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Tia Sharpe

I too think the grandmother knew, weve had such warm weather of late and I am not convinced that she couldnt smell a dead body thats been in her home for little over a week.

I really want to know the motive, but i cant seem to think of any that are plausible.

My personal thought is Tia caught the step grandad and her mum together, they both knew all hell would break loose and that is the motive. It seems odd that her mum has disappeared because she needed to get away from it, if that was MY child there is no way in hell I would be anywhere else. Also apparently her family don't know where she is why wouldn't you tell people where you are if YOUR child is missing?

This actually makes a lot of sense. The grandmother does work nights so Tias mum does have alot of opportunity to do as your saying.

But why kill your child...Face the consequences of your actions of Tias does tell, but dont murder her :nope:

I don't think the mother was there when it happened, I think she left and he said he'd sort it - as Sarahcake said above. I'm not sure he meant to kill her. Obviously it's just my opinion and will probably be proven wrong!

I think that both ways are likely, that he did mean to kill her and that he didnt and it ended up that way.

Doesnt he have a conviction for carrying a machete? I would say the kind of person that carries that thing around is the kinda person that doesn't like to solve his problems with a good chat if you get my drift....

I think he's said something along the lines of, get away, shes angry at you, ill sort this out - with the intention of making her and her ability to tell on them disapear and the mothers done just that and left. I dont think she would have know that he was planning to 'sort it out' this way though... just my take on it all anyways, I could be a million miles from the truth here.
Poor little girl :(
I also wondered whether the Mum and Step Grandad might have been caught in the act... who knows. It's just all so tragic
That is an interesting theory, I never thought of that.
Is Tia's mother missing? I know the grandmother is being interviewed by the police.
Its just so sad.
There is no punishment strong enough for sicko's like this.

Now, doesn't it seem very strange that the step dad stuck up for the grandmothers boyfriend saying he was doing the hoovering when Tia left?

God, i dunno how the poor girl's body could've been in that house all week and no-one know... so many people were in and out of it. But at the same time i don't get how anyone could've moved the body into the house during the week with all the press hanging around.

This is truly bizarre, i was only thinking the other week that it was good that there hadn't been anything similar(aside from McCann/Matthews cases) to the Holly and Jessica disappearance and now this. It's terrifying, you teach your kids to stay away from strangers etc but never think of a potential family member harming them. :(
That is an interesting theory, I never thought of that.
Is Tia's mother missing? I know the grandmother is being interviewed by the police.

Im not sure if she's missing, as in somebody else has made her go missing or If she's on the run. Seems very very odd that you would be away with nobody knowing where you are, away from police interviews etc when your daughter has gone missing :S

It is all too sad :( And no, there is no punishment enough for robbing that poor girl of her future and her life.
That is an interesting theory, I never thought of that.
Is Tia's mother missing? I know the grandmother is being interviewed by the police.

Im not sure if she's missing, as in somebody else has made her go missing or If she's on the run. Seems very very odd that you would be away with nobody knowing where you are, away from police interviews etc when your daughter has gone missing :S

It is all too sad :( And no, there is no punishment enough for robbing that poor girl of her future and her life.
I would have thought that a mother who's child is missing would stay close just incase they find her. This all is too strange. Poor Tia, she never got to live her life, only 12.
Oh no :nope:

What horrible, horrible news. To be honest though, when they police said the last sighting was at the house - not walking along the street, or leaving the house, or whatever - I thought that she might not have left.

Poor, poor family :(
Tbh, I thought when she went missing that it would be someone she knows. Sadly I think that's often the case.
Awful news, that poor young girl! Knew the grandmothers boyfriend was a but amiss! He spoke about Tia in past tense when being interviewed! And I wouldn't put him at 37, obviously he was consuming what he was selling
So so sad!
I didn't think it was going to end like this, I thought it was going to be like Shannon Matthews and they'd have her hiding somewhere!
I deffo think the Mum was in on it, the last thing I would do if my child went missing would be go away because it was all too much, you'd do everything in your power to help find them surely
I wish I could say I was surprised but I'm not. I thought it was odd from day one that the uncle was making the appeals. If that was my boy if he shouting from the roof tops!
The boyfriend looked dodgy. Such a sad waste of life.
Still can't get over the fact the police don't know where he is! They have kept quiet re the mum too. Really hope there's lots going on behind the scenes because it's beginning to look like a pretty shoddy investigation from the outside. :wacko:
Oh gosh :cry: How awful.....Its gotta be the grand-dad...

Also, surely her grandmother wouldve known the body was in her house, how could she not :nope:

I'm watching sky news and the reported made a comment that it was possible that the body was placed there quite recently. Otherwise I'm sure the place would have reeked of cadaverine.

and apparantly dogs had searched the house a few days before and they didn't uncover anything.....

We don't know if those dogs that went in last time were specifically trained to sniff out cadaver though, that could be why it wasnt picked up before, unless she wasnt dead and maybe he killed her after he thought they wouldnt search the house again? As though he had her drugged or bound or something.
Is it common for parents in this situation to keep a very low profile? Usually you the parents making a heartfelt plea. That is one thing that kind of raised suspicion. I can understand that maybe they weren't up to speaking to the public but for the mother to say she needed to go away is just odd.
I think its one of those cases where, unfortunately, we will never know why.

May she rest in peace xxx

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