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to circumcise or not?

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My DH has to use Magnums :blush: He didn't realize it until we started dating. I saw him squeeze into a regular one and said 'WHOAH that is not right!!' :rofl: It was like stuffing sausage :rofl:
have you tried trojan magnums? its the only condom that DH can use but since he's lost weight (it is true that you gain length when you lose lots of weight...he's lost about 160 lbs now) even they are getting small now

LOL My husband has lost almost 40lbs since last March and the more weight he lost the longer and longer he seemed to be getting! I thought it was all in my head but maybe it's actually true..... or maybe it just looks bigger cause the background has gotten smaller :shrug: I dunno but I'm pretty sure it actually has gotten longer!
I love the comment to tell anyone who thinks they have a say in whether you circumsize or not "Its not your penis, is it?" :rofl: I think that is the BEST answer to give someone who dares to question your decision making! Regardless of what decision you make.

There are lots of parents who make choices FOR their kids because kids cannot make these choices for themselves (even once they speak their choices may not be safe or rational). Thats why I don't find it 100% truthful to say its their body, their choice... just a minor point though because for the most part, I'm against cutting!

As for religion... I know baptism isn't a permanently physical change to a body... BUT, I forsee many arguements with my mom on not getting our child baptized. Her FIRM belief is that a child will end up in limbo or hell or whatever unless we baptize them. I can see some Jewish families having similar FIRM beliefs about circumcision!

(PS.. Ember - I brought up breastfeeding with my doctor for specific concerns I have about a medication I'm on... and was surprised to find out its actually something you mostly discuss with the pediatrician!! Kind of makes sense that baby doctors are the experts on baby nutrition etc... but was not what I expected at ALL!!! I haven't had formula shoved down my throat... actually got my first formula freebie at the ultrasound office yesterda :haha:)

I didnt know that either until when I took Haley to her well baby check up at 4 days old that he was my go to guy about my BFing issues lol

Even better though is to contact your local La Leche League leaders or a lactation consultant. They will know far more about breastfeeding than a doctor ever could.

we dont have that where i live! i saw a couple lactation consultants but we just had so many issues i ultimately switched to formula over it (she kept getting jaundice from not getting enough milk and seriously no one told us to supplement with formula until my supply came up, plus we passed thrush back and forth, and i had mastitis in both breasts...it was awful) But I do have a question for you about it...I know its completely off topic, but on the odd occassion I still get completely engorged and fill up with milk, sometimes even still leak through now...she's 5 months old! I thought that would stop, but since I do that would it be possible to BF again?
have you tried trojan magnums? its the only condom that DH can use but since he's lost weight (it is true that you gain length when you lose lots of weight...he's lost about 160 lbs now) even they are getting small now

LOL My husband has lost almost 40lbs since last March and the more weight he lost the longer and longer he seemed to be getting! I thought it was all in my head but maybe it's actually true..... or maybe it just looks bigger cause the background has gotten smaller :shrug: I dunno but I'm pretty sure it actually has gotten longer!

it is true! my mom kept telling me it would happen lol (if anyone has read posts of mine before you'll know how close me and my mom are) but she was right...its really big :haha: Sometimes painful now! lol
The only pro-circ argument I can really come up with is that many guys I know who are uncut have had trouble finding condoms that fit well.... of course as more guys grow up uncut, they will have to come up with foreskin-friendlier condoms. But it IS something I have heard from several guys who weren't cut.
that's just another reason they made up so they can have condomless sex :p
nobody here complains about how condoms fit and we only have about 3% circumsized men

(can I just point out that EVERY topic in 2nd tri eventually turns to the discussion of things we put in our mouths? :rofl: PMSL :haha:)



mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... (take that as you like!)
*impatiently waiting for OH to bring home the goodies to nom*

(you can take that as you like as well)
I love the comment to tell anyone who thinks they have a say in whether you circumsize or not "Its not your penis, is it?" :rofl: I think that is the BEST answer to give someone who dares to question your decision making! Regardless of what decision you make.

There are lots of parents who make choices FOR their kids because kids cannot make these choices for themselves (even once they speak their choices may not be safe or rational). Thats why I don't find it 100% truthful to say its their body, their choice... just a minor point though because for the most part, I'm against cutting!

As for religion... I know baptism isn't a permanently physical change to a body... BUT, I forsee many arguements with my mom on not getting our child baptized. Her FIRM belief is that a child will end up in limbo or hell or whatever unless we baptize them. I can see some Jewish families having similar FIRM beliefs about circumcision!

