh about how you are feeling?
I told him last night, hes jumping for joy... we had it confirmed at planned parenthood they think im about 4-5 weeks along...

I guess im feeling bad cause i wanted this so bad and i thought i would be super excited but right now im just freaking out... i dont know what im feeling... is that horrible...
Wow, the gang is back! :happydance:

Zoey was born May 23, 2012. Thanks so much Heather!

Rosa!! The nursery is beautiful!!!! And I adore the name Jack! You make me miss my bump, it is absolutely perfect!

Zoey is adorable! Such a beautiful girl you have. :cloud9: Thanks for the bump compliment. I'm loving the nursery too...hoping to get a dresser soon so I can really start nesting and putting stuff away.

Rosa, YAY for an awesome nursery! I remember the anticipation SO's such an exciting time to create that nest for LO... so happy for you :hugs: I do not have a parenting page etc to share although I post stuff on FB pretty regularly. I don't get on here much, or online much, except to google baby stuff. I think we should make a top ten list of google terms for new moms. I think my top hit has been "breastfed baby green poop"! You won't believe how much time/energy you will spend thinking about your growing baby's poo.

AFM, little Gavin has been up 5-6 times the last two nights (I lost count really), needing to be held and cuddled and waking up rapidly once I had him down in his crib. Tummy ache from new solid foods? Teething? Something is up! :coffee:

haha! Can't wait to worry about poo! :haha: Sorry Gavin is being fussy. A growth spurt?

Hopeful, welcome back and huge congrats!! :happydance: I'm sure this was a huge surprise especially after trying for so long. I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out with your dh, but maybe it was just meant to be. :shrug: You need a ticker!

Love, are you taking your iud out so you can start ttc again? I can't believe people will be on their 2nd time around and I'm still on my first! :haha: That happened to another one of my BnB buddies...she's preggo with her 2nd and we became friends while she was ttc her 1st!
hopeful- planned or not, being pregnant is rather frightening. At the end of those 40 weeks (give or take) you will be bringing home a precious little life to care for. The night before my induction I bawled my eyes out wishing I wasn't pregnant because I was so terrified. Clearly this was meant to be for you. For whatever reason this man you are with now was meant to be in your life and help you have the perfect little baby you've wanted for so long. He's jumping for joy, that's wonderful!!! He wants this baby as much as you. Everything will work out the way it should. Just try to enjoy your growing bump, it's an amazing experience!

Rosa- I wish lol. DH isn't ready for another one, plus we are looking to move out of state and I wouldn't want to do that with a very large belly. I am getting broody again but I want to lose this baby weight first and get healthy before we try again, though if it were up to me I'd try now. I'm considering taking my IUD out because it's been causing some cramps now after 9 months. I have to call sometime today for my ultrasound results and then have a followup appointment next Monday. I'll talk it over with my doctor and see what he says and discuss whether taking it out and switching to something different would be a good idea.
OMGOSH I remember you hopeful :) thats awesome news :) I think your parents would be pleased....but I can understand being scared I was once in your shoes :) I am soooo happy you finally are going to get the chance to have a child :)
Well ladies.. it appears I logged in at the right time.. been a long time!
I'm so glad to see that the whole original gang is back and still going. :)

A lot has changed since I last got on here. My mother passed away January 21st and we moved my father down here. Mario and I just finalized our divorce. Idk what happened... but if you can remember, we were having some issues.. I thought it was possibly my stress of ttc that turned him off to me.. but I found out that he was having a relationship on the side with a girl he works with.. I filed for divorce on January 3rd. Then my mom passed on January 21st. Since then, my twin sister, her husband and I rented this HUGE 4 bedroom 2 livingroom house so we could move my dad down here while he copes and grieves. He would have been alone in South Dakota. I feel I've made the best decision I could have made.. Things were just going bad and I started to suspect that something was up because he started hiding his phone and taking it to the bathroom when he took a shower etc.. it sucks.. because I only wanted to be married once .. never saw anything different.. but oh well.. I left everything and now just focus on myself and my puppy.
I started dating not too long ago. A guy I went to Highschool with. I've known him for 10 years and he treats me like a princess. I'm not looking for much right now.. but he seems to know what he wants.. :) And I'm just enjoying it and going along with it.

Thats the update with me.. Not ttc.. :) But I'm so ok with that.. My birthday is in 2 weeks I'll be 24 :) Still very young.. and now that I'm not married.. I'm realizing that I have plenty of time to do all that.. because I'm really enjoying the camping, going out with friends, going on road trips etc that he and I do :) So I'm definitely going to wait this one out..

I thought about you guys and decided to log in.. and voila.. I see my name a few posts up :) Thank you for thinking about me :)
apparently I have something to change in my profile.. I think I'm going to get a whole new once.. since I can't change my name on here.
MRS!!! Wow, you've been through a lot since you were on last. :hugs: Huge hugs. I'm so sorry about your mom and your divorce. I'm glad to hear you're feeling positive and okay with the break from ttc. Let us know what your new user name will be, if you decide to get one.
Mrs lots of hugs to you darling you have been through tons glad you have the support of your family thats what matters the most :) so glad your moving on and doing well it seems like :) lots of love your way :) :hugs: :hug:
Mrs, good to hear from you! I remember the struggles you posted with your husband...I'm so sorry for how it turned out :( It's wonderful, though, that you are able to be with your family and move through your grief together. I hope only great things for you :hugs:
Hi Ladies...

Stopping in quickly for a Hello! :wave:

I am still updating my journal but haven't been able to be back on BnB at my old full time capcity! Soon hopefully! Hope you are all well. Sending :hugs::dust: and :thumbup: to those that need it at this time. Miss you all!
I will do a proper post a little later.... If possible, take a minute to read my journal below...

17DPO = :bfp:
Ohhh I totally MISSED that post...CONGRATS...I'll be saying TONS of prayers love that is awesome :)

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