I think the picture is Fab!
... I follow some AP techniques but I stopped BF when LO was 15 months old as I felt that it was long enough for us, however I have no opinion on people who want to keep going x
However, the picture looks bad. That is not how mothers breastfeed .
I know and have seen people in our local toddler groups feed their children like this (okay, not with the stool but they do run up to their mothers and pull their tops up for a feed, whether standing or sitting).
that last bit IS JUST PLAIN WRONG!!!
you nurse a baby not a child that can speak.
IMO when the child starts tuggin at the top, liftin it, even physically askin for it is TOO OLD (little britain BITTY comes to mind...) i think its a selfish thing to do. coz that woman wants to prove to everyone about breastfeedin n how its best. Yes agreed, up until around 6 months. there cannot be any benefits in the breast milk (if they still get any) at 3. that poor child as a pp said will be bullied in school for this unfortunately.
I dont have a problem with bf'in infact i regret not bein able to keep it up but at that age.... its gross
Just my opinion. n i no ill be riddled for this...