(PS.. Ember - I brought up breastfeeding with my doctor for specific concerns I have about a medication I'm on... and was surprised to find out its actually something you mostly discuss with the pediatrician!! Kind of makes sense that baby doctors are the experts on baby nutrition etc... but was not what I expected at ALL!!! I haven't had formula shoved down my throat... actually got my first formula freebie at the ultrasound office yesterda :haha:)

I didnt know that either until when I took Haley to her well baby check up at 4 days old that he was my go to guy about my BFing issues lol

Even better though is to contact your local La Leche League leaders or a lactation consultant. They will know far more about breastfeeding than a doctor ever could.

we dont have that where i live! i saw a couple lactation consultants but we just had so many issues i ultimately switched to formula over it (she kept getting jaundice from not getting enough milk and seriously no one told us to supplement with formula until my supply came up, plus we passed thrush back and forth, and i had mastitis in both breasts...it was awful) But I do have a question for you about it...I know its completely off topic, but on the odd occassion I still get completely engorged and fill up with milk, sometimes even still leak through now...she's 5 months old! I thought that would stop, but since I do that would it be possible to BF again?

It certainly is possible for you to breastfeed again and please do try. It is very normal to produce milk months and even years after weaning. I'm sorry for all the issues you had before but that is no indication of the future. You can do it! :thumbup:
I love the comment to tell anyone who thinks they have a say in whether you circumsize or not "Its not your penis, is it?" :rofl: I think that is the BEST answer to give someone who dares to question your decision making! Regardless of what decision you make.

There are lots of parents who make choices FOR their kids because kids cannot make these choices for themselves (even once they speak their choices may not be safe or rational). Thats why I don't find it 100% truthful to say its their body, their choice... just a minor point though because for the most part, I'm against cutting!

As for religion... I know baptism isn't a permanently physical change to a body... BUT, I forsee many arguements with my mom on not getting our child baptized. Her FIRM belief is that a child will end up in limbo or hell or whatever unless we baptize them. I can see some Jewish families having similar FIRM beliefs about circumcision!

(PS.. Ember - I brought up breastfeeding with my doctor for specific concerns I have about a medication I'm on... and was surprised to find out its actually something you mostly discuss with the pediatrician!! Kind of makes sense that baby doctors are the experts on baby nutrition etc... but was not what I expected at ALL!!! I haven't had formula shoved down my throat... actually got my first formula freebie at the ultrasound office yesterda :haha:)

I didnt know that either until when I took Haley to her well baby check up at 4 days old that he was my go to guy about my BFing issues lol

Even better though is to contact your local La Leche League leaders or a lactation consultant. They will know far more about breastfeeding than a doctor ever could.

we dont have that where i live! i saw a couple lactation consultants but we just had so many issues i ultimately switched to formula over it (she kept getting jaundice from not getting enough milk and seriously no one told us to supplement with formula until my supply came up, plus we passed thrush back and forth, and i had mastitis in both breasts...it was awful) But I do have a question for you about it...I know its completely off topic, but on the odd occassion I still get completely engorged and fill up with milk, sometimes even still leak through now...she's 5 months old! I thought that would stop, but since I do that would it be possible to BF again?

It certainly is possible for you to breastfeed again and please do try. It is very normal to produce milk months and even years after weaning. I'm sorry for all the issues you had before but that is no indication of the future. You can do it! :thumbup:

So would I just pump to get jump started and supplement? and then how would I know how much? its all so confusing! lol
I love the comment to tell anyone who thinks they have a say in whether you circumsize or not "Its not your penis, is it?" :rofl: I think that is the BEST answer to give someone who dares to question your decision making! Regardless of what decision you make.

There are lots of parents who make choices FOR their kids because kids cannot make these choices for themselves (even once they speak their choices may not be safe or rational). Thats why I don't find it 100% truthful to say its their body, their choice... just a minor point though because for the most part, I'm against cutting!

As for religion... I know baptism isn't a permanently physical change to a body... BUT, I forsee many arguements with my mom on not getting our child baptized. Her FIRM belief is that a child will end up in limbo or hell or whatever unless we baptize them. I can see some Jewish families having similar FIRM beliefs about circumcision!

