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Time Magazine and AP

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oh n btw i didnt choose to formula feed i HAD to so back off!!
If my daughter wants a drink she will ask for a "dink of juice", if she wants comfort she will ask for "boobie". To her BFing has absolutely nothing to do with nutrition or hydration. We continue to BF until she is ready to self wean for her emotional health as its her way of chilling out, relaxing and collecting her thoughts. She BF's when she is tired, stressed or over stimulated, not because she is thirsty. She feeds up to 6 times a day, but doesn't like the taste of EBM.
I have to say Ashlee, as much as I don't think extended BF would be for me..I do think you are being kinda rude and very harsh. Every person has a right to their own choices without being labelled as disgusting.

This is how debates turn into heated threads that end up being locked.
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oh n btw i didnt choose to formula feed i HAD to so back off!!

So you want me to back off because you didnt choose to formula feed yet its ok for you to insult breastfeeding mums with your ignorant remarks? you wouldnt take it so dont give it. There no need for it, No one would insult your choices or call you names over it. Have a bit of respect for others choices, keep your lip shut if you cant say anything nice. I have plenty of opinions on your and your choices but I dont say them??
I havent called any person disgusting IT is just disgusting at that age. IMO
You are a gobby one aren't you Ashlee.

I'm reviewing your account later.
say all you like

oh n btw i didnt choose to formula feed i HAD to so back off!!

So you want me to back off because you didnt choose to formula feed yet its ok for you to insult breastfeeding mums with your ignorant remarks? you wouldnt take it so dont give it. There no need for it, No one would insult your choices or call you names over it. Have a bit of respect for others choices, keep your lip shut if you cant say anything nice. I have plenty of opinions on your and your choices but I dont say them??

i beg to differ... ive been labelled a bad mum for weanin early, i abuse my child because i smack his hand so dont u tell me noone would insult or call me names
I havent called any person disgusting IT is just disgusting at that age. IMO

You're still offending people.:shrug:

I just want to say to all the BF'ers and extended BF'ers, not all of us non-BF'ers think the same as Ashlee, not that you need anyone's approval :flower:
im not even goin to justify my opinions with an answer.... because they are exactly that OPINIONS!! it will never change n ill always find it disturbing. its just DEFINATELY not for me

Do you mean you can't answer my questions? Because surely this is a discussion, where people explain why they thinkt he way they do? Or did you just want to pop into the thread and declare it weird and disgusting etc and that's was it?

You don't have to think it's for you, but that doesn't mean you have the right to tell other women that they are weird or wrong when there are plenty fo benefits to breastfeeding to natural term and no negatives.

i have already explained my reasonings, if you failed to see n read them then so be it.
I also think a child that can speak with a dummy in its mouth is wrong too!
I also think giving a child a bottle with juice in is wrong (dentists will also say this as i was told by one) but u still see people doin it.

Yes i will walk by someone n if i saw them bf'in a 3-4 yr old ill judge them n talk behind their back. wrong? or is it just because im honest?? everyoner will judge n snigger at people at some point about anything, this is one i jus totally disagree with. medically approved with reasearch or not, cudnt care less its still wrong in my eyes, end of

There are good medical reasons why dummies and bottles are a problem past 1 year, as they can cause dental problems. There are good medical reasons why breastfeeding continues to benefit the child emotionally, immunologically, neurologically and nutritionally. It's really not comparable.
say all you like

oh n btw i didnt choose to formula feed i HAD to so back off!!

So you want me to back off because you didnt choose to formula feed yet its ok for you to insult breastfeeding mums with your ignorant remarks? you wouldnt take it so dont give it. There no need for it, No one would insult your choices or call you names over it. Have a bit of respect for others choices, keep your lip shut if you cant say anything nice. I have plenty of opinions on your and your choices but I dont say them??

i beg to differ... ive been labelled a bad mum for weanin early, i abuse my child because i smack his hand so dont u tell me noone would insult or call me names
So knowing how that feels you do it to others? very mature.
its just DEFINATELY not for me

Why can't you just leave it at that? It's not for me either, I can't see myself BFing past a year (though I hope to express for longer), BUT I wouldn't think to call it "gross" or "disturbing" because there are ladies on here who choose to do it. And I have no doubt they choose to do it because they believe it's what's best for their child. How could that ever be a bad thing??

- Benefits the child both emotionally, nutritionally and in terms of health
- Benefits the Mother in terms of health and sometimes emotionally
- No known disadvantages at all

Yep, weird, disgusting and wrong.... :wacko:
Whilst I am very pro extended breastfeeding - It doesnt bother me that others think its "weird"/ "disturbing" etc ec as everyone is entitled to an opinion - even if it is extreme??

I dont think you can report someone for having an opinion that differs from yours - even if it is extreme :shrug:

- Benefits the child both emotionally, nutritionally and in terms of health
- Benefits the Mother in terms of health and sometimes emotionally
- No known disadvantages at all

Yep, weird, disgusting and wrong.... :wacko:

dont forget sexual :nope: fed up with this girl attacking anything AP she sees.
I haven't read all of this but I am on #10 with my :coffee:! What gets BnB going! :dohh:! And my husband was the one who pointed out the picture to me and said" You go Boy", just because he liked the woman! :haha: I don't know what to think of the picture. To each their own of how long they want to BF. I honestly don't know how long I will BF my child! Time will tell but that was what I chose for my son!
Katie, I would quote you, but my BnB is still messed up.

I think the issue is how people express their opinion. My DH disagrees with BFing past one, but he would never call me strange or disgusting if I continued. He's told me he doesn't agree with it and we've talked about it and he said he would support me, but it's just his belief. I'm fine with that. I'm not fine with people saying it's sexual or the mother wants it or that it's gross, wrong, or disgusting.
Whilst I am very pro extended breastfeeding - It doesnt bother me that others think its "weird"/ "disturbing" etc ec as everyone is entitled to an opinion - even if it is extreme??

I dont think you can report someone for having an opinion that differs from yours - even if it is extreme :shrug:

Yep, everyone's entitled to their opinion. However, there's a difference between having an opinion and backing it up with your reasoning and just staing your opinion to offend others and being rude because people question you as to your reasoning.

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