DH is TDY right now so he's not here...this month is outta the pic

but end of May when new cycle starts

I will do the injectibles just without insemination of any sort or else my insurance wouldn't cover the medications

well doctor is getting me "extra" meds this cycle so I can use some for IVF...we have IVF scheduled for July...but I can push it back if I want to try more cycles with just injectibles and " save" some injectibles so I have less to pay for my IVF

I cannot wait though I am so very excited just sucks to say that if it doesn't work the first time I probably can't do another cycle as my insurance will not cover anything IVF related

but I am PRAYING for ONE last miracle

I was told today I was a miracle b/c my two boys are a medical mystery

....my first one was with my first hubby....I had a miscarriage then got pregnant with Tyler the cycle after the miscarriage. Then with Trysten I was dating someone who had less than 1,000 per mui of spermies...when it should have been 20-70 million plus the fact both of my tubes aren't really working at all!!! I have TWO miracle boys

now if I only could have one more I'd be a very happy lady LOL