(PS.. Ember - I brought up breastfeeding with my doctor for specific concerns I have about a medication I'm on... and was surprised to find out its actually something you mostly discuss with the pediatrician!! Kind of makes sense that baby doctors are the experts on baby nutrition etc... but was not what I expected at ALL!!! I haven't had formula shoved down my throat... actually got my first formula freebie at the ultrasound office yesterda :haha:)

I didnt know that either until when I took Haley to her well baby check up at 4 days old that he was my go to guy about my BFing issues lol

Even better though is to contact your local La Leche League leaders or a lactation consultant. They will know far more about breastfeeding than a doctor ever could.

we dont have that where i live! i saw a couple lactation consultants but we just had so many issues i ultimately switched to formula over it (she kept getting jaundice from not getting enough milk and seriously no one told us to supplement with formula until my supply came up, plus we passed thrush back and forth, and i had mastitis in both breasts...it was awful) But I do have a question for you about it...I know its completely off topic, but on the odd occassion I still get completely engorged and fill up with milk, sometimes even still leak through now...she's 5 months old! I thought that would stop, but since I do that would it be possible to BF again?

It certainly is possible for you to breastfeed again and please do try. It is very normal to produce milk months and even years after weaning. I'm sorry for all the issues you had before but that is no indication of the future. You can do it! :thumbup:

So would I just pump to get jump started and supplement? and then how would I know how much? its all so confusing! lol

I would suggest starting over like new. Put baby to breast as soon as possible after birth and let him/her nurse on demand to help establish a good milk supply. With second time baby's your milk usually comes in much faster. But do keep an eye on the wet diapers and if you do see any signs of dehydration contact a lactation consultant for help. I hope you won't need to supplement next time.
My DH has to use Magnums :blush: He didn't realize it until we started dating. I saw him squeeze into a regular one and said 'WHOAH that is not right!!' :rofl: It was like stuffing sausage :rofl:

:haha: Trying to get that visual out of my head!

I haven't done it with a condom since I was 15..... It just seems like a strange concept to me.... adults using condoms..... weird......

Anyways, speaking of condoms..... The other day I went to the convenience store by my house and when I was checking out they asked if I wanted to donate money to the food bank... I said yes and then after they pointed out that everyone who donates money has their name entered into a draw to win their Trojan Tree and pointed the christmas tree in the corner decorated with probably 20 or 30 some boxes of condoms! I live in a real small town.... nothing happens here so the winner of this condom food bank drive is pretty much gauranteed to make the paper.... I just pray it's not gonna be me! And what the hell would I do with that many condoms?????
I would circumsize this baby just as I did my other 3 boys. (But this one better be a girl). I am very put off by a uncirc. penis. OH is circumsized as well.
I haven't read this entire thread & I'm crashing from 1st tri but if we have a boy, dh and I have agreed we will not have him circumsized. From what I've read, the actual health/hygiene benefits are essentially nonexistant and we're not religious so we have no reason to do it. Dh is circumsized.

According to the stats, circumcision is becoming less and less popular in the US. https://www.cirp.org/library/statistics/USA/
From the link: "The intact rate among newborn males in the U.S. has increased from 15 percent in 1965 to 44.5 percent in 2006. This is an increase of 294 percent."

A recent article in the NY Times:
Quote from the article: "The slide portrays a precipitous drop in circumcision, to just 32.5 percent in 2009 from 56 percent in 2006."
My DH has to use Magnums :blush: He didn't realize it until we started dating. I saw him squeeze into a regular one and said 'WHOAH that is not right!!' :rofl: It was like stuffing sausage :rofl:

:haha: Trying to get that visual out of my head!

I haven't done it with a condom since I was 15..... It just seems like a strange concept to me.... adults using condoms..... weird......

Anyways, speaking of condoms..... The other day I went to the convenience store by my house and when I was checking out they asked if I wanted to donate money to the food bank... I said yes and then after they pointed out that everyone who donates money has their name entered into a draw to win their Trojan Tree and pointed the christmas tree in the corner decorated with probably 20 or 30 some boxes of condoms! I live in a real small town.... nothing happens here so the winner of this condom food bank drive is pretty much gauranteed to make the paper.... I just pray it's not gonna be me! And what the hell would I do with that many condoms?????

:haha: I hope you win and post the article for our amusement.

Also...with you trying not to picture sausaged sausage.

*impatiently waiting for OH to bring home the goodies to nom*

(you can take that as you like as well)

:lol: Wow this thread has taken an interesting turn
Sorry girls, lol.. guess I give you unforgettable mental images :rofl: Is it wrong that I'm glad someone ELSE is stuck with that image in their head and I'm not suffering alone?

