Thread for TTC#1 12months+


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2012
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I thought I would start a thread for those of us who have been TTC for a year or more. It seems we're in a bit of a different boat than those who have just started TTC. I don't know about you women, but I'm not ready to move over to the LTTTC. I see some of the women on the other threads becoming frustrated after just a few months and want to say to them "Wait til you get to where I'm at." I understand that it's frustrating for all of us. I was thinking that those of us that have been trying at this longer need a support group of women in the same boat.
My husband and I have been trying for going on 2 and a half years with no luck. Great idea to start this thread and a support group would be an excellent idea to. Its hard to keep going after so long of trying and so many BFNs, but I think that when we have our first baby that all the hurt and pain and aggravations will be well worth it. I wish there was a website for husbands to vent that are going through it because even though they don't get as aggravated as we do they still need someone to talk to that knows what they are going through.
Lol guys definitely need to vent, but I don't see them getting online to vent to people they don't know. They tend to do it more with friends over drinks, games, or something. I'm hoping more people will join the thread. We can even end up putting our testing dates up if we want. I'm on a January testing thread it seems more full of people that are 6months and under on there though. What sort of testing have you had done so far?
Well I've been tested for PCOS and endometriosis because I have symptoms of both but the test came back negative. I had a surgery done because my tubes were blocked and I was hoping that after that things would go fast but that was in September and no BFP yet. In 2011 I did three rounds of clomid and this month I start my 4th round of it. I see all these women saying that they have only been ttc for a few months and yes it can be aggravating then but when you get to where we are then you are beyond aggravated your close to giving up. I also hate when people tell me be patient it will happen when God wants it to happen. Have you ever been told that?
Hello ladies, can I join? We've now been TTC for a year. I think a support thread for people who have been TTC for a year or more is a really good idea, particularly TTC for number 1. I know it's frustrating for people who are trying for their 2nd too, but surely it can't be quite as stressful as wondering if you will ever have a family?

I'm just in the process of being tested to see if everything g is as it should be. Had CD1 blood test on Mon, waiting for CD17 for next test. DH & I have been married for 2.5yrs. Im 32 & he will be 34 tomorrow. I've just started temping this month, but other than that I'm trying to keep relaxed (how is that actually possible??!).

What are your stories?
John and I have been together for 7 years and married 3 and have been ttc for a little over 2 years. I have irregular cycles and can go up to a year with out anything happening and I have cried so many times after hearing no from doctors and cried even harder when I get a baby shower invite. I didn't even know about temping until I found this website so I will be starting that this month too. I have to do some more research on it though because I'm not exactly sure what Im suppose to be looking for temperature wise. As far as keeping relaxed lol when I feel like I'm stressing to much I just go for a walk or something because sometimes all the pills and test and stuff gets to be to much for a person and you have to just get away from it all for a while. What gets me the most is people who have kids (without having problems) pretend they understand exactly what you're going through. I appreciate them trying to be there for me but its not the same as talking to someone who actually does.
I have been trying for just under 2 years, and NTNP for a year before that :(
I already said on one of the threads that I wasted so much time trying naturally, I wish I went to docs before. I have been waiting for my referral now for 4 months and been referred for Jan (this month) and then fertility clinic wrote back to me saying they cancelled it coz I didn't do enough tests at the docs. So I'm back to my GP for more bloods and swabs:( how much longer?? This waiting game is driving my nuts :(
Sorry for going on for so long, I wonder if anyone else is frustrated with this wait for docs and tests and generally help?
Jena-- I have been told the whole "God" think and I just ignore it or give them a look of disgust. I am not a religious person and it irritates me that lots of people use the whole "god" thing.

Pansy-- As far as testing it goes like this. I have had the CD21 progesterone test done everything came back great, DH had SA done everything was fine there. I had my first SIS in April 2012 and they found two uterine polyps. Polypectomy, D&C in May 2012. October 2012 I had another SIS done to make sure they hadn't returned. November 2012 I had an HSG to check for abnormalities and clear tubes. Everything went fantastic with that no blockages or anything. I started Clomid this cycle currently 6DPO. Lol, anything else I think is probably in my journal.

Crosby-- Luckily in the US it doesn't take as long to get referrals if needed. My doctor has been great so far. Hopefully you can get things squared away with your Dr.'s so that you can move forward.
Good luck countrygirl, fingers crossed clomid does its magic on you
Hi girls can I join? I've just hit the one year mark. Had my first doctors app today and had cd21 bloods done. Got cd3 bloods booked and a smear and swab. DH is booking his sa too. I am trying very hard to relax about it all as I was getting very stressed. Kind of accepted it will take longer and we might need help but I'm only 25 so I'm confident ill get there in the end, I have to be optimistic as the thought of not having a family kills me!
Welcome Cupcake :hugs: Good luck with all the testing. They will hopefully get it all figured out quickly for you.
Id like to join please. Been ttc for 16 months and ntnp before that. Good idea to start this group. Will be lovely to see some well deserved bfps here!!! Xxx
The thing that gets me is when people tell me that I am young and that I should be enjoying the world and my husband. I have had my fun being out and stuff like that and I just want to move on to the next chapter of my life and so does my husband. I mean why is it so hard for people to understand that we just want what most of them already have. I was once told that getting a negative wasn't really that big of a deal, I had to walk away from that person because they don't have to be there when I'm crying my eyes out to my husband and asking him why do I have to be so messed up. If women with children really knew how precious their child was then there would be a lot less child abuse going on in the world today.
Girlies, I got a really funny story to tell. I got a text from my OH while at work today and he said "if you are gonna order baby stuff at least let me know, but I think you are being a bit premature".... I was in shock I didn't order any baby stuff, this is ridiculous... So I called him back to ask WTF. He said the parcel arrived and he opened it and there was a baby car chair in it. I said I didn't freaking order it and asked him to check what name was on the parcel. There was no name!! I said maybe mistake. Lol in the end it was our neibour who had a baby a year ago and she needed a bigger chair. My OH jug head didn't even look at the address label :)
lol that's funny, I needed a laugh. I bet he looks at the label from now on
I'd like to join too please (though I'm not on the boards too much as it can get a bit much to keep thinking about being pg and not able to get there as I am sure you all understand). I'm just about at 20 months ttc now, should be getting an HSG soon and FS has said if that's clear then there's no reason why I can't conceive so keep trying. Helpful :p Might be referred in July for IVF if I'm not pregnant by then.

I quite agree with an earlier sentiment on here - don't quite feel ready to move to ltttc but I can (and do have to bite my tongue) get frustrated by some of the posts on here. For some reason the 'Am I pregnant?' ones get on my nerves. Take a test ladies, that's what they're there for... (I'm just being a grump - I've been there and asked the same questions!)

Hi to everyone and :dust:
For some reason the 'Am I pregnant?' ones get on my nerves. Take a test ladies, that's what they're there for... (I'm just being a grump - I've been there and asked the same questions!)

Hi to everyone and :dust:

You're not being a grump - it does get a bit tiresome. Either take the test when AF is due, or quit asking.. :roll:
I couldn't agree more about the "am I pregnant" question. I understand that its a bit confussing at time because you can have a sign of pregnancy but then you're not sure but as someone who is trying to get pregnant I know that if you are having signs of it then its best to just go a head and take a test if it comes up negative then wait a week or two and take another to be sure.
Good to know it's not just me turning into a grumpy old woman!! lol

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