Maybe I'm just hormonal, after all I cry at just about anything, but it's a little after midnight and I'm laying in bed with tears rolling. Today was both awesome and terrible. Awesome because I passed 4 skills evaluation tests, but terrible because it's our 4 year anniversary.
DH belongs to this "mug club" at one of our local breweries. Part of the club perks are to attend parties the brewery throws. It so happens the first was tonight. I could have gone but it would have been $10 and I can't even drink the beer. So just he went. I was actually OK with this. Even though all I got were hastily written post it notes with "I love you" on them this morning...yet I got him a nice card and a bottle of rare beer. I was OK with having and evening to myself and I got a lot done. Then at 11:45 he comes home...sick...from drinking. He drank a bunch, went to a friends house after the party and then his brothers house. He layed down in his recliner and promptly passed out, which is where he is at now.
I just feel so hurt. I had hoped he would come home and we could spend a little time together but he picked friends and beer over me tonight.