Aww what wonderful pics!
I love the name lucy

I totally can put myself in your shoes right now (besides having 2 little ones in such close age) but more about the terror of having a girl. My mom lerft us when I was 11, she moved to erie pa and we were left with my dad, at the most critical time that a girl needs her mother. I had to go to my dad when I started my period (talk about uncomfortable!) And then the whole boys phase was weird to
I moved to erie a few years later but by then I resented my mom for leaving and we weren't that close. We are a lot closer now, I had a breakdown when I found out I was having a girl and I called my mom crying and expressing all my resentment and fears and worries. I told her how much her leaving hurt me and possibly screwed me up

and how it rolls into me being scared of raising my own daughter.
Now thrat Charlotte is here I know it will never be like that with us. I vowed it to myself to never do that to her and to always be there for her.
Your going to LOVE having a little girl!!!

and all the cloths for girls are so freaking adorable!!!
You can teach her all your baking skills!
Still to this day I can't fathom how my mom could leave behind 3 children, it blows my mind!!!