And Kandy.. that is a very ODD prize, lol... if you win, you can donate them to a local clinic or outreach program that promotes safe sex! :)
(and I plan on going back to condom use after this LO... with my troubles concieving I want to stay off any kind of hormonal birth control until we're done having kids! don't need the extra aggravation of worrying if its causing my problems or if its unrelated).
Sorry girls, lol.. guess I give you unforgettable mental images :rofl: Is it wrong that I'm glad someone ELSE is stuck with that image in their head and I'm not suffering alone?

And Kandy.. that is a very ODD prize, lol... if you win, you can donate them to a local clinic or outreach program that promotes safe sex! :)
(and I plan on going back to condom use after this LO... with my troubles concieving I want to stay off any kind of hormonal birth control until we're done having kids! don't need the extra aggravation of worrying if its causing my problems or if its unrelated).

After the problems we had conceiving, f*** it, I'm not using condoms OR the pill either until we're all done. That said...I miss the pill and its lovely hormone regulation...

And yes, it's wrong of you but I'd be the same way. But my excuse is that I'm evil. What's yours?
Sorry girls, lol.. guess I give you unforgettable mental images :rofl: Is it wrong that I'm glad someone ELSE is stuck with that image in their head and I'm not suffering alone?

And Kandy.. that is a very ODD prize, lol... if you win, you can donate them to a local clinic or outreach program that promotes safe sex! :)
(and I plan on going back to condom use after this LO... with my troubles concieving I want to stay off any kind of hormonal birth control until we're done having kids! don't need the extra aggravation of worrying if its causing my problems or if its unrelated).

After the problems we had conceiving, f*** it, I'm not using condoms OR the pill either until we're all done. That said...I miss the pill and its lovely hormone regulation...

And yes, it's wrong of you but I'd be the same way. But my excuse is that I'm evil. What's yours?

I'm sadistic :) :haha:
I don't think I can risk a 2nd pregnancy any time soon financially and child-care wise! :( So I'll have to do SOMETHING
Sorry girls, lol.. guess I give you unforgettable mental images :rofl: Is it wrong that I'm glad someone ELSE is stuck with that image in their head and I'm not suffering alone?

And Kandy.. that is a very ODD prize, lol... if you win, you can donate them to a local clinic or outreach program that promotes safe sex! :)
(and I plan on going back to condom use after this LO... with my troubles concieving I want to stay off any kind of hormonal birth control until we're done having kids! don't need the extra aggravation of worrying if its causing my problems or if its unrelated).

After the problems we had conceiving, f*** it, I'm not using condoms OR the pill either until we're all done. That said...I miss the pill and its lovely hormone regulation...

And yes, it's wrong of you but I'd be the same way. But my excuse is that I'm evil. What's yours?

I'm sadistic :) :haha:
I don't think I can risk a 2nd pregnancy any time soon financially and child-care wise! :( So I'll have to do SOMETHING

You're a bit younger than me and also I presume (you being an accountant and all) more fiscally responsible. On that note, I'm going shopping!
You're a bit younger than me and also I presume (you being an accountant and all) more fiscally responsible. On that note, I'm going shopping!

Being an accountant has nothing to do with managing my own money :dohh: All it means is I know how to keep track of my expense once I spend the money and that I can balance my checkbook... absolutely no benefit when it comes to controlling myself when I see adorable baby stuff I NEED, WANT, MUST HAVE :nope:
I haven't read this entire thread & I'm crashing from 1st tri but if we have a boy, dh and I have agreed we will not have him circumsized. From what I've read, the actual health/hygiene benefits are essentially nonexistant and we're not religious so we have no reason to do it. Dh is circumsized.

According to the stats, circumcision is becoming less and less popular in the US. https://www.cirp.org/library/statistics/USA/
From the link: "The intact rate among newborn males in the U.S. has increased from 15 percent in 1965 to 44.5 percent in 2006. This is an increase of 294 percent."

A recent article in the NY Times:
Quote from the article: "The slide portrays a precipitous drop in circumcision, to just 32.5 percent in 2009 from 56 percent in 2006."
thanks for the articles.
I personally prefer a circumcised penis, don't know why just do. My oh is circ. However I would never subject my baby to it if it turns out to be a boy, he can make his own mind up when he is older in my opinion. It's not done so commonly here as it is in the states so we don't even really have to think about it. But like I say I do think it is better, but nature is what nature will be unless there is cause for concern medically.

Hope you manage to make a decision without too much stress hun xx
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