Those who dont let you lo see/watch the tv...


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
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Without starting an argument just wondering what your own reasons are for this?
Not me lol Anything that distracts him for a few mins isn't an issue with me. He won't look at anything for more than 10/15 mins at the mo. Plus he isn't sitting close.

Sorry this hasn't helped xx
We are not perfect about it, but there is some research that suggest the quick flashing images may affect their attention span (sort of pre-program them for ADD).
There is also some studies that show that households who have the TV on (even in the background) expose the children to less language which impacts their language skills/development.
I still keep the TV on for my own sanity, but I leave it off whenever I don't need it. I also keep LO faced away from it or pause it if I can't get him to stop looking at it.
I don't see anything wrong with lo's watching tv.
My LO is 8 months and for most of the time she completely ignores the tv when it's on- but I might find a cartoon and sit her on my knee for 5 mins and she'll watch. I am an early years teacher and have never had a problem with tv watching. It's just another experience for them to have. I don't agree with it being a babysitter or for chikdren to watch for long- and the programme needs to be appropriate but it's just a different kind of activity.
I have been trying to swap my lo's mid day bottle for milk in a cup and have used a cartoon to distract her as she hasn't liked the change and it has helped.
I believe that she enjoys the music, different sounds and bright colours... I'm not leaving her there for hours and actually I talk to her about what she is seeing and we sing and bounce along to the songs- so it's an enjoyable thing for both of us.
i couldnt imagine not having the television for Kai he lovess it! He watches it while i cook or have a bath. I stick on cbeebies for him and he has a ball. Obviously everyone has different preferences for their child but i dont seem the harm in it. As for all the research, according to most research every single thing we do in life causes cancer, or illness or behavioural disorders. We should all just hide in a shell looool
We have baby tv which my lo will be exposed to when she is older :D even i find it interesting. Lol.

I don't have a I can't let him watch one anyway! But we watch youtube vids together.
I don't have the tv on. I read that for a baby's first 18 months it can hamper their development because they could be spending that time interacting with people instead of watching tv.
When I'm rushing to get in the house and prep for my next work day.. I sit her in her bouncer either facing the kitchen so she can see me or I place her infront of the tv. she likes anything with color and luck for me our television provider has a channel that plays music and slow moving fish.. she sits ther contently (on good days) for a while, and I'm able to boil bottles and repack her diaper bag

After I'm done we go read, play, bath time, and nite nite song. It helps me a great deal.
I don't, for the same reasons that lisaf gave. Sure, on the off occasion when both kids are melting down and I am trying to get out the house I might stick it on for five minutes, but that would be an exception rather than a rule. Most of the time we are out during the day and if we are in, we do otyer things. My toddler would happily watch tv all day if I let her, but I really don't think it's good for her.
I dont see how it could be possible to do.

1. When they go to school, kids will talk about their favourite tv programmes. I wouldnt want my children to feel like a "loner" because they couldn't join in on these conversations. Yes, I used to have these coversations when I was at primary school

2. What about when they go to friends houses for tea? You cant control what other households do, so they will be exposed to it there.

I was always plonked in front of the TV as a child...I have good exam results, and qualified as a teacher. So my brain cant be frazzled?

Sorry if im reading this all wrong!!!
My LO is only 7 weeks old so not watching tv yet but when she grows up she can watch tv, just not 24/7! I had my niece here last week and we watched tv, some of these childrens cartoons are really educational
i have the tv on when we are in during the day. My lo likes Waybaloo and lights up when it comes on. We also talk, play, sing and go to baby groups. My lo is the chattiest baby ever, people always comment on his babbling so no communication issues here! Its another case of moderation. A little tv as one part of a day with other activities and outings isn't an issue in my eyes. Tv 24/7 or when it is used as a babysitter for hours is not ok. There is a huge difference in my opinion. Jx
We don't let the children watch TV at home, in fact we got rid of ours. As to why, we have lots of reasons but here are just a few of our personal reasons:
- TV is passive, I prefer my children to be active (most of the time anyway!)
- to avoid the influence of adverts and consumerism
- to be in control of when and what my children are exposed to
- to reduce overstimulation
- to avoid sensationalism, fearmongering and violence that could cause anxiety
- a huge amount of brain development occurs during the first two years and is optimised by three types of stimuli: interaction, manipulation of environment and problem-solving activities; TV provides none of these
- studies have shown that the risks of TV include encouraging passivity, slow language acquisition, over-excitedness, trouble with sleep and concentration, and dependence on screens
- the average child will witness 200,000 acts of violence on TV by age 18 and studies have shown that violent TV can cause increased anxiety and sleep disruption, increased verbal and physical aggression, decreased empathy and decreased self-control
- EEG studies show diminished mental activity during TV viewing and the passivity and lowered alertness continues for a while after switching the TV off
- TV can cause neural hyperstimulation by conditioning the brain to expect high levels of input from the orienting reflex, resulting in boredom and inattentiveness in real life
- TV decreases the opportunities for children to mentally conjure a world with creative imagination
- TV is a time waster, by the time the average person is 70 they will have spent 7-10 years watching TV.
i let LO watch tv but not constantly and i turn the tv off if he wont eat because it distracts him x
ok totally agree with not using tv as a babysitter, my lo is 3 months old, if the tv is on she manages to turn her head round wherever I put her! Im assuming the lights and colours etc are exciting! I wouldnt stop her watching tv due to violence etc as I would be monitoring what she was watching anyway and obviously wouldnt put her in front of such a show! There are soo many educational shows for children and I dont see the problem in watching small amounts.
I think the baby tv channel is more damaging for my sanity than it is for Charlie in the background :haha:
We have the TV on in the background, usually CBeebies. Joshua barely watches it, there is only a couple of shows he will properly watch & they are ones where both of us join in, Show Me, Show Me & Waybuloo (Yes I attempt 'Yogo'!). When he's not watching TV, we play together or he plays by himself. Jacob doesn't 'watch' TV, he laughs though if I start singing/dancing to the shows.
I did research about it, and decided not to allow LO watch it. From what I read, it can lead to problems with concentration and hoped activity
We are not perfect about it, but there is some research that suggest the quick flashing images may affect their attention span (sort of pre-program them for ADD).
There is also some studies that show that households who have the TV on (even in the background) expose the children to less language which impacts their language skills/development.

I did research about it, and decided not to allow LO watch it. From what I read, it can lead to problems with concentration and hoped activity

similar to our reasons...

LO will watch TV on occasion in the form of movies after age 2, but not all the time